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Kode | Judul | Penerbit | Penulis | Tahun | Kategori |
L1 | “Chinese” way of doing things, The : perspectives on American-born Chinese and the Chinese church in North America | China Horizon ; Horizon Ministries Canada, | Samuel Ling | 1999 | Barth, Karl. |
F3 | “Fundamentalism” and the word of God : some evangelical principles | Eerdmans Pub. Co | J I Packer | 1958 | Fundamentalism.Fundamentalisme.Gezag van de bijbel. |
N4 | “Public religion” and the Pancasila-based state of Indonesia : an ethical and sociological analysis | Peter Lang | Benyamin F. Intan | 2006 | Religion and politics — Indonesia.Pancasila.Civil religion — Indonesia. |
B5 | “The responsibility of the church for society” and other essays by H. Richard Niebuhr | Westminster John Knox Press, | H Richard Niebuhr | 2008 | Church. |
S5 | (Re)politisasi Islam : pernahkah Islam berhenti berpolitik? | Mizan | Bahtiar Effendy; A Suryana Sudrajat | 2000 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
P4 | 10 agenda pastoral transformatif : menuju pemberdayaan kaum miskin dengan perspektif adil gender, HAM, dan lingkungan hidup | Penerbit Kanisius | Johannes B Banawiratma | 2002 | Public welfare — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
Q1 | 10 mitos dan 1 kebenaran tentang narkoba | Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa dan Media Indonesia | Veronica Colondam | 2001 | Drug addiction — Indonesia.Drug abuse — Treatment — Indonesia.Drug abuse — Prevention. |
J3 | 1001 People Who Made AMERICA | National Geographic | Alan Axelrod | 2007 | United States — Biography.United States. |
P2 | 1421 Saat China menemukan dunia | Pustaka Alvabet | Gavien Menzies | 2002 | Discoveries in geography — Chinese.Voyages around the world.China — History — Ming dynasty, 1368-1644.View all subjects |
G2 | 20th Century theology : God & the world in a transitional age | InterVarsity Press | Stanley J. Grenz & Roger E Olson | 1992 | Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century. |
O5 | 4 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Hatta, Jejak yang melampaui zaman | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah Tempo, | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. | 2010 | Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980.Vice-presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966. |
O5 | 4 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Sjahrir, peran besar Bung Kecil | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah Tempo | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. | 2010 | Sjahrir, Sutan, — 1909-1966.Prime ministers — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century. |
O5 | 4 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Sukarno, paradoks Revolusi Indonesia | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah Tempo | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. | 2010 | Soekarno, — 1901-1970.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century. |
O5 | 4 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Tan Malaka, Bapak Republik yang dilupakan | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah Tempo | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. | 2010 | Malaka, Tan.Nationalists — Indonesia — Biography.Revolutionaries — Indonesia — Biography. |
L6 | A | Blackwell Pub | Hugh La Follette | 2007 | Applied ethics.Ethical problems.Ethics, Medical. |
G4 | A Black theology of liberation | Orbis Books | James H. Cone | 1990 | Black theology.Schwarze TheologieBevrijdingstheologie. |
N1 | A Business Miscellany | Economist, | The Economist | 2006 | Business — Miscellanea.Business.Bedrijfsleven. |
N3 | A History modern of Indonesia since c. 1200 | Palgrave, | M.C Ricklefs | 2001 | Indonesia — History.15.75 history of Asia.Indonesia. |
E5 | A history of Christianity : Vol. 1,. To A.D. 1500 | Prince Press | Kenneth Scott Latourette; Ralph D Winter; Hendrickson Publishers. | 1997 | Chrześcijaństwo.Kościół — historia. |
E5 | A History of Christianity… Vol 2 | Prince Press | Kenneth Scott Latourette | 1975 | Church history.Christianity. |
M6 | A Manual for Writers of research papers, theses and dissertation | University of Chicago Press | Kate L Turabian | 2007 | Dissertations, Academic — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Academic writing — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Writing. |
M6 | A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols I – II) | The Presbyterian and reformed publishing company | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1969 | Thought |
M6 | A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols I – II) | The Presbyterian and reformed publishing company | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1969 | Thought |
M6 | A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols III – IV) | The Presbyterian and reformed publishing company | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1969 | Thought |
M6 | A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols III – IV) | The Presbyterian and reformed publishing company | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1969 | Thought |
N6 | Abdurrahman Wahid : Muslim democrat, Indonesian president : a view from the inside | University of Hawai’i Press | Greg Barton | 2002 | Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century. |
H6 | Above all earthly pow’rs : Christ in a postmodern world | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. ; Leicester : Inter-Varsity Press | David F Wells | 2005 | Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
C6 | Abraham Kuyper : modern Calvinist, Christian democrat | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | Bratt, James | 2013 | Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES — Journalism.Niederlande |
C6 | Abraham Kuyper, A short and personal introduction | William B. Eerdmans Pub. | Mouw, Richard J | 2011 | Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920Christianity and culture. |
C6 | Abraham Kuyper, Conservatism, and Church and state | Wipf & Stock | Larson, Mark James | 2015 | Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Christianity and politics — United States.Church and state — United States.Christianity and politics.Church and state.United States. |
L6 | Accounting for fundamentalisms : the dynamic character of movements | University of Chicago Press | Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby | 2004, ©1994. | Religious fundamentalism.Fundamentalismus |
P3 | Aceh dari Sultan Iskandar Muda ke Helsinki | Bandar Pub. | Harry Kawilarang | 2008 | Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Indonesia) — History.Indonesia — Aceh. |
C2 | Act of faith,The : Christian faith and the moral self | W.B. Eerdmans | Springsted, Eric O. | 2002 | Faith.Christian ethics.Faith — History of doctrines. |
C2 | Acts of faith : explaining the human side of religion | University of California Press | Stark, Rodney Finke, Roger | 2000 | Religion and sociology.SOCIAL SCIENCE — Sociology of Religion.RELIGION — Comparative Religion. |
H2 | Acts of Religion | Routledge | Jacques Derrida | 2002 | Religion — Philosophy. |
J3 | Adam Smith and the origins of American enterprise : how America’s industrial success was forged by the timely ideas of a brilliant Scots economist | St. Martin’s Griffin | Roy C. Smith | 2004, ©2002 | Smith, Adam, — 1723-1790.United States — Economic conditions — To 1865.Free enterprise — United States — History. |
F5 | Adam, Christ and covenant : exploring headship theology | Apollos, imprint of Inter-Varsity Press | ATB McGowan | 2016 | Adam — (Biblical figure) |
R2 | Adat dalam politik Indonesia | Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia : KITLV-Jakarta | Jamie Seth Davidson; David Henley | 2010 | Political culture — Indonesia.Adat law — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-View all subjects |
F5 | Adding Cross to crown : the political significance of Christ’s Passion | Washington, D.C. : Center for Public Justice ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books | Mark A. Noll | 1996 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices. |
D4 | African Christian Ethics | Hippo Book | Kunhiyop, Samuel Waje | 2008 | Christian ethics — Africa. Ethics — Africa. Christian ethics. Ethics. Africa. Teologisk etik — Afrika. |
M1 | After Bali, the threat of terrorism in Southeast Asia | World Scientific ; Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies | Kumar Ramakrsihna, See Seng Tan | 2003 | Terrorism — Southeast Asia — Congresses.SOCIAL SCIENCE — Violence in Society.Terrorism. |
E4 | After Christendom? : how the church is to behave if freedom, justice, and a Christian nation are bad ideas | Abingdon Press | Sanley Hauerwas | 1991 | Christianity and culture.Christian ethics — Methodist authors.Secularism. |
J6 | After the fact : two countries, four decades, one anthropologist | Harvard University Press, | Clifford Geertz | 1995 | Geertz, Clifford.Anthropologists — United States — Biography.Anthropologists — Asia — Biography. |
D6 | After Virtue | University of Notre Dame Press | Alasdair MacIntyre | 1984 | Ethics.Virtues.Virtue. |
I6 | Against the grain : Christianity and democracy, war and peace | Crossroad Pub. Co | George Weigel | 2008 | Catholic Church — Doctrines.Catholic Church.Democracy — Religious aspects — Catholic Church. |
P5 | Agama dalam Pergumulan Masyarakat Kontemporer | Tiara Wacana Yogya | Mukti Ali | 1998 ©1988 | Religion and sociology. |
P2 | Agama dalam Politik Amerika | Freedom Institute & Yayasan Obor Indonesia | David C. Leege, Lyman A. Kellstedt | 2006 | religion — politiek — America |
P4 | Agama dalam Praksis | BPK Gunung Mulia : Yayasan Widya Bhakti | Bambang Subandrijo; Theodorus Kobong; Yayasan Widya Bhakti. | 2003 | Christianity — Indonesia. |
P2 | Agama dan Budaya Amerika | Sinar Harapan | George M Marsden | 1996 | America — culture — religion |
T1 | Agama dan Kerukunan | BPK Gunung Mulia | AA Yewangoe | 2001 | Indonesia — Religion.Christianity — Indonesia.Religions — Relations. |
T6 | Agama dan Kerukunan | BPK Gunung Mulia | AA Yewangoe | 2001 | Indonesia — Religion.Christianity — Indonesia.Religions — Relations. |
S1 | Agama dan Pendidikan Demokrasi: pengalaman Muhammadiyah dan NU | Pustaka Alcabet Yayasan INSEP | Fuad Fachruddin | 2006 | Muhammadiyah (Organization)N.U. (Organization)Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
Q3 | Agama dan Terorisme | Muhammadiyah University Press | Ahmad Norma Permata | 2006 | Terrorism — Religious aspects.Religious fundamentalism. |
P5 | Agama Demokrasi dan Keadilan | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | M Imam Aziz; M Jadul Maula; Ellyasa K H Dharwis | 1993 | Religion and state.Religion and justice.Democracy. |
T3 | Agama Einstein Teologi dan Fisika | Yayasan Relief Indonesia | Max Jammer | 2004 | Einstein — religion — theology — fisica |
T3 | Agama Kristen dalam sejarah dunia | BPK Gunung Mulia | Arend Th van Leeuwen | 2000 | Christianity — history |
T3 | Agama Kristen dan Demokrasi: suatu teologi bagi tata dunia yang adil | BPK Gunung Mulia | John W de Gruchy | 2003 | Christianity — theology |
S5 | Agama Masa depan: perspektif filsafat perenial | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Komaruddin Hidayat, Muhammad Wahyu N. | 2003 | Islamic philosophy. |
O2 | Agama Publik di dunia modern: public religion in the modern world | Pustaka Eureka | Jose Casanova | 2003 | Public religion |
O2 | Agama, Seksualitas, Kebudayaan: esai, kuliah dan wawancara terpilih Foucault | Jalasutra | Jeremy R. Carrette, ed | 1999 | Cultural studies.Sociology. |
D4 | Agape : an ethical analysis | Yale University Press | Outka, Gene H. | 1972 | Agape. Ethics. Agapè (Le mot grec) Morale. Agape Christian ethics — Agape |
I3 | Age of reform (1250-1550), The : an intellectual and religious history of late medieval and Reformation Europe | Yale University Press | Steven Ozment | 1980 | Reformed Church — Doctrines — History. |
J4 | Agustine of Hippo, a biography | University of California Press | Peter Brown | 2000 | Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Christian saints — Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city) — Biography.Augustin, — d’Hippone, sainte, — 354-430. |
R1 | Ahli waris budaya dunia : menjadi Indonesia, 1950-1965 | Pustaka Larasan ; KITLV-Jakarta | Jennifer Lindsay, Maya HT Liem, Peny | 2011 | Indonesia — Civilization.Civilization.Indonesia. |
O3 | Ahmad Syafii Maarif, memoar seorang anak kampung | Penerbit Ombak | Ahmad Syafii Maarif | 2013 | Maarif, Ahmad Syafii, — 1935-Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Biography.Muhammadiyah (Organization) — Biography. |
S4 | Ahmad Wahib, pergulatan doktrin dan realitas sosial | Resist Book | Aba Du wahid | 2004 | Wahib, Ahmad, — 1942-1973 — Political and social views.Wahib, Ahmad, — 1942-1973. |
S1 | Ahmadiyah Keyakinan yang Digugat | Pusat Data & Analisa Tempo | Aris Mustafa | 2005 | Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.Ahmadiyya — Indonesia — History.Islamic sects — Indonesia. |
O5 | Ahok untuk Indonesia | PT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta : Percetakan PT Gramedia | Nurulloh | 2014 | Purnama, Basuki Tjahaja.Political leadership — Indonesia — Jakarta.Jakarta (Indonesia) — Politics and government. |
L5 | AIDS Action | ACET International Alliance : Operation Mobilisation | Dr Patrick Dixon | 2010 | AIDS (Disease) — Prevention.AIDS (Disease) — Religious aspects — Christianity.AIDS (Disease) — Prevention |
L5 | AIDS Action | ACET International Alliance : Operation Mobilisation | Dr Patrick Dixon | 2010 | AIDS (Disease) — Prevention.AIDS (Disease) — Religious aspects — Christianity.AIDS (Disease) — Prevention |
T1 | Ajarlah Kami Bertumbuh: refleksi atas surat 1 Korintus | Momentum | Billy Kristanto | 2006 | Christians — reflection — 1 Corint |
S1 | Akar Konflik Politik Islam di Indonesia | Pustaka al-Kautsar | Dhurorudin Mashad | 2008 | Indonesia — Politics and government.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia. |
R4 | Akhir Pasar Bebas The End of the Free Market | PT Gramedia Pustaka | Ian Bremmer | 2011 | The end of the Free market |
M1 | Al Qaeda in its own words | Belknap Press of Harvard University Press | Gilles Kepel & Jean-Pierre Milelli | 2008 | Qaida (Organization)Terrorism.Jihad. |
C4 | Alister E. McGrath and Evangelical Theology : A Dynamic Engagement | Paternoster PressBaker Academic | Sung Wook Chung, ed | 2003 | McGrath, Alister E., — 1953-Evangelicalism.Theology, Doctrinal. |
T6 | Alkitab dan Akhir Zaman: The Bible and the future | Momentum | Anthony A. Hoekema | 2004 | Bible — future |
T4 | Alkitab dan Orang yang Berkepercayaan Lain | BPK Gunung Mulia | Wesley Ariarajah | 2003 | Bible — others religion |
C3 | All peoples and all nations, For : the ecumenical church and human rights | Georgetown University Press | Nurser, John S. | 2005 | Human rights — Religious aspects — Protestant churches — History — 20th century.Ecumenical movement — History — 20th century.United Nations. — General Assembly. — Universal Declaration of Human Rights. |
D3 | All things new : reform of church and society in Schleiermacher’s Christian ethics | Westminster John Knox Press | Brandt, James M. | 2001 | Schleiermacher, Friedrich, — 1768-1834. — Christliche Sittenlehre. Christliche Sittenlehre (Schleiermacher, Friedrich) Schleiermacher, Friedrich. — Christliche Sitte nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt. Christian ethics. |
F2 | All Truth Is God’s Truth | InterVarsity Press | Arthur F. Holmes | 1983 | Faith and reason — Christianity.Truth.Christianity — Philosophy. |
T1 | Allah Menggugat: teologi ingatan sebagai dasar rekonsiliasi dalam konflik komunal | BPK Gunung Mulia | Binsar J. Pakpahan | 2017 | Thelogy — religion — God |
F5 | Allah, a christian response | HarperOne | Miroslav Volf | 2011 | God (Islam)God (Christianity)Islam — Relations — Christianity. |
J4 | Almanac of World History | National Geographic | Patricia Daniels; Stephen G Hyslop | 2003 | World history.Civilization, Ancient.Civilization, Medieval. |
G1 | Alone in the world? : human uniqueness in science and theology | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | J Wentzel Van Huyssteen | 2006 | Theological anthropology — Christianity.Human evolution — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human evolution. |
S3 | Alquran Kitab Toleransi | Penerbit Fitrah | Misrawi | 2007 | Alquran – tolerance |
I2 | Always reforming : explorations in systematic theology | Apollos | A.T.B McGowan | 2006 | Theology, Doctrinal.Systematische theologie. |
H1 | Amazing grace : God’s pursuit, our response | Crossway | Timothy George | 2011 | Grace (Theology)Theological anthropology — Christianity.Christian life. |
L3 | Ambivalence of the sacred, The : religion, violence, and reconciliation | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | R. Scott Appleby | 2000 | Social conflict — Religious aspects.Peace — Religious aspects.Religion. |
J2 | America at the crossroads : democracy, power, and the neoconservative legacy | Yale University Press | Francis Fukuyama | 2006 | United States — Foreign relations — 2001-Conservatism — United States.United States — Military policy. |
J3 | American grace : how religion divides and unites us | Simon & Schuster | Robert D. Putnam & David E Campbell | 2010 | United States — Religion — 1960-Religion and sociology — United States.Religion. |
J2 | American theocracy : the peril and politics of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century | Viking | Kevin Phillips | 2006 | Bush, George W. — (George Walker), — 1946-United States — Politics and government — 2001-2009.Conservatism — United States. |
F3 | America’s battle for God : a European Christian looks at civil religion | William B. Eerdmans Pub, | Geiko Muller-Fahrenholz | 2007 | Christianity and politics — United States. |
J2 | America’s God : from Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln | Oxford University Press | Mark A. Noll | 2002 | Theology, Doctrinal — United States — History — 18th century. |
J2 | America’s God : from Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln | Oxford University Press | Mark A. Noll | 2002 | Theology, Doctrinal — United States — History — 18th century. |
L4 | America’s Rule of Law | National Lawyer Association Foundation | Robert C. Cannada | 2001 | Religion and law — United States. |
P2 | Amerika baru yang religius : bagaimana sebuah “Negara Kristen” berubah menjadi negara dengan agama yang paling beragama di dunia | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Diana L. Eck | 2005 | United States — Religion.Religion.United States. |
R2 | Amerika vs Irak, bahaya politisasi agama | BPK Gunung Mulia | Richard M. Daulay | 2009 | America — Iraq — religion — politization — dangerous |
T5 | Amir Sjarifoeddin, tempatnya dalam kekristenan dan perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia | Ut Omnes Unum Sint Institute, Center for Popular Education | Frederiek Djara Wellem | 2009 | Amir Sjarifoeddin.Nationalists — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — History — Revolution, 1945-1949. |
H4 | An awareness of what is missing : faith and reason in a post-secular age | Polity | Jurgen Habermas | 2010 | Habermas, Jürgen.Religion — Philosophy.Faith and reason. |
K3 | Analects of Confucius, The: Lun yu | Harmondsworth, Penguin Books | Confucius | 1979 | Confusius |
O2 | Analisis Ideologi Dunia: kritik wacana ideologi-ideologi dunia | IRCiSod | John B. Thompson | 2014 | ideology, hermeneutica — |
G3 | Analogical imagination, The : Christian theology and the culture of pluralism | Crossroad | David Tracy | 1981 | Theology, Doctrinal. |
K6 | Anarchy, State and Utopia | Basic Books | Robert Nozick | 1974 | State, The.Civil rights.Anarchism. |
N1 | Anatomy of the Jakarta Coup: October 1, 1965 | Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Victor M Fic | 2005 | Indonesia — History — Coup d’état, 1965.Indonesia — Foreign relations — China.China — Foreign relations — Indonesia. |
Q3 | Ancaman Nyata Radikalisme melalui dunia maya terhadap keamanan nasional Indonesia | Pustaka Pelajar | BDO Siagian | 2010 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
C2 | Ancient-future faith : rethinking evangelicalism for a postmodern world | Baker Books | Webber, Robert E. | 1999 | Evangelicalism.Evangelischen.Postmodernisme. |
L2 | Annihilating difference : the anthropology of genocide | University of California Press | Alexander Laban Hinton, ed | 2002 | Genocide.Ethnic conflict.SOCIAL SCIENCE — Demography. |
Q2 | Antara daerah dan negara : Indonesia tahun 1950-an : pembongkaran narasi besar integrasi bangsa | Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie | Sita van Bemmelen | 2011 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966. Politics and government Indonesia. |
N2 | Anti-Chinese Violonce in Indonesia 1996-1999 | Asian Studies Association of Australia in association with Singapore University Press, | Jemma Purdey | 2006 | Chinese — Indonesia.Chinese — Violence against — Indonesia.Ethnic conflict — Indonesia. |
O2 | Antropologi Struktural | Kreasi Wacana | Claude Levi-Strauss | 2009 | Anthropology |
T4 | Apa Itu Calvinisme? | BPK Gunung Mulia | Christiaan de Jonge | 1998 | Protestant churches — Indonesia.Indonesia — Church history.Calvinism — Indonesia — Influence. |
T4 | Apa Itu Calvinisme? | BPK Gunung Mulia | Christiaan de Jonge | 1998 | Protestant churches — Indonesia.Indonesia — Church history.Calvinism — Indonesia — Influence. |
T4 | Apa yang Telah Mereka Lakukan pada Yesus? | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Ben Witherington III | 2007 | Jesus Christ — Historicity.Jesus Christ — Biography — Sources.Jesus Christ — History of doctrines. |
T2 | Api Roh Kudus di Indonesia (jilid 1): Dr Stephen Tong dan Kebaktian Pembaruan Iman Indonesia | Momentum | Tim | 2014 | Stephen Tong |
T6 | Apologetika bagi Kemuliaan Allah | Penerbit Momentum | John M. Frame | 2005 | apologetic |
P1 | Apologia, pidato pembelaan Socrates yang diabadikan Plato | Bulan Bintang | Fuad Hassan | 1973 | Philosophy |
J4 | Applied Ethics | Oxford University Press | Peter Singer, ed | 1986 | Applied ethics.Social problems.Ethics. |
L1 | Approaches to Auschwitz: the holocaust and its legacy | Westminster John Knox Press | Richard L Rubenstein; John K Roth | 2003 | Auschwitz (Concentration camp)Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) — Causes.Antisemitism — History. |
J4 | Are miraculous gifts for today? : four views | Zondervan Pub | Stanley N. Grundry, eds | 1996 | Gifts, Spiritual.Miracles.Spiritual gifts. |
O2 | Arena Produksi Kultural: sebuah kajian sosiologi budaya | Kreasi Wacana | Pierre Bourdieu | 2012 | Sociology – culture |
L5 | Arguing euthanasia : the controversy over mercy killing, assisted suicide, and the “right to die” | Simon & Schuster | Jonathan D Morene, ed | 1995 | Euthanasia — Moral and ethical aspects.Right to die — Moral and ethical aspects.Assisted suicide — Moral and ethical aspects. |
L5 | Arguing euthanasia : the controversy over mercy killing, assisted suicide, and the “right to die” | Simon & Schuster | Jonathan D Morene, ed | 1995 | Euthanasia — Moral and ethical aspects.Right to die — Moral and ethical aspects.Assisted suicide — Moral and ethical aspects. |
M3 | Arguing the Just War in Islam | Harvard University Press | John Kelsay | 2007 | War — Religious aspects — Islam. |
S1 | Argumen Pluralisme Agama: membangun toleransi berbasis Al-Quran | Kata Kita | Abd. Moqsith Ghazali | 2009 | Qurʼan — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Qurʼan.Religious pluralism — Indonesia. |
O1 | Aristoteles: Politik | Narasi – Pustaka Promethea | 2018 | politics, constitution | |
O1 | Aristoteles: Politik | Narasi – Pustaka Promethea | 2018 | politics, constitution | |
O2 | Arkeologi Pengetahuan | IRCiSod | Michel Foucault | 2012 | Arceology |
C2 | Articles of faith, articles of peace : the religious liberty clauses and the American public philosophy | Brookings Institution | Hunter, James Davison Os Guinness | 1990 | Freedom of religion — United States.Church and state — United States.Religious tolerance — United States. |
S2 | Arus Baru islam Radikal: transmisi revivalisme Islam Timur Tengah ke Indonesia | Erlangga | M. Imdadun Rahmat | 2005 | Islam — radicalism |
Q3 | Asal Mula Konflik Aceh | Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Anthony Reid | 2005 | Aceh (Indonesia) — History. |
R2 | Asas Moral dalam Politik | Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Ian Shapiro | 2003 | Political ethics.Legitimacy of governments.Political science — Philosophy. |
L3 | Asian discourses of rule of law : theories and implementation of rule of law in twelve Asian countries, France, and the U.S | RoutledgeCurzon | Randall Peerenboom | 2004 | Rule of law — Asia.Rule of law — France.Rule of law — United States. |
H2 | Asia’s religions : Christianity’s momentous encounter with paganism | China Horizon ; Horizon Ministries Canada | Lit-Sen Chang | 1999 | Christianity — China — 20th century.Christianity and other religions — Asian.Asia — Religion. |
P4 | Aspek Aspek Teologi Sosial | Penerbit Kanisius | Y B Banawiratma | 1988 | Theology — Social aspects. |
E4 | At the heart of the universe : what Christians believe | Inter-Varsity | Peter Jensen | 2002, ©1991. | Theology, Doctrinal. |
G1 | At the limits of the secular : reflections on faith and public life | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company | William A. Barbieri Jr., ed | 2014 | Catholic Church — United States.Taylor, Charles, — 1931- — Secular age.Katholische Kirche |
G6 | Athanasius and Constantius : theology and politics in the Constantinian empire | Harvard University Press | Timothy D Barnes | 1993 | Athanasius, — Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, — -373. |
L3 | Atonement and violence : a theological conversation | Abingdon Press | John Sanders, ed | 2006 | Jesus Christ — Crucifixion.Atonement.Violence — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
E2 | Augustine on the christian life: transformed by the power of God | Crossway | Gerald Bray | 2015 | Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430. |
B5 | Augustine the Reader : Meditation, Self-Knowledge, and the Ethics of Interpretation | Harvard University Press | Stock, Brian | 1996 | Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430. — Confessiones.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430 — Books and reading.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430 — Influence |
L5 | Augustine through the ages: an encyclopedia | W.B. Eerdmans | Allan D. Fitzgerald | 1999 | Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430 — Encyclopedias.Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone — Encyclopédies.Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone — Dictionnaires anglais. |
E4 | Augustus to Constantine : the rise and triumph of Christianity in the Roman world | Westminster John Knox Press | Robert M. Grant | 2004 | Church history — Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.Church history — Primitive and early church. |
D6 | Authentic transformation : a new vision of Christ and culture | Abingdon Press | Glen H Stassen, D M Yeager… | 1996 | Niebuhr, H. Richard — (Helmut Richard), — 1894-1962. — Christ and culture.Christianity and culture.Christianity and culture — United States. |
K3 | Autobiography | Penguin Books | John Stuart Mill; John M Robson | 1989 | Mill, John Stuart, — 1806-1873.Philosophers — England — Biography.Mill, John Stuart, — 1806-1873 |
N5 | Autonomy and Disintegration in Indonesia | Routledge, | Damien Kingsbury and Harry Aveling | 2004 | Social conflict — Indonesia.Indonesia — History — Autonomy and independence movements.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
T6 | Ayub, Korban Masyarakatnya: Job the victim of his people | BPK Gunung Mulia | Rene Girard | 2003 | Job — non-violence |
L6 | Back to Darwin : a richer account of evolution | William B. Eerdmans Pub | John B. Cobb Jr | 2008 | Darwin, Charles, — 1809-1882 — Congresses.Darwin, Charles, — 1809-1882.Religion and science — Congresses. |
N1 | Bad Samaritans : rich nations, poor policies, and the threat to the developing world | Random House Business Books | Ha-Joon Chang | 2008 | economic development |
J2 | Bafore the Mayflower a history of Black in America | Johnson Publishing Company, Inc | Lerone Bennett Jr | 1969 | United States — Foreign relations — 20th century. |
T4 | Bahan Rapat Konsultasi Pimpinan Gerejawi Aras Nasional dengan Pusat tentang implementasi Perber No. 9 dan 8 Tahun 2006 | notulen rapat | Pimpinan Lembaga Persekutuan Gereja Aras Nasional | 2008 | Indonesia – Churchs |
P2 | Bahasa dan kekuasaan : politik wacana di panggung Orde Baru | Mizan | Ariel Heryanto; Yudi Latif; Idi Subandy Ibrahim | 1996 | Indonesian language — Euphemism.Indonesian language — Euphemism |
S6 | Bahasa! Kumpulan Tulisan di Majalah Tempo | Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo | Bambang Bujono.., ed | 2008 | Indonesian language — History.Indonesian language — Grammar.Language and culture — Indonesia. |
E5 | Baker encyclopedia of Christian apologetics | Mich. : Baker Books | Norman L Geisler | 1999 | Apologetics — Encyclopedias. |
N2 | Bali Democracy Forum III, Bali, Indonesia, 9-10 December 2010 : speeches and proceedings | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia | Indonesia. Departemen Luar Negeri. | 2010 | Democracy — Asia — Congresses.Peace — Congresses.Asia — Politics and government — Congresses. |
K4 | Banal Nationalism | Thousand Oaks, Calif | Michael Billig | 1995 | Human rights — Philosophy. |
P5 | Bangsa yang belum selesai : Indonesia, sebelum dan sesudah Soeharto | Reform Institute | Max Lane; Danial Indrakusuma; Nurul Agustina | 2007 | Indonesia — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Politics and government |
N3 | Bank Indonesia and the Crisis, an insider’s view | ISEAS | J. Soedrajad Djiwandono | 2005 | Banks and banking, Central — Indonesia.Economic stabilization — Indonesia.Financial crises — Indonesia. |
K4 | Banker to the poor : micro-lending and the battle against world poverty | PublicAffairs | Muhammad Yunus | 1999 | Grameen Bank — History. |
S3 | Banyak Jalan Menuju Tuhan (buku kedua): @ fileCaknur | Imania dan Paramadina | Budhy Munawar – Rachman Elza Peldi Taher | 2013 | Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia — Customs and practices.Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
G1 | Barthian revolt in modern theology, The : theology without weapons | Westminster John Knox Press | Gary Dorrien | 2000 | Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968Barth, Karl — 1886-1968 |
D5 | Basic Christian ethics | Westminster/John Knox Press | Paul Ramsey | 1993 | Christian ethics.Christliche EthikTheologie |
F6 | Battle for God, The | Alfred A. Knopf | Karen Armstrong | 2000 | Église catholique — Histoire — 1500-Religious fundamentalism.Orthodox Judaism — Israel — History. |
T2 | Batu-batu Tersembunyi dalam pondasi kita: the hidden stones | KDP | Andy, Rina, eds | 2000 | martyrs |
B5 | Bavinck on the Christian life : following Jesus in faithful service | Crossway | John Bolt | 2015 | Christian life.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921.RELIGION / Christian Life / General |
S5 | Bayang-bayang Fanatisme | Paramadina | Abd Hakim, Yudi Latif | 2007 | Islam — pluralism — fanaticism — freedom of religion |
C5 | Bearing the witness of the spirit : Lesslie Newbigin’s theology of cultural plurality | W.B. Eerdmans | Hunsberger, George R. | 1998 | Newbigin, Lesslie. Multiculturalism — Religious aspects — Christianity. Religious pluralism. Cultural pluralism — Religious aspects. Newbigin, Lesslie — 1909-1998 Christendom. Theologie. Pluralisme (algemeen) Multikulturelle Gesellschaft Theologie |
F1 | Becoming conversant with the emerging church : understanding a movement and its implications | Zondervan | D. A. Carson | 2005 | Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
E4 | Becoming Thinking a Christian | Abingdon Press | John B Cobb Jr | 1993 | Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.Theology — Methodology.Church renewal. |
N4 | Beginning to Remember, the past in the Indonesian present | Singapore University Press in association with University of Washington Pres | Mary S. Zurbuchen, ed | 2005 | Indonesia — History — 1945- — Historiography.Memory — Political aspects — Indonesia.Historiography. |
M5 | Behind the screen : Hollywood insiders on faith, film, and culture | Baker Books | Spencer Lewrenz & Barbara N. | 2005 | Motion pictures — Religious aspects — Christianity.Television broadcasting — Religious aspects — Christianity.Motion picture industry — United States. |
K1 | Being and Time | Harper | Martin Heidegger; John Macquarrie; Edward S Robinson | 1962 | Ontology.Space and time.Metaphysics. |
H2 | Being religious interreligiously : Asian perspectives on interfaith dialogue | Orbis Books | Peter C. Phan | 2004 | Christianity and other religions.Asia — Religion.Religion. |
P2 | Belajar dari Cina | Kompas | I Wibowo | 2007 | China — globalization |
Q1 | Belajar dari Monyet | Grasindo | Rung Kaewdang | 2002 | Trials (Bribery) — Indonesia. |
O5 | Belajar tiada henti, Cacuk Sudarjanto | Pustaka Keluarga | Cacuk Sudarijanto; Bondan Winarno | 2004 | Sudarjanto Cacuk – Indonesia — businessman |
D1 | Beleaguered rulers : the public obligation of the professional | Westminster John Knox Press | William F May | 2001 | Professional ethics.Berufsethik |
M4 | Benazir Bhutto, Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy & the West | Simon & Schuster | Benazir Bhutto | 2008 | Islamic fundamentalism.Islam and politics.Ummah (Islam) |
Q2 | Bencana gempa dan tsunami : Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam & Sumatera Utara : ketika kawanan burung putih berarakan ke tengah Banda Aceh | Penerbit Buku Kompas | KOMPAS | 2005 | Tsunamis — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004.Disaster victims — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. |
Q3 | Benturan Antarperadaban dan masa depan politik dunia | Penerbit Qalam | Samuel P. Huntington | 2005 | Clash civilization |
T4 | Berbagai Aliran di dalam dan Sekitar Gereja | BPK Gunung Mulia | Jan S. Aritonang | 1995 | Christian sects — Indonesia.Indonesia — Church history.Christian sects. |
T3 | Berdamai dengan Salib | GRafika Kreasindo | Joas Adiprasetya | 2010 | Christianity — cross |
P4 | Beriman dalam masyarakat : butir-butir teologi kontekstual | Penerbit Kanisius, | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 1993 | Catholics — Indonesia.Christian life — Catholic authors.Church and social problems — Catholic Church. |
S1 | Berislam secara Toleran: teologi kerukunan umat beragama | Mizan | Irwan Masduqi | 2011 | Religious tolerance — Islam.Islam — Relations.Interfaith relations. |
T4 | Berpihak kepada yang Tersisih dan Terpinggirkan: mengenang Pdt Dr Daud Palihu | Tim Kajian GKI Kwitang | GKI Kwitang | 2011 | Protestant churches — Indonesia.Church work with the poor — Indonesia.Church work — Indonesia. |
T6 | Bertahan di Bumi Pancasila: belajar dari kasus GKI Yasmin | Yayasan Komunikasi Bina Kasih, | Victor Silaen | 2012 | Gereja Kristen Indonesia Yasmin Bogor.Protestant church buildings — Political aspects — Indonesia — Bogor.Building permits — Indonesia — Bogor. |
P4 | Berteologi Sosial lintas ilmu, kemiskinan sebagai tantangan hidup beriman | Penerbit Kanisius | JB Banawiratma, J Muller | 1993 | Indonesia — theology — social — poverty — faith |
O5 | Berusaha turut melayani : memoar politik Jakob Tobing | Konstitusi Press | Jakob Samuel Halomoan Lumbantobing | 2008 | Lumbantobing, Jakob Samuel Halomoan, — 1943- |
K5 | best of “The Public square”, The : Book two | Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | Richard John NeuhausK5 | 2001 | United States — Religion — 1960- |
G6 | Between a rock and a hard place : public theology in a post-secular age | SCM Press | Elaine Graham | 2013 | Public theology.Postsecularism.Apologetics. |
G1 | Between Athens and Berlin | Eerdmans, | David H. Kelsey | 1993 | Theology — Study and teaching — North America.Theology — Study and teaching.North America. |
L4 | Between Eden and Armageddon : the future of world religions, violence, and peacemaking | Oxford University Press | Marc Gopin | 2000 | Violence — Religious aspects.Conflict management — Religious aspects.89.76 polemology. |
H6 | Between naturalism and religion : philosophical essays | Polity Press | Jürgen Habermas; Ciaran Cronin | 2008 | Naturalism.Naturalism — Religious aspects.Science — Philosophy. |
M2 | Between pacifism and Jihad : just war and Christian tradition | InterVarsity Press | J. Daryl Charles | 2005 | War — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines.Just war doctrine — History.War — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
H3 | Beyond charity : Reformation initiatives for the poor | Fortress Press, | Carter Lindberg | 1993 | Church work with the poor — Europe — History — 16th century.Reformation.Church work with the poor — Europe — History. |
E5 | Beyond christendom : globalization, African migration, and the transformation of the West | Orbis Books | Jehu J Hanciles | 2008 | Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Emigration and immigration — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity — Forecasting. |
M4 | Beyond civilizational dialogue : a multicultural symbiosis in the service of world politics | Paramadina | Arifin Bey | 2003 | Civilization, Modern — 1950-Multiculturalism.World politics. |
G4 | Beyond foundationalism: shaping theology in a postmodern context | Westminster John Knox Press | Stanley J Grenz; John R Franke | 2001 | Theology, Doctrinal — History — 19th century.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Théologie dogmatique — Histoire — 19e siècle.View all subjects |
O1 | Beyond Good and Evil: periode menuju filsafat masa depan | Ikon Teralitera | F. Nietzsche | 2002 | Philosophy |
G1 | Beyond Good Intentions, a biblical view of politics | Crossway Books | Doug Bandow | 1988 | Christianity and politics.Bible and politics. |
R5 | Beyond parlemen : dari politik kampus hingga suksesi kepemimpinan nasional | Transwacana | Yuddi Chrisnandi | 2008 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Politics and government |
L2 | Beyond Retribution : A New Testament Vison for Justice, Crime, and Punishment | William B. Eerdmans Pub | Christopher D. Marshall | 2001 | Criminal justice, Administration of.Christianity and justice.Justice pénale — Administration. |
G5 | Beyond suspicion : post-Christendom Protestant political theology in John Howard Yoder and Oliver O’Donovan | Wipf & Stock Publishers, | Paul G. Doerksen | 2010 | Political theology.Christianity and politics — History of doctrines — 20th century.Church and state — History of doctrines. |
I2 | Beyond the 95 theses : Martin Luther’s life, thought, and lasting legacy | P & R Publishing | Stephen J. Nichols | 2016 | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformers — Germany — Biography.Reformers. |
D6 | Beyond the bounds : open theism and the undermining of biblical Christianity | Crossway Books | John Piper, Justin Taylor…, eds | 2003 | Open theism.God — Biblical teaching.Theïsme. |
B5 | Beyond the Modern Age : an Archaeology of Contemporary Culture | IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press | Goudzwaard,B. Bartholomew,Craig G. | 2017 | Christianity and culture.Civilization, Modern. |
A3 | Bible and The Future,The | Eerdmans Publishing Company | Hoekema,Anthony A. | 1979 | Eschatology — Biblical teaching.Eschatologie — Enseignement biblique.Bibel |
A1 | Bible, Justice, and Public Theology, The | Wipf & Stock Publishers | Neville, David J. | 2014 | Public theology.Justice — Religious aspects.Justice — Biblical teaching. |
A2 | Biblical Authority | Word Books | Rogers, Jack | 1977 | Bible |
A3 | Biblical Case For Natural Law,A : Studies in Christian Social Ethics and Economics | Acton Institute | VanDrunen,David | 1971 | Natural law — Religious aspects — Christianity.Natural law — Biblical teaching. |
A3 | Biblical Jubilee and The Struggle For Life,The : An Invitation to Personal, Ecclesial, and Social Transformation | Orbis Books | Kinsler,F. Ross Kinsler,Gloria | 1999 | Christianity and justice.Distributive justice — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
P5 | Bibliografi, Agama dan Masyarakat | BPK Gunung Mulia | Kathleen AH Losher, D. Jay Losher | 1993 | Indonesia — religion — bibliography |
E4 | Bioethics and the Christian life : a guide to making difficult decisions | Crossway | David VanDrunnen | 2009 | Medical ethics — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
L5 | Bioethics and the future of medicine: A Christian appraisal | Paternoster Press ; William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | John F. Kilner…, eds | 1995 | Medical ethics. |
P3 | Biografi Dan Brown the Man Behind the Da Vinci Code | Ufuk Press, | Lisa Rogak | 2006 | Brown, Dan, — 1964-Fiksi biografi Inggris (Bahasa Indonesia) |
O4 | Biografi Gus Dur, the authorized biography of Abdurrahman Wahid | Noktah | Greg Barton | 2019 | Abdurrahman Wahid — biography |
C4 | Biographical dictionary of evangelicals | InterVarsity Press | Timothy Larsen, ed | 2003 | Evangelicalism — Dictionaries.Christian biography — Dictionaries.11.55 Protestantism. |
F1 | Birth of the church, The : from Jesus to Constantine, A.D. 30-312 | Ivor J. Davidson | Church history — Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600. | ||
G2 | Black Theology & Black Power | Orbis Books | James H Cone | 1997 | Race relations — Religious aspects — Christianity.Black power — Religious aspects — Christianity.Black theology. |
G4 | Black theology : a documentary history, 1966-1979 | Orbis Books | James H. Cone & Gayrauds S. Wilmore | 1993 | Black theology — History of doctrines — Sources.African Americans — Religion — Sources.Black power — History — Sources. |
G2 | Black Theology, a documentary history, volume 2 (1980-1992) | Orbis Books | James H. Cone & Gayrauds S. Wilmore | 1993 | Black theology — History of doctrines — Sources.African Americans — Religion — Sources.Black power — History — Sources. |
G6 | Blackwell companion to political theology, The | Blackwell | Peter Scott, William T. Cavanaugh, eds | 2007 | Political theology. |
E6 | Blackwell Encyclopedi Modern Christian Thought, The | Blackwell | Alister McGrath | 1995 | Theology — History — 18th century — Encyclopedias. |
G5 | Blessed Rage For Order, the new pluralism in theology | Seabury Press | David Tracy | 1975 | Theology — Methodology.Religious pluralism — Christianity.Language and languages — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
D3 | Body & soul : human nature & the crisis in ethics | InterVarsity Press | James Porter Moreland; Scott B Rae | 2000 | Theological anthropology — Christianity. Christian ethics. Mind and body. Personhood. Bioethical Issues. Anthropologie théologique — Christianisme. Morale chrétienne. Esprit et corps. 08.38 ethics. Christelijke ethiek. Lichaam en geest. |
Q3 | Bom teroris dan “bom sosial” : narasi dari balik harmoni Bali : perspektif korban dan relawan | Yayasan Kanaivasu | IBM Dharma Palguna, ed | 2006 | Bali Bombings, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, 2002.Victims of terrorism — Indonesia — Kuta (Bali) — Personal narratives.Bombings — Indonesia — Kuta (Bali) |
G6 | Bonds of imperfection : Christian politics, past and present | Eerdmans, cop | Oliver O’Donovan & Joan Lockwood O’Donovan | 2004 | Christendom en Politiek. |
A3 | Book of The Books,The : The Value of The Scriptures In a Day of Bible Bending, Bible Breaking, and Bible Believing | Crow & Covenant Publications | White,John H. | 2019 | Bible |
M5 | Bottom billion, The : why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it | Oxford University Press | Paul Collier | 2008 | Poor — Developing countries.Poverty — Developing countries.Political culture — Developing countries. |
R4 | Bringing the Public Back in: revitalisasi konsep publik dalam pemikiran dan praktek administrasi publik di Indonesia | Graha Ilmu | Pius Suratman Kartasasmita | 2006 | Public administration — Indonesia.Public administration.Indonesia. |
M3 | Britannica Guide to the Islam world, The | Robinson ; Running Press | Ziauddin Sardar | 2009 | Islam.Islamic countries.Islamitische wereld. |
S4 | Budaya Damai Komunitas Pesantren | LP3ES | Badrus Sholeh, ed | 2007 | Islamic religious education — Indonesia.Islamic education — Indonesia.Islamic education. |
J3 | Building a healthy culture : strategies for an American renaissance | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | Don Eberly, ed | 2001 | United States — Cultural policy. |
M3 | Building Moderate Muslim Networks | Rand Corp. | Angel Rabasa, Cheryl Benard… | 2007 | Islam — 21st century.Islamic fundamentalism.Islamic countries — Relations — United States. |
K4 | Building social Business, the new kind of kapatalism that serves humanity’s most pressing needs | Public Affairs | Muhammad Yunus; Karl Weber | 2010 | Social responsibility of business.Social entrepreneurship.Capitalism — Moral and ethical aspects. |
E4 | Building the christian academy | W.B. Eerdmans | Arthur F Holmes | 2001 | Church and education — History. |
P1 | Buku Hitam Rezim Soeharto | Totalitas | Richard Robison | 2000 | Soeharto |
S6 | Buku Pintar Penyuntingan Naskah | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Pamusuk Eneste | 2005 | Editing.Authors and publishers. |
O6 | Buku Putih Bom Bali: Peristiwa dan Pengungkapan | Pensil-324 | Farouk Muhammad, Hermawan Sulistyo, eds | 2006 | Civil society — Indonesia. |
O5 | Bung Hatta dan ekonomi Islam : menangkap makna maqâshid al syarî’ah | Kompas | Anwar Abbas | 2010 | Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980 — Political and social views.Economics — Religious aspects — Islam.Islam — Economic aspects — Indonesia. |
O5 | Bung Hatta dan ekonomi Islam : menangkap makna maqâshid al syarî’ah | Kompas | Anwar Abbas | 2010 | Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980 — Political and social views.Economics — Religious aspects — Islam.Islam — Economic aspects — Indonesia. |
O4 | Bung Karno Difitnah | Yayasan Bung Karno | Yayasan Soekarno. | 2006 | Soekarno, — 1901-1970.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966.Indonesia — History — 1950-1966. |
O4 | Bung Karno, penyambung lidah rakyat Indonesia | Yayasan Bung Karno & Media Pressindo | Cindy Adams | 2014 | Soekarno — Indonesia citizen |
Q1 | Bunuh Munir! : sebuah buku putih | Komisi Untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasa | KONTRAS | 2006 | Munir, — 1965-2004 — Death and burial.Munir, — 1965-2004.Human rights advocacy — Indonesia. |
L2 | Business Corporation & Productive Justice, The | Abingdon Press | David A. Krueger….. | 1997 | Corporations — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
L2 | Business Corporation & Productive Justice, The | Abingdon Press | David A. Krueger….. | 1997 | Corporations — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
J6 | Business ethics | Prometheus Books | Milton Snoeyenbos, Robert Almeder…, eds | 2001 | business — ethics |
L4 | Business Ethics | Economist, | Chris Moon | 2001 | Business ethics.Morale des affaires.Morale des affaires — Cas, Études de. |
M5 | Business Ethics | Prentice Hall | Richard T De George | 1999 | Business ethics.Business ethics — Case studies. |
J4 | Business ethics : concept and cases | Prentice Hall/Pearson Education International, | Manuel G. Velasquez | 2006 | Business ethics — Case studies.Business ethics. |
D4 | Business ethics today : foundations | Westminster Theological Seminary : Center for Christian Business Ethics Today | Philip J. Clements | 2011 | Business — Religious aspects — Christianity.Business ethics.Religion and ethics. |
N3 | Business in Indonesia, new challenges, old problems | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | M. Chatib Basri, Pierre van der Eng | 2004 | Indonesia — Study and teaching — Japan. |
H4 | By This standard, the authority of God’s law today | American Vision Press | Greg L. Bahnsen | 2008 | Law (Theology)Dominion theology.Theonomy. |
I5 | Call to conversion, The : why faith is always personal but never private | HarperSanFrancisco | Jim Wallis | 2005 | Conversion — Christianity.Christian life.Christianity — 20th century. |
C4 | call, The : finding and fulfilling the central purpose of your life | W Publishing Group | Os Guinness | 1998 | Vocation — Meditations.Devotional calendars.Vocation — Christianity. |
G5 | Callings : twenty centuries of Christian wisdom on vocation | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | William C. Placher | 2005 | Vocation — Christianity. |
I4 | CALVIN | Yale University Press | Bruce Gordon | 2011, ©2009. | Calvijn, Johannes — (Jean), — 1509-1564.Calvinismo. |
I4 | Calvin and Calvinism, sources of democracy? | DC Heath and Company | Robert M Kingdom, Robert D Linder | 1970 | Calvinism — democracy |
I4 | Calvin and Calvinism, sources of democracy? | DC Heath and Company | Robert M Kingdom, Robert D Linder | 1970 | Calvinism — democracy |
I3 | Calvin and the consolidation of the genevan reformation | Westminster John Knox Press | William G. Naphy | 2003 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Reformed Church (Geneva, Switzerland) — Clergy — Biography.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 |
I3 | Calvin and the Foundations of Modern Politics | St. Augustine’s Press | Ralph C. Hancock | 2011 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Christianity and politics — Reformed Church.Christianity and politics — Reformed Church — History |
I4 | Calvin and the reformation : four studies by Emile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck, and Benjamin B. Warfield | Baker Book House | William Park Armstrong; E Doumergue; August Lang; Herman Bavinck; | 1980 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean — 1509-1564Calvin, Jean. |
I4 | Calvin and the reformation : four studies by Emile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck, and Benjamin B. Warfield | Baker Book House | William Park Armstrong | 1980 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean — 1509-1564Calvin, Jean. |
I4 | Calvin and the reformation : four studies by Emile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck, and Benjamin B. Warfield | Wipf & Stock | William Park Armstrong; E Doumergue; August Lang; Herman Bavinck; | 2004, 1909. | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Contributions in theology.Calvinism.Theology, Doctrinal. |
I4 | Calvin and the Reformed tradition : on the work of Christ and the order of salvation | Baker Academic | Richard A Muller | 2012 | Jesus Christ — History of doctrines.Jesus Christ — Person and offices.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564. |
I3 | Calvin and the Rhetoric of Piety | Westminster John Knox Press | Serene Jones | 1995 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Writing skill. |
I3 | Calvin and the sabbath | Mentor | Richard Gaffin | 1998 | Sunday — History of doctrines — 16th century.Sabbath — History of doctrines — 16th century.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Views on Sunday. |
I4 | Calvin and world mission : essays | Nürnberg VTR Publ. | Thomas Schirrmacher, ed | 2009 | Calvin, Jean — 1509-1564MissionProtestantismus |
I3 | Calvin Handbook, The | William B. Eerdmans | Herman J Selderhuis, ed | 2009 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Influence.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Bibliography. |
I2 | Calvin on Common Grace | Smitter Book Company | Herman Kuyper | 1928 | Calvin |
I3 | Calvin on the Christian life : glorifying and enjoying God forever | Crossway | Michael Horton | 2014 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Spirituality — Christianity.Christian life. |
I4 | Calvin Today, reformed theology and the future of the church | T & T Clark, | Michael Welker, Michael Weinrich.., eds | 2011 | Calvinism.Calvinist, Reformed & Presbyterian Churches.Religion — Christian Theology — Systematic. |
I3 | Calvin; : the origins and development of his religious thought | Francois Wendel | Calvin thought | ||
I3 | Calvinism : a history | Yale University Press, | D.G. Hart | 2013 | Calvinism — History.RELIGION — Christianity — Calvinist.RELIGION — History. |
I4 | Calvinism and the making of the European Mind | Brill, | Gijsbert van den Brink & Harro M Hopel, eds | 2014 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Influence.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvinism. |
I3 | Calvin’s Christology | Cambridge University Press | Stephen Edmondston | 2004 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices. |
I3 | Calvin’s doctrine of the state : a Reformed doctrine and its American trajectory, the Revolutionary War, and the founding of the republica | Wipf & Stock, | Mark J. Larson | 2009 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Political and social views.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.War — Religious aspects — Reformed Church. |
F1 | Cambridge and the evangelical Succesion | Scotland : Christian Focus | Sir Marcus Loane | 2007 | Grimshaw, William, — 1708 or 1709-1763.Berridge, John, — 1716-1793.Venn, H. — (Henry), — 1725-1797. |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Adorno, The | Cambridge University Press | Tom Huhn | 2004 | Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund.Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to Aristotle, the | Cambridge Univ. Press | Jonathan Barnes | 2007 | Aristoteles, — v384-v322.PhilosophiePhilosophy |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Augustine, The | Cambridge University Press | Eleonore Stump; Norman Kretzmann | 2001 | Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Augustin — (saint) — études diverses.Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone. |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation,The | Cambridge University Press | Barton,John | 1998 | Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible — Critique, interprétation, etc.Bible. |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Hannah Arendt, The | Cambridge University Press | Dana Villa, ed | 2000 | Arendt, Hannah, — 1906-1975.Arendt, Hannah.Arendt, Hannah — Pensée politique et sociale. |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Hobbes,The | Cambridge University Press | Sorell,Tom | 1996 | Hobbes, Thomas, — 1588-1679.Hobbes, Thomas <1588-1679>Hobbes, Thomas, — 1588-1679 |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to KANT, The | Cambridge University Press | Guyer, Paul | 1992 | Kant, Immanuel, — 1724-1804.Kant, Immanuel — 1724-1804PhilosophieAufsatzsammlungKant, immanuel.Kant, Immanuel, — (1724-1804) — Critique et interprétation.Kant, Immanuel.Philosophy. |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard,The | Cambridge University Press | Hannay,Alastair Marino,Gordon Daniel | 1998 | Kierkegaard, Søren, — 1813-1855.Kierkegaard, Søren, — 1813-1855Kierkegaard, Søren — 1813-1855 |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Lacan, The | Cambridge University Press | Jean-Michel Rabate | 2003 | Lacan, Jacques, — 1901-1981.Psychoanalysis.Lacan, Jacques, — 1901-1981 — Critique et interprétation. |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to Martin Luther, The | Cambridge University Press | Donald K. McKim | 2003 | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Religion.Philosophy & Religion. |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to Mill, The | Cambridge University Press | John Skorupski | 1998 | Mill, John Stuart, — 1806-1873. |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Nietzsche,The | Cambridge University Press | Magnus,Bernd Higgins,Kathleen Marie | 1996 | Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900.Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900 — Influence.Nietzsche, Friedrich, — 1844-1900. |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Plato, the | Cambridge University Press | Richard Kraut | 1992 | Platone.Plato |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology, The | Cambridge University Press | Kevin J. Vanhoozer, ed. | 2003 | Postmodern theology.Théologie postmoderne.Postmoderne Theologie |
B3 | Cambridge Companion to Rawls, The | Cambridge University Press | Samuel Freeman | 2003 | Rawls, John, — 1921-2002.Justice.Liberalism. |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Reformation theology, The | Cambridge University Press | David Bagchi & David C Steinmetz | 2004 | Reformation.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 16th century.Réforme (Christianisme) |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Rousseau,The | Cambridge University Press | Riley,Patrick | 2001 | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, — 1712-1778.Biografias.Filosofia moderna (crítica e interpretação) |
B3 | Cambridge companion to science and religion, The | Cambridge University Press | Peter Harrison, ed | 2010 | Religion and science.NaturwissenschaftenReligion |
B3 | Cambridge companion to St. Paul, The | Cambridge University Press | James D. Dunn | 2003 | Bible. — Epistles of Paul — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Paul, — the Apostle, Saint.Bible — New Testament. — Épîtres de Paul — Critique, interprétation, etc. |
B3 | Cambridge companion to Weber, The | Cambridge University Press | Stephen Turner, ed | 2000 | Weber, Max, — 1864-1920. |
B1 | Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy,The | Cambridge University Press | Audi, Robert | 1999 | Philosophy — Dictionaries.Dictionaries.Philosophy. |
K1 | Cambridge dictionary of sociology, The | Cambridge University Press | Bryan S. Turner, ed | 2006 | Sociology — Dictionaries.Sociologie — Dictionnaires anglais.71.00 sociology: general. |
E1 | Can we live together? : equality and difference | Polity Press | Alain Touraine | 2000 | Multiculturalism.Cultural pluralism.Sociale structuur. |
A2 | Canon of Scripture, The | Inter-Varsity Press | Bruce,F. F. | 1988 | Bible — Canon.Bible.New Testament — Canon. |
G5 | Capital and the kingdom : theological ethics and economic order | Orbis Books | Timothy J. Gorringe | 1994 | Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian ethics. |
E3 | Capitalism and Christians : tough gospel challenges in a troubled world economy | Paulist Press | Arthur Jones | 1992 | Christianity — 20th century. |
O2 | Capitalism, socialism & democracy | Pustaka Pelajar | Joseph A. Schumpeter | 2013 | World politics. |
J2 | Captain America and the crusade against evil : the dilemma of zealous nationalism | W.B. Eerdmans, | Robert Jewett & John Shelton Lawrence | 2003 | United States — Foreign relations — 2001- |
A1 | Captive to the Word of God | Wm. B. Eerdmas Publising Co. | Volf,Miroslav | 2010 | Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, etc.Bible – Theology. |
J6 | Capturing the pagan mind : Paul’s blueprint for thinking and living in the new global culture | Broadman & Holman | Peter Jones | 2003 | Paganism.Christianity and culture. |
J2 | Case for civility, The : and why our future depends on it | HarperOne | Os Guinness | 2008 | Courtesy — United States.Conduct of life.Courtesy. |
N1 | Case studies in business ethics | Prentice Hall | Thomas Donaldson, Al Gini | 1996 | Business ethics — Case studies.Morale des affaires — Cas, Études de.Business ethics. |
M5 | Cash values : money and the erosion of meaning in today’s society | W.B. Eerdmans ; Vancouver, B.C. : Regent College Pub | Craig M Gay | 2004 | Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Money — Religious aspects — Christianity.Capitalisme — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. |
P3 | Catatan Emas: kisah 20 pemuda Indonesia yang mengukir sejarah | Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga, Republik Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. [dan] Bentang Pustaka | Rahadiansyah & Bajo Winarmo | 2006 | Youth — Indonesia — Biography.Successful people — Indonesia — Biography.Successful people. |
O4 | Catatan Hitam Lima Presiden Indonesia | Ufuk Press | Ishak Rafick | 2007 | Indonesia president’s |
Q3 | Catatan Pinggir 1 | Grafiti Pers | Goenawan Mohamad | 2006 | Essays. |
Q3 | Catatan Pinggir 3 | Grafiti | Goenawan Mohamad | 1991 | Essays. |
Q3 | Catatan Pinggir 6 | Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo | Goenawan Mohamad | 2006 | Indonesian essays — 21st century.Indonesian essays. |
Q3 | Catatan Seorang Demonstran | Pustaka LP3ES | Soe Hok Gie | 2005 | Soe, — Hok Gie, — 1942-1969.Soe Hok Gie, — 1942-1969. |
H4 | Catholicism and liberalism : contributions to American public philosophy | Cambridge University Press | R. Bruce Douglas and David Hollenbach, eds | 2002 | Catholic Church — United States.Catholic Church.Liberalism — United States. |
S3 | Ceng Ho Penyebar Islam ke Nusantara | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Tan Ta Sen | 2010 | Explorers — China — Biography.Islam — Southeast Asia — History.Zheng, He — Travel — Southeast Asia. |
A6 | Center Church: doing balanced, Gospel-centered Ministry in your city | Zondervan | Timothy Keller | 2012 | City missions.City churches.Church work. |
J1 | Central liberal truth, The : how politics can change a culture and save it from itself | Oxford University Press | 2006 | Christianity and antisemitism — History. | |
R1 | Cerita di Balik Berita Jihad melawan mafia | Bhuana Ilmu Populer | Denny Indrayana | 2011 | corruption |
O3 | Chairul Tanjung, Si Anak Singkong | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Chairul Tanjung; Tjahja Gunawan Diredja | 2012 | Tanjung, Chairul.Businessmen — Indonesia — Biography.Businessmen. |
M4 | Challenging the secular state : the Islamization of law in modern Indonesia | University of Hawaii Press | Arskal Salim | 2008 | Law — Indonesia.Constitutional law — Indonesia.Islamic law — Indonesia. |
E5 | Changing face of Christianity, The : Africa, the West, and the world | Oxford University Press | Lamin Sanneh, Joel A. Carpenter | 2005 | Church history — 20th century. |
A5 | Character & Scripture: Moral Formation,Community, And Biblical Interpretation | William B. Eerdmans Publishing | Brown, William P. | 2002 | Ethics in the Bible.Morale dans la Bible.Bibel |
J5 | Character counts : leadership qualities in Washington, Wilberforce, Lincoln, and Solzhenitsyn | Baker Books | Os Guinness | 1999 | Washington, George, — 1732-1799 — Psychology.Wilberforce, William, — 1759-1833.Lincoln, Abraham, — 1809-1865 — Psychology. |
A2 | Character Ethics and The New Testament : Moral Dimensions of Scripture | Westminster John Knox Press | Brawley,Robert L. | 2007 | Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Ethics.Conduct of life. |
A3 | Character Ethics and The Old Testament : Moral Dimensions of Scripture | Westminster John Knox Press | Carroll R.,M. Daniel Lapsley,Jacqueline E. | 2007 | Bible. — Old Testament — Ethics.Bible. — Old Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Ethics in the Bible. |
B4 | Charles Taylor | Cambridge University Press | Abbey,Ruth | 2004 | Taylor, Charles, — 1931-PHILOSOPHY — History & Surveys — Modern.Philosophie |
P2 | Children of war, The : Forum Silaturahmi Anak Bangsa | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Nina Pane Budiarto | 2013 | Forum Silaturahmi Anak Bangsa.Children and war — Indonesia.War and families — Indonesia. |
K1 | China the big tiger: a nation awakes | Abacus | Dick Wilson | 1997 | China. |
F1 | China’s Reforming Churches | Reformation Heritage Books | Bruce P. Baugus | 2014 | Presbyterian Church — China. |
N2 | Chinese century, The : the rising Chinese economy and its impact on the global economy, the balance of power, and your job | Wharton School Pub | Oded Shenkar | 2005 | China — Economic conditions — 2000-China — Foreign economic relations.Chine — Conditions économiques — 2000- |
N1 | Chinese Indonesians: remembering, distorting, forgetting | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ; Monash Asia Institute | Tim Lindsey, Helen Pausacker, eds | 2005 | Chinese — Indonesia.Indonesia — Ethnic relations.Chinese — Indonesia — Religion. |
N4 | Chinese Indonesians: State Policy, Monoculture and Multiculture | Eastern Universities Press | Leo Suryadinata | 2004 | Chinese — Indonesia.Chinese — Cultural assimilation — Indonesia.Indonesia — Ethnic relations. |
N1 | Choices : making right decisions in a complex world | HarperSanFrancisco | Lewis B. Smedes | 1991 | Conduct of life.Decision making — Moral and ethical aspects. |
D3 | Choosing the good : Christian ethics in a complex world | Baker Academic | Hollinger, Dennis P. | 2002 | Christian ethics. Morale chrétienne. |
O1 | Choses Dites: uraian & pemikiran | Kreasi Wacana | Pierre Bourdieu | 2011 | philospohy — confrontation — strategic — coodification |
O1 | Choses Dites: uraian & pemikiran | Kreasi Wacana | Pierre Bourdieu | 2011 | philospohy — confrontation — strategic — coodification |
F3 | Christ and Culture Revisited | Apollos, | D.A Carson | 2008 | Jesus Christ. |
F3 | Christ and the decree : Christology and predestination in reformed theology from Calvin to Perkins | Baker Academic | Richard A. Muller | 2008 | Religion and politics — United States. |
F3 | Christ and time : the primitive Christian conception of time and history | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Oscar Cullmann | Jésus-Christ — Personne et fonctions. | |
F3 | Christ in a Pluralistic Age | Westminster Press | John B. Cobb Jr | 1975 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices. |
F3 | Christ in a Pluralistic Age | Westminster Press | John B. Cobb Jr | 1975 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices. |
F3 | Christ of the Covenants, The | Baker Book House | O. Palmer Robertson | 1980 | Covenant theology — Biblical teaching. |
F5 | Christ, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper : recovering the sacraments for evangelical worship | InterVarsity Press | Leonard J Vander Zee | 2004 | Baptism. |
F5 | Christ-centered worship : letting the Gospel shape our practice | Baker Academic | Bryan Chapell | 2009 | Worship.Public worship. |
E2 | Christian Apologetics | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co. | Cornelius van Till | 1980, ©1976. | Apologetics — 20th century — Outlines, syllabi, etc. |
E4 | Christian Apologetics in the postmodern world | InterVarsity Press | Timothy R Phillips & Dennis L Okhlom | 1995 | Apologetics.Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
E6 | Christian apologetics past and present : a primary source reader | Crossway Books | William Edgar & Scott Oliphint, eds | ©2009-©2011. | Apologetics — History — Sources. |
E3 | Christian Apologetics, a comprehensive case for biblical faith | IVP Academic ; Apollos | Douglas Groothuis | 2011 | Apologetics. |
E2 | Christian belief in a postmodern world: the full wealth of conviction | Westminster/John Knox Press | Diogenes Allen | 1989 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc. |
E2 | Christian body politic : 21st century reformed Christian perspectives on church and state | Hermit Kingdom Press | Christian Kim, ed | 2004 | Church and state.Christianity and politics. |
D2 | Christian case for virtue ethics, The | Georgetown University Press | Kotva, Joseph J. | 1996 | Christian ethics — Catholic authors. Virtue. Christelijke ethiek. Deugden. Christliche Ethik Christliche Ethik. |
E6 | Christian dogmatics : an introduction | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company | Cornelis van der Kooi, Gijsbert van den Brink | 2017 | Theology, Doctrinal.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Dogmatik |
E3 | Christian educator’s handbook on teaching, The | Baker Books | Kenneth O Gangel & Howard G Hendricks | 1998 | Christian education — Teaching methods. |
D3 | Christian Environmental Ethics, a case method approach | Orbis Books | James B Martin-Schramm; Robert L Stivers | 2003 | Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity — Case studies. Environmental ethics — Case studies. Christian ethics — Case studies. Christian ethics. Environmental ethics. Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity. Christentum Umweltethik |
D2 | Christian ethics : a case method approach | Orbis Books | Robert L Stivers | 2005 | Christian ethics — Case studies.Christian ethics.Christelijke ethiek. |
D2 | Christian ethics and the moral psychologies | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Browning, Don S. | 2006 | Christian ethics. Psychology, Religious. Christianity — Psychology. Christliche Ethik Moralpsychologie Moralpsychologie — Christliche Ethik. Christliche Ethik — Moralpsychologie. |
E3 | Christian ethics in ecumenical context : theology, culture, and politics in dialogue | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Shin Chiba, George R Hunsberger…, eds. | 1995 | Christian ethics.Christliche Ethik.Ökumenische Bewegung. |
D4 | Christian Ethics, an essential guide | Abingdon Press | Lovin, Robin W | 2000 | Christian ethics. RELIGION — Christian Theology — Ethics. |
D5 | Christian Ethics, options and issues | Baker Books House | Normal L Geisler | 1989 | christian ethics |
D4 | Christian Ethics, second edition | Cambridge University Press | Gill, Robin | 2012 | Christian ethics. RELIGION — Ethics. Religion. Christliche Ethik |
C3 | Christian faith and the problem of evil | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | Van Inwagen, Peter | 2004 | Theodicy — Congresses.Good and evil — Religious aspects — Christianity — Congresses.Théodicée — Congrès. |
E2 | Christian idea of the state, The | The Craig Press | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1968 | Christian – state |
E5 | Christian imagination, The : the practice of faith in literature and writing | Shaw Books | Leland Ryken, ed | 2002 | Christianity and the arts.Christianity and literature. |
E4 | Christian Justice and public policy | Cambridge University Press | Duncan B Forrester | `1997 | Christianity and justice.Church and social problems.Christianity and politics. |
E3 | Christian Manifesto, A | Crossway Books | Francis A Schaeffer | 1981 | Church renewal. |
A6 | Christian Massage in a Non-christian world, the | The Edinburgh House Press | H. Kraemer | 1938 | Christian massage |
C5 | Christian Mission in the modern world | IVP Books | Stott, John R. W | 2008 | Mission of the church. Evangelistic work. Christianity and other religions. Salvation — Christianity. Conversion — Christianity. |
E2 | Christian perspective on law and relationism | Paternoster Press | Paul Beaumont & Keith Wotherspoon | 2000 | Christianity and justice. |
E4 | Christian perspectives on faith development : a reader | Gracewing ; Eerdmans, | Jeff Astley, Leslie Francis, eds | 1992 | Fowler, James W., — 1940- |
E1 | Christian Perspectives on Politics | Westminster John Knox Press | J. Philip Wogaman | 2000 | Christianity and politics. |
B2 | Christian philosophy : a systematic and narrative introduction | Baker Academic, A division of Baker Publishing Group, | Craig G Bartholomew; Michael W Goheen | 2013 | Christian philosophy. |
I4 | Christian Polity of John Calvin, The | Cambridge University Press, | Harro Hopel | 1985, ©1982 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Contributions in political science.Political science — History — 16th century.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564. |
E4 | Christian Realism and the New Realities | Cambridge University Press | Robin W. Lovin | 2008 | Christianity and politics.Religion and politics.RELIGION — Christianity — General. |
H4 | Christian religious education : sharing our story and vision | Jossey-Bass | Thomas H. Groome | 1999 | Church and state — United States — Cases. |
D3 | Christian Social ethics in a global area | Abingdon Press | Stackhouse, Max L. | 1995 | Christian ethics. Christian sociology. Social ethics. Christian ethics Christian sociology Social ethics |
E4 | Christian spirituality : five views of sanctification | InterVarsity Press | Donald L Alexander | 1988 | Sanctification — Christianity — Comparative studies.Holiness — Christianity — Comparative studies.Spirituality — Comparative studies. |
E4 | Christian Theology in Asia | Cambridge University Press | Sebastian CH Kim | 2008 | Theology — Asia. |
G3 | Christian Theology reader, The | Blackwell | Alister E. McGrath | 2001 | Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.Theology, Doctrinal.Dogmatiek. |
E3 | Christian theory of social institutions, A | Herman Dooyeweerd Foundation ; Jordan Station, Ont. : Paideia Press | Herman Dooyeweerd | 1986 | Christian sociology.Sociology — Philosophy.Social institutions. |
A6 | Christian view of God and the world, the | Kregel Publications | James Orr | 1989 | Theology, Doctrinal.Incarnation. |
E3 | Christian view of God and the world, The | Kregel Publications, | James Orr | 1989 | Theology, Doctrinal.Incarnation. |
I1 | Christian worship in Reformed Churches past and present | W.B. Eerdmans | Lukas Vischer, ed | 2003 | Public worship — Reformed Church.Reformed Church — Liturgy.11.74 liturgy. |
H3 | Christianity & religious diversity : clarifying Christian commitments in a globalizing age | Baker Academic | Harold A Netland | 2015 | Christianity and other religions. |
E6 | Christianity & western thought : a history of philosophers, ideas & movements, Vol 1 | InterVarsity Press, | Colin Brown | [1990-2009] ©1990-©2009. | Christianity — Philosophy.Faith and reason — History of doctrines.Philosophy — History. |
E6 | Christianity & western thought : a history of philosophers, ideas & movements, Vol 2. | InterVarsity Press | Steve Wilkens & Alan G Padgett | 1990-2009] ©1990-©2009 | Christianity — Philosophy.Faith and reason — History of doctrines.Philosophy — History. |
E4 | Christianity and Barthianism | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co | Cornelius van Till | 1962 | Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968. |
E4 | Christianity and culture : the idea of a Christian society and Notes towards the definition of culture | Harcourt Brace | TS Eliot | 1976 | Christian sociology.Culture. |
E5 | Christianity and human rights : influences and issues | State University of New York Press | Frances S. Adeney & Arvind Sharma | 2007 | Human rights — Religious aspects — Christianity.ChristentumMenschenrecht |
E4 | Christianity and Law, an introduction | Cambridge University Press | John Witte & Frank S Alexander | 2008 | Christianity and law.Christianity and politics.Christian sociology. |
E5 | Christianity and plurality : classic and contemporary readings | Blackwell Publishers | Richard J. Plantinga | 1999 | Christianity and other religions. |
E3 | Christianity and the postmodern turn : six views | Brazos, | Myron B. Penner | 2005 | Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christentum.Postmoderne. |
E5 | Christianity and the religions : from confrontation to dialogue | Orbis Books | Jacques Dupuis SJ | 2002 | Catholic Church — Relations.Theology of religions (Christian theology)Christianity and other religions. |
E4 | Christianity and the social crisis | Westminster/John Knox Press | Walter Rauschenbusch | 1991 | Christian sociology.Social ethics.Church and social problems — United States. |
E2 | Christianity and the world religions : paths of dialogue with Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism | Orbis Books | Hans Kung, Josef van Ess… | 1986 | Cristianismo y otras religiones. |
E3 | Christianity at the religious roundtable : evangelicalism in conversation with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam | Baker Academic, | Timothy C. Tennent | 2002 | Christianity and other religions.Christianity and other religions — Hinduism.Hinduism — Relations — Christianity. |
E4 | Christianity in culture : a study in dynamic Biblical theologizing in cross-cultural perspective | Orbis Books | Charles H Kraft | 2005 | Christianity and culture.Kultur.Christentum. |
N4 | Christianity in Indonesia: persepectives of power | LIT | Susanne Schroter, ed | 2010 | Christianity — Indonesia.Indonesia — Religion.Islam — Indonesia. |
A6 | Christianity Theology in a pluralistic context | Peter Lang | Steven L. Wiebw | 2007 | Creationism.Cosmogony.Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
E3 | Christianity Through non-christian eyes | Orbis Books, | Paul J. Griffiths | 1990 | Christianity and other religions. |
E6 | Christianity through the centuries : a history of the Christian church | Zondervan Pub | Earle E Cairns | 1996 | Church history.Christianity — History. |
E2 | Christianity with an Asian face : Asian American theology in the making | Orbis Books | Peter C Phan | 2003 | Asian Americans — Religion.Asian American theology.Aziaten. |
E5 | Christianity, democracy, and the radical ordinary : conversations between a radical Democrat and a Christian | Cascade Books | Stanley Hauerwas & Romand Coles | 2008 | Christianity and politics.Democracy — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity and politics — United States. |
E6 | Christianity’s dangerous idea : the Protestant revolution– a history from the sixteenth century to the twenty-first | HarperOne | Alister McGrath | 2007 | Protestantism — History.Protestantism.Protestantismus |
E5 | Christians and politics beyond the culture wars : an agenda for engagement | Baker Books | David P. Gushee | 2000 | Christianity and politics — Congresses.Christianity and politics — United States — Congresses.Christianisme et politique — Congrès. |
E2 | Christians Faith and the environmen: making vital connections | Orbis Books | Brennan R. Hill | 1998 | Relationism. |
E2 | Christians in a .com world: getting connected without being consumed | Crossway | Gene Edward Veith Jr & Christopher L. Stamper | 2000 | Internet — Religious aspects — Christianity.Cyberspace — Religious aspects — Christianity.Internet — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. |
E3 | Christless Christianity: the alternatif gospel …. | Michael Horton | Moral conditions. | ||
E4 | Christology in context | William B. Eerdmans Pub | Gabriel Fackre | 2006 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices. |
E4 | Christology, a global introduction | Baker Academic | Veli-Matti KarkKainen | 2003 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices. |
E2 | Christophany : the fullness of man | Orbis Books | Raimon Panikkar | 2004 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices.Jesus Christ.Christology. |
G3 | Christopraxis, a theology of action | Fortress Press | Edmund Arens | 1995 | Theology, Practical.Communication — Religious aspects — Christianity.Théologie pratique. |
I2 | Christ’s churches purely reformed : a social history of Calvinism | Yale University Press | Philip Benedict | 2002 | Calvinism — Europe — History.Christian church history.11.55 Protestantism. |
D2 | Church and morality, The : an ecumenical and Catholic approach | Fortress Press | Curran, Charles E. | 1993 | Catholic Church — Relations. Catholic Church — Doctrines. Christian ethics — Catholic authors. Church — Catholicity. Christian ethics — Comparative studies. Catholic Church. Interfaith relations. Theology, Doctrinal. Christliche Ethik Katholische Soziallehre Christelijke ethiek. catholicisme. morale catholique — Eglise catholique romaine. Catholic Church — Doctrines Catholic Church — Relations Christian ethics — Catholic authors Church — Catholicity |
F1 | Church as polis, The : from political theology to theological politics as exemplified by Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas | Univ. of Notre Dame Press | Arne Rasmusson | 1995 | Hauerwas, Stanley, — 1940- |
F1 | Church between Gospel and culture, The : the emerging mission in North America | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | George R. Hunsberger & Craig van Gelder | 1996 | Missions — North America.Christianity and culture — North America.Missions — Theory. |
F1 | Church, contours of christian theology, The | InterVarsity Press | Edmund P Clowney | 1995 | Church.Church — Biblical teaching.Church — History of doctrines. |
E1 | Church, state, and citizen : Christian approaches to political engagement | Oxford University Press | Sandra F. Joireman | 2009 | Church and state. |
F1 | Church, state, and public justice : five views | IVP Academic | PC Kemeny, ed | 2007 | Church and state — United States.Christianity and justice — United States.Christianity and justice. |
F1 | Churches and Monasteries of Egypt and some Neighbouring Countries, The | Forgotten Books | Al-Armany Abu Salih | 2012 | Moltmann, Jürgen, — 1926- |
D1 | Churchgoing and Christian ethics | Cambridge University Press | Gill, Robin | 1999 | Christian ethics — Great Britain — Public opinion.Christians — Great Britain — Attitudes.Church attendance — Great Britain. |
O5 | Ciil | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia | Rudy Badil & Masmimar Mangiang | 2010 | Sjahrir, — 1945-2008.Economists — Indonesia — Biography.Economists. |
S2 | Cita-cita Politik Islam | Paramadina | Nurcholish Madjid | 2009 | Islam — politics |
A6 | City of God, The | Modern Library | Augustine, of Hippo Saint; Marcus Dods | 1993 | Kingdom of God — Early works to 1800.Apologetics — Early works to 1800.Apologetics. |
M3 | Civil society in the Muslim world : contemporary perspectives | I.B. Tauris Publishers | Amyn B. Sajoo, ed | 2002 | Civil society — Islamic countries.Political culture — Islamic countries.Islam and politics. |
S1 | Civil Society versus Masyrakat Madani | Pustaka Hidayah | Ahmad Baso | 1999 | Democracy — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Civil society — Indonesia. |
K1 | Civility: manners, morals, and the etiquette of democracy | Basic Books | Stephen L Carter | 1998 | Civil society.Etiquette.Democracy. |
L4 | Clarence John Laughlin : prophet without honor | University Press of Mississippi, | A.J Meek | 2007 | Laughlin, Clarence John. |
D5 | Clash of orthodoxies, The : law, religion, and morality in crisis | ISI Books | George, Robert P. | 2001 | Religious ethics. Faith and reason. Secularism. Liberalism — Religious aspects. Religion and law. Religion and politics. Naturrecht Christliche Ethik Rechtspolitik |
G5 | Classical apologetics : a rational defense of the Christian faith and a critique of presuppositional apologetics | Zondervan, | RC Sproul, John Gerstner…, eds | 1984 | Apologetics.Natural theology.Apologetik |
C4 | Clouds of witnesses : Christian voices from Africa and Asia | IVP Books | Mark A Noll and Carolyn Nystrom | 2011 | Christian biography — Asia.Asia — Church history — 20th century.Christian biography — Africa. |
M5 | Collapse : how societies choose to fail or survive | Penguin Books | Jared Diamond | 2006 | Social history — Case studies.Social change — Case studies.Environmental policy — Case studies. |
A2 | Collected Writings on Scripture | Crossway Books | Carson,D. A. Naselli,Andrew David | 2010 | Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, etc.Bible – Hermeneutics. |
A1 | Collective Writings On Scripture | Crossway | Carson, D. A. Naselli,Andrew David | 2010 | Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, etc.Bible – Hermeneutics. |
M5 | Coming anarchy, The : shattering the dreams of the post Cold War | Vintage | Robert D. Kaplan | 2000 | World politics — 1989-Post-communism.World politics. |
D2 | Common Good & Christian Ethics, The | Cambridge University Press | David Hollenbach, SJ | 2002 | Christian ethics |
B4 | Common grace in Kuyper, Schilder, and Calvin : exposition, comparison, and evaluation | Lucerna CRTS Publications | Douma,Jochem | 2017 | Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920. |
D6 | Common Objects of love | William B. Eerdmans Pub | Oliver O’Donovan | 2002 | Christian ethics.Christelijke ethiek.Opbouwwerk. |
K3 | Common Sense | Penguin Books, | Thomas Paine; Isaac Kramnick | 1986 | United States — Politics and government — 1775-1783.Political science.Monarchy. |
M2 | Common Word, A: Muslims and Christians on Loving God and Neighbor | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Miroslav Volf; Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan.; Melissa Yarrington | 2010 | Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Islam.God (Islam) |
A2 | Common Word, The : The Undermining of the Church | ANM Publishers | Solomon,Sam Maqdisi,E Al | 2009 | Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity.Islam — Controversial literature. |
T6 | Communicating Christ cross-culturally, second edition: Mengomunikasikan Kristus secara lintas budaya | Literatur SAAT | David J. Hesselgrave | 2004 | Christ — communicating — culture |
K3 | Communist Manifesto, The | Penguin | Karl Marx and Friederich Engels | 1967 | Communism.Socialism. |
H4 | Community of the Word, The : toward an evangelical ecclesiology | InterVarsity Press | Mark Husbands & Daniel J. Treier | 2005 | Church.Ecclesiologie.Evangelischen. |
D5 | Companion to applied Ethics, A | Blackwell Pub | R.G Frey and Christhoper H. Wellman | 2003 | Applied ethics.Ethics [MESH]Ethics. |
C1 | Compassionate call to counter culture in a world of poverty, same-sex marriage, racism, sex slavery, immigration, persecution, abortion, orphans, pornography, A | Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. | Platt, David | 2015 | Christian life — United States.Christianity and culture — United States.Culture conflict — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
B6 | Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 1 A Christian View of Philosophy and Culture | Crossway Books | Schaeffer, Francis A. | 1985 | philosophy.culture. |
B6 | Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 2 A Christian view of the Bible as truth | Crossway Books | Schaeffer, Francis A. | 1985 | Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Christian art and symbolism.Bible. |
B6 | Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 3 A christian view of spirituality, The | Crossway Books | Schaeffer, Francis A. | 1985 | Sermons, American.Spirituality.Christianity — 20th century. |
B6 | Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 4 A Christian view of the church | Crossway Books | Schaeffer, Francis A. | 1985 | Christianity — 20th century.Apologetics.Apologetics — History — 20th century.Liberalism (Religion)Christian life.Christianity. |
B6 | Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 5 A Christian view of the west | Crossway Books | Schaeffer, Francis A. | 1985 | Christian civilization.Civilization, Western — History.Church and social problems.Christianity — 20th century.Christianity.Civilization, Western. |
H6 | concept of woman, The. The Aristotelian revolution, 750 BC-AD 1250 | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | Sister Prudence Allen, RSM | 1997 | Femininity (Philosophy) — History.Women — History.Sex role — History. |
J3 | Conduct unbecoming : how Barack Obama is destroying the military and endangering our security | Regnery Pub. ; New York : Distributed to the trade by Perseus Distribution | Robert “Buzz” Patterson | 2010 | United States — Social conditions — To 1865. |
E2 | Confessing Christ and doing politics | Association for Public Justice Education Fund, | James W Skillen, ed | 1982 | Christianity and politics.Christianity and justice. |
F5 | Confessing Christ and Doing Politics | Association for Public Justice Education Fund | James W. Skillen | 1982 | Christianity and politics.Christianity and justice. |
L1 | Confession of an conomic Hit Man | Berrett-Koehler Publishers, | John Perkins | 2004 | Perkins, John, — 1945-United States. — National Security Agency — Biography.Chas. T. Main, Inc. |
C5 | Confessions | Penguin Books | Augustine, of Hippo Saint; Garry Wills | 2006 | Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Catholic Church — Bishops — Biography.Bishops — Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city) — Biography.Christian saints — Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city) — Biography.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430Catholic Church.Bishops.Christian saints.Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city) |
K3 | Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The | Penguin Books | Jean-Jacques Rousseau; J M Cohen | 1953 | War — Moral and ethical aspects. |
L4 | Conflict mediation across cultures : pathways and patterns | Westminster/John Knox Press | David W. Augsburger | 1992 | Interpersonal conflict — Cross-cultural studies.Conflict management — Cross-cultural studies.Interpersonal conflict — Folklore. |
J4 | Conflict of interpretations, the : essays in hermeneutics | Athlone Press | Paul Ricœur | 2000, 1989. | Hermeneutics.Criticism.Ideology. |
B4 | Conscience And its Problems : an Introduction to Casuistry | Westminster John Knox Press | Kirk,Kenneth E. | 1999 | Conscience.Casuistry.PHILOSOPHY — Ethics & Moral Philosophy. |
D4 | ConseQuences: morality, ethics and the future | Fortress Press | James H. Burtness | 1999 | Christian ethics.Christliche Ethik. |
S4 | Conservative turn : Islam Indonesia dalam ancaman fundamentalisme | Al-Mizan, | Martin van Bruinessen | 2014 | Majelis Ulama Indonesia.Muhammadiyah (Organization)Islam — Indonesia — 21st century. |
J1 | Constantine’s sword : the church and the Jews : a history | Houghton Mifflin | James Carroll | 2001 | Catholic Church — Relations — Judaism. |
G2 | Constants in context : a theology of mission for today | Orbis Books | Stephen B Bevans, Roger P Schroeder | 2004 | Missions. |
K4 | Constitution of liberty, The | Routledge | Hayek | 1960 | Liberty.Rule of law.Social policy. |
G1 | Constructing Local Theologies | Orbis Books, | Robert J. Schreiter | 1985 | Catholic Church — Doctrines.Église catholique — Doctrines.Catholic Church. |
K4 | Construction of nationhood, The : ethnicity, religion, and nationalism | Cambridge University Press | Adrian Hastings | 1997 | Hobsbawm, E. J. — (Eric J.), — 1917-2012. — Nations and nationalism since 1780.Nationalism — History.Nationalism — Religious aspects. |
G3 | Constructive theology : a contemporary approach to classical themes with CD-ROM | Fortress Press, | Serene Jones and Paul Lakeland, eds | 2005 | Theology, Doctrinal.Theologie. |
D3 | Contemporary debates in applied ethics | Blackwell Pub. | Andrew I Cohen; Christopher Heath Wellman | 2005 | Applied ethics. Éthique appliquée. Angewandte Ethik Praktische Ethik. |
B4 | Contesting spirit : Nietzsche, affirmation, religion | Princeton University Press | Tyler T Roberts | 1998 | Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900 — Religion.Religion — Philosophy — History — 19th century.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY — Religious.View all subjects |
J6 | Contextual application of Christian social teaching on political ethics : in the light of the pronouncements of the bishops of Africa and Madagascar in the era of globalisation : with particular reference to English-speaking sub-Saharan Africa | P. Lang, | Polycarp Chuks Obikwelu | 2006 | Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar.Catholic Church. — Pope (1878-1903 : Leo XIII). — Rerum novarum.Catholic Church. — Pope (1978-2005 : John Paul II). — Sollicitudo rei socialis |
G4 | Contextual Theology for the Twenty-First Century | Pickwick Publications | Stephen B. Bevans & Katalina Tahaafe…, eds | 2011 | Christianity and culture.Missions.Mission of the church. |
M4 | Continuity and Change in Indonesian Islam | Yale Univerxsity | Harry J. Benda | 1965 | Islam in Indonesia |
A4 | Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments | Crossway Books | John S, Feinberg,. | 1988 | Bible. — New Testament — Relation to the Old Testament.New Testament — Relation to the Bible.Johnson, S. Lewis. |
N5 | Contours of mass violence in Indonesia, 1965-68, The | Asian Studies Association of Australia | Douglas Kammen, Katherine McGregor, eds | 2012 | Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997- |
L4 | Contre vents et marées : mélanges offerts à Pierre Berthoud et Paul Wells | Kerygma ; Charols : Excelsis | Melanges …. | 2014 | Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
A5 | Conversion in the New Testament: Paul and the Twelve | William B. Eerdmans Publishing | Peace,Richard V. | 1999 | Bible. — New Testament — Biography.Conversion — Biblical teaching.Christian converts — Palestine — Biography. |
B4 | Cornelius Van Til : an Analysis of His Thought | P & R Pub. | Frame,John M Til, Cornelius Van | 1995 | Van Til, Cornelius, — 1895-1987.Apologetics — History — 20th century.Presbyterian Church — Doctrines — History — 20th century. |
T4 | Cornelius van Til: suatu analisis terhadap pemikirannya | Momentum | John M. Frame | 2002 | Cornelius van Til — analysis |
I5 | Correcting the Cults, expert responses to their scripture twisting | Baker Books | Norman L Geisler; Ron Rhodes | 2005. ©199 | Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Bible — Commentaries.Cults — Controversial literature — Handbooks, manuals, etc. |
L1 | Corrosion of character, The : the personal consequences of work in the new capitalism | Norton, | Richard Sennett | 1998 | Working class — United States.Work ethic — United States.Labor — United States. |
D2 | Cosmopolitanism Ethics in a world of stranger | Allen Lane | Kwame Anthony Appiah | 2006 | Ethics |
F4 | Cost of Discipleship, The | Touchstone | Dietrich Bonhoeffer | 1995 | Sermon on the mount — Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
C4 | Countering the claims of evangelical feminism | Multnomah Publishers | Wayne Grudem | 2006 | Bible and feminism.Evangelicalism. |
K6 | Countries at the crossroads : a survey of democratic governance | Freedom House ; Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | Sanja Kelly, Christhoper Walker,.. Eds | 2008 | Democracy — Case studies.Representative government and representation — Case studies.Democracy. |
J5 | Courage of faith : Dag Hammarskjöld’s Way in quest of negotiated peace, reconciliation and meaning | Lang | Paul R. Nelson | 2007 | Hammarskjöld, Dag, — 1905-1961 — Religion. |
H4 | Courage to be Protestant, The : truth-lovers, marketers, and emergents in the postmodern world | William B. Eerdmans Pub | David F Wells | 2008 | Evangelicalism. |
C6 | Covenant and eschatology : the divine drama | Westminster John Knox Press | Horton, Michael Scott | 2002 | Theology — Methodology — 20th century.Covenant theology.Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Theology — Methodology.Bund GottesEschatologieVerbond.Eschatologie.Taalhandelingen.Geschiedenis.God.Eschatology. |
I6 | Covenant for a new creation : ethics, religion, and public policy | Orbis Books : Graduate Theological Union | Carol S. Robb & Carl J. Casebolt, eds | 1991 | Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Environmental ethics.Creation. |
A6 | Covenant of Peace : The Missing Peace in New Testament Theology and Ethics | William B. Eerdmans Publishing | Swartley,Willard M. | 2006 | Bible. — New Testament — Theology.Peace — Biblical teaching.Christian ethics — Biblical teaching. |
G2 | Covenant theology : John Murray’s and Meredith G. Kline’s response to the historical development of federal theology in reformed thought | University Press of America, | Jeong Koo Jeon | 1999 | Murray, John, — 1898-1975.Kline, Meredith G.Covenant theology — History of doctrines — 20th century. |
B5 | Covenantal apologetics : principles and practice in defense of our faith | Crossway, | K Scott Oliphint | 2013 | Apologetics.Reformed Church — Doctrines.RELIGION — Christian Theology — Apologetics. |
F4 | Created in God’s Image | Eerdmans ; Exeter, UK : Paternoster Press | Anthony A, Hoekema | 1986 | Theological anthropology — Christianity.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Reformierte Kirche |
K4 | Creating a World without poverty, social business and the future of capitalism | PublicAffairs | Muhammad Yunus; Karl Weber | 2007 | Social entrepreneurship.Social responsibility of business.Industries — Social aspects. |
G1 | Creation | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | Hans Schwarz | 2002 | Religion and science.Creation.Schepping. |
I6 | Creation out of nothing : a biblical, philosophical, and scientific exploration | Apollos, Baker Academic | Paul Copan & William L Craig | 2004 | Creation — History of doctrines.Cosmology.Religion and science. |
J5 | Creation out of nothing : a biblical, philosophical, and scientific exploration | Apollos ; Baker Academic | Paul Copan & William Lane Craig | Creation — History of doctrines.Cosmology.Religion and science. | |
D6 | Creation regained : biblical basics for a Reformational worldview | William B. Eerdmans Pub., | Albert M Wolters | 2005 | Biblical cosmology. |
H3 | Creation regained : biblical basics for a Reformational worldview | William B. Eerdmans Pub | Alberts M Wolters | 2005 | Biblical cosmology.Economy of God.Reformed Church — Doctrines. |
O4 | Creeping coup d’etat Mayjen Suharto | Media Pressindo | Sukmawati Sukarno | 2011 | Sukarno, Sukmawati, — 1951-Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Last years.Soeharto, — 1921-2008. |
N5 | Creole Identity in Postcolonial Indonesia | Berghahn Books | Jacqueline Knörr | 2014 | Ethnicity — Indonesia — Jakarta. Creoles — Indonesia — Jakarta — Ethnic identity. Creoles — Indonesia — Jakarta — Social conditions. |
R1 | Crises in Modern Thought: menyelami kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dalam lingkup filsafat dan hukum kodrat | PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama | J. Donald Walters | 2003 | Philosophy and science.Meaning (Philosophy)Relativity. |
M1 | Crisis of Islam, The : holy war and unholy terror | Weidenfeld & Nicolson | Bernard Lewis | 2003 | Jihad.Terrorism — Religious aspects — Islam.War — Religious aspects — Islam. |
N1 | Crisis of secularism in India, The | Duke University Press | Anuradha Dingwaney Needham | 2007 | Secularism — India. |
C6 | Critique of Practical Reason | Dover Publications | Immanuel Kant | 2004 | Practical reason.Raison pratique. |
C6 | Critique of Pure Reason | Prometheus Books | Immanuel Kant; J M D Meiklejohn | 1990 | Knowledge, Theory of.Reason.Causation. |
D6 | Cross and salvation, The | Crossway Books | Bruce Demarest | 2006 | Salvation. |
E2 | Cross of Christ, The | InterVarsity Press | John R.W Stott | 1986 | Jesus Christ — Crucifixion.Jesus Christ. |
A3 | Cross Words: The Biblical Doctrine of the Atonement | Christian Focus | Wells,Paul | 2006 | Jesus Christ — Crucifixion — Biblical teaching.Jesus Christ.Atonement — Biblical teaching. |
H3 | Cross-cultural servanthood : serving the world in Christlike humility | IVP Books | Duane Elmer | 2006 | Jesus Christ — Servanthood.Jesus Christ.Service (Theology) |
E2 | Crucified Guru, The: an experiment in cross-cultural christology | Abingdon Press, | M. Thomas Thangaraj | 1994 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices. |
L2 | Crying for justice : what the Psalms teach us about mercy and vengeance in an age of terrorism | Inter-Varsity Press ; Kregel | John N. Day | 2005 | Bible. — Psalms — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible. — Psalms.Mercy. |
C3 | Cultural change and biblical faith : the future of the Church ; biblical and missiological essays for the new century | Paternoster | Drane, John | 2000 | Missions — Theory.Christianity and culture. |
N5 | Culture and Politics in Indonesia | Equinox Pub. | Claire Holt, ed | 2007 | Indonesia — Civilization.Indonesia — Politics and government.Political sociology. |
J6 | Culture making : recovering our creative calling | IVP Books | Andy Crouch | 2008 | Bible — Study and teaching.Bible.Christianity and culture. |
E1 | Culture matters : a call for consensus on Christian cultural engagement | Brazos Press | TM Moore | 2007 | Christianity and culture. |
J1 | Culture matters : how values shape human progress | Basic Books | Lawrence E. Harrison & Samuel P. Huntington | 2000 | Social values.Culture.Social Values. |
K5 | culture of narcissism, The : American life in an age of diminishing expectations | W.W. Norton | Christopher Lasch | 1991, ©1979. | United States — Social conditions — 1960-1980.Social values.United States — Moral conditions. |
N4 | culture of the Chinese minority in Indonesia, The | Marshall Cavendish Academic | Leo Suryadinata | 2004 | Chinese — Indonesia. |
K5 | Culture shift : engaging current issues with timeless truth | Multnomah Books | R. Albert Mohler | 2008 | United States — Church history.Christianity and culture — United States.Christianity and politics — United States. |
K6 | Culture troubles : politics and the interpretation of meaning | Hurst | Patrick Chabal & Jean-Pascal Daloz | 2006 | Politics and culture.Political culture.Culture conflict. |
J5 | Da Vinci code, The : a novel | Doubleday | Dan Brown | 2004 | Leonardo, — da Vinci, — 1452-1519 — Appreciation — Fiction.Art museum curators — Crimes against — Fiction.Secret societies — Fiction. |
Q1 | Daerah khusus dalam perspektif NKRI : telaah yuridis terhadap otonomi khusus bagi Provinsi Papua | Konstitusi Press | Yohanis Anton Raharusun | 2009 | Local government — Law and legislation — Indonesia — Papua.Papua (Indonesia) — Politics and government.Local government — Law and legislation. |
P5 | Dalam Bayang-bayang LENIN: enam pemikiran Marxisme dari Lenin sampai Tan Malaka | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 2003 | Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, — 1870-1924.Malaka, Tan.Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, — 1870-1924 |
P3 | Dalih Pembunuhan Massal: gerakan 30 september dan kudeta Suharto | Institutu Sejaraj Sosial Indonesia | John Roosa | 2008 | G 30 S — communism — Soeharto coup — Indonesia |
T6 | Damai Adalah Satu-satunya Jalan: kumpulan tulisan tentang nir-kekerasan dari fellowship of reconciliation | BPK Gunung Mulia | Walter Wink | 2009 | essays — peace — non-violence |
O4 | Damai Bersama Gus Dur | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Rumadi, editor | 2010 | Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography. |
S5 | Damai Bersama Gus Dur | Wahid Institute : Penerbit Buku Kompas | Wahid Institute.; Penerbit Buku Kompas | 2010 | Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography. |
R5 | Damai untuk Perdamaian | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Irwan Suhanda, editor | 2006 | Peace — Religious aspects.Religious pluralism — Indonesia.Religious tolerance — Indonesia. |
M1 | Dangerous words : talking about God in an age of fundamentalism | Trumpeter | Gary Eberle | 2007 | Language and languages — Religious aspects.God. |
Q3 | Dari daulat tuanku ke daulat rakyat : pembangunan manusia : pelita hati | Penerbit Universitas Indonesia | Sri Edi Swasono | 1992 | Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Economic history. |
R5 | Dari Jawa Menuju AtjehL: kumpulan tulisan tentang politik Islam, dan Gay | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia | Linda Christanty | 2009 | Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Politics and government.18.94 Indonesian and Malay language and/or literature. |
P3 | Dari Kosmolog ke Dialog: mengenal batas pengetahuan, menentang fanatisme | Mizan, | Karlina Supeli | 2011 | Indonesia–Religion |
S4 | Dari Neomodernisme ke Islam Liberal | Paramadina | Abd A’la | 2003 | Islamic modernism — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia.Rahman, Fazlur, — 1919-1988. |
O3 | Dari Penjara ke Penjara, autobiographi Tan Malaka | Narasi | Tan Malaka | 2017 | Indonesia — Tan Malaka |
R5 | Dari presiden ke presiden : kartun opini Benny Rachmadi di mingguan & harian Kontan, 1998-2009 | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerjasama dengan Mingguan & Harian Kontan | Benny Rachmadi | 2009 | Political satire, Indonesian.Presidents — Indonesia — Caricatures and cartoons.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- — Caricatures and cartoons. |
Q3 | Dari Radikalisme menuju terorisme | Pustaka Masyarakat Setara ; Setara Institute | Ismail Hasani, Bonar Tigor N, ed | 2012 | radicalism — terorism — Islam — Indonesia |
P6 | Dari Revolusi ke Pembangunan | BPK Gunung Mulia dalam kerjasama dengan Penerbit Patenta Sejati | TB Simatupang | 1987 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Politics and governmentIndonesia. |
O4 | Dari Soekarno sampai SBY : intrik & lobi politik para penguasa | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Tjipta Lesmana | 2009 | Presidents — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1945-Politics and government |
T5 | Dari Subuh Hingga Malam: perjalanan seorang putra Minang mencari jalan kebenaran | BPK Gunung Mulia | Abdul Wadud Karim Amarullah | 2011 | Amrullah, Abdul Wadud Karim, — 1927-Protestant converts — Indonesia — Biography.Minangkabau (Indonesian people) — Biography. |
L5 | Darwin on Trial | InterVarsity Press | Phillip E. Johnson | 1993 | Darwin, Charles, — 1809-1882. |
R5 | Dasar-dasar Ilmu Politik | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Miriam Budiardjo | 2005 | political studies |
H3 | Dawkins delusion, The : atheist fundamentalism and the denial of the divine | SPCK | Alister E. McGrath | 2007 | Dawkins, Richard, — 1941- — God delusion.Irreligion.Atheism. |
I1 | Dawn of the Reformation, The : essays in late medieval and early Reformation thought | W.B. Eerdmans | Heiko A. Oberman | 1992 | Reformation.Religious thought — Middle Ages, 600-1500.Religious thought — Middle Ages. |
A2 | Dead Sea Scrolls Today, The | Eerdmans | VanderKam,James C. | 1994 | Dead Sea scrolls.Bible. — Old Testament — Criticism, Textual.Dead Sea scrolls — Relation to the New Testament. |
D3 | Death Of Character, The : Moral Education In An Age Without Good Or Evil | Basic Books | Hunter, James Davison | 2008 | Character.Education — Social aspects — United States.Moral education — United States. |
K4 | Declaration of the rights of man and of citizens, The | hard press | Georg Jellinek | 2016 | Natural law. |
N3 | Decline of constitutional democracy in Indonesia, The | Equinox Pub | Herbert Feith | 2007 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966. |
J1 | Decline of The West, The | Vintage Books | Oswald Spengler | 2006 | Civilization — History.Civilization. |
F1 | Deconstructing evangelicalism : conservative Protestantism in the age of Billy Graham | Baker Academic | D.G Hart | 2004 | Evangelicalism — United States — History — 20th century.Conservatism — Religious aspects — Christianity — History — 20th century.United States — Church history — 20th century. |
L1 | Deconstruction and the ‘unfinished project of modernity’ | Athlone | Christopher Norris | 2000 | Postmodernism.Deconstruction.Wissenschaftsphilosophie |
H3 | Deep Religious Pluralism | Westminster John Knox Press | David Ray Griffin | 2005 | Religious pluralism — Congresses.Religious pluralism.Religiöser Pluralismus. |
F5 | Defenders of God : the fundamentalist revolt against the modern age | University of South Carolina Press | Bruce B. Lawrence | 1995 | Religious fundamentalism.11.05 sociology of religion. |
A2 | Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New Generation | Baker Books | Geisler,Norman L. Roach,William C. | 2011 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible – Evidences, Authority, etc.Bible. |
C2 | Defense of the faith, The | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co. | Van Til, Cornelius | 1967 | Apologetics.Apologetics — History — 20th century.Reformed Church — Controversial literature. |
O6 | Dekade Keserakahan, Era 90-an dan awal mula petaka ekonomi dunia | Marjin Kiri | Joseph E. Stiglitz | 2006 | capitalism — America — developing countries |
Q3 | Dekolonisasi Indonesia | Pustaka Aset | C. Smit | 1986 | decolonization — Indonesia |
S1 | Demi ayat Tuhan : upaya KPPSI menegakkan syariat Islam | Open Society Institute | Andi Muawiyah Ramly | 2006 | Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam.Adat law — Indonesia — Sulawesi Selatan.Islamic law — Indonesia — Sulawesi Selatan. |
M3 | Democracy & Islam in Indonesia | Columbia University Press | Mirjam Kunkler & Alfred Stepan | 2013 | Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democratization — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
K6 | Democracy & Tradition | Princeton University Press ; Hebrew Union College Press | Jeffrey Stout | 2004 | Religion and politics — United States.Democracy — Religious aspects.United States — Religion. |
K4 | Democracy and difference : contesting the boundaries of the political | Princeton University Press | Seyla Benhabib, ed | 1996 | Droits de l’homme (Droit international) — Aspect religieux. |
J1 | Democracy and education : an introduction to the philosophy of education | Dover Publications | John Dewey | 2004 | Education — Philosophy. |
K3 | Democracy in America : and Two essays on America | Penguin | Alexis de Tocqueville | 2003 | United States — Politics and government. |
K4 | Democracy in Asia, Europe, and the world : toward a universal definition? | Marshall Cavendish Academic | Chung-Si Ahn & Bertrand Fort | 2006 | Democracy — Asia — Congresses.Democracy — Europe — Congresses.Democratization — Asia — Congresses. |
K4 | Democracy matters : winning the fight against imperialism | The Penguin Press | Cornel West | 2004 | Democracy.Imperialism.Democracy — United States. |
M2 | Democracy without democrats? : the renewal of politics in the Muslim world | I.B. Tauris Publishers | Ghassan Salame, ed | 1994 | Democracy — Arab countries.Arab countries — Politics and government.Islam and politics — Arab countries. |
K2 | Democratic Century, The | University of Oklahoma Press | Seymour Martin Lipset & Jason M. Lakin | 2004 | Democracy — History — 20th century. |
J1 | Democratic revolutions : Asia and Eastern Europe | Routledge | Mark R Thompson | 2004 | J |
N4 | Democratising Indonesia : the challenges of civil society in the era of Reformasi | NIAS Press | Mikaela Nyman | 2006 | Civil society — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
N3 | Democratization from below : protest events and regime change in Indonesia, 1997-1998 | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Denny Januar Ali | 2006 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democratization — Indonesia.Demonstrations — Indonesia. |
E2 | Democratization of American Christianity, The | Yale University Press | Nathan O. Hatch | 1989 | United States — Church history — 19th century.Democracy — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines — 19th century.Democracia — Aspectos religiosos — Cristianismo — Historia de las doctrinas — Siglo XIX. |
R2 | Demokrasi dalam Cermin | Freedom Institute dan Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Alan Ehrenhalt | 2006 | politiek grass root — reformation — United States |
P6 | Demokrasi dan Civil Society | LP3ES | Muhammad AS Hikam | 1996 | Indonesia — democracy, civil society |
Q4 | Demokrasi Indonesia, visi dan Praktek: opini harian Kompas | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Denny JA | 2006 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — History — 1998-Democracy — Indonesia. |
P1 | Demokrasi Kita | Pandji Masyarakat | Mohammad Hatta | democracy — indonesia | |
Q4 | Demokrasi Konstitusional: pikiran dan gagasan Adnan Buyung Nasution | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Adnan Buyung Nasution | 2010 | Constitutional law — Indonesia.Democracy — Indonesia.Constitutional law. |
S1 | Demokrasi Religius: Pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid dan M. Amien Rais | Teraju | Idris Thaha | 2005 | Nurcholish Madjid — Amien Rais — politics |
Q2 | Demokrasi Substansial: risalah kebangkrutan liberalisme | Penerbit Koekoesan | Donny Gahral Adian | 2010 | democracy — liberalism |
P1 | Demokrasi Tanpa Representasi: Masalah dan pilihan Demokrasi di empat daerah | Demos | Otto Adi Yulianto, dkk | 2012 | democratie |
Q2 | Demokrasi untuk Indonesia: Pemikiran Politik Bung Hatta | Kompas | Zulfikri Suleman | 2010 | Democracy in Indonesia |
R4 | Demokratisasi Ekonomi & Pertumbuhan Politik | Penerbit Kanisius | Loekman Soetrisno | 1997 | Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Economic history. |
J5 | Demythologizing and history | SCM Press Ltd | Friedrich Gogarten | 1955 | Demythologizing and history |
R1 | Dengan Hati Menuju Tempat Tertinggi | Elex Media Komputindo | Gede Prama | 2001 | love |
P4 | Departemen Agama dan Hubungan Agama-agama di Indonesia | BPK GUnung Mulia | Weinata Sairin | 2000 | Indonesia — religions — relation |
G4 | Depth of the riches, The : a Trinitarian theology of religious ends | W.B. Eerdmans | S. Mark Heim | 2001 | Theology of religions (Christian theology)Trinity.Théologie des religions. |
L1 | Dereliction of Duty : the Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Securit | Regnery Pub | Robert Patterson | 2004, ©2003 | Just war doctrine. |
H2 | Derrida and Religion, other testaments | Routledge | Yvonne Sherwood & Kevin Hart | 2005 | Derrida, Jacques.Religion — Philosophy. |
B5 | Descartes : the World and Other Writings | Cambridge University Press | Descartes, René Gaukroger, Stephen | 1998 | Optics — Early works to 1800.Meteors — Early works to 1800.Physiology — Early works to 1800 |
N1 | Desecularization of the world, The : resurgent religion and world politics | Ethics and Public Policy Center ; W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Peter L Berger | 1999 | Religion and politics — Congresses.Secularism — Congresses.Religion and politics. |
J1 | Despair and hope for our time | Pilgrim Press | Friedrich Gogarten | 1970 | secularization |
K5 | Developing cultures : essays on cultural change | Routledge, | Lawrence E. Harrison and Jerome Kagan | 2006 | Progress.Social values.Social change. |
K5 | Developing Cultures: Case Studies | Routledge, | Lawrence E. Harrison and Peter L. Berger | 2006 | Progress — Case studies.Social change — Case studies.Acculturation — Case studies. |
Q2 | Developing democracy : toward consolidation | IRE Press | Larry Jay Diamond; Sutoro Eko; A A G N Ari Dwipayana | 2003 | Democracy — History — 20th century.World politics — 1989-Democracy. |
L2 | Development as freedom | Knopf | Amartya Sen | 1999 | Economic development. |
P5 | Dewan Revolusi PKI | Sinar Harapan | Hendro Subroto | 2007 | Indonesia — PKI — communist |
D5 | Dialectics of secularization : on reason and religion | Ignatius Press | Jurgen Habermas, Joseph Ratzinger | 2006 | Catholic Church — Doctrines.Democracy — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.Christianity and law. |
D5 | Dialectics of secularization : on reason and religion | Ignatius Press | Jurgen Habermas, Joseph Ratzinger | 2006 | Catholic Church — Doctrines.Democracy — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.Christianity and law. |
O1 | Dialektika Marxis: sejarah & kesadaran kelas | Ar-ruz Media | Georg Lukacs | 2011 | Marxism |
O1 | Dialektika Pencerahan: mencari identitas manusia rasional | IRCiSoD | Max Horkheimer & Theodor W. Adorno | 2014 | positivisme Barat — saintisisme Marxis |
P4 | Dialog Antar Umat Beragama; Membangun pilar-pilar keindonesiaan yang kukuh | BPK Gunung Mulia | Weinata Sairin, FW Raintung,…, eds | 1994 | Indoneisia — dialogue — religion |
T1 | Dialog Antarumat Beragama | BPK Gunung Mulia, | Olaf H. Schumann | 2008 | Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Islam.Religions — Relations. |
S5 | Dialog antarumat beragama : gagasan dan praktik di Indonesia | Penerbit Mizan | Johannes B Banawiratma | 2010 | Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Islam.Religions — Relations.View all subjects |
Q2 | Dialog di Dunia Maya: titian amarah, kecaman, hujatan dan simpati | Komunitas Eden | salamullah | 2006 | salamullah — lia eden — islam — Indonesia |
P5 | Dialog: Kritik & Identitas Agama | Dian/interfidei | Abdurrahman Wahid, dkk | 1993 | Indonesia — dialogue — interfaith |
O4 | Dibawah Bendera Revolusi (Jilid Kedua) | Penerbit Media Pressindo | Ir Sukarno | 2015 | Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Political and social views.Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Philosophy.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1798-1942. |
O4 | Dibawah Bendera Revolusi (Jilid Pertama) | Penerbit Media Pressindo | Ir Sukarno | 2015 | Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Political and social views.Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Philosophy.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1798-1942. |
K4 | Dictatorship in history and theory : Bonapartism, Caesarism, and totalitarianism | Cambridge University Press | Peter Baehr & Melvin Richter | 2004 | Dictatorship — History.Dictatorship — Europe — History.Authoritarianism — History. |
A1 | Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible | Baker Book Huouse Company | Vanhoozer,Kevin J. Bartholomew,Craig G. Treier,Daniel J. Wright,N.T. | 2005 | Bible — Theology — Dictionaries.Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — Dictionaries.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, Etc. – Dictionaries. |
A4 | Dictionary for theological interpretation of the Bible | SPCK and Baker Academic | Vanhoozer, Kevin J. Craig G. Bartholomew Daniel J. Treier N. T. Wright | 2005 | Bible — Theology — Dictionaries.Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — Dictionaries.Bible — Théologie — Dictionnaires anglais. |
B1 | Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion : Eastern and Western Thought | Humanity Books | Reese, William L | 1996 | Philosophy — Dictionaries.Religion — Dictionaries.Philosophie — Dictionnaires anglais. |
H1 | Dictionary of Roman Religion | Oxford University Press | Lesley Adkins & Roy A Adkins | 2000 | Rome — Religion — Dictionaries.Roma — Din — Sözlük.Religion. |
D4 | Dictionary of scripture and ethics | Baker Academic | Joel B Green; Jacqueline E Lapsley; Rebekah Miles; Allen Verhey | 2011 | Bibel Ethics in the Bible — Dictionaries. Christian ethics — Biblical teaching — Dictionaries. Christian ethics — Biblical teaching. Ethics in the Bible. Ethik |
B2 | Dictionary of the Old Testament Pentateuch | InterVarsity Press | T Desmond Alexander; David W Baker | 2003 | Bible. — Pentateuch — Dictionaries.Bible. — Pentateuch |
F3 | Did God really command genocide? : coming to terms with the justice of God | Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group | Paul Copan & Matthew Flannagan | 2014 | Ethnicity in the Bible.Genocide — Biblical teaching.Genocide — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
R4 | Dinamika Ekonomi Minus Kesejahteraan | Center for Information and Development Studies | Mukhaer Pakkanna & M Solihat, eds | 2008 | Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-Indonesia — Economic policy.Economic history. |
E2 | Disciples of all nations : pillars of world Christianity | Oxford University Press | Lamin Sanneh | 2008 | Church history — 20th century.Church history — 21st century.Christianity — 20th century. |
E2 | Disciples of all nations: Pillars of world christianity | Oxford University Press | Lamin Sanneh | 2008 | Theology, Doctrinal — History. |
I4 | Disciplinary revolution, The : Calvinism and the rise of the state in early modern Europe | University of Chicago Press | Philip S. Gorski | 2003 | Christian sociology — Reformed Church — History.Church and state — Reformed Church — History.Church and state — Europe — History. |
J3 | Discipline and punish : the birth of the prison | Vintage Books | Michael Foucault | 1995 | Prisons.Prisons — History.Prison discipline. |
F5 | Disciplines of a Godly Man | Crossway Books | R. Kent Hughes | 2001 | Discipline — Religious aspects — Christianity.Spiritual life — Christianity.Christian men — Religious life. |
T3 | Diskursus Hubungan Agama dan Negara: respons gereja terhadap Perda Syariat | BPK Gunung Mulia : Bidang Marturia, Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia | Bidang Marturia PGI | 2014 | Islamic law — Indonesia.Municipal corporations — Indonesia.Indonesia — Religious life and customs. |
D1 | Disruptive grace : studies in the theology of Karl Barth | William B. Eerdmans | George Hunsinger | 2001 | Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Barth, Karl — Theologie. |
D6 | Dissemination | The Athlone Press | Jacques Derrida | 2000 | Philosophie — literature –language |
J6 | Distinctive character of the Free University in Amsterdam, 1880-2005, The : a commemorative history | William B. Eerdmans | Arie Theodorus van Deursen | 2008 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.Universities and colleges — Netherlands — Amsterdam — History.Universities and colleges. |
A1 | Divine Authenticity of Scripture, The | Inter Varsity Press | McGowan,A. T. B. | 2007 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.Bibel |
I6 | divine challenge, The : on matter, mind, math, and meaning | Banner of Truth Trust | John Byl | 2004 | Religion and science.God.Mathematics. |
A4 | Divine Covenant and Moral Order: A Biblical Theology of Natural Law | William B. Eerdmans Publishing | VanDrunen,David | 2014 | Christianity and law.Law (Theology)Natural law — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
D4 | Divine covenants and moral order : a biblical theology of natural law | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. | VanDrunen, David | 2014 | Christianity and law.Law (Theology)Natural law — Religious aspects — Christianity.Bibel — Altes TestamentBiblische TheologieBund GottesNaturrechtTheology.Christianity.Natural law.Protestantism.Bible. |
H2 | Divine discourse : philosophical reflections on the claim that God speaks | Cambridge University Press | Nicholas Wolterstorff | 1995 | Word of God (Christian theology)Speech acts (Linguistics) — Religious aspects — Christianity.Parole de Dieu (Théologie) |
I5 | Divine foreknowledge : four views | InterVarsity Press | James K Beilby & Paul R. Eddy | 2001 | God (Christianity) — Omniscience.Free will and determinism.Vrije wil. |
A3 | Divine Spiration of Scripture, The : Challenging Evangelical Perspectives | Apollos | McGowan,A. T. B. | 2007 | Bible — Inspiration.Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible. |
D2 | Do morals matter? : a guide to contemporary religious ethics | Blackwell Pub. | Markham, Ian S | 2007 | Ethical problems. Christian ethics. Christliche Ethik. Ethik. Religion. Christliche Ethik |
E2 | Do No Harm: social sin and christian responsibility | Fortress Press | Stephen G Ray Jr | 2003 | Sin — Christianity — Social aspects — Terminology.Protestant churches — Doctrines — Terminology.Language and languages — Religious aspects — Christianity |
F5 | Do we worship the same God? : Jews, Christians, and Muslims in dialogue | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Miroslav Volf, ed | 2012 | God.Abrahamic religions.Religions — Relations. |
F5 | Doctrine of God, The : a global introduction | Baker Academic | Veli-Matti Karkkainen | 2004 | God (Christianity)Theology, Doctrinal.Godsleer. |
I2 | doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the major Reformed confessions and catechisms of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, The | Langham Monographs | Yuzo Adhinarta | 2012 | Holy Spirit — History of doctrines — 16th century.Holy Spirit — History of doctrines — 17th century.Reformed Church — Catechisms. |
F6 | Doctrine of the word of GOD, The | P & R Pub | John M Frame | 2010 | Word of God (Christian theology) |
F6 | Does Human Rights need GOD? | William B. Eerdmans Pub | Elizabeth M Bucar & Barbara Barnet | 2005 | Human rights — Religious aspects.Human rights.Droits de l’homme (Droit international) — Aspect religieux. |
I3 | Does the Reformation Still Matter? | The Calvin College Press, | Karin Maag | 2016 | Reformation.Church history — 16th century.Religion — Church history. |
B4 | Doing well and doing good : money, giving, and caring in a free society | NavPress | Os Guinness; Ginger Koloszyc | 2001 | Charity. |
T1 | Doktrin Pengetahuan tentang Allah, 2: metode pengetahuan | Literatur SAAT | John M. Frame | 2004 | God |
T1 | Doktrin Pengetahuan tentang Allah, Jilid I: Objek pengetahuan dan justifikasi pengetahuan | Literatur SAAT | John M. Frame | 1999 | God; doctrine |
P4 | Dokumen Keesaan Gereja Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia (DKG-PGI) : Keputusan Sidang Raya XIV PGI, Wisma Kinasih, 29 November-5 Desember 2004 | BPK Gunung Mulia | Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia. Sidang Raya | 2006 | Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity.Indonesia. |
T3 | Dokumen Keesaan Gereja: Persekutuan gereja-gereja di Indonesia (DKG-PGI) | BPK Gunung Mulia | PGI | 2006 | Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity.Indonesia. |
G1 | Domestication of transcendence, The : how modern thinking about God went wrong | Westminster John Knox Press, | William C. Placher | 1996 | God (Christianity) — History of doctrines.Theology, Doctrinal — History — Modern period, 1500-Philosophy, Modern. |
C3 | Dominance of evangelicalism, The : the age of Spurgeon and Moody | Inter-Varsity Press | Bebbington, David | 2005 | Evangelicalism — History — 19th century.Evangelicalism.Evangelischen. |
O2 | Dominasi Maskulin | Jalasutra | Pierre Bourdieu | 2010 | Dominance (Psychology)Men — Psychology.Sexism. |
T2 | Dosa dan Kebudayaan | Institut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia] | Stephen Tong | 1997 | Fall of man.Theological anthropology.Sin. |
T2 | Dosa dan Kebudayaan | Institut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia] | Stephen Tong | 1997 | Fall of man.Theological anthropology.Sin. |
T2 | Dosa Keadilan & Penghakiman | Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia | Stephen Tong | 2003 | Sin |
T2 | Dosa Keadilan & Penghakiman | Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia | Stephen Tong | 2003 | Sin |
O3 | Dr. Johannes Leimena, negarawan sejati & politisi berhati nurani | PT BPK Gunung Mulia | Victor Silaen, dkk, peny | 2007 | Leimena, J. — (Johannes), — 1905-1977.Leimena, Johannes, — 1905-1977.Physicians — Indonesia — Biography. |
L4 | Dragons at your door : how Chinese cost innovation is disrupting global competition | Harvard Business School Press | Ming Zeng, Peter J. Williamson | 2007 | Industries — China.Costs, Industrial — China.Industrial policy — China. |
A6 | Drama of Scripture, The | Baker Academic | Craig G Bartholomew; Michael W Goheen | 2004 | Bible — History of Biblical events.Bible – History of Biblical events.Bible. N.T. – Relation To The Old Testament. |
T6 | Ds. WJ Rumambi Setelah Fajar Merekah | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Aristides Katoppo; W J Rumambi | 1994 | Protestant churches — Indonesia.Rumambi, W. J. — (Wilhelm Johanis), — 1916-1984.11.55 Protestantism. |
Q5 | Dua Belas Kaisar | PT Elex Media Komputindo | Suetonius | 2012 | World politics — 21st century. |
C5 | Dual citizens : worship and life between the already and the not yet | Reformation Trust Pub | Jason J Stellman | 2009 | Reformed Church — Doctrines. |
O4 | Duel SBY-Mega | Indonesia Press | Samsul Muarif, Ian Suherlan | 2009 | Presidents — Indonesia — Election — 2009.Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, — 1949-Soekarnoputri, Megawati, — 1947- |
T4 | Dunia Sosial Kekristenan Mula-mula | BPK Gunung Mulia | John Stambaugh – David Balch | 2004 | christianity — social |
P3 | Duri kemerdekaan Timor Timur: rekonsiliasi yang tidak tuntas | Verbum Publishing | Peter Tukan | 2007 | East Timor |
J2 | Dust of death, The : the Sixties counterculture and how it changed America forever | Crossway Books | Os Guinness | 1994 | Civilization, Modern — 1950-United States — Civilization — 1945-Christianity — United States — 20th century |
J4 | Dying of the light, The : the disengagement of colleges and universities from their Christian churches | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | James Tunstead Burtchaell | 1998 | Church and college — United States — History.Universities and colleges — United States — Religion.Christian universities and colleges — United States — History. |
N4 | Early kingdoms of the Indonesian archipelago and the Malay Peninsula | Editions Didier Millet | Paul Michel Munoz | 2006 | Malay Archipelago — History.Indonesia — History — To 1478.Malay Peninsula — History. |
J1 | East meets West : human rights and democracy in East Asia | Princeton University Press | Daniel A Bell | 2000 | Human rights — East Asia.Democracy — East Asia.Droits de l’homme (Droit international) — Extrême-Orient. |
T6 | Ecclesia Reformata Semper Reformanda: Dua belas tulisan mengenai Calvin dan calvinisme | BPK Gunung Mulia | Agustinus ML Batlajery & Th van den End | 2014 | essays — calvin — calvinisme |
L2 | Economic justice : selections from Distributive justice and A living wage | Westminster John Knox Press | John A. Ryan | 1996 | Economics — Religious aspects.Economics — Moral and ethical aspects.Distribution (Economic theory) |
E5 | Economics in Christian perspective : theory, policy and life choices | IVP Academic | Victor V. Claar & Robin J. Klav | 2007 | Economics — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
R4 | Economists with Guns Amerika Serikat, CIA dan munculnya pembangunan otoriter Rezim Orba | Kompas Gramedia | Bradley R. Simpson | 2008 | USA — CIA — New Order — Indonesia |
I5 | Ecumenical future, The : background papers for In one body through the Cross : the Princeton proposal for Christian unity | Eerdmans Pub. | Carl E Braaten & Robert W Jenson | 2004 | Ecumenical movement.Œcuménisme.Église — Catholicité |
G6 | Educating for Shalom, essays on christian higher education | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Nicholas Wolterstorff | 2004 | Christian education — Philosophy. |
E4 | Education, christianity and the state | Trinity Foundation | J. Gresham Machen | 1987 | Apologetics. |
C5 | Edwards in our time : Jonathan Edwards and the shaping of American religion | W.B. Eerdmans | Lee, Sang Hyun & Guelzo, Allen C. | 1999 | Theology — United States — History — 20th century. Edwards, Jonathan, — 1703-1758 — Influence Theology United States |
D1 | Eight theories of ethics | Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group | Graham, Gordon | 2004 | Ethics.Morale.CAS PO 223.Ethiek.EthikCGS HU 201. |
R4 | Ekonomi Kerakyatan | Yayasan Agro Ekonomika | Mubyarto | 2000 | Indonesia – people economic |
R4 | Ekonomi Pancasila: lintasan pemikiran Mubyarto | Aditya Media | Mubyarto | 1997 | Indonesia — Economic policy.Civics, Indonesian.Pancasila. |
Q! | Ekspedisi Tanah Papua: laporan jurnalistik Kompas | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Fandri Yuniarti; Chris Verdiansyah; Kompass Indonesia, P.T. | 2007 | Papua Barat (Indonesia) — Social life and customs.Papua Barat (Indonesia) — Social conditions.Manners and customs. |
R4 | Election Watch Meretas jalan demokrasi: talk show Denny JA Metro TV | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Denny J. A. | 2006 | Elections — Indonesia — History — 21st century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Television talk shows — Indonesia. |
N3 | Elections and Politics in Indonesia | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Leo Suryadinata | 2002 | Elections — Indonesia.Political parties — Indonesia.Presidents — Indonesia — Election. |
N1 | Elections in Indonesia : the new order and beyond | RoutledgeCurzon | Hans Antlöv; Sven Cederroth | 2004 | Elections — Indonesia. |
O2 | Elemen-elemen Semiologi | Jalasutra | Roland Barthes | 2012 | Semiology |
H1 | Elementary forms of the religious life, The | Free | Emile Durkheim | 1996 | Sociology — Philosophy.Religion and sociology. |
E5 | Elements of a Christian worldview | Logion Press, | Michael D Palmer, ed | 1998 | Christianity — 20th century. |
G4 | Embodyng forgiveness, a theological analysis | W.B. Eerdmans | L. Gregory Jones | 1995 | Forgiveness — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
N1 | Emergence of a national economy : an economic history of Indonesia, 1800-2000, The | Crows Nest | Howard Dick, Vincent | 2002 | Indonesia — Economic conditions.Indonésie — Conditions économiques.Wirtschaftsentwicklung. |
N5 | Emerging Democracy in Indonesia | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Aris Ananta; Evi Nurvidya Arifin; Leo Suryadinata; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. | 2005 | Democracy — Indonesia.Elections — Indonesia.Political parties — Indonesia. |
H1 | Eminent Lives Science & Religion in twentieth century | Peter Lang | Nicolaas A Rupke, ed | 2007 | Religion and science.Scientists — Religious life.Scientists — 20th century — Biography. |
R2 | Empat Esai Etika Politik | www.srimulyani.net & Salihara | F Budi Hardiman, Robertus Robert… | 2011 | essays — politiek — ethics |
K5 | Empire lite : nation building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan | Vintage | Michael Ignatieff | 2003 | United States — Foreign relations — 1989-Humanitarian intervention — Political aspects — United States.Bosnia and Herzegovina — Politics and government — 1992- |
N1 | Employment, living standards, and poverty in contemporary Indonesia | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Chris Manning; Sudarno Sumarto; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. | 2011 | Poverty — Indonesia — Congresses.Poverty — Government policy — Indonesia — Congresses.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1966-1997 — Congresses. |
T1 | Enam Belas Dokumen Besar Calvinisme | BPK Gunung Mulia | Th van den End | 2004 | Calvinsm |
P4 | Enam Belas Dokumen Dasar Calvinisme | BPK Gunung Mulia | Th van den End | 2004 | calvinism |
H1 | Encountering religious pluralism : the challenge to Christian faith & mission | InterVarsity Press | Harold Netland | 2001 | John Hick |
C5 | Encountering theology of mission : biblical foundations, historical developments, and contemporary issues | Baker Academic | Craig Ott; Stephen J Strauss; Timothy C Tennent | 2010 | Missions — Theory. Mission Missionstheologie Evangelikale Theologie Globalisierung |
G6 | Encyclopedia of sacred theology: it’s principles Abraham Kuyper | Abraham Kuyper | Theology, Doctrinal. | ||
L5 | Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas, The | Editions Didier Millet, | Lynn Pan | 2006 | Chinese — Foreign countries.China — Emigration and immigration.Emigration and immigration. |
C3 | End of faith,The : religion, terror, and the future of reason | Free Press | Harris, Sam | 2006 | Religion — Controversial literature.Terrorism — Religious aspects.Psychology, Religious |
L6 | End of history and the lastman, The | Free Press | Francis Fukuyama | 2006 | History — Philosophy.World politics — 1945-1989.08.45 political philosophy. |
M1 | End of innocence?, The : Indonesian Islam and the temptations of radicalism | NUS Press in association with IRASEC | Andree Feillard & Remy Madiner | 2011 | Islam — Indonesia — History — 20th century.Islam and politics — Indonesia — History — 20th century.Islam — Indonesia — History — 21st century. |
G2 | End of liberal theology, The : contemporary challenges to evangelical orthodoxy | Crossway Books | Peter Toon | 1995 | Liberalism (Religion)Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Evangelicalism. |
J5 | End of memory, The : remembering rightly in a violent world | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Miroslav Volf | 2006 | Memory — Religious aspects — Christianity.Reconciliation — Religious aspects — Christianity.Verzoening. |
J5 | End of memory, The : remembering rightly in a violent world | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Miroslav Volf | 2006 | Memory — Religious aspects — Christianity.Reconciliation — Religious aspects — Christianity.Verzoening. |
L5 | End of poverty, The : economic possibilities for our time | Penguin | Jeffrey Sachs | 2005 | Poverty.Economic history — 1750-1918.Economic history — 1918- |
J1 | End of time, The : religion, ritual, and the forging of the soul | Pilgrim Press | Richard K. Fenn | 1997 | Time — Social aspects.Rites and ceremonies.Time — Psychological aspects. |
A1 | Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures, The | Wm. B. Eerdmas Publising Co. | Carson, D.A. | 2016 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.BIBLES — General. |
M5 | Enemy within, The : combating corruption in Asia | Eastern Universities Press, | Simon S C Tay & Maria Seda, eds | 2003 | Corruption — Asia — Congresses.Corruption — Asia — Prevention — Congresses.Political corruption — Asia — Congresses. |
F2 | Engaging God’s world : a Christian vision of faith, learning, and living | W.B. Eerdmans, | Cornelius Plantinga Jr | 2002 | Calvin College. |
J5 | Engaging the powers : discernment and resistance in a world of domination | Fortress Press | Walter Wink | 1992 | Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Powers (Christian theology) — Biblical teaching.Good and evil — Biblical teaching. |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (1) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (10) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (11) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (12) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (13) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (14) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (15) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (16) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (17) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (18) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (2) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (3) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (4) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (5) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (6) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (7) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (8) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
Q6 | Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (9) | PT Delta Pamungkas | Tim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia | 2004 | Ensiclopedy — Indonesia |
R6 | Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 1) | Paramadina | Nurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman | 2006 | Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam. |
R6 | Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 2) | Paramadina | Nurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman | 2006 | Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam.Islam — Indonesia — Encyclopedias.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005. |
R6 | Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 3) | Paramadina | Nurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman | 2006 | Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam.Islam — Indonesia — Encyclopedias.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005. |
R6 | Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 4) | Paramadina | Nurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman | 2006 | Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam.Islam — Indonesia — Encyclopedias.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005. |
Q5 | Ensiklopedi Pemikiran Sosial Modern edisi 2 | Kencana Prenada Media Group | William Outhwaite, ed | 2008 | Encylopedie — modern social thought |
J5 | Epistemology : becoming intellectually virtuous | InterVarsity Press, | W. Jay Wood | 1998 | Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)Christianity — Philosophy. |
A1 | Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism, The | Crossway | Beale,G.K. | 2008 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc. — History of doctrines.Evangelicalism.Bible. |
G3 | Escondido theology , The: a reformed response to Two Kingdom theology | Whitefield Media Productions | John Frame | 2011 | Christianity and culture.Christian civilization.Covenant theology. |
G6 | Escondido theology, The : a reformed response to Two Kingdom theology | Whitefield Media Productions | John Frame | 2011 | Christianity and culture. |
N5 | Essays in macroeconomic policy : the Indonesian experience | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Miranda S. Goeltom | 2008 | Indonesia — Economic policy — Case studies.Indonesia — Economic policy.Economic policy. |
H1 | Essays on Religion, Science and Society | Baker Academic | Herman Bavinck | 2008 | Religion and science.Philosophical theology.Education (Christian theology) |
B4 | Essence of human freedom, the | Continuum | Heidegger Martin | 2002 | free will |
N1 | Essential guide to public speaking, An : serving your audience with faith, skill, and virtue | Baker Academic, | Quentin Schultze | 2006 | Rhetoric — Religious aspects — Christianity.Public speaking — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
C1 | Essential truths of the Christian faith | Tyndale House | R C Sproul | 1998 | Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works. |
G3 | Essentials of Christian Theology | Westminster John Knox Press, | William C. Placher | 2003 | Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works. |
A4 | ESV: Study Bible English Standard Version | Crossway Bibles | 2007 | Bible — Reference editions.Bible. | |
G1 | Eternal word and changing worlds : theology, anthropology, and mission in trialogue | P & R Pub | Harvie M. Conn | [1992], ©1984 | Missions — Theory.Christianity and other religions.Ethnology. |
D2 | Ethical theory | Hodder Murray | Thompson, Mel | 2005 | Ethics.Philosophy. |
D5 | Ethics | Oxford University Press | Peter Singer, ed | 1994 | Ethics.Morale.Ethiek. |
K3 | Ethics | Penguin Books | Spinoza, Benedictus de | 1996 | Ethics, Modern — 17th century. Ethics — Early works to 1800. Philosophy — Early works to 1800. Ethics, Modern. Early works. Ethics. Philosophy. Filosofia moderna — Holanda. Ética. |
D2 | Ethics A – Z | Edinburgh University Press | Jacobs, Jonathan A. | 2005 | Ethics — Dictionaries. Ethics. Ethik. |
J3 | Ethics and politics : selected essays : vol. 2 | Cambridge University Press | Alasdair Macintyre | 2006 | Political ethics.POLITICAL SCIENCE — General. |
D5 | Ethics and world religions : cross-cultural case studies | Orbis Books | Regina Wentzel Wolfe, Christiene E Gudorf, eds | 1999 | Religious ethics — Case studies. |
D4 | Ethics for a brave new world | Crossway | John S Feinberg; Paul D Feinberg; Aldous Huxley | 2010 | Social ethics.Christian ethics.RELIGION / Christian Life / Social Issues. |
J6 | Ethics for adversaries : the morality of roles in public and professional life | Princeton University Press | Arthur Isak Applbaum | 1999 | Ethics.Professional ethics.Political ethics. |
D5 | Ethics in a Christian context | Westminster John Knox Press | Paul Louis Lehmann | 2006 | Christain ethics |
D1 | Ethics in an age of technology | HarperSanFrancisco | Barbour, Ian G. | 1993 | Technology — Moral and ethical aspects.Technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Appropriate technology.Technologie — Aspect moral.Technologie — Aspect religieux — Christianisme.Technologie appropriée.Milieuethiek.Ecologie.Technologie.EthikTechnik |
I5 | Ethics in Business, faith at work | Fortress Press | James M Childs | 1995 | Business ethics.Business — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian ethics. |
D3 | Ethics in the community of promise : faith, formation, and decision | Augsburg Fortress | Childs, James M. | 2006 | Christian ethics |
D4 | Ethics of evangelism, The : a philosophical defense of ethical proselytizing and persuasion | Paternoster | Thiessen, Elmer John | 2011 | Evangelistic work — Philosophy. Proselytizing. Persuasion (Psychology) Communication — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
J1 | Ethics of Identity, The | Princeton University Press | Anthony Appiah | 2005 | Ethics.Group identity — Moral and ethical aspects.Identity (Psychology) — Moral and ethical aspects. |
D3 | Ethics of Spinoza : the road to inner freedom, The | Citadel Press | Spinoza, Benedictus de | 1976 | Ethics. |
D4 | Ethics of St Thomas Aquinas, The | Peter Lang | Elders, Leo | 2005 | Thomas, — Aquinas, Saint, — 1225?-1274. Ethics. Natural law. Thomas, — Aquinas, Saint, — 1225?-1274 Thomas, — <von Aquin> — Ethik. |
J1 | Ethnic conflict : a global perspective | Oxford University Press | Stefan Wolff | 2006 | Ethnic conflict.Ethnic relations — Political aspects.Conflits ethniques. |
J6 | Ethnicity | Oxford University Press | John Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith, eds | 1996 | Ethnicity.Ethnic relations — Political aspects.Nationalism. |
J1 | Ethnicity, nationalism and minority rights | Cambridge University Press | Stephen May, Tariq Modood,..eds | 2004 | Ethnicity.Human rights.Minorities — Civil rights. |
P5 | Etika Abad Kedua puluh | Kanisius | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 2006 | Ethic |
O6 | Etika Administrasi Negara | Rajawali Pers | Wahyudi Kumorotomo | 1992 | Public administration — Moral and ethical aspects. |
S5 | Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madani | Logos Wacana Ilmu | M Din Syamsuddin; Abd Rohim Ghazali | 2000 | Ethics — Indonesia.Islamic ethics.Civil society — Indonesia. |
T1 | Etika Bumi Baru | BPK Gunung Mulia | Robert P Borrong | 1999 | Environmental ethics.Christian ethics. |
P2 | Etika Konfusianisme | Teraju | Tu Wei Ming | 2005 | ethics — confusianism |
T1 | Etika Kristen Pilihan dan Isu | Literature SAAT | Norman L. Geisler | 2001 | Christian — ethics |
Q1 | Etika Lingkungan | Penerbit Buku Kompas | A Sonny Keraf | 2002 | Environmental ethics — Indonesia. Ecology — Indonesia — Philosophy. Technology — Risk assessment — Social aspects. |
R2 | Etika Politik dan Kekuasaan | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Haryatmoko | 2003 | Political ethics.Political ethics — Indonesia.Power (Social sciences) |
S2 | Etika Politik Islam: civil society, pluralisme dan konflik | ICIP | Bassam Tibi, at al | 2005 | Political ethics.Islam and state.Islamic ethics. |
T5 | Etika Politik Kristen: serba-serbi politk praktis | Unit Publikasi dan Informasi & Pusat Studi Etika, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jakarta | Robert P Borrong | 2006 | Christianity and politics — Indonesia.Christianity and politics.Indonesia. |
O6 | Etika politik pejabat negara | Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Dennis F. Thompson | 2000 | Political ethics. |
P5 | Etika Politik, Prinsip-prinsip Moral Dasar kenegaraan Modern | Gramedia, | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 1988 | Political ethics — Indonesia. 89.06 political philosop |
P5 | Etika Politik: prinsip moral dasar kenegaraan modern | Gramedia | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 1991 | politiek — ethic |
P5 | Etika Politik: prinsip moral dasar kenegaraan modern | Gramedia | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 1991 | politiek — ethic |
P5 | Etika Publik, untuk integritas pejabat publik dan Politisi | GRamedia | Haryatmoko | 2011 | public ethic |
P4 | Etika Sederhana untuk Semua: bisnis, ekonomi dan penatalayanan | BPK Gunung Mulia | Eka Darmaputera | 1995 | ethics — social politic — sexuality — medical — economy — business |
P6 | Etika, Politik dan Demokrasi, dinamika politik lokal di Indonesia | Percik ; [Jakarta] : Ford Foundation | I Made Samiana; Ning Retnaningsih; Halomoan Pulungan | 2006 | Political ethics — Indonesia — Congresses.Local government — Indonesia — Congresses.Central-local government relations — Indonesia — Congresses.View all subjects |
I1 | European Reformations, The | Blackwell Publishers | Carter Lindberg | 1996 | Reformation.Church history — 15th century.Counter-Reformation. |
D3 | Evangelical ethics : issues facing the church today | P & R Pub. | Davis, John Jefferson | 2004 | Christian ethics — Presbyterian authors. Evangelicalism. |
H4 | Evangelical feminism & biblical truth : an analysis of more than one hundred disputed questions | Inter-Varsity Press | Wayne Grudem | 2005 | Bible — Feminist criticism.Bible.Feminism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
F1 | Evangelical futures : a conversation on theological method | Baker Books | John G. Stackhouse, ed | 2000 | Evangelicalism.Theology, Doctrinal.Theologie. |
E2 | Evangelicalism & the Future of Christianity | InterVarsity Press, | Alister McGrath | 1995 | Evangelicalism.Evangelicalism — History.Christianity — 20th century. |
C4 | Evangelicals and Nicene Faith: reclaiming the Apostolic witness | Baker Academic | Timothy George, ed | 2011 | Nicene Creed — Congresses.Evangelicalism — Congresses.Nicene Creed. |
C4 | Evangelism after Christendom : the theology and practice of Christian witness | Brazos Press | Bryan Stone | 2007 | Evangelistic work.Evangelistic work — History.Witness bearing (Christianity)Missions. |
L4 | Events that changed the world | Time Warner | Rodney Castleden | 2005 | History.Weltgeschichte. |
G5 | Everyday theology : how to read cultural texts and interpret trends | Baker Academic | Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson…, eds | 2007 | Christianity and culture.Theology, Practical.Theology. |
G1 | Everyone’s a theologian : an introduction to systematic theology | Reformation Trust, a division of Ligonier Ministries | R.C Sproul | 2014 | Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works. |
D2 | Evil & Christian ethics | Cambridge University Press | Gordon Graham | 2001 | Christian ethics — evil |
O1 | Evolusi Hak dalam teori liberal | Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Ian Shapiro | 2006 | economy, social, politiek |
R5 | Evolusi Pendidikan di Indonesia, dari kweekschool sampai ke IKIP: 1852-1998 | Insist Press | Mochtar Buchori | 2007 | Teachers — Training of — Indonesia — History.Teachers — Training of.Indonesia. |
D3 | Evolution and ethics : human morality in biological and religious perspective | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. | Philip Clayton; Jeffrey Schloss | 2004 | Ethics, Evolutionary. Evolution (Biology) — Moral and ethical aspects. Biology — Religious aspects — Christianity. Morale évolutive. Évolution (Biologie) — Aspect moral. Biologie — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Ethiek. Evolutietheorie. Biologische aspecten. Religieuze aspecten. |
D5 | Evolution of Adam, The : what the Bible does and doesn’t say about human origins | Brazos Press | Peter Enns | 2012 | Bible. — Genesis — Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
A2 | Evolution, Science, and Scripture: Seleted Writings | Baker Books | Noll, Mark A. Livingstone,David N. | 2000 | Evolution — Religious aspects — Christianity.Bible and evolution.Religion and science. |
M4 | Examining Islam in the West : addressing accusations and correcting misconceptions | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Alwi Shihab | 2011 | Muslims — Western countries.Islam — Relations.Islamic sociology. |
B4 | Exclusion and Embrace : a Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation | Abingdon Press | Volf,Miroslav | 1996 | Identification (Religion)Reconciliation — Religious aspects — Christianity.Réconciliation — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. |
P1 | Executive Orders – Perintah Eksekutif | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Tom Clancey | 2002 | a novel |
F6 | Existence and Attributes of God, The | Baker Books, | Stephen Charnock | 1996, 1853. | God (Christianity) — Attributes. |
B4 | Exodus and revolution | Basic Books | Michael Walzer | 1985 | Exodus, The — Typology.Revolutions — Religious aspects — Christianity.Révolutions — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. |
C3 | Expansion of evangelicalism,The : the age of Wilberforce, More, Chalmers and Finney | Inter-Varsity Press | Wolffe, John | 2006 | Evangelicalism — History — 19th century.Evangelicalism.Evangelischen. |
D2 | Exploring Christian ethics : biblical foundations for morality | Westminster John Knox Press | Fedler, Kyle D. | 2006 | Christian ethics. Ethics in the Bible. Teologisk etik. Kristen etik. |
D2 | Exploring Christian ethics : biblical foundations for morality | Westminster John Knox Press | Fedler, Kyle D. | 2006 | Christian ethics. Ethics in the Bible. Teologisk etik. Kristen etik. |
N2 | Extending the concept of value chain governance: an institutional persepecive | Humboldt Universitat | Daniel S. Nugraha | 2010 | Chinese. |
N2 | Extending the concept of value chain governance: an institutional persepecive | Humboldt Universitat | Daniel S. Nugraha | 2010 | Chinese. |
N3 | Eyewitness to integration of East Timor | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Hendro Subroto | 1997 | Timor-Leste — History — Autonomy and independence movements.Timor-Leste — Politics and government.Autonomy and independence movements. |
J1 | fabric of hope, The : an essay | Eerdmans, | Glenn Tinder | 2001, ©1999. | Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
J1 | fabric of hope, The : an essay | Eerdmans, | Glenn Tinder | 2001, ©1999. | Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
J1 | Fabric of this world, The : inquiries into calling, career choice, and the design of human work | W.B. Eerdmans | Lee Hardy | 1990 | Vocation.Work — Religious aspects — Christianity.Vocational guidance. |
J1 | Fabric of this world, The : inquiries into calling, career choice, and the design of human work | W.B. Eerdmans | Lee Hardy | 1990 | Vocation.Work — Religious aspects — Christianity.Vocational guidance. |
H3 | Face of Truth, Lifting the veil, The | P & R Pub | William Edgar | 2001 | Apologetics. Waarheid. Christendom. |
D2 | Facing ethical issues : dimensions of character, choices & community | Paulist Press | Patrick T McCormick; Russell B Connors | 2002 | Christian ethics.Christian ethics — Catholic authors.Christelijke ethiek. |
D1 | Fact, Value, and GOD | W.B. Eerdmans; Apollos | Holmes, Arthur F. (Arthur Frank) | 1997 | Facts (Philosophy) Values. Philosophy. God. Filosofie. Ethiek. Ethik Wertphilosophie |
N4 | Fading away? : the political role of the army in Indonesia’s transition to democracy, 1998-2001 | Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies | Tatik S. Hafidz | 2006 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Armed Forces — Political activity.Democracy — Indonesia. |
M4 | Failure of political Islam, The | I.B. Tauris | Oliver Roy | 1994 | Islam and politics — Middle East.Islam and politics — Africa, North.Middle East — Politics and government — 1979- |
C2 | Faith & reason : searching for a rational faith | Zondervan | Nash, Ronald H. | 1988 | Faith and reason — Christianity.Apologetics.Evangelicalism. |
C2 | Faith : a practical theological reconstruction | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | Immink, F. Gerrit | 2005 | Theology, Practical.Faith. |
C3 | Faith and clarity, For : philosophical contributions to Christian theology | Baker Academic | Beilby, James K. | 2006 | Philosophical theology |
C3 | Faith and clarity, For : philosophical contributions to Christian theology | Baker Academic | Beilby, James K. | 2006 | Philosophical theology |
C3 | Faith and fragmentation : reflections on the future of Christianty | Westminster John Knox Press | Wogaman, J. Philip | 2004 | Christianity — 20th century.Apologetics.Christianisme — 20e siècle. |
C2 | Faith and modernity | Regnum Books International | Sampson, Philip Vinay Samuel Chris Sugden | 1994 | Modernism (Christian theology)Christianity and culture.Postmodernism — Religious aspects. |
C2 | Faith and order : the reconciliation of law and religion | Scholars Press | Berman, Harold J | 1993 | Religion and law.Law.Religion et droit. |
C2 | Faith and power : Christianity and Islam in “secular” Britain | Wipf & Stock | Newbigin, Lesslie Lamin O. Sanneh Jenny Taylor | 1998 | Christianity and politics — Great Britain.Political planning — Great Britain — Religious aspects.Christianity and other religions — Islam. |
C2 | Faith and rationality : reason and belief in God | University of Notre Dame Press | Plantinga, Alvin Nicholas Wolterstorff | 1983 | Faith and reason.Religion — Philosophy.Foi et raison. |
C3 | Faith and reason | Oxford University Press | Helm, Paul | 1999 | Faith and reason.Religion — Philosophy.Godsdienstfilosofie. |
C3 | Faith and reason from Plato to Plantinga : an introduction to Reformed epistemology | State University of New York Press | Hoitenga, Dewey J. | 1991 | God (Christianity) — Knowableness — History of doctrines.God (Christianity) — Knowableness.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Plato.AugustineCalvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Plantinga, Alvin. |
M3 | Faith and sword : a short history of Christian-Muslim conflict | Reaktion | Alan G. Jamieson | 2006 | Christianity and other religions — Islam — History.Islam — Relations — Christianity — History.Christianity. |
C3 | Faith and understanding | Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. | Helm, Paul | 1997 | Faith and reason — Christianity.GlaubeVernunft |
C3 | Faith beyond reason | Edinburgh University Press | Evans, C. Stephen | 1998 | Kierkegaard, Søren, — 1813-1855.Faith and reason — Christianity.Kierkegaard, Søren. |
C2 | Faith has its reasons : integrative approaches to defending the Christian faith | Paternoster | Boa, Kenneth Robert M. Bowman | 2005 | Apologetics |
C2 | Faith has its reasons : integrative approaches to defending the Christian faith | Paternoster | Boa, Kenneth Robert M. Bowman | 2005 | ApologeticsFaith |
C2 | Faith in politics | Brookings Institution Press | Reichley, James | 2002 | Religion and politics — United States — History.POLITICAL SCIENCE — Political Process — Political Advocacy.Religion and politics. |
C3 | Faith in public life | Orbis Books | Collinge, William J. | 2008 | Christian sociology — Catholic Church.Church and social problems — Catholic Church. |
C3 | Faith in the halls of power : how evangelicals joined the American elite | Oxford University Press | Lindsay, D. Michael | 2007 | Evangelicalism — United States — History.Elite (Social sciences) — United States — History.RELIGION — Christianity — History |
C3 | Faith in the halls of power : how evangelicals joined the American elite | Oxford University Press | Lindsay, D. Michael | 2007 | Evangelicalism — United States — History.Elite (Social sciences) — United States — History.RELIGION — Christianity — History |
C3 | Faith seeking understanding : approaching God through science | Paulist Press | Shackleford, John M. | 2007 | Religion and science.Creation.God — Proof, Cosmological. |
C2 | Faith speaking understanding : performing the drama of doctrine | Westminster John Knox Press | Vanhoozer, Kevin J. | 2014 | Theology — Methodology.Theater — Religious aspects — Christianity.Performing arts — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
C3 | Faith to creed : ecumenical perspectives on the affirmation of the apostolic faith in the fourth century | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company | Heim, S. Mark | 1991 | Theology, Doctrinal — History — Early church, ca. 30-600 — Congresses.Nicene Creed — Congresses.Church history — 4th century — Congresses. |
C3 | Faith to live by, A : understanding Christian doctrine, A | Mentor | Macleod, Donald | 2002 | Theology, Doctrinal — Introductions.Theology, Doctrinal. |
C2 | Faith traditions and the family | Westminster John Knox Press | Airhart, Phyllis D. Margaret Lamberts Bendroth | 1996 | Families — Religious life.Church work with families.Families — North America. |
C2 | Faith-based diplomacy : trumping realpolitik | Oxford University Press | Johnston, Douglas | 2003 | Religion and international relations.Religion and politics.Ethnic conflict — Religious aspects. |
L3 | Faith-based radicalism : Christianity, Islam, and Judaism between constructive activism and destructive fanaticism | P.I.E. Peter Lang | Christiane Timmerman, Dirk Hutsebaut.., eds. | 2007 | Abrahamic religions.Radicalisme — Aspect religieux.Nationalisme — Aspect religieux. |
T4 | Fajar Merekah di Tanah Papua | Panitia Jubeleum Emas 150 Tahun Hari Pekabaran Injil Papua | Rainer Scheunemann, peny. | 2004 | Papua — ghospel — history |
B5 | Fall of interpretation, The : philosophical foundations for a creational hermeneutic | InterVarsity Press | James K A Smith | 2000 | Hermeneutics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Philosophical theology.Fall of man. |
J3 | Fall of Public Man, The | W.W. Norton | Richard Sennett | 1996 | Social history.Community life.Social interaction. |
J3 | Fall of Public Man, The | Penguin Books, | Richard Sennett | 2002 | Sociology, Urban.Social participation.Sociale interactie. |
A4 | Families in the New Testament | Westminster John Knox Press | Osiek,Carolyn Balch,David L | 1997 | Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Families — Biblical teaching.Families — Rome. |
A4 | Families in the New Testament | Westminster John Knox Press | Osiek,Carolyn Balch,David L | 1997 | Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Families — Biblical teaching.Families — Rome. |
J6 | Family Handbook, The | Westminster John Knox Press | Herbert Anderson, Don S Browning… | 1998 | Families — Religious aspects — Comparative studies.Church work with families — United States.Families — United States. |
O4 | Fatwa dan Canda Gus Dur | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Maman Imanulhaq Faqieh | 2010 | Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009 — Political and social views.Islam — Social aspects — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
D5 | Fear and trembling (penguin classics) | Viking Penguin | Soren Kierkegaard | 1985 | Christianity — Philosophy.Christian philosophy.Sin. |
G3 | Federal vision and covenant theology, The : a comparative analysis | NJ : P & R Publ., | Guy Prentiss Waters | 2006 | Bible. — Epistles of Paul — Theology.Salvation.Covenant theology. |
K5 | Federalist, The | Modern Library, | Alexander Hamilton, John Jay… | 2000 | Constitutional history — United States — Sources.États-Unis — Histoire constitutionnelle — Sources.Constitutional history. |
M3 | Feeling threatened : Muslim-Christian relations in Indonesia’s new order | ISIM ; Amsterdam University Press | Mujiburrahman | 2006 | Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity.Islam — Indonesia. |
D3 | Feminist theological ethics : a reader | Westminster John Knox Press | Lois K Daly | 1994 | Feminist ethics. Feminist theology. féminisme — théologie morale — études diverses. morale chrétienne — théologie féministe — études diverses. Feminist ethics Feminist theology |
G4 | Feminist Theologies, legacy and prospect | Fortress Press, | Rosemary Radford Ruether | 2007 | Feminist theology.Feministische theologie.Feministteologi. |
G4 | Feminist theology from the Third World : a reader | Orbis Books | Ursula King, ed | 1994 | Feminist theology.Christianity — Developing countries.Developing countries — Church history — 20th century. |
M6 | Fetschrift in Honor of Dr. Prof. In Whan Kim (Mandarin Language) | Chongshin University, Seoul, Korea | |||
Q5 | Fields of Blood, mengurai sejarah hubungan agama dan kekerasan | Mizan | Karen Armstrong | 2016 | history — religions — violence |
F4 | Fields of the Lord : animism, Christian minorities, and state development in Indonesia | University of Hawai’i Press | Lorraine V. Aragon | 2000 | Sulawesi Tengah (Indonesia) — Church history.Sulawesi Tengah (Indonesia) — Religion — 20th century.Christianity and culture — Indonesia — Sulawesi Tengah — History — 20th century. |
K2 | Fifty Major Political Thinkers | Routledge, | Ian Adams and R.W Dyson | 2003 | Political science.Political scientists.Idées politiques. |
O6 | Filantropi di Berbagai Tradisi Dunia | CSRC UIN Syarief Hidayatullah | Warren F. Ilchman, Stanley N. Katz, … eds | 2006 | Fhilantrophy |
R1 | Filsafat dalam Masa Teror | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Giovanna Borradori | 2005 | philosophy — dialogue — Jurgen Habermas — Jacques Derrida |
T2 | Filsafat dan Iman Kristen 1 | Momentum | Collin Brown | 2005 | Philosophy — christianity |
Q2 | Filsafat Fragmentaris | Kanisius | Budi F. Hardiman | 2007 | Philosophy |
P5 | Filsafat kebudayaan : sebuah pengantar | Penerbit Kasinius | J W M Bakker | 1984 | Culture — Philosophy.Philosophy and civilization.Indonesia — Social conditions. |
R5 | Filsafat Moral (yg muncul isbn buku: Inside Indonesian society : cultural change in Java | Kanisius | James Rachels | 2004 | philosophy |
O1 | Filsafat Nietzsche | IKON | Gilles Deleuze | 2002 | Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900. |
O4 | Filsafat Pancasila menurut Bung Karno | Media Pressindo ; Tangerang : Distributor tunggal, Agromedia Pustaka | Ir Soekarno | 2006 | Soekarno, — 1901-1970.Pancasila.Indonesia — Politics and government — Philosophy. |
O1 | Filsafat Politik Hannah Arendt | Qalam | Maurizio Passerin d’Enteves | 2003 | Arendt, Hannah — Contributions in political science. |
O1 | Filsafat Proses: proses dan realitas dalam kajian kosmologi | Kreasi Wacana | Alfred North Whitehead | 2009 | Philosophy, Whitehead |
O1 | Filsafat Sejarah: Hegel adalah Bapak Filsafat kritis | Pustaka Pelajar | GWF Hegel | 2001 | History.Historiography.History — Philosophy |
R3 | Financing Politics, Politik Uang dalam Pemilihan presiden secara langsung: pengalaman AS | Narasi | Herbert E. Alexander | 2003 | Money politics — direct presidential election — USA |
S5 | Fiqh madzhab negara : kritik atas politik hukum Islam di Indonesia | LKIs | Marzuki Wahid; Rumadi | 2001 | Law — Indonesia.Islamic law — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
S4 | Fiqih kewarganegaraan, intervensi agama-negara terhadap masyarakat sipil | PB-PMII | Muhammad A S Hikam | 2000 | Islam — religion — fiqh — citizen |
G2 | First Theology : God, Scripture & Hermeneutics | InterVarsity Press, | Kevin J. Vanhoozer | 2002 | Bible — Hermeneutics. |
G5 | Five Views on Apologetics | Zondervan Pub. House | Steven B Cowan, Stanley N. Gundry | 2000 | Apologetics.Apologetiek.Stromingen (cultuur) |
A3 | Five Views on Law and Gospel | Zondervan | Bahnsen,Greg L. dkk | 1999 | Law and gospel.Evangelicalism. |
B4 | Flourishing : Why we need Religion in a Globalized World | Yale University Press | Volf,Miroslav | 2015 | Globalization — Religious aspects.Religion and state.Spiritual life. |
A5 | For All the Saints: Evangelical Theology and Christian Spirituality | Westminster John Knox Press | George,Timothy McGrath, Alister | 2003 | Evangelicalism — Congresses.Spirituality — Congresses.Evangelicalism. |
I4 | For the healing of the nations : essays on creation, redemption, and neo-Calvinism | Davenant Trust, | Peter Escalante & W. Bradford Littlejohn, eds | 2014 | Reformed Church — Doctrines.Calvinism.Creation. |
I4 | For the healing of the nations : essays on creation, redemption, and neo-Calvinism | Davenant Trust, | Peter Escalante & W. Bradford Littlejohn, eds | 2014 | Reformed Church — Doctrines.Calvinism.Creation. |
L5 | For the love of children : genetic technology and the future of the family | Westminster John Knox Press | Ted Peters | 1996 | Human reproductive technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human reproductive technology — Moral and ethical aspects.Families — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
G5 | For the nations : essays evangelical and public | W.B. Eerdmans, | John Howard Yoder | 1997 | Church and the world.Mission of the church.Christianity and culture. |
B5 | For the world : essays in honor of Richard L. Pratt Jr | P & R Pub. | Richard L Pratt; Justin S Holcomb | 2014 | Pastoral theology.Theology. |
T2 | Format Konstruksi Kekristenan: menggagas teologi misiologi dan ekklesiologi kontekstual di Indonesia | Sinar harapan | Jeffrei AA Lempas…, eds | 2006 | Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Theology — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity. |
T5 | Format rekonstruksi kekristenan : menggagas teologi, misiologi, dan ekklesiologi kontekstual di Indonesia | Sinar harapan | Jeffrie A.A Lempas…, eds | 2006 | Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Theology — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity. |
H4 | Foucault and Augustine : reconsidering power and love | University of Notre Dame Press | J. Joyce Schuld | 2003 | Foucault, Michel, — 1926-1984 — Religion. |
A2 | Foundation of Biblical Authority, The | Zondervan Publishing House | Schaeffer,Francis A. Boice, James Montgomery | 1978 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bijbel.Gezag van de bijbel. |
T2 | Foundations of Christian Education – Dasar Pendidikan Kristen | Momentum | Louis Berkhof, Cornelis van Til | 2004 | Christians — foundation — education |
E2 | Foundations of Christian thought : faith, learning, and the Christian worldview | Kregel Publications, | Mark P. Cosgrove | ©2006. | Christianity — Philosophy.Christianity and other religions.Christianity and culture. |
A1 | Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation | Zondervan Publishing House | Silva,Moises Long,V. Philips Longman III,Tremper Muller,Richard A. Poythress,Vern S. | 1996 | Bible — Hermeneutics.Hermeneutics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Bible. |
E5 | Foundations of the Christian faith : a comprehensive & readable theology | InterVarsity Press, | James Montgomery Boice | 1986 | Theology, Doctrinal.DogmatikEvangelische Kirche |
K5 | Four views on salvation in a pluralistic world | Zondervan Pub. House | Stanley N. Grundry, eds | 1996 | Salvation outside the church. |
M5 | Four years on and still treading water : a report on the performance of the ASEAN human rights mechanism in 2013 | Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development | Solidarity for Asian People’s Advocacy. Task Force on ASEAN and Human Rights,; Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, | 2014 | ASEAN.Human rights — Southeast Asia.human rights. |
E1 | Fragrance of oppression, A : the church and its persecutors | Crossways Books | Herbert Schlossberg | 1991 | Persecution — History — 20th century. |
F1 | Free Church Free State | Paternoster | Nigel G. Wright | 2005 | Baptists.Baptists — Government.Kristendom och samhälle. |
J1 | Free of charge : giving and forgiving in a culture stripped of grace | Zondervan | Miroslav Volf | 2005 | Generosity — Religious aspects — Christianity.Forgiveness — Religious aspects — Christianity.Generositet — religiösa aspekter — kristendom. |
L2 | Free people’s suicide, A : sustainable freedom and the American future | IVP Books | OS Guinness | 2012 | Liberty — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity — United States — 21st century.United States — Politics and government — 21st century. |
K5 | Freedom in the world 2007 : the annual survey of political rights & civil liberties | Freedom House ; Oxford : Rowman & Littlefield | Arch Puddingtone…, eds | 2007 | Civil rights. |
H6 | Freedom of religion and belief : a world report | Routledge | Kevin Boyle & Juliet Sheen | 1997 | Freedom of religion.Human rights.Religious tolerance. |
L4 | Freedom of the press 2008 : a global survey of media independence | Freedom House ; Rowman & Littlefield | Karin Deutsch Karlekar; Sarah G Cook; Freedom House (U.S.) | 2009 | Freedom of the press.Government and the press.Liberté de la presse. |
M3 | Freedom to do God’s will, The : religious fundamentalism and social change | Routledge | Gerrie ter Haar & James J. Busuttil | 2003 | Religious fundamentalism.Religion and sociology.Fundamentalisme. |
I5 | Freedom’s Holy Light | The Providence Forum | Peter A Lillback | 2000 | Freedom |
Q1 | Freeport Papua Blok Cepu Gas Alam Arun | Ufuk | Wawan Tunggul Alam | 2011 | Natural resources — Law and legislation — Indonesia.Investments, Foreign — Law and legislation — Indonesia.Investments, Foreign — Law and legislation. |
K1 | French Revolution,The | Routledge and Kegan Paul | Georges Lefebvre | 2001 | French, history |
O1 | Freud, manusia paling berpengaruh Abad ke-20 | Ikon Teralitera | Benjamin Nelson, ed | 2003 | Freud — philosophy |
C4 | Friendship evangelism by the book : applying first century principles to twenty-first century relationships | Christian Publications | Tom Stebbins | 1995 | Evangelistic work.Friendship — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
K6 | From cells to souls, and beyond : changing portraits of human nature | W.B. Eerdmans | Malcolm Jeeves, ed | 2004 | Religion and science.Human beings.Religion et sciences. |
F4 | From Christ to the world : introductory readings in Christian ethics | W.B. Eerdmans, | Wayne G Boulton, Thomas D. Kennedy…, eds | 1994 | Christian ethics. |
L3 | From culture wars to common ground : religion and the American family debate | Westminster John Knox Press | Don S. Browning…, eds | 2000 | Families — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines — 20th century.Families — United States.Christianity and culture — United States — History — 20th century. |
F6 | From heaven he came and sought her : definite atonement in historical, biblical, theological, and pastoral perspective | Crossway | David Gibson & Jonathan Gibson | 2013 | Atonement — Reformed Church. |
C3 | Frontiers of science & faith,The : examining questions from the big bang to the end of the universe | InterVarsity Press | Davis, John Jefferson | 2002 | Religion and science |
G2 | Fundamental practical theology : descriptive and strategic proposals | Fortress Press | Don S. Browning | 1991 | Theology, Practical.Theology — Methodology.Théologie — Méthodologie. |
J4 | Fundamentalism and American culture : the shaping of twentieth century evangelicalism, 1870-1925 | Oxford University Press, | George M. Marsden | 2006 | Fundamentalism — United States.Christianity and culture — United States.11.59 church history, history of doctrine: other. |
L6 | Fundamentalism and the State: remaking polities, economies, and militance | University of Chicago Press | Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby | 1993 | Religious fundamentalism.Religion and politics. |
M1 | Fundamentalisms | Paternoster Press | Christopher H. Partridge | 2001 | Religious fundamentalism.Religion and sociology.Religions. |
L6 | Fundamentalisms and society: reclaiming the science, the family and education | University of Chicago Press | Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby | [1997], 1993. | Religious fundamentalism.Religion and sociology. |
L6 | Fundamentalisms Comprehended | University of Chicago Press | Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby | 2004 | Religious fundamentalism. |
L6 | Fundamentalisms Observed | University of Chicago Press | Martin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby | 1991 | Religious fundamentalism — Comparative studies.Fondamentalisme — Études comparatives.Religious fundamentalism. |
I5 | Fundamentalist phenomenon, The : a view from within ; a response from without | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company | Norman J Cohen, ed | 1990 | Religious fundamentalism — Comparative studies — Congresses.Fondamentalisme — Études comparatives — Congrès.Religious fundamentalism — Comparative studies. |
L4 | Fundamentalist world : the new dark age of dogma | Lanham, Md. : Distributed in the US by National Book Network | Stuart Sim | 2005 | Fundamentalism.World politics — 1989-World politics. |
J5 | Fundamentals of corporate finance | Irwin | Ross, Westerfield, Jordan | 1995 | Corporations — Finance. |
M1 | Fundamentals, The, a testimony to the truth: Vol I | Baker Books | R.A. Torrey, A.C Dixon, … eds | 2003 | Fundamentalism.Theology.Modernist-fundamentalist controversy. |
M1 | Fundamentals, The, a testimony to the truth: Vol II | Baker Books | R.A. Torrey, A.C Dixon, … eds | 2003 | Fundamentalism.Theology.Modernist-fundamentalist controversy. |
E4 | Future of Christian learning, The : an Evangelical and Catholic dialogue | Brazos Press, | Mark A Noll & James Turner | 2008 | Catholic Church — Relations — Evangelicalism. |
D6 | Future of hope, The | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Miroslav Volf and William Katerberg | 2004 | Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity — Congresses.Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines — Congresses.Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
L2 | Future of justification, The : a response to N.T. Wright | Inter-Varsity Press | John Piper | 2008 | Wright, N. T. — (Nicholas Thomas)Justification (Christian theology) — History of doctrines — 20th century.Justification (Christian theology) — History of doctrines. |
H2 | Future of religious colleges, The : the proceedings of the Harvard Conference on the Future of Religious Colleges, October 6-7, 2000 | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | Paul J. Dovre, ed | 2002 | Christian universities and colleges — United States — Congresses. |
K5 | Future of secularism, The | Oxford University Press | TN Srinivasan | 2007 | Secularism — India — Congresses.Islam and secularism — Congresses.Islam and secularism. |
C4 | Futures of evangelicalism, issues and prospects, The | Kregel Publications | Craig Bartholomew, Robin Parry.., eds | 2003 | Evangelicalism.Evangelikal teologi |
P2 | G 30 S Fakta Atau Rekayasa | Kata Hasta Pustaka | Julius Pour | 2013 | Indonesia — 30 September 1966 — Communist |
S4 | Gagasan Islam Liberal Indonesia | Paramadina ; Pustaka Antara ; Yayasan Adikarya IKAPI ; The Ford Foundation | Greg Barton | 1999 | Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005.Wahid, Abdurrahman.Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009. |
O2 | Gagasan-gagasan Politik Gramsci | INSIST bekerjasama dengan Pustaka Pelajar | Roger Simon | 1999 | Gramsci, Antonio, — 1891-1937. |
F4 | Gagging of God, The | Apollos, | DA Carson | 1996 | Theology — Methodology.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Religious pluralism. |
H3 | Galileo connection, The : resolving conflicts between science & the Bible | InterVarsity Press | Charles E. Hummel | 1986 | Galilei, Galileo, — 1564-1642.Bibel.Galilei, Galileo. |
F1 | Galileo Science and the Church, revised ed. | University of Michigan Press | Jerome J. Langford | 1971 | Galilei, Galileo, — 1564-1642. |
M3 | Gandhi and beyond : nonviolence for an age of terrorism | Paradigm Publishers | David Cortright | 2006 | Nonviolence.89.78 peace movement.Geweldloosheid. |
R2 | Gaya Filsafat Nietzsche | Galang Press | A. Setyo Wibowo | 2004 | Filsafat – Nietzsche |
S5 | Geger di “republik” NU : perebutan wacana, tafsir sejarah, tafsiran makna | Harian Kompas bekerja sama dengan Lakpesdam-NU | Marzuki Wahid; Abd Moqsith Ghazali; Suwendi | 1999 | Islam — Indonesia — Societies, etc. |
Q3 | Geliat Irak Menuju Era Pasca Saddam | Buku Kompas | Musthafa Abd. Rahman | 2003 | Hussein, Saddam, — 1937-2006. |
P2 | Geliat Kritis dalam penelitian sosial: catatan para peneliti | Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia | Kanti Pertiwi, Hani Yulindrasari | 2019 | Research |
H2 | Gender, ethnicity, and religion : views from the other side | Fortress Press | Rosemary Radford Ruether, ed | 2002 | Christian sociology.Sociologie religieuse — Christianisme.Sekseverschillen. |
S2 | Genealogi Islam Radikal di Indonesia: gerakan pemikiran dan prospek demokrasi | LP3ES | M. Zaki Mubarak | 2008 | Islamic fundamentalism — Indonesia.Radicalism — Religious aspects — Islam.Radicalism — Indonesia. |
A2 | Genesis 1-4 : a linguistic, literary, and theological commentary | P & R Pub | Collins,C John | 2006 | Bible. — Genesis I-IV — Commentaries.Genesis (bijbelboek)Bible. — Genesis I-IV — Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
A2 | Genesis Debate, The : Three Views on the Days of Creation | Crux Press | Hagopian,David G. | 2001 | Bible. — Genesis I-II — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Creation.Schepping. |
A3 | Genesis Flood,The : The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications | P&R Publishing | Whitcomb,John C. Morris,Henry M. | 2003 | Deluge.SintflutSintflut |
A2 | Genesis of Doctrine, The : A Study in The Foundations of Doctrinal Criticism | <W.B. Eerdmans><Recent College Pub.> | McGrath,Alister E. | 1997 | Dogma, Development of.Dogma.Authority — Religious aspects |
L5 | Genetic turning points : the ethics of human genetic intervention | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | James C. Peterson | 2001 | Human genetics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Medical genetics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Genetic engineering — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
H5 | Geneva and the Consolidation of the French Protestant Movement 1564 – 1572 | Librairie Droz | Robert M. Kingdom | 1967 | War — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
H5 | Geography of religion : where God lives, where pilgrims walk | National Geographic | Susan Tyler Hitchcook & John L. Esposito | 2004 | Religion and geography.Religions.Godsdiensten. |
H6 | George Washington’s sacred fire | Providence Forum Press | Peter A. Lillback | 2006 | Washington, George, — 1732-1799 — Religion. |
S3 | Gerakan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia | LKiS Yogyakarta | Iskandar Zulkarnain | 2005 | Ahmadiyya — Indonesia — History.Ahmadiyya.Indonesia. |
T5 | Gerakan Ekumene: suatu panduan | Penerbit Ledalero | Georg Kirchberger | 2010 | Indonesia. |
T2 | Gerakan Karismatik dan Gereja Kita | Momentum Christian Literature | Hans Maris | 2004 | Church — charismatic – |
P4 | Gereja Indonesia Pasca-Vatikan II, refleksi dan tantangan | Penerbit Kanisius | Universitas Sanata Dharma | 1997 | Catholic Church. |
P4 | Gereja Indonesia, quo vadis? : hidup menggereja kontekstual | Penerbit Kanisius | I Ismartono; Universitas Sanata Dharma. Pusat Penelitian dan Pelatihan Teologi Kontekstual.; Catholic Church. Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia. Komisi Teologi. | 2000 | Christianity — Indonesia.Christianity.Indonesia. |
P4 | Gereja Memasuki Abad XXI | Balai Persekutuan Bukit Zaitun | P. Oktavianus | 1997 | church — XXI century |
O6 | Gerhana Hati Nurani | PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Christianto Wibisono | 2012 | Terrorism.World politics.Islam and world politics. |
O6 | Gerhana Hati Nurani | PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Christianto Wibisono | 2012 | Terrorism.World politics.Islam and world politics. |
B4 | Gift of Prophecy, the, in the New Testament and Today | Crossway Books | Wayne A Grudem | 2000 | Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible. — New Testament.Prophecy — Christianity — Biblical teaching. |
S5 | Gila Gus Dur: Wacana pembaca Abdurrahman Wahid | LKiS Yogyakarta | Ahmad Suaedy, Ulil Abshar A | 2000 | Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009 |
L1 | Global Civil Society? | Cambridge University Press | John Keane | 2003 | Civil society.Globalization — Political aspects.International relations. |
J4 | Global Crises, Global solutions | Cambridge University Press | Bjorn Lomborg | 2009 | International cooperation.Globalization.Economic development. |
C5 | Global evangelicalism : theology, history and culture in regional perspective | IVP Academic | Donald M Lewis & Richard V Pierard, eds | 2014 | Evangelicalism. |
C2 | Global face of public faith : politics, human rights, and Christian ethics, The | Georgetown University Press | Hollenbach, David | 2003 | Christian ethics — Catholic authors.Christianity and politics — Catholic Church.Human rights — Religious aspects — Catholic Church. |
K4 | Global matrix : nationalism, globalism and state-terrorism | Pluto Press | Tom Nairn & Paul James | 2005 | POLITICAL SCIENCE — Political Ideologies — Nationalism. |
L3 | Global matrix : nationalism, globalism and state-terrorism | Pluto Press | Tom Nairn & Paul James | 2005 | Nationalism.Globalization.Terrorism. |
M2 | Global Political Islam | Routledge | Peter Mandaville | 2007 | Islam and politics. |
B5 | Global Public Square,The : Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity | InterVarsity Press | Guinness, Os | 2013 | Freedom of religion.Liberty of conscience.Liberty. |
L3 | Global Rebellion : Religious Challenges to the Secular State, from Christian Militias to al Qaeda | University of California Press | Mark Juergensmeyer | 2008 | Revolutions — Religious aspects — 21st century. |
H1 | Global resurgence of religion and the transformation of international relations, The : the struggle for the soul of the Twenty-first Century | Palgrave Macmillan | Scott M. Thomas | 2005 | Religion and international relations.International relations.Relations internationales — Aspect religieux. |
A2 | Global Study Bible: English Standard version | Crossway | 2012 | Bible — english standard version | |
Q2 | Globalisasi Kemiskinan & Ketimpangan | Cindelaras Pustaka Rakyat Cerdas | Seri kajian global | 2003 | globalization — poverty — |
L4 | Globalization and its discontents | Penguin Press | Joseph Stiglitz | 2002 | International Monetary Fund — Developing countries.International economic integration.Foreign trade regulation. |
J5 | Globalization of pentecostalism, The : a religion made to travel | Regnum Books Intl | Murray W. Dempster, Byron D. Klaus…, eds | 1999 | Pentecostalism.Christianity and the social sciences.Missions — Theory. |
L6 | Globalization Reader, The | Blackwell Pub | Frank J. Lechner & John Boli | 2008 | International economic relations.International economic relations — Social aspects.International economic integration. |
K1 | Globalization: the key concepts | Routledge, | Annabelle Mooney; Betsy Evans | 2007 | Globalization |
M4 | Globalized Islam : the search for a new Ummah | Rupa | Oliver Roy | 2005 | Islamisme |
F2 | God & time : four views | InterVarsity Press | Gregory E. Ganssle, ed | 2001 | God — Immutability.Time — Religious aspects — Christianity.11.02 philosophy of religion. |
F2 | God & time : four views | InterVarsity Press | Gregory E. Ganssle, ed | 2001 | God — Immutability.Time — Religious aspects — Christianity.11.02 philosophy of religion. |
F2 | God and Caesar : biblical faith and political action | Crossway Books | John Eidsmoe | 1984 | Christianity and politics.Church and state — United States.Church and social problems — United States. |
T6 | God and Culture: Allah dan Kebudayaan | Penerbit Momentum | DA Carson & John D. Woodbridge | 2002 | God — Culture |
F2 | God and evolution : a reader | Routledge | Mary Kathleen Cunningham, ed | 2007 | Money — Biblical teaching. |
F3 | God and global order : the power of religion in American foreign policy | Baylor University Press, | Jonathan Chaplin | 2010 | United States — Foreign relations — 1989-Religion and international relations.Religion et relations internationales. |
F4 | God and Government | SPCK, | Nick Spencer & Jonathan Chaplin | 2009 | Apologetics — Early works to 1800. |
F4 | God and Human Dignity | Eerdmans, | R. Kendall Soulen & Linda Woodhead, eds | 2006 | Dignité — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. |
F2 | God and money : a theology of money in a globalizing world | Lexington Books | Nimi Wariboko | 2008 | Jesus Christ — Teachings |
E1 | God and politics : four views on the reformation of civil government : theonomy, principled pluralism, Christian America, national confessionalism | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co | Gary Scott Smith, ed | 1989 | Christianity and politics — Congresses.Church and state — Reformed Church — Congresses.Reformed Church — Doctrines — Congresses. |
F2 | God and Stephen Hawking : whose design is it anyway? | Lion | John C. Lennox | 2010 | Theïsme. |
F5 | God and the Constitution : Christianity and American politics | Rowman & Littlefield, | Paul Marshall | 2002 | Verfassung <1787>Christianity and politics — United States.Christianity and politics. |
F5 | God and the nations | Fortress Press | Douglas John Hall and Rosemary R. Ruether | 1995 | Providence and government of God — Christianity.Nationalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Church and the world. |
F5 | God as Trinity : relationality and temporality in divine life | Westminster/J. Knox Press | Ted Peters | 1993 | Trinity.TrinitéDrie-eenheid. |
E2 | God at work : your Christian vocation in all of life | Crossway Books, | Gene Edward Veith Jr | 2002 | Vocation — Lutheran Church. |
A6 | God Delusion, The | Transworld Publishers | Richard Dawkins | 2007 | God delusion |
F2 | God dwells among us : expanding Eden to the ends of the earth | InterVarsity Press, | G.K Beale & Mitchel Kim | 2014 | Bible — Theology.Bible.Presence of God. |
F3 | God Has many names | Westminster Pr | John Hick | 1982 | Christianity and other religions.Religion — Philosophy.Religiöser Pluralismus |
F5 | God in public : four ways American Christianity and public life relate | Westminster John Knox Press | Mark G. Toulouse | 2006 | Christianity and politics — United States. |
F2 | God in the dark : the assurance of faith beyond a shadow of doubt | Crossway Books, | Oss Guinness | 1996 | Faith. |
F5 | God in the wasteland : the reality of truth in a world of fading dreams | W.B. Eerdmans | David F. Wells | 1994 | Evangelicalism — United States — History — 20th century. |
T5 | God in the Wasteland, Allah di Lahan Terbengkalai | Penerbit Momentum | David F. Wells | 2005 | christianity — postmodern |
F4 | God is back : how the global rise of faith will change the world | Allen Lane | John Micklethwait & Adrian Wooldridge | 2009 | Religion and sociology.Religion and sociology — United States.United States — Religion. |
F2 | God is dead : secularization in the West | Blackwell Pub | Steve Bruce | 2002 | Religion and science. |
F3 | God is great, God is good : why believing in God is reasonable and responsible | IVP Books | William Lane Craig & Chad Meister, eds | 2009 | Dawkins, Richard, — 1941- — God delusion. |
E1 | God is love, a biblical and systematic theology | Crossway | Gerald Bray | 2012 | Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works. |
F4 | God is not great, How religion Poisons Everything | Twelve | Christopher Hitchens | 2007 | poisons of religion |
F2 | God is not great, the case against religion | Atlantic Books | Christopher Hitchens | 2007 | Christianity — Origin |
F3 | God of liberty : a religious history of the American Revolution | Basic Books | Thomas S. Kidd | 2010 | United States — Church history — 18th century. |
F4 | God who became human, The : a biblical theology of incarnation | Intervarsity Press | Graham A. Cole | 2013 | Biblische Theologie.Inkarnation Jesu. |
F2 | God who Risks, a theology of divine providence, The | IVP Academic | John Sanders | 2007 | Providence and government of God — Christianity.Vorsehung.Theologie. |
F5 | God, Freedom and Evil | Eerdmans | Alvin Plantinga | 1977, ©1974. | God — Proof. |
T5 | God, Freedom and Evil – Allah, Kebebasan dan Kejahatan | Penerbit Momentum | Alvin C Plantinga | 2003 | God, freedom, evil |
F5 | God, Reason & Theistic Proofs | W.B. Eerdmans | Stephen T Davis | 1997 | God — Proof. |
B6 | God, Revelation and Authority : Vol. 5 God Who Stands And Stays Part One | Word Books | Henry, Carl F. H. | 1982 | Theology, introduction.Revelation. |
B6 | God, Revelation and Authority : Vol. 6 God Who Stands And Stays Part Two | Word Books | Henry, Carl F. H. | 1983 | Theology, introduction.Revelation.Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.God.Evangelicalism — Collected works.Authority — Religious aspects. |
B6 | God, Revelation and Authority : Vol.4 God Who Speaks and Shows; Fifteen Theses, Part Three. | Word Books | Henry, Carl F. H. | 1979 | Theology, introduction.Revelation. |
B6 | God, revelation and Authority: Vol. 1 God Who Speaks and Shows; Preliminary Considerations | Word Books | Henry, Carl F. H. | 1976 | Theology, introduction.Revelation. |
B6 | God, revelation and Authority: Vol. 2 God Who Speaks and Shows; Fifteen Theses, Part One | Word Books | Henry, Carl F. H. | 1976 | Theology, introduction.Revelation. |
B6 | God, revelation and Authority: Vol. 3 God Who Speaks and Shows; Fifteen Theses, Part Two | Word Books | Henry, Carl F. H. | 1979 | Theology, introduction.Revelation. |
F2 | God’s century : resurgent religion and global politics | W.W. Norton | Monica Duffy Toft, Daniel Philport, eds | 2011 | Religion and international relations.Religion and politics.Religion |
F2 | God’s century : resurgent religion and global politics | W.W. Norton | Monica Duffy Toft, Daniel Philport, eds | 2011 | Religion and international relations.Religion and politics.Religion |
E1 | God’s continent : Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s religious crisis | Oxford University Press | Philip Jenkins | 2007 | Europe — Religion — 21st century.Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity. |
J5 | God’s Fiery Challenger for our time: festschrift in honor Stephen Tong | Reformed Center for Religion and Society | Benyamin F. Intan, editor | 2007 | Indonesia — Stephen Tong |
F3 | God’s greater glory : the exalted God of Scripture and the Christian faith | Crossway Books | Bruce A. Ware | 2004 | Providence and government of God — Christianity.Providence and government of God — Biblical teaching.Open theism. |
F2 | God’s joust, God’s justice : law and religion in the Western tradition | William B. Eerdmans Pub | John Witte Jr | 2006 | Religion and law.Human rights — Religious aspects.Recht — Religion. |
F2 | God’s lesser glory : the diminished God of open theism | Crossway Books | Bruce A. Ware | 2000 | Open theism.Godsleer.Voorzienigheid. |
K2 | God’s politics: why the American Right Get it wrong and the left Doesn’t get it | Lion | Jim Wallis | 2006 | Christianity and politics — United States.Christianity and politics.United States. |
L3 | God’s terrorists : the Wahhabi cult and hidden roots of modern Jihad | Little, Brown | Charles Allen | 2006 | Islam — Doctrines.Islamic fundamentalism.Jihad. |
F5 | God’s world : biblical insights for a theology of the environment | SPCK | Ken Gnanakan | 1999 | Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
A6 | Going Public with the Gospel: Reviving Evangelistic Proclamation | InterVarsity Press | Lon Allison; Mark Anderson | 2003 | Evangelistic work.Verkondiging. |
P6 | Golkar dan militer : studi tentang budaya politik | Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial, | Leo Suryadinata | 1992 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
H4 | Good news and good works : a theology for the whole Gospel | Baker Books | Ronald J. Sider | 1999 | Mission of the church.Evangelistic work.Church and the world. |
A4 | Good News to the Poor: John Wesley’s Evangelical Economics | Abingdon Press | Jennnings Jr, Theodore W. | 1990 | Wesley, John, — 1703-1791 — Political and social views.Wesley, John, — 1703-1791 — Ethics.Wesley, John. |
J5 | Good of affluence, The : seeking God in a culture of wealth | W.B. Eerdmans, | John R. Schneider | 2002 | Hammarskjöld, Dag, — 1905-1961. — Vägmärken. |
E1 | Good of politics, The : a biblical, historical, and contemporary introduction | Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group, | James W. Skillen | 2014 | politics — biblical — historical |
K3 | Gorgias | Penguin, | Plato.; Walter Hamilton; C J Emlyn-Jones | 2004 | Ethics — Early works to 1800.Political science — Early works to 1800.Ethics. |
A5 | Gospel and Globalization, The: Exploring the Religious Roots Of A Globalized World | Regent College Publishing | Goheen,Michael W Glanville, Erin G. | 2009 | Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Globalization — Religious aspects — Islam.Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
B4 | Gospel and Globalization,The : Exploring the Religious Roots of a Globalized World | Regent College Publishing | Goheen,Michael W Glanville, Erin | 2009 | Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Globalization — Religious aspects — Islam.Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
E1 | Gospel and pluralism today, The : reassessing Lesslie Newbigin in the 21st century | IVP Academic, | Scott W. Sunquist and Amos Yong, eds | 2015 | Newbigin, Lesslie. — Gospel in a pluralist society.Christianity and culture.Christianity — 20th century. |
A3 | Gospel and The Greeks,The : Did the new Testament Borrow from Pagan Thought? | P&R Publishing | Nash,Ronald H. | 2003 | Christianity and other religions.Christianity — Origin.Rome — Religion. |
A5 | Gospel in a Prularist Society,The | William B. Eerdmans Publishing | Newbigin,Lesslie | 1989 | Christianity and culture.Christianity — 20th century.Apologetics. |
A2 | Gospel of Judas, The : from Codex Tchacos | National Geographic | Kasser,Rodolphe Meyer,Marvin W Wurst,Gregor | 2006 | Gospel of Judas — History.Judas Iscariot.Jesus Christ — Betrayal. |
N6 | Governance in Indonesia : challenges facing the Megawati presidency | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Hadi Soesastro, Anthony L. Smith…, eds | 2003 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Soekarnoputri, Megawati, — 1947-Indonesia — Relaciones exteriores. |
J6 | Governing of Men, The | Holt, Rinehart and Winston | Austin Ranney | 1971 | Political science. |
C5 | Grace and truth in the secular age | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. | Timothy Bradshaw, ed | 1998 | Anglican Communion. Church and the world. Evangelicalism — Anglican Communion. Geloof. Secularisatie (maatschappij) Anglicaanse Kerk. |
F4 | Grace of Christ and the grace of God in Augustine of Hippo, The : Christocentrism or theocentrism? | Liturgical Press | Basil Studer | 1997 | Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Jesus Christ — History of doctrines — Early church, ca. 30-600.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430 |
F4 | Grace of God, the will of man, The : a case for Arminianism | Bethany House | Clark H. Pinnock | 1995, ©1989. | Arminianism.Grace (Theology)Providence and government of God. |
K2 | Great awakening, The : reviving faith & politics in a post-religious right America | HarperOne | Jim Wallis | 2008 | Revivals. |
D6 | Great thinkers of the western world | HarperCollinsPublishers, | Ian P. McGreal, ed | 1992 | Philosophy.Theology.Science. |
K4 | Great transformation, The | Beacon Press, | Karl Polanyi | 2001 | Economic history. |
N2 | Great transformation, The : the world in the time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and Jeremiah | Atlantic | Karen Armstrong | 2006 | History, Ancient.Philosophy, Ancient.Religion — History. |
M5 | great unravelling, The : from boom to bust in three scandalous years | Penguin | Paul Krugman | 2004 | United States — Economic conditions — 1981-2001.United States — Economic conditions — 2001-United States — Economic policy — 1993-2001. |
C5 | Grounds for understanding : ecumenical resources for responses to religious pluralism | W.B. Eerdmans | S. Mark Heim | 1998 | Religious pluralism — Christianity. Pluralisme (algemeen) Interreligieuze dialoog. |
M5 | Growth in agreement II : reports and agreed statements of ecumenical conversations on a world level, 1982-1998 | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | Jeffrey Gros; Harding Meyer; William G Rusch | 2000 | Christian union.Œcuménisme.Interkonfessionelles Gespräch — Geschichte 1982-1998 — Quelle. |
L5 | Guinnes World Record 2007 | Guinness World Records | Guinness World Records | 2006 | Guinness World Records |
L6 | Guns, Germs, and Steel, the fates of human societies | W. W. Norton & Company | Jared M Diamond | 1997 | Social evolution.Civilization — History.Ethnology. |
O4 | Gus Dur dan pupusnya dwi tunggal : [retaknya hubungan NU, Presiden, dan negara] | Ushul Press | Bahtiar Effendy | 2005 | Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009 — Political and social views.N.U. (Organization)Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
O4 | Gus Dur menjawab perubahan zaman | Harian Kompas | Abdurrahman Wahid; Frans M Parera; T Jakob Koekerits | 1999 | Indonesia — Gus Dur |
O4 | Gus Dur Militer dan Politik | LKiS Yogyakarta | A. Malik Haramain | 2004 | Gus Dur, — 1940-2009.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Civil-military relations — Indonesia. |
H5 | Habermas and Religion | Polity Press | Craig Calhoun, Eduardo Mendieta.., eds | 2013 | Habermas, Jürgen.Philosophy and religion.Religion and sociology. |
G3 | Habermas, Modernity, and Public Theology | Crossroad | Don S. Browning…eds | 1992 | Habermas, Jürgen — Congresses. |
Q3 | Habibie Prabowo dan Wiranto Bersaksi | Mediakita | Asvi Warman Adam | 2006 | Soeharto, — 1921-2008.Habibie, B. J. — (Bacharuddin Jusuf), — 1936-2019.Subianto, Prabowo, — 1951- |
N1 | Habits of the heart : individualism and commitment in American life | University of California Press | Robert N Bellah | 1996 | National characteristics, American.United States — Civilization — 1945-Individualism. |
J4 | Habits of the high-tech heart : living virtuously in the information age | Baker Academic | Quentin Schultze | 2004 | Technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Computers — Religious aspects — Christianity.Religion and science. |
S4 | Hajatan Demokrasi: potret jurnalistik pemilu langsung simpul Islam Indonesia dari moderat hingga garis keras | Era Media Informasi | Asrori S. Karni, ed | 2006 | Democracy — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Elections — Indonesia. |
R5 | Hak Asasi Manusia di Bawah Ancaman Penyiksaan | Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Masyarakat | Kelompok Kerja untuk Advokasi Menentang Penyiksaan. | 2009 | Human rights — Indonesia.Torture — Indonesia.Human rights. |
Q1 | Hak-hak Ekonomi Sosial dan Budaya di Papua Barat | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Theodor Rathgeber | 2006 | West Papua ((Indonesia) |
A6 | Handbook of Biblical Social Values | Hendrickson | John J Pilch; Bruce J Malina | 1998 | Sociology, Biblical — Dictionaries.Ethics in the Bible — Dictionaries.11.36 biblical theoogy. |
E4 | Handbook of Christian apologetics : hundreds of answers to crucial questions | InterVarsity | Peter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli | 1994 | Apologetics — 20th century.Apologetics. |
I6 | Handbook of fixed income securities, The | Irwin Professional Pub | Frank J. Fabozzi and T. Dessa Fabozzi | 1995 | Bonds — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Preferred stocks — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Money market funds — Handbooks, manuals, etc. |
H5 | Handbook of Today’s Religions | T. Nelson | John McDowell, Don Steward | 1983 | Cults — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Sects — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Occultism — Handbooks, manuals, etc. |
O6 | Handbook partai politik | Nusa Media | Richard S. Katz dan William Crotty | 2014 | politic party |
O6 | Handbook Teori politik | Nusa Media | Gerald F. Gaus, Chandran Kukathas | 2012 | politic |
P6 | Harapan Keprihatinan dan Tekad, an | Inti Idayu Press | TB Simatupang | 1986 | Indonesia — history — Angkatan 1945 |
O4 | Hari hari Terpanjang, menjelang mundur Soeharto | Penerbit Kompas | James Luhulima | 2001 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Soeharto, — 1921-2008.15.75 history of Asia. |
O4 | Hari-hari terpanjang menjelang mundurnya Presiden Soeharto dan beberapa peristiwa terkait | Penerbit Kompas | James Luhulima | 2001 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Soeharto, — 1921-2008.15.75 history of Asia. |
Q3 | Hariman & Malari: Gelombang aksi mahasiswa menentang modal asing | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Amir Husin Daulay, Imran Hasibuan.., eds | 2011 | Hariman Siregar — demonstran — Indonesian students 1973 — anti foreign capital |
R6 | Harmonisasi Agama dan budaya di Indonesia (1) | Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama | H. Afif AM, Saeful Bahri, eds | 2009 | religion — culture — harmony — Indonesia |
R6 | Harmonisasi Agama dan budaya di Indonesia (2) | Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama | H. Afif AM, Saeful Bahri, eds | 2009 | religion — culture — harmony — Indonesia |
O3 | Harusnya Panda Nababan Bebas | Q Communication | Purwadi Djunaedi, Janfri Sihombing, Imran Hasibuan, eds. | 2012 | Judicial astray — Indonesia law — Panda Nababan |
J6 | Having : property and possession in religious and social life | William B. Eerdmans Pub | William Schweiker & Charles Mathewes | 2004 | BibelProperty — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines.Property — Biblical teaching. |
J2 | Head and Heart, american christianities | Penguin Press | Garry Wills | 2007 | United States — Church history.United States.Geloof en wetenschap. |
I1 | Heart promptly offered, A : the revolutionary leadership of John Calvin | Cumberland House | David W Hall; David J Vaughan | 2006 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564. |
L5 | Heir of Redclyffe, The: affordable & high quality paperback book edition | Filiquarian Publishing | Charlotte Mary Yonge | 2010 | heir — redclyffe |
Q2 | Herbert Marcuse Perang semesta melawan kapitalisme global | Gramedia | Valentinus Saeng | 2012 | global capitalism — |
H3 | Heresies and how to avoid them : why it matters what Christians believe | Hendrickson | Ben Quash & Michael Ward | 2007 | Christian heresies. |
H5 | Heresies and Orthodoxy in the history of the Church | Hendrickson | Harold OJ Brown | 1998, ©1988. | Christian heresies — History.Theology, Doctrinal — History.Christian heresies. |
H5 | Herman Bavinck : pastor, churchman, statesman, and theologian | P & R Pub | Ron Gleason | 2010 | Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921.Theologians — Netherlands — Biography.Theologians. |
B2 | Herman Dooyeweerd : Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society | University of Notre Dame Press | Chaplin,Jhonatan | 2011 | Dooyeweerd, H. — (Herman), — 1894-1977 — Political and social views.State, The.Civil society. |
G4 | Hermeneutical theology and the imperative of public ethics : confessing Christ in post-colonial world Christianity | Pickwick Publications | Paul S. Chung | 2013 | Missions — Theory.Christianity and culture.Postcolonialism. |
B5 | Hermeneutics of charity,The : Interpretation, Selfhood, and Postmodern Faith | BrazosPress | Smith, James K. A. Venema, Henry Isaac Olthuis,James H. | 2004 | Postmodern theology.Hermeneutics.Hermeneutiek. |
T5 | Hermeunetika Sepanjang Masa | Cipta Varia Sarana | Jerry Rumahlatu | 2011 | Hermeneutic |
G4 | Hidden but now revealed : a biblical theology of mystery | IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press | GK Beale & Benjamin L. Gladd | 2014 | Bible. — New Testament — Theology.Mystery — Biblical teaching.Bible. — New Testament. |
J1 | Hidden Worldviews, eight cultural stories… | Steve Wilkens & Mark L Sanford | cultural | ||
R5 | Hidup Bukan Hanya Urusan Perut: kolom-kolom edan Prie GS | Trans Media | Prie GS | 2007 | Social values — Indonesia.Indonesia — Social conditions.Social conditions |
T4 | Hidup dari Pengharapan | BPK Gunung Mulia | AA Yewangoe | 2017 | Christianity — Indonesia.Ecumenical movement — Indonesia.Church and social problems — Indonesia. |
Q5 | Hikayat Kadiroen | Narasi | Semaoen | 2018 | Novel |
S5 | Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam, sejarah dan kedudukannya… | Sinar Harapan | Victor Tanja | 1991 | Indonesia – student — HMI — history |
P4 | Himpunan peraturan di bidang keagamaan | BPK Gunung Mulia | Weinata Sairin | 1994 | Law — Indonesia.Religious law and legislation — Indonesia.Religion and state — Indonesia. |
A3 | Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters | InterVarsity Press | McKim,Donald K. | 1998 | Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — History.Biblical scholars.11.33 Bible study and interpretation. |
S3 | Historiografi Islam Kontemporer: wacana, aktualitas dan aktor sejarah | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Azyumardi Azra | 2002 | Islam — Historiography.Muslim scholars — Biography.Muslim scholars. |
I4 | History and character of Calvinism, The | Oxford University Press | John T. McNeill | 1979 | Calvinism |
N3 | History in uniform : military ideology and the construction of Indonesia’s past | NUS Press | Katharine E. McGregor | 2007 | Notosusanto, Nugroho.Indonesia — Armed Forces — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Armed Forces — Public relations — History — 20th century. |
N3 | History modern of Indonesia since c. 1200, A | Stanford University Press | M.C Ricklefs | 2008 | Indonesia — History.Indonesia.Indonesien |
E6 | History of Christian thought, A : from its Judaic and Hellenistic origins to existentialism | Simon and Schuster | Paul Tillich | 1967 | Theology, Doctrinal — History.Theology, Doctrinal. |
E3 | History of Christianity in Asia, A Vol II | Orbis Books | Samuel Hugh Moffett | 1998-©2005. | Asia — Church history. |
C1 | History of Christianity,A : Vol. 1 Beginnings to 1500 | Prince Press | Latourette, Kenneth Scott | 1975 | Church history. |
C1 | History of Christianity,A : Vol.2 Reformation to the Present | Prince Press | Latourette, Kenneth Scott | 1975 | Church history.Christianity. |
N4 | History of Modern Indonesia, A | Cambridge University Press | Adrian Vickers | 2005 | Indonesia — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Indonésie — Histoire — 20e siècle. |
B1 | history of philosophy, A : Vol. 6 Wolff to Kant | Burns and Oates | Copleston, Frederick | 1999 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy. |
B1 | history of philosophy, A : Vol. 8 Bentham to Russell | Burns and Oates | Copleston, Frederick | 1999 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy. |
B1 | History of Philosophy, A: 19th and 20th Century French Philosophy | Continuum | Copleston, Frederick | 2003 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy. |
B1 | History of Philosophy,A : Vol. 1 Greece and Rome | Image Books – Doubleday | Frederick Copleston | 1994 | Philosophy, Ancient. |
B1 | history of philosophy,A : Vol. 2 Augustine to Scotus | Burns and Oates | Copleston, Frederick | 1999 | Evangelicalism. |
B1 | history of philosophy,A : Vol. 3 Ockham to Suárez | Burns and Oates | Copleston, Frederick | 1999 | Evangelikale Bewegung. |
B1 | history of philosophy,A : Vol. 5 Hobbes to Hume | Burns and Oates | Copleston, Frederick | 1999 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy. |
B1 | history of philosophy,A : Vol. 7. Modern philosophy, from the post-Kantian idealists to Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche | Image Books – Doubleday | Copleston, Frederick | 1994 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy. |
B1 | history of philosophy,A : Vol. 9 Maine de Biran to Sartre | Burns and Oates | Copleston, Frederick | 1999 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy. |
B1 | history of philosophy,A : Vol. IV Modern philosophy, from | Image Books | Copleston, Frederick | 1994 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy. |
B2 | History of philosophy,A: Vol. 10 Russian philosophy | Continuum | Copleston,Frederick Charles | 2003 | history of philosophy |
K3 | History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century, A | University Paperbacks | J.W Allen | 1960 | Political science — History.Reformation.Church and state. |
G2 | History of western philosophy and theology, A | P & R Publishing, | John M Frame | 2015 | Christian philosophy — History.Theology — History.Christian philosophy. |
B1 | History of Western Philosophy,A | Routledge | Russell,Bertrand | 2006 | Philosophy — History.Philosophy.Filosofie. |
K2 | History of Western political thought, A | Routledge | J.S. McClelland | 1996 | Political science — History.Politics — historyIdées politiques — Histoire. |
S3 | HMI 1963 – 1966: menegakkan Pancasila di tengah prahara | Penerbit Buku Kompas, Jakarta : Percetakan Gramedia | M. Alfian Afian | 2013 | Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (Indonesia) — History.Muslim students — Political activity — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia — History — 20th century. |
T1 | Holy Blood, Holy Grail | Ufuk Press | Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh dan Henry Lincoln | 2006 | Novel |
B4 | Holy ignorance : when religion and culture part ways | Oxford University Press, | Olivier Roy; Ros Schwartz | 2013 | Religion and culture. |
E3 | Holy Spirit and the Christian life, The : the theological basis of ethics | Westminster/John Knox Press | Karl Bath | 1993 | Christianisme — Relations. |
M3 | Holy terrors : thinking about religion after September 11 | University of Chicago Press | Bruce Lincoln | 2003 | September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001.Terrorism — Religious aspects.Religion — Philosophy. |
M4 | Holy war, holy peace : how religion can bring peace to the Middle East | Oxford University Press | Marc Gopin | 2002 | Arab-Israeli conflict — 1993- — Peace.Arab-Israeli conflict — Religious aspects.Religion and politics — Middle East. |
B4 | Hope in Troubled Times : a New Vision for Confronting Global Crises | Baker Academic | Goudzwaard,B. Vennen,Mark Vander Heemst,David Van | 2007 | Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Ideology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian sociology. |
J3 | Horizon chasers : the lives and adventures of Richard Halliburton and Paul Mooney | McFarland & Co. | Gerry Max | 2007 | Halliburton, Richard, — 1900-1939. |
F2 | Household of God, The : Lecturers on the Nature of Church | Wipf & Stock, | Lesslie Newbigin | 2008 | Church.Mission of the church. |
E1 | How Christianity changed the world : formerly titled Under the influence | MI : Zondervan, | Alvin J. Schmidt | 2004 | Christianity — Influence.Christian civilization. |
M5 | How to change the world : social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas | Oxford University Press | David Bornstein | 2007 | Social action — Case studies.Social service — Case studies.Social reformers — Case studies. |
E2 | How to conquer the barriers to intercultural dialogue : Christianity, Islam, and Judaism | Peter Lang | Chriistiane Timmerman, Barbara Segaert, eds | 2005 | Religion and culture — Congresses.Intercultural communication — Religious aspects — Congresses.Multiculturalism — Religious aspects — Congresses. |
N1 | How to read T.F. Torrance : understanding his Trinitarian & scientific theology | InterVarsity Press | Elmer M. Colyer | 2001 | Torrance, Thomas F. — (Thomas Forsyth), — 1913-2007.Torrance, Thomas F. — (Thomas Forsyth), — 1913-2007Systematische theologie. |
H1 | How to relate science and religion : a multidimensional model | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Mikael Stenmark | 2004 | Religion and science. |
Q4 | Hukum Acara Pengujian UU | Kerjasama Konstitusi Press dengan PT Syaamil Cipta Media, | Jimly Asshiddiqie | 2006 | Judicial review — Indonesia.Constitution — Indonesia.Judicial review. |
Q4 | Hukum Sakral dan Hukum Sekuler | Pustaka Alfabet | Ratno Lukito | 2008 | conflict — resolution — law system — Indonesia |
H1 | Human Cloning: Religious Response | Westminster John Knox Press | Ronald Cole-Turner, ed | 1997 | Human cloning — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human cloning — Moral and ethical aspects.Cloning, Organism. |
H6 | Human Condition, 2nd edition, The | University of Chicago Press | Hannah Arendt | 1998 | Sociology.Economics.Technology. |
L5 | Human dignity in the biotech century : a Christian vision for public policy | InterVarsity Press | Charles W. Colson & Nigel M. de S. Cameron, eds | 2004 | Genetic engineering — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
L5 | Human medicine : ethical perspectives on new medical issues | Augsburg | James B. Nelson & Jo Anne Smith R. | 1984 | Medical ethics.Medicine — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity. |
G3 | Human person in science and theology, The | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | Niels Henrik Gregersen, William B Drees…, eds | 2000 | Persons — Congresses.Theological anthropology — Christianity — Congresses.Religion and science — Congresses. |
F6 | Human Rights and the Image of GOD | SCM Press | Roger Ruston | 2004 | Catholic Church — Doctrines — History. |
K5 | Human rights as politics and idolatry | Princeton University Press | Michael Ignatieff | 2001 | Human rights.Political science — Philosophy.World politics. |
K5 | Human rights reader, The | A Meridian Book | Micheline R. Ishay… (nama penulis beda dg yg di fisik) | 2007 | Civil rights — History — Sources.Human rights — History — Sources.Civil rights. |
D2 | Humanization and the politics of God : the koinonia ethics of Paul Lehmann | W.B. Eerdmans | Duff, Nancy J. | 1992 | Lehmann, Paul Louis, — 1906-1994. Christian ethics — History — 20th century. Christian ethics. Lehmann, Paul Louis. Theologische Ethik |
I6 | Hunted heretic : the life and death of Michael Servetus, 1511-1553 | Beacon Press | Roland H. Bainton | 1953 | Servetus, Michael, — 1511?-1553.Servetus, Michael, — 1509 or 1511-1553Servetus, Michael, — (1511?-1553) |
Q1 | Hutang itu hutang | INSIST Press : Pustaka Pelajar | Roem Topatimasang | 1999 | Loans, Foreign — Developing countries.Debts, External — Developing countries.Country risk — Developing countries. |
F5 | I am the Lord your God : Christian reflections on the Ten commandments | William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Carl E. Braaten and Christopher R. Seitz | 2005 | Ten commandments. |
F5 | I and Thou | Charles Scribner’s Sons | Martin Buber | 1970 | Life.Relationism.God — Knowableness. |
C2 | I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist | Crossway Books | Geisler, Norman L. Frank Turek | 2004 | Apologetics |
S3 | Ibnu Rusyid: gerbang pencerahan timur dan barat | P3M | Zuhairi misrawi, peny. Editor | 2007 | Ibn Rusyid — |
K4 | Idea of human rights, The : four inquiries | Oxford University Press | Michael J. Perry | 1998 | Human rights — Religious aspects. |
L2 | Idea of Justice, The | Belknap Press of Harvard University Press | Amartya Sen | 2009 | Constitutional law — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
L1 | idea of natural rights, The : studies on natural rights, natural law, and church law, 1150-1625 | William B. Eerdmans, | Brian Tierney | 2001. © 1997. | Natural law — History.Law.Natural law. |
S4 | Identitas Politik umat Islam | IRCiSoD | Kuntowijoyo | 2018 | Islam — politics — identity |
F5 | Identity and idolatry : the image of God and its inversion | InterVarsity Press | Richard Lints | 2015 | Image of God.Idolatry.Identification (Religion) |
M4 | Identity and violence : the illusion of destiny | W.W. Norton & Co. | Amartya Sen | 2006 | Identity (Philosophical concept)Group identity.Violence. |
L3 | ideological war on terror, The : worldwide strategies for counter-terrorism | Routledge | Anne Aldis & Graeme P. Herd, eds | 2007 | War on Terrorism, 2001-2009.Terrorism — Prevention.Ideology. |
J3 | Idols for destruction : the conflict of Christian faith and American culture | Crossway Books | Herbert Schlossberg | 1990 | United States — Moral conditions.United States — Social policy — 1980-1993.Christianity and politics. |
S3 | Ijtihad Islam Liberal: upaya merumuskan keberagamaan yang dinamis | Jaringan Islam Liberal | Abd Moqsith Ghazali | 2005 | Islam — Indonesia — 21st century.Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Religious awakening — Islam. |
O1 | Il Principe: Sang Pangeran | Narasi | Niccolo Machiavelli | 2014 | tricks, cunning, lie |
T3 | Ilah-ilah Global | BPK Gunung MUlia | David W. Shenk | 2003 | Religions |
R4 | Ilmu Negara | Ghalia Indonesia | Mr. Djokosutono | 1982 | Politics and government |
P2 | Ilmu, Teknologi dan etika | Yayasan Bina Darma, Salatiga dengan BPK Gunung Mulia, | Supardan. | 1991 | Science — Indonesia.Technology — Indonesia.Ethics — Indonesia. |
S3 | Ilusi Negara Islam: ekspansi gerakan Islam transnasional di Indonesia | Wahid Institute | KH Abdurrahman Wahid, ed | 2009 | Islam — Indonesia.Islamic fundamentalism — Indonesia.89.39 political systems: other. |
I5 | Imaginative glimpse, An : the Trinity and multiple religious participations | Pickwick Publications | Joas Adiprasetya | 2013 | Trinity.Theology of religions (Christian theology)God (Christianity) |
T2 | Iman dan Agama (edisi revisi) | Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia | Stephen Tong | 2003 | Faith – religion |
T3 | Iman dan Politik dalam Era Reformasi di Indonesia | BPK Gunung Mulia | Emmanuel Gerrit Singgih | 2000 | Christianity and politics — Indonesia.Church and social problems — Indonesia.Christianity and politics. |
T3 | Iman dan Politik dalam Era Reformasi di Indonesia | BPK Gunung Mulia | Emmanuel Gerrit Singgih | 2000 | Christianity and politics — Indonesia.Church and social problems — Indonesia.Christianity and politics. |
T2 | Iman Penderitaan dan HAM | Momentum | Stephen Tong | 2004 | faith — human rights |
T2 | Iman Penderitaan dan HAM | Momentum | Stephen Tong | 2004 | faith — human rights |
T2 | Iman, Agama dan Masyarakat dalam Negara Pancasila | BPK Gunung Mulia, | AA Yewangoe | 2002 | Christianity — Indonesia.Law — Indonesia.Indonesia — Religion — 20th century. |
T2 | Iman, Rasio dan Kebenaran | Institut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia] | Stephen Tong | 1996 | Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)Reformed epistemology.Theology, Doctrinal — Indonesia. |
T2 | Iman, Rasio dan Kebenaran | Institut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia] | Stephen Tong | 1996 | Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)Reformed epistemology.Theology, Doctrinal — Indonesia. |
T5 | Iman: Akal dan Nirakali, mengenai pengetahuan iman dan kenyataan | BPK Gunung Mulia | C. Sanders | 2004 | truth — logic — unlogic |
G2 | In defense of natural theology : a post-Humean assessment | InterVarsity Press | James F. Sennett, Douglas Groothuis, eds | 2005 | Hume, David, — 1711-1776.Hume, David, — 1711-1776Natural theology. |
D5 | In the beginning : foundations of creation theology | Baker Books | Herman Bavinck | 1999 | Creation. |
F6 | In the fields of the Lord : a Seerveld reader | Piquant ; Tuppence Press | Craig Bartholomew, ed | 2000 | Bible — Meditations.Christianity.Christianity — Philosophy. |
Q5 | Indocina : persilangan kebudayaan | KPG, École française d’Extrême-Orient, Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi, Fo | Bernard Philippe Groslier | 2002 | Art — Indochine.Antiquités — Asie du Sud- |
M1 | Indonesia and the Muslim world : Islam and secularism in the foreign policy of Soeharto and beyond | NIAS Press, | Anak Agung Banyu Perwita | 2007 | Soeharto, — 1921-2008.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia. |
P2 | Indonesia bergerak 2: Mozaik kebijakan Publik di Indonesia 2016 | Institute of Governance and Public Affairs (IGPA), Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP), Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerja sama dengan Pustaka Pelajar, | Agus Pramusinto & Yuyun Purbokusumo, editors | 2016 | Indonesia — Social conditions — Congresses.Political planning — Indonesia — Congresses.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- — Congresses. |
N6 | Indonesia beyond Suharto : polity, economy, society, transition | M.E. Sharpe | Donald K. Emmerson, ed | 1999 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945- |
P5 | Indonesia dan doktrin kesejahteraan sosial : dari klasikal dan neoklasikal sampai ke the end of laissez-faire | Perkumpulan Prakarsa | Sri-Edi Swasono | 2005 | Indonesia; — economic conditions; — public welfare |
Q3 | Indonesia Dikhianati | Elizabeth Fuller Collins | Indonesia — democratization — reformation | ||
N3 | Indonesia in transition : social aspects of reformasi and crisis | Zed Books | Chris Manning & Peter van Diermen | 2000 | Indonesia — Social policy.Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Economic policy. |
Q4 | Indonesia Kita | Universitas Paramadina | Nurcholish Madjid | 2004 | Nationalism — Indonesia. |
N3 | Indonesia matters : diversity, unity, and stability in fragile times | Times Editions | Thang D. Nguyen, Frank-Jurgen Richter | 2003 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
R4 | Indonesia Melawan Amerika: konflik perang dingin 1953-1963 | Galangpress | Baskara T Wardaya | 2008 | Indonesia — Politik dan pemerintahan — 1953-1963Indonesia — Politik luar negeri — Amerika Serikat |
R1 | Indonesia Menentukan Nasib | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Kompas | 2010 | Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
R4 | Indonesia optimis | BIP | Denny Indrayana | 2011 | Indonesia– democratie |
P1 | Indonesia Poros Maritim Dunia: Iptek Pertahanan Penopang | Sain Press | Indroyono Soesilo | 2015 | defence — indonesia — maritime — technology |
N5 | Indonesia rising : the repositioning of Asia’s third giant | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Anthony Reid, ed | 2012 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
Q2 | Indonesia satu, Indonesia beda, Indonesia bisa : membangun Bhinneka Tunggal Ika di bumi Nusantara : bunga rampai 50 tahun Jimmy Oentoro | Harvest Publication House | A A Yewangoe; Jimmy Oentoro | 2010 | Indonesia — Religion.Indonesia — Social conditions.Religion. |
N4 | Indonesia Today; challenges of history | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Grayson Lloyd, Shannon Smith | 2001 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Indonesia — Social conditions. |
N3 | Indonesia towards democarcy | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Taufik Abdullah | 2009 | Democracy — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government.Indonesia — History. |
M1 | Indonesia, Islam, and democracy : dynamics in a global context | Solstice Pub | Azyumardi Azra | 2006 | Islam and state — Indonesia. |
N4 | Indonesia, the great transition | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | John Bresnan, ed | 2005 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-89.40 internal relations of the state: general. |
R4 | Indonesia/proses : esai-esai tentang identitas dan keindonesiaan | Tempo dan PT. Grafiti | Goenawan Mohamad | 2011 | Nationalism — Indonesia.National characteristics, Indonesian.Festschriften — Indonesia. |
N1 | Indonesian communism under Sukarno; : ideology and politics, 1959-1965 | Equinox Pub | Rex Mortimer | 2006 | Partai Komunis Indonesia — History. |
N4 | Indonesian dream, The : unity, diversity, and democracy in times of distrust | Marshall Cavendish Academic | Thang D. Nguyen | 2004 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- — Congresses.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997- — Congresses.Indonesia — Social conditions — 21st century — Congresses. |
N5 | Indonesian electoral behaviour : a statistical perspective | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Aris Ananta, Evi Nurvidya… | 2004 | Indonesia — Population.Indonesia — Population — Statistics.Voting — Indonesia. |
M2 | Indonesian Islam : social change through contemporary fatāwā | University of Hawai’i Press | M.B Hooker | 2003 | Islam — Indonesia — History.Islam and state — Indonesia.Religion and state — Indonesia. |
N4 | Indonesian migrant domestic workers: | Komnas Perempuan Indonesia | Komnas Perempuan Indonesia | 2003 | Indonesia — migrant workers |
N5 | Indonesian military after New Order, The | NIAS Press ; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Sukardi Rinakit | 2005 | Indonesia. — Angkatan Bersenjata.Indonesia. — Angkatan Bersenjata — Political activity.Indonesia. — Angkatan Darat. |
M2 | Indonesian Muslim Intelliigentsia and Power | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Yudi Latif | 2008 | ICMI (Organization) — History.Intellectuals — Indonesia — History.Muslims — Indonesia — Intellectual life — History. |
N1 | Indonesian Ocean Policy | Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs Indonesia | 2017 | Ocean – Indonesia | |
N5 | Indonesian Parliament and Democratization, The | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Patrick Ziegenhain | 2008 | Indonesia. — Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.Legislative bodies — Indonesia.Democratization — Indonesia. |
N3 | Indonesian politics and society : a reader | RoutledgeCurzon | David Bourchier & Vedi R. Hadiz | 2003 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Social conditions — 20th century. |
N6 | Indonesian politics under Suharto : the rise and fall of the new order | Routledge | Michael R.J Vatikiotis | 1998 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.HISTORY.Politics and government |
O6 | Indonesian Top Secret: Membongkar Konflik Poso | Tito Karnavian, dkk | Conflict in Poso | ||
N6 | Indonesia’s post-Soeharto democracy movement | Demos, | Stanley Adi Prasetyo, A.E Priyono, …, eds | 2003 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democracy — Indonesia.Politics and government. |
N5 | Indonesia’s Secret war in Aceh | Random House Australia, | John Martinkus | 2004 | Political persecution — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.Political atrocities — Indonesia — N anggroe Aceh Darussalam.Human rights — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. |
D6 | Inerrancy and common sense | Baker Book House | Roger R Nicole & J Ramsey Michaels | 1980 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible — Preuves, autorité, etc.Bible. |
B5 | Inerrancy and worldview : answering modern challenges to the Bible | Vern S Poythress | Vern S Poythress | 2012 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Apologetics.Christian philosophy. |
A1 | Infallible WORD, The: A Symposium by the Members of The Faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary | P&R Publishing | Stonehouse,N.B. Woolley,Paul Goheen | 1967 | Bible — Inspiration.Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible. |
T4 | Injil dalam Masyarakat Majemuk | BpK Gunung Mulia | Lesslie Newbigin | 2002 | Ghospel — pluralism |
T3 | Injil dan Adat Batak | Yayasan Bina Dunia | Mangapul Sagala | 2008 | Batak (Indonesian people) — Religious life and customs. |
T4 | Innerancy Ketaksalahan Alkitab | Harvest International Theological Seminary | Arnold Tindas | 2007 | Bible — innerancy |
N1 | Inside Indonesian Society, cultural change in Java | Penerbit Kanisius | Niels Mulder | 2005 | Java (Indonesia) — Civilization.Java (Indonesia) — Social life and customs.Social change — Indonesia — Java. |
A6 | Inspiration and Authority of the Bible,The | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co. | Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield; Samuel G Craig; Cornelius Van Til | 1948 | Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible — Inspiration.Revelation. |
E6 | Institutes of the Christian Religion, The : Vol 3 | BiblioBazaar | John Calvin | 2008 | Apologetics. |
G6 | Instruments in the Redeemer’s hands : people in need of change helping people in need of change | P & R Pub. | Paul David Tripp | 2002 | Peer counseling in the church. |
L4 | Integrity at work : finding your ethical compass in a post-Enron worldAuthor:Geisler, Norman L. | Baker Books | Norman L. Geisler & Randy Douglass | 2007 | Work — Moral and ethical aspects. |
D5 | Integrity, leading with god watching | InterVarsity Press | Jonathan Lamb | 2006 | Bible. — Corinthians, 2nd. |
Q2 | Intel Menguak Tabir dunia intelijen Indonesia | Pustaka Primatama | Ken Conboy | 2007 | Intelligence service — Indonesia.National security — Indonesia.Intelligence service. |
R5 | Intel Menguak Tabir Dunia Intelijen Indonesia | Pustaka Primatama | Ken Conboy | 2007 | Intelligence service — Indonesia.National security — Indonesia.Intelligence service. |
S3 | Inteligensia Muslim dan Kuasa | Mizan | Yudi Latif | 2005 | Indonesia — Intellectual life — 20th century.Muslims — Indonesia — Intellectual life — 20th century.Intellectuals — Indonesia — History — 20th century. |
F6 | Intellectuals speak out about God, The : a handbook for the Christian student in a secular society | Regnery Gateway | Roy Abraham Varghese | 1984 | God — Proof. |
M2 | Interfaith Theology: responses of progressive Indonesian Muslims | International Center for Islam and Pluralism | Zainun Kamal | 2006 | Religious pluralism — Islam.Religious pluralism — Indonesia.Religious pluralism. |
K4 | International politics and the demand for global justice | G.R. Welch ; Dordt College Press | James W. Skillen | 1981 | Constitutional history — France. |
H2 | Interpretation of religion, An : human responses to the transcendent | Yale University Press | John Hick | 2004 | Religion.Religion — Philosophy.Religions. |
I5 | Into the arena | Kingsway | Paul Miller | 1992 | Christianity and politics.Christianity — Related to — Politics |
J3 | Intolerance of Tolerance, The | William B. Eerdmans Pub | DA Carson | 2012 | Toleration — Religious aspects — Christianity.Religious tolerance — Christianity.Christianity and other religions. |
L3 | Intolerance of Tolerance, The | William B. Eerdmans Pub | D.A. Carson | 2012 | Toleration — Religious aspects — Christianity.Religious tolerance — Christianity.Christianity and other religions. |
G2 | Introducing contemporary theologies : the what and the who of theology today | Orbis Books, | Neil Ormerod | 1997 | Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Theology, Doctrinal. |
G5 | Introducing Feminist Theology | Orbis Books | Anne M. Clifford | 2001 | Feminist theology.Feministische theologie. |
A5 | Introducing The Apocrypha: Message, Context, and Significance | Baker Academic | deSilva,David A. | 2002 | Bible. — Apocrypha — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Apocrypha.Bible. — A.T. — Livres deutérocanoniques — Critique, interprétation, etc. |
I2 | Introducing the Reformed faith : biblical revelation, Christian tradition, contemporary significance | Westminster John Knox Press | Donald K McKim | 2001 | Reformed Church — Doctrines.Geloofsleer.Christendom. |
G4 | Introducing Theologies of Religions | Orbis Books | Paul F. Knitter | 2002 | Theology of religions (Christian theology) |
A4 | Introduction to Biblical Ethics,An | Tyndale House Pubishers | McQuilkin,Robertson | 1995 | Ethics in the Bible.Christian ethics — Biblical teaching.RELIGION — Christian Theology — Ethics. |
N4 | Introduction to Indonesian Historiography, An | Equinox Pub | Soedjatmoko | 2007 | Indonesia — History — Historiography.Historiography.Indonesia. |
G3 | Introduction to modern theology : trajectories in the German tradition | Westminster John Knox Press | John E. Wilson | 2007 | Theology, Doctrinal — Germany — History — 19th century. |
B2 | Introduction to Philosophy : a Christian Perspective | Baker Book House | Geisler, Norman L. Feinberg, Paul D. | 1987 | Philosophy — Introductions.Christianity — Philosophy.Philosophy. |
G3 | Introduction to Systematic theology, An | P & R Pub | Cornelius Van Till | 2007 | Theology, Doctrinal. |
C5 | Introduction to the Science of Missions, An | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., | Bavinck, J. H. (Johan Herman) | 1960 | Missions. |
H5 | Introduction to the study of Religion | Orbis Books | Nancy C. Ring, Kathleen S. Nash… | 1998 | Religion.Godsdienst. |
G6 | Introduction to the theology of religions, An : biblical, historical, and contemporary perspectives | InterVarsity Press | Veli-Matti Karkkainen | 2003 | Theology of religions (Christian theology)Théologie des religions.Theologie van de godsdiensten. |
J6 | Introductory sociology | Palgrave Macmillan | Tony Bilton, Kevin Bonnet, Pip Jones, etc | 2002 | Sociology. |
J6 | Investment analysis and portfolio management | Frank K. Reilly | investment — management | ||
C4 | Invitation to world missions : a trinitarian missiology for the twenty-first century | Kregel Publications | Timothy C. Tennent | 2010 | Missions — Theory.Trinity |
R1 | IPDN Undercover | Progressio | Inu Kencana Syafiie | 2007 | Indonesia — Institute of Governance of Home Affairs (IPDN) scandal |
M4 | Iraq War and its consequences, The : thoughts of Nobel Peace laureates and eminent scholars | World Scientific | Irwin Abrams & Wang Gungwu | 2003 | Iraq War, 2003-2011.Guerre en Irak, 2003.HISTORY — Military. |
F5 | Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad? : understanding the differences between Christianity and Islam | Zondervan | Timothy George | 2002 | Jesus Christ — Person and offices.God (Christianity)Christianity and other religions — Islam. |
I1 | Is the Reformation over? : an evangelical assessment of contemporary Roman Catholicism | BakerAcademic ; Paternoster | Mark A Noll, Carolyn Nystrom | 2005 | Catholic Church — Relations — Evangelicalism.Evangelicalism — Relations — Catholic Church.Catholic Church. |
A1 | Is There a Meaning in This Text? | Zondervan Publishing House | Vanhoozer,Kevin J. | 1998 | Bible — Hermeneutics. |
S5 | Islam & Civil Society | Gramedia Pustaka Utama bekerjasama dengan PPIM-IAIN Jakarta | Hendro Prasetyo; Ali Munhanif | 2002 | Islamic sociology.Islam — Social aspects.Islam and state — Indonesia. |
S4 | Islam & Penjajahan Barat | Serambi | Muhamad Ali | 2017 | Islam — West |
S3 | Islam Agama Kemanusiaan; membangun tradisi dan visi baru Islam Indonesia | Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina | Nurcholish Madjid | 1995 | Islam — Indonesia.Islam — 20th century.Islam. |
M2 | Islam and the secular state : negotiating the future of Shariʻa | Harvard University Press | Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim | 2008 | Islam and secularism.Islam and state.Islamic law. |
M1 | Islam and the Secular State in Indonesia | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Luthfy Assyaukanie | 2009 | Indonesia — Islam — state |
M2 | Islam and the State in Indonesia | Ohio University Press ; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Bahtiar Effendy | 2003 | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
M2 | Islam at the crossroads : understanding its beliefs, history, and conflicts | Baker Books | Paul Marshall, Roberta Green… | 2002 | Islam.Islam — Doctrines.Islam — Essence, genius, nature. |
M2 | Islam Between Culture and Politics | Palgrave | Bassam Tibi | 2001 | Islam — 20th century.Islamic sociology.Islamic civilization. |
S3 | Islam dan HAM dalam Pandangan Nurcholosh Madjid | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Moh Monib, Islah Bahrawi | 2011 | Human rights — Religious aspects — Islam. |
S2 | Islam dan Negara dalam Politik Orba | Gema Insani Press | Abdul Azis Thaba | 1996 | Islam and state — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government.89.41 internal relations of the state with separate groups. |
S2 | Islam dan Pancasila sebagai dasar Negara | Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia, | Ahmad Syafii Maarif | 2006 | Islam and state — Indonesia.Pancasila.Indonesia — Politics and government. |
S5 | Islam dan Politik era Orde Baru | Logos Wacana Ilmu | M Din Syamsuddin; Abd Rohim Ghazali | 2001 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia. |
S4 | Islam dan Terorisme: dari minyak hingga hegemoni Amerika | UCY Press | ZA Maulani….dkk | 2003 | Terrorism — Religious aspects — Islam — Congresses.Terrorism — Indonesia — Congresses.Terrorism. |
S4 | Islam di Ruang Publik: politik identitas dan masa depan demokrasi di Indonesia | Center for the Study of Religion and Culture, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah | Noorhaidi Hasan, Irfan Abubakar | 2011 | Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democracy — Indonesia.Democracy. |
S5 | Islam di tengah arus transisi | Kompas | Abdul Mun’im D. Z. | 2020 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
S1 | Islam Dialogis: akar-akar toleransi dalam sejarah dan kitab suci | Pustaka Cendekia Press | Ruslani | 2006 | Islam — dialog — tolerance |
S3 | Islam Dokrin & Peradaban | Paramadina | Nurcholish Madjid | 2005 | Islam — doctrine — civilization |
M2 | Islam Ideology and the Way of Life | A.S. Noordeen | Afzalur Rahman | 1995 | Islam — Doctrines.Islam — Customs and practices. |
M4 | Islam in an era of nation-states : politics and religious renewal in Muslim Southeast Asia | University of Hawaii Press | Robert W. Hefner & Patricia Horvatich | 1997 | Islam.Southeast Asia.Islam |
M4 | Islam in Indonesia : the contest for society, ideas and values | Oxford University Press | Carool Kersten | 2015 | Islam — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democratization — Indonesia. |
M2 | Islam in Indonesia: A to Z Basic Reference | Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia : CDCC | Umar Hadi, Abdul Mu’ti, et al. | 2009 | Islam — Indonesia.Islam.Indonesia. |
M2 | Islam in Indonesian Foreign Policy | RoutledgeCurzon | Rizal Sukma | 2006 | Indonesia — Foreign relations.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Diplomatic relations. |
M1 | Islam in Southeast Asia : political, social, and strategic challenges for the 21st century | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | K. S. Nathan, Mohammad…, eds | 2005 | Islam — Southeast Asia — History — Congresses.Islam — 21st century — Congresses.Islam and state — Southeast Asia — Congresses. |
S2 | Islam Jawa: kesalehan normatif versus kebatinan | LKiS | Mark R. Woodward | 2004 | Islam — Indonesia — Java.Sufism — Indonesia — Java.Java (Indonesia) — Religious life and customs. |
S3 | Islam Liberal: varian-varian liberalisme Islam di Indonesia 1991-2002 | LKiS Yogyakarta | Zuly Qodir | 2010 | Islam — Indonesia. |
S2 | Islam Madzhab Tengah: persembahan 70 tahun Tarmizi Taher | Grafindo Khazanah Ilmu | A Mustofa Bisri; Hery Sucipto; Tarmizi Taher | 2007 | Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Religious awakening — Indonesia.Islamic renewal. |
S4 | Islam Negara & Civil Society: Gerakan dan pemikiran Islam kontemporer | Paramadina | Komaruddin Hidayat, Ahmad Gaus F. | 2005 | Islam — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and culture — Indonesia. |
S4 | Islam pasar keadilan : artikulasi lokal, kapitalisme, dan demokrasi | LKIS | Robert W Hefner; Amirudin.; Asyhabuddin. | 2000 | Indonesia — Civilization. |
S4 | Islam pluralis : wacana kesetaraan kaum beriman | Srigunting | Budhy Munawar Rachman | 2004 | Pluralism.Religious pluralism — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia. |
S1 | Islam sebagai Dasar Negara | Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia | Moh. Natsir | 2000 | Islam and politics — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Islam and politics. |
S2 | Islam Yes Partai Islam Yes: sejarah perkembangan partai Islam di Indonesia | Pustaka Pelajar ; Jakarta, Indonesia : Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Pusat Penelitian Politik | Lili Romli | 2006 | Political parties — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia. |
M3 | Islam, continuity and change in the modern world | Syracuse University Press | John Obert Voll | 1994 | Islam — History.Islam — 20th century.Islam and politics — 20th century. |
S4 | Islam, demokratisasi, dan pemberdayaan civil society | Erlangga | Muhammad A S Hikam | 2000 | Democracy — Indonesia.Civil society — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia. |
S4 | Islam, Doktrin dan Peradaban: sebuah telaah kritis tentang masalah keimanan, kemanusiaan dan kemodernan | Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina | Nurcholish Majid | 1992 | Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
S4 | Islam, kemodernan dan keindonesiaan | Mizan | Nurcholish Madjid | 1999 | 11.80 Islam: general. |
S4 | Islam, Pancasila dan Pergulatan Politik | Pustaka Antara | Fachry Ali | 1984 | Islam — Pancasila — politics |
M1 | Islam: Past, Present and Future | Oneworld | Hans Kung | 2007 | Islam.Islam — Histoire — 21e siècle.Islam — Histoire. |
M2 | Islam: to reform or to subvert? | Saqi Essentials | Mohammed Arkoun | 2006 | Islam and state. |
M3 | Islamic Economic Systems | Zed Books | Farhard Nomani & Ali Rahenna | 1994 | Economics — Islamic countries.Economics — Religious aspects — Islam.Islam. |
M3 | Islamic ethics of life : abortion, war, and euthanasia | University of South Carolina Press | Jonathan E. Brockopp, ed | 2003 | Life in the Qurʼan.Life — Religious aspects — Islam.Abortion — Religious aspects — Islam. |
M2 | Islamic Imperialism: a history | Yale University Press | Efraim Karsh | 2006 | Islam — History.Islamic Empire — History.Imperialism — History. |
M4 | Islamisation and its opponents in Java : a political, social, cultural and religious history, c. 1930 to the present | NUS Press | M.C Rickels | 2012 | Islam — Indonesia — Java.Java (Indonesia) — History.Java (Indonesia) — Religion. |
M3 | Islamism in Indonesia : politics in the emerging democracy | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, | Bernhard Platzdasch | 2009 | Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democracy — Religious aspects — Islam. |
S1 | Islamku, Islam Anda, Islam Kita: agama masyarakat negara demokrasi | Wahid Institute | Abdurrahman Wahid | 2006 | Islam — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
L1 | Issues and ethics in the helping professions | Brooks/Cole/Thomson Learning | Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey…, eds | 2007 | Psychotherapists — Professional ethics.Counselors — Professional ethics.Counseling. |
K4 | J curve, The : a new way to understand why nations rise and fall | Simon & Schuster | Ian Bremmer | 2006 | Constitutional history — United States. |
B5 | J.H. Bavinck reader, The | William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, | J H Bavinck; John Bolt; James D Bratt; P J Visser | 2013 | Missions — Theory.Theology. |
C4 | J.I. Packer and the evangelical future : the impact of his life and thought | Baker Academic | Timothy George, ed | 2009 | Packer, J. I. — (James Innell) — Congresses.Packer, J. I. — (James Innell) — Bibliography.Packer, J. I. — (James Innell) |
N1 | JAKARTA | Sid Harta | Kerry B. Collison | 1999 | Indonesia — History — 1950-1966 — Fiction.Nuclear energy — Indonesia — Fiction.Nuclear energy. |
T4 | Jalan Menuju Keesaan | Pustaka Sinar Harapan, | Henky C. Wijaya, MA Christian…, peny. | 1996 | Christianity — Indonesia.Ecumenical movement.Christianity. |
R4 | Jalan Panjang Hak Asasi Manusia | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Todung Mulya Lubis | 2005 | Human rights — Indonesia.Civil rights — Indonesia.Civil rights. |
Q4 | Jalan Panjang Menjadi WNI | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Frans H. Winarta, Kata Pengantar | 2007 | Citizenship — Indonesia.Chinese — Indonesia.Chinese. |
R4 | Jalan Panjang Reformasi: opini Denny JA Harian Suara Pembaruan | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Denny JA | 2006 | Democratization — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democratization. |
S5 | Jalan tengah politik Islam : kaitan Islam, demokrasi, dan negara yang tidak mudah | Ushul Pres | Bahtiar Effendy | 2005 | Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government. |
P3 | Jangan Pilih Saya, anekdot pemilu | Elex Media Komputindo | Ahmad Sutardi | 2009 | Elections — Indonesia — Anecdotes.Elections — Indonesia — Humor.Elections — Indonesia — Caricatures and cartoons. |
Q4 | JE Sahetapy yang memberi teladan dan menjaga nurani hukum & politik | Komisi Hukum Nasional RI, Jakarta Pusat : Komisi Hukum Nasional, | Mohammad Saihu Sholihan….., eds | 2007 | Law — Political aspects — Indonesia.Law reform — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
Q4 | JE Sahetapy yang memberi teladan dan menjaga nurani hukum & politik | Komisi Hukum Nasional RI, Jakarta Pusat : Komisi Hukum Nasional, | Mohammad Saihu Sholihan….., eds | 2007 | Law — Political aspects — Indonesia.Law reform — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
A4 | Jefferson Bible,The : The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth | A & D Publishing | Jefferson,Thomas | 2007 | Jesus Christ — Rationalistic interpretations.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Jesus Christ — Sources, Biblical. |
M2 | Jemaah Islamiyah : radical Islamism in Indonesia | Ridge Books | Greg Barton | 2005 | Jamaah Islamiyah (Indonesia) — Political activity.Jamaah Islamiyah (Indonesia)Jemaah Islamiyah |
T6 | Jerusalem: kesucian, konflik dan pengadilan akhir | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Trias Kuncahyono | 2010 | Jerusalem — History.Israel-Arab War, 1948-1949 — Jerusalem.Middle East — Jerusalem. |
F2 | Jesus and money : a guide for times of financial crisis | Brazos Press | Ben Witherington III | 2010 | Wealth — Biblical teaching. |
E1 | Jesus and politics : confronting the powers | Baker Academic | Alan Storkey | 2005 | Jesus Christ — Influence.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Jésus-Christ — Influence. |
F5 | Jesus and politics : confronting the powers | Baker Academic | Alan Storkey | 2005 | Jesus Christ — Influence.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Jésus-Christ — Influence. |
F3 | Jesus and the feminists : who do they say that He is? | Crossway Books | Margaret Elizabeth Kostenberger | 2008 | Learning and scholarship — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
F4 | Jesus and the politics of His Day | New York : Cambridge University Press, | Ernst Bammel & CFD Moule, eds | 1984 | Jesus Christ — Teachings.Jesus Christ — Political and social views.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
D2 | Jesus and virtue ethics : building bridges between New Testament studies and moral theology | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | Daniel J Harrington; James F Keenan | 2005 | Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible. — New Testament. Christian ethics — Catholic authors. Christian ethics — History. Ethics in the Bible. Christian ethics. |
F3 | Jesus’ attitude towards the law : a study of the Gospels | Mich. Eerdman | William Loader | 2002 | United States — Church history. |
F3 | Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind | William B. Eerdmans Pub | Mark A. Noll | 2011 | Jesus Christ |
F4 | Jesus family tomb, The : the discovery, the investigation, and the evidence that could change history | HarperSanFrancisco, | Simcha Jacobovici and Charles Pellegrino | 2007 | Jesus Christ — Burial.Jesus Christ — Family.Tombs — Jerusalem. |
T5 | Jesus in an age of Controversi – Yesus di zaman Kontroversi | verbum dei books | Douglas Groothuis | 2008 | Jesus — age of controversi |
F5 | Jesus in Beijing | Monarch, | David Aikman | 2005, ©2003. | Christianity — China.Christianity and politics — China.China — Religion — 21st century. |
F3 | Jesus’ Sermon on the mount : and his confrontation with the world : an exposition of Matthew 5-10 | Baker Books | D.A Carson | 1999 | Sermon on the mount — Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
F4 | Jesus’ Strategy for Social Transformation | Abingdon Press, | Emerito P. Nacpil | 1999 | Christian sociology — Methodist Church.Jesus Christ — Political and social views.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
F3 | Jesus, justice, and the reign of God : a ministry of liberation | Westminster John Knox Press | William R. Herzog II | 2000 | Jesus Christ. |
O2 | Jihad vs McWord: Globalisme dan tribalisme baru dunia | Ikon Teralitera | Benjamin R. Barber | 2003 | Social values.Social history — 20th century.Democracy. |
M3 | Jihad vs McWorld | Ballantine Books | Benjamin R. Barber | 1996 | Social values.Social history — 20th century.Democracy. |
M1 | Jihad, the origin of Holy War in Islam | Oxford University Press | Reuven Firestone | 1999 | Jihad — History.War — Religious aspects — Islam.Jihad. |
M3 | Jihad, the Trail of Political Islam | Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, | Gilles Kepel | 2002 | Islam — 20th centuryIslam and politicsJihad |
P1 | Jika Ia Anak Kita: AIDS dan Jurnalisme Empati | Penerbit Buku Kompas | iwan Julianto | 2002 | Indonesia — Politics and government. |
I4 | John Calvin : revolutionary, theologian, pastor | Christian Focus | Williston Walker | 2005 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564. |
I3 | John Calvin as teacher, pastor, and theologian : the shape of his writings and thought | Baker Academic | Randall C. Zachman | 2006 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564Calvin, Jean. |
I4 | John Calvin rediscovered : the impact of his social and economic thought | Westminster John Knox Press | Edward Dommen & James D. Bratt, eds | 2007 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Influence.Calvin, Jean — Christliche Sozialethik. |
I4 | John Calvin’s Ideas | Oxford University Press | Paul Helm | 2006 | Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 16th century.Calvinism. |
K6 | Jonathan Edwards : a life | Yale University Press | George M. Marsden | 2003 | Edwards, Jonathan, — 1703-1758.Congregational churches — United States — Clergy — Biography.11.55 Protestantism. |
A1 | Journey from Texts to Translations, The: The Origin and Development of the Bible | Baker Academic | Paul D. Wegner | 1999 | Bible — History.Bible. — Versions — History.Bible. |
L2 | Journey toward justice : personal encounters in the global south | Baker Academic | Nicholas Wolterstorff | 2013 | Christianity and justice.Christianity — 21st century. |
R1 | Jurnalisme Dasar | Kompas | Luwi Ishwara | 2011 | jurnalism |
R1 | Jurnalisme Investigasi | Yayasan Obor Indonesia | Septiawan Santana K | 2003 | Investigative reporting — Indonesia.Journalism — Political aspects — Indonesia. |
R1 | Jurnalistik, Teori dan Praktek | Remaja Rosdakarya | Hikmat Kusumaningrat | 2006 | Jurnalism |
I5 | Just and unjust peace : an ethic of political reconciliation | Oxford University Press | Daniel Philpott | 2012 | Reconciliation — Religious aspects.Restorative justice — Religious aspects.Abrahamic religions. |
L2 | Just and unjust Wars: amoral argumen historical illustration | Basic Books | Michael Walzer | 1992 | War. |
L2 | Just generosity : a new vision for overcoming poverty in America | Baker Books | Ronald J Sider | 1999 | Poverty — United States.Poor — United States.Distributive justice — United States. |
K1 | Just politics : a guide for Christian engagement | Brazos Press, | Ronald J Sider | 2012 | Christianity and politics. |
L3 | Just war against terror : the burden of American power in a violent world | Basic Books | Jean Bethke Elshtain | 2003 | Terrorism — United States.War on Terrorism, 2001-2009.Just war doctrine. |
L2 | Justice & Peace, a christian primer | Orbis Books, | J. Milburn Thompson | 2003 | Christianity and justice.Social justice.Peace — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
L2 | Justice in Love | William B. Eerdmans | Nicholas Wolterstorff | 2011 | Agape.Love — Religious aspects.Love — Philosophy. |
L2 | Justice, and only justice : a Palestinian theology of liberation | Orbis Books | Naim Stifan Ateek | 1989 | Ateek, Naim Stifan, — 1937-Palestine — In Christianity.Israel (Christian theology) |
L2 | Justice, rights and wrongs | Princeton University Press | Nicholas Wolterstorff | 2008 | Christianity and justice.Human rights — Religious aspects — Christianity.08.38 ethics. |
L2 | Justice, what’s the right thing to do? | Farrar, Straus and Giroux | Michael J. Sandel | 2009 | Justice.Values.Ethics. |
L2 | Justification : the doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic reflection | Westminster John Knox Press | Hans Kung | 2004 | Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Catholic Church — Doctrines.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968 |
R1 | Kalimat Jurnalistik; Panduan mencermati penulisan berita | Kompas | AM Dewabrata | 2010 | Jurnalism. |
S6 | Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Kontemporer | Modern English Press | Peter Salim & Yenny Salim | 2002 | Indonesia — dictionary |
S6 | Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia edisi 3 | Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan : Balai Pustaka | Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.; Indonesia. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.; Balai Pustaka, PN. | 1991 | Indonesia – dictionary |
S6 | Kamus Filsafat | Penerbit PT Gramedia | Lorens Bagus | 1996 | Philosophy — Dictionaries. |
S6 | Kamus Indonesia Inggris, edisi 3 | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | John M. Echols dan Hassan Shadily | 2003 | Reference books. |
S6 | Kamus Inggris Indonesia: an english-indonesia dictionary | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | John M. Echols dan Hassan Shadily | 2000 | dictionaries.Indonesian language.Bahasa Indonesia. |
S6 | Kamus Kata-kata serapan asing dalam bahasa Indonesia | Penerbit Buku Kompas | JS Badudu | 2003 | Indonesian language — Foreign words and phrases. |
S6 | Kamus Latin Populer | Buku Kompas | BJ Marwoto | 2009 | Latin.18.94 Indonesian and Malay language and/or literature.18.45 Latin language. |
S6 | Kamus Linguistik | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Harimurti Kridalaksana | 2008 | Linguistics — Dictionaries — Indonesian.Linguistics. |
S6 | Kamus Peribahasa | Penerbit Buku Kompas | JS Badudu | 2008 | Proverbs, Indonesian — Dictionaries.Indonesian language — Idioms — Dictionaries.Indonesian language — Idioms. |
S6 | Kamus Sejarah Indonesia | Komunitas Bambu | Robert Cribb & Audrey Kahin | 2012 | Indonesia — History — Dictionaries.Indonesia.Australian |
S6 | Kamus Ungkapan Bahasa Indonesia | Penerbit Buku Kompas | JS Badudu | 2008 | Indonesian language — Terms and phrases.Indonesian language. |
S6 | Kamus Ungkapan Inggris – Indonesia | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Joseph J Sullivan & Hadi Podo | 1996 | Figures of speech — Dictionaries — Indonesian.English language — Idioms — Dictionaries — Indonesian.English language — Idioms. |
P3 | Kapitalisme Gotong Royong | CRI Alocita | Emmanuel Subangun | 1995 | Asia — Economic integration.Pacific Area — Economic integration.Japan — Foreign relations. |
T5 | Karier: Panggilan Atau Pilihan? | Persekutuan Pembaca Alkitab | Lee Hardy | 2009 | the world of work — culture — religious |
I5 | Karl Barth & the pietists : the young Karl Barth’s critique of pietism and its response | InterVarsity Press | Eberhard Busch | 2004 | Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968Pietism. |
J2 | Karl Bath and America Evangelicalism | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Bruce L. McCormack & Clifford B. Anderson, eds | 2011 | Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968 — Congresses.Van Til, Cornelius, — 1895-1987 — Congresses.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968. |
J2 | Karl Bath and America Evangelicalism | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Bruce L. McCormack & Clifford B. Anderson, eds | 2011 | Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968 — Congresses.Van Til, Cornelius, — 1895-1987 — Congresses.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968. |
T3 | Karl Bath: Hidup, Pekerjaan dan Theologianya | BPK Gunung Mulia | JL Ch Abineno | 2003 | Karl Bath — theology |
T6 | Karl Bath: Teolog Kemerdekaan, kumpulan cuplikan karya Karl Barth | BPK Gunung Mulia | Clifford Green, ed | 2003 | Karl Barth –Theology |
R5 | Karya Lengkap Driyarkara: esai-esai filsafat pemikir yang terlibat penuh dalam perjuangan bangsanya | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | A. Sudiarja SJ, dkk. Peny. | 2006 | Philosophy. |
P2 | Karya Tulis Ilmiah Sosial: menyiapkan, menulis dan mencermatinya | Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia | Yunita T. Winarto, Ibnu Wahyudi, Ezra M. Choesin | 2016 | 05.16 writing. |
R2 | Kaum Demokrat Kritis: analisis perilaku pemilih Indonesia sejak demokratisasi | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia | Saiful Mujani, R. William Liddle… | 2019 | general election — Indonesia |
Q4 | Keadilan dalam Kemajemukan | Pustaka Sinar Harapan bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Wahana Dharma Nusa | Bambang S Sulasmono; Radius Prawiro | 1998 | Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Indonesia — Social conditions.Economic history. |
Q4 | Keadilan dalam Kemajemukan | Pustaka Sinar Harapan bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Wahana Dharma Nusa | Bambang S Sulasmono; Radius Prawiro | 1998 | Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Indonesia — Social conditions.Economic history. |
R2 | Keadilan dan Demokrasi Telaah Filsafat John Rawls | Kanisius | Andra Ata Ujan | 2001 | democracy — philosophy — politiek — John Rawls |
T6 | Keadilan dan perdamaian : tanggung jawab kristiani dalam pembangunan dunia | BPK Gunung Mulia | J. MIlburn Thompson | 2009 | justice –peace — christianity |
R1 | Kebangkitan Peran Budaya | LP3ES | Lawrence E Harrison, Samuel P. Huntington | 2006 | poverty |
P6 | Kebangkitan peran budaya : bagaimana nilai-nilai membentuk kemajuan manusia | LP3ES | David Landes; Lawrence E Harrison; Samuel P Huntington; Retnowati.; Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (LP3ES) (Jakarta).; et al | 2006 | Social values.Culture. |
Q2 | Kebangkitan peran budaya : bagaimana nilai-nilai membentuk kemajuan manusia | Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia | Lawrence E. Harrison & Samuel P. Huntington, eds | 2006 | Social values.Culture. |
S2 | Kebangkitan Politik Kaum Santri: Islam dan demokratisasi | PSAP | Pramono U. Tanthowi | 2005 | Islam and politics — Indonesia — History — 20th century.Democratization — Indonesia — History — 20th century.Democratization. |
R2 | Kebebasan, negara, pembangunan : kumpulan tulisan, 1965-2005 | Kerja sama Freedom Institute dan Pustaka Alvabet | Arief Budiman | 2006 | Budiman, Arief, — 1941- — Political and social views.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
O1 | Kebenaran dan Metode (Truth and Method) | Pustaka Pelajar | Hans-Georg Gadamer | 2004 | Humanities — Methodology.Hermeneutics.Aesthetics. |
P4 | Kebenaran Itu Membebaskan | Lembaga Masalah Kebangsaan (ELKASA) | JE Sahetapy | 2009 | J.E Sahetapy — essays |
R4 | Kebijakan Ekonomi Politik dan Hilangnya Nalar | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Kwik Kian Gie | 2006 | Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-Economic history.Indonesia. |
P1 | Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia | Kemenko Maritim | 2007 | Indonesia – ocean – policy | |
I5 | Keeping the Sabbath wholly : ceasing, resting, embracing, feasting | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Marva J Dawn | 1989 | Ten commandments — Sabbath.Ten commandments.Sunday. |
P6 | Kehadiran Kristen dalam Perang, Revolusi dan Pembangunan | BPK Gunung Mulia | TB Simatupang | 1986 | Christianity — war — revolution |
T6 | Kehadiran Kristen dalam Perang, Revolusi dan Pembangunan | BPK Gunung Mulia | TB Simatupang | 1997 | Christianity — war — revolution |
P4 | Kekristenan dan nasionalisme : perjumpaan Umat Kristen Protestan dengan pergerakan nasional Indonesia, 1900-1950 | Gunung Mulia | Zakaria J Ngelow | 1994 | 11.55 Protestantism.Protestantisme.Nationalisme. |
T3 | Kekristenan di Asia Tenggara | BPK Gunung Mulia, | Olaf H. Schumann | 2017 | 11.50 church history and history of doctrine: general.Southeast Asia — Church history.Indonesia — Church history. |
T3 | Kekristenan di Mata Orang Bukan Kristen | BPK Gunung Mulia | Paul J. Griffiths, peny. | 2008 | Christianity — non Christianity |
T4 | Kekristenan Sejati | Voice of Hope | Paul G. Caram | 2004 | christianity |
T5 | Kelakuan yang Bertanggung Jawab: pembimbing ke dalam etika Kristen | Gunung Mulia | J. Douma | 1993 | Christianity — ethics |
Q1 | Keluarga Anti N | Kompas | Narcotic | ||
Q4 | Kembali ke Jati Diri Bangsa: menegakkan sumpah pemuda, Pancasila, Proklamasi, UUD 1945 | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Djon Pakan Lalanlangi | 2012 | Indonesia — History.National characteristics, Indonesian.Nationalism — Indonesia. |
R5 | Kembalinya Politik: pemikiran politik kontemporer | Perhimpunan Pendidkan Demokrasi dan Marjin Kiri | Bagus Takwin, Daniel Hutagalung…. | 2008 | Political science. |
R2 | Kemerdekaan Berserikat Pembubaran Partai Politik dan mahkamah konstitusi | Konstitusi Pers | Jimly Asshiddiqie | 2005 | Political parties — Law and legislation — Indonesia.Political corruption — Indonesia.Constitutional courts — Indonesia. |
P4 | Kemiskinan dan pembebasan | Penerbit Kanisius | A Suryawasita; Johannes B Banawiratma | 1990 | Poverty — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.Church work with the poor — Indonesia.Church work with the poor. |
T5 | Kepemimpinan dan Pembinaan Warga Gereja: seri membangun bangsa | Pustaka Sinar Harapan bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Wahana Dharma Nusa | Andar Ismail; Radius Prawiro | 1998 | Christianity — Indonesia. |
T4 | Keputusan Bersama Menteri Agama, Jaksa Agung dan Menteri Dalam Negeri RI | Perber | Indonesia — place of worship — regulation | ||
P2 | Kerusuhan Mei 1998: fakta, data, dan analisa | Solidaritas Nusa Bangsa (SNB) dan Asosiasi Penasehat Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia (APHI) | Ester Indahyani Jusuf, dkk | 2007 | Crimes against humanity — Indonesia.Human rights — Indonesia.Humanitarian law — Indonesia. |
P2 | Kerusuhan Mei 1998: fakta, data, dan analisa | Solidaritas Nusa Bangsa (SNB) dan Asosiasi Penasehat Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia (APHI) | Ester Indahyani Jusuf, dkk | 2007 | Crimes against humanity — Indonesia.Human rights — Indonesia.Humanitarian law — Indonesia. |
O3 | Kesan dan Pesan para sahabat tentang Widojo Nitisastro | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Moh Arsyad Anwar; Aris Ananta; Ari Kuncoro; Widjojo Nitisastro | 2007 | Economic development — Indonesia.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-Nitisastro, Widjojo — Anniversaries, etc.View all subjects |
Q1 | Kesempurnaan Seorang Pria: sebuah penuntun untuk kelangsungan hidup keluarga | Metanoia | Edwin Louise Cole | 2003 | Man |
R2 | Kesucian Politik | Libri | P. Mutiara Andalas | 2008 | Religion and politics — Indonesia.College students — Political activity — Indonesia.Demonstrations — Indonesia. |
T1 | Keterwakilan Politik Kristen di basis Islam yang kuat, studi Pileg: PDIP dan Golkar tahun 2002 & 2009 | UKI Press, | Osbin Samosir | 2017 | PDI Perjuangan (Organization)Partai Golkar.Political candidates — Indonesia. |
T1 | Ketika Orang Beriman Bertengkar – When Good People Quarrel | BPK Gunung Mulia | Robert S. Kreider, Rachel WG | 2004 | Christianity |
T1 | Ketika Orang Beriman Bertengkar – When Good People Quarrel | BPK Gunung Mulia | Robert S. Kreider, Rachel WG | 2004 | Christians |
T2 | Kewarganegaraan yang Bertanggung Jawab: mengenang Dr J. Leimena | BPK Gunung Mulia | J Leimena; Panitia Buku Kenangan Dr. J. Leimena. | 1995 | Leimena, J. — (Johannes), — 1905-1977.Civics, Indonesian.11.55 Protestantism. |
T5 | Khotbah di Bukit: cermin kehidupan sorgawi di tengah dunia berdosa | Penerbit Momentum | Sinclair B. Ferguson | 2005 | christianity |
D6 | Kind of life imposed on man, A : vocation and social order from Tyndale to Locke | University of Toronto Press | Paul Marshall | 1996 | Vocation — History of doctrines — 16th century.Vocation — History of doctrines — 17th century.Vocation — Histoire — 16e siècle. |
R4 | Kinerja Pasar Perusahaan Publik di Indonesia: suatu analisis reputasi perusahaan | Yayasan SAD SATRIA BHAKTI | I Putu Gede Ary Suta | 2006 | Keuangan — Manajemen |
D2 | Kingdom ethics : following Jesus in contemporary context | InterVarsity Press | Glen Harold Stassen; David P Gushee | 2003 | Jesus Christ — Ethics. Sermon on the mount — Criticism, interpretation, etc. Christian ethics. Jésus-Christ — Morale. Sermon sur la montagne — Critique, interprétation, etc. Morale chrétienne. Jesus Christ. Sermon on the mount. Ethics. Christelijke ethiek. Bergrede. Koninkrijk Gods. |
F4 | Kingdom of God, The | Crossway | Christopher W. Morgan & Robert A. Peterson | 2012 | Kingdom of God. |
D6 | Kingdom of the Cults, The | Bethany House Publishers | Walter Martin | 2003 | Cults — United States.Sects — United States.United States — Religion — 1960- |
C6 | Kingdom Prologue: Genesis foundations for a covenantal worldview | Wipf and Stock Publishers | Kline, Meredith G. | 2006 | Bible. — Genesis — Criticism, interpretation, etc. Kingdom of God. Covenant theology. Creation — Biblical teaching. Bible. — Genesis. |
I5 | Kingdom stewardship : occasional papers prepared by the Lausanne Resource Mobilization Working Group for Cape Town 2010 | Christian’s Library Press | Arif Mohamed, Brett Elder…, eds | 2010 | Christian stewardship — Congresses.Christian stewardship. |
H4 | Kingdoms apart : engaging the two kingdoms perspective | P & R Pub. | Ryan C. McIlhenny | 2012 | Kingdom of God.Two kingdoms (Lutheran theology)Church and the world. |
P2 | Kisah kisah kebijaksanaan china Klasik: refleksi bagi para pemimpin | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Michael C. Tang | 2004 | Success in business — Quotations, maxims, etc.Business — Quotations, maxims, etc.Maxims, Chinese. |
Q4 | KNIP Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat | Yayasan Risalah | Deliar Noer & Akbarsyah | 2005 | Indonesia. — Komite Nasional Pusat — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1942-1949.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966. |
A4 | Knowing Scripture | IVP Books | Sproul, R.C. | 2016 | Bible — Study and teaching.Bible — Hermeneutics.BIBLES — General. |
R5 | Komisi Kepolisian Nasional (KOMPOLNAS) | Kompolnas | Kompolnas | 2009 | Indonesia — police — commission |
R4 | Kompas dari Belakang ke depan: menulis dari dalam | Penerbit Buku Kompas | 2007 | Kompas (Jakarta, Indonesia)Press — Indonesia.Journalism — Indonesia. | |
Q5 | Komunisme di Indonesia: Konsolidasi dan infiltrasi PKI (1950-1959) Jilid III | Pusjarah TNI | Saleh As’ad Djamhari, ed | 2009 | Communism — Indonesia — History.Subversive activities — Indonesia — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century |
Q5 | Komunisme di Indonesia: Pemberontakan G 30 S/PKI dan penumpasannya (Jilid IV) | Pusjarah TNI | Saleh As’ad Djamhari, ed | 2009 | Communism — Indonesia — History.Subversive activities — Indonesia — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century |
Q5 | Komunisme di Indonesia: penumpasan pemberontakan PKI 1948 (Jilid II) | Pusjarah TNI | Saleh As’ad Djamhari, ed | 2009 | Communism — Indonesia — History.Subversive activities — Indonesia — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century |
Q5 | Komunisme di Indonesia: Penumpasan pemberontakan PKI dan sisa-sisanya (1965-1981) Jilid V | Pusjarah TNI | Saleh As’ad Djamhari, ed | 2009 | Communism — Indonesia — History.Subversive activities — Indonesia — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century |
Q5 | Komunisme di Indonesia: Perkembangan gerakan dan pengkhianatan komunisme di Indonesia (1913-1958) Jilid I | Pusjarah TNI | Saleh As’ad Djamhari, ed | 2009 | Communism — Indonesia — History.Subversive activities — Indonesia — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century |
R2 | Konflik antaretnik di pedesaan: pasang surut hubungan Cina – Jawa | LKiS Yogyakarta | Achmad Habib | 2004 | Chinese — Indonesia.Javanese (Indonesian people)Indonesia — Ethnic relations. |
P5 | Konflik dan integrasi TNI-AD | Institute for Policy Studies | Kivlan Zen | 2004 | Indonesia. — Angkatan Darat — Reorganization.Conflict management — Indonesia.Indonesia. — Angkatan Darat. |
R2 | Konflik dan Perdamaian Etnis di Indonesia | PT Pustaka Alvabet : Pusat Studi Agama dan Demokrasi Yayasan Paramadina, | Samsu Rizal Panggabean | 2018 | Ethnic conflict — Indonesia.Social conflict — Indonesia.Indonesia — Ethnic relations. |
Q4 | Konflik di Balik Proklamasi | Penerbit Buku Kompas | St Sularto & D. Rini Yunarti | 2010 | Indonesia — History — Japanese occupation, 1942-1945.Indonesia — History — 1945-Indonesia. |
Q1 | Kongres Perempuan Pertama | Yayasan Obor Indonesia : KITLV-Jakarta | Susan Blackburn | 2007 | Women — Indonesia — Congresses.Women — Political activity — Indonesia — Congresses.Women. |
S5 | Konsep negara Islam menurut Fazlur Rahman | UII Press | M. Hasbi Amiruddin | 2001 | Political parties — Indonesia — Religious aspects. |
Q2 | Konspirasi di Balik Lumpur Lapindo | Galangpress | Ali Azhar Akbar | 2007 | Lapindo Brantas, PT.Sidoarjo Region (Indonesia) — Social conditions.Sidoarjo Region (Indonesia) — Economic conditions. |
Q4 | Konstitusi & Konstitusionalisme Indonesia | Konstitusi Press | Jimly Asshiddiqie | 2005 | Constitutional history — Indonesia.Constitutional history.Indonesia. |
P4 | Konteks berteologi di Indonesia : buku penghormatan untuk HUT ke-70 Prof. Dr. P.D. Latuihamallo | BPK Gunung Mulia, | P D Latuihamallo; Eka Darmaputera; Johannes B Banawiratma | 1995 | Theology.Latuihamallo, P. D., — 1918-Festschriften. |
S4 | Konteks berteologi di Indonesia : pengalaman Islam | Paramadina | Azyumardi Azra | 1999 | Indonesia — Religion. |
T5 | Konteks Berteologi di Indonesia; buku penghormatan untuk HUT ke-70 Prof Dr PD Latuihamallo | BPK Gunung Mulia | Eka Darmaputera, peny. | 1988 | Theology.Latuihamallo, P. D., — 1918-Festschriften. |
T5 | Konteks Berteologi di Indonesia; buku penghormatan untuk HUT ke-70 Prof Dr PD Latuihamallo | BPK Gunung Mulia | Eka Darmaputera, peny. | 1988 | Theology.Latuihamallo, P. D., — 1918-Festschriften. |
S5 | Kontekstualisasi doktrin Islam dalam sejarah | Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina | Budhy Munawar-Rachman | 1994 | Islam — Doctrines.Islam — Indonesia.Islam. |
T5 | Kontekstualisasi Makna, Metode dan Model | BPK Gunung Mulia, | David J. Hesselgrave, Edward Rommen | 2010. ©1989 | Christianity and culture.Theology — Methodology.Missions — Theory. |
Q4 | Kontroversi Hukuman Mati | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Todung Mulya Lubis, Alexander Lay | 2009 | Capital punishment — Indonesia.86.43 criminal procedure law, criminal law sanctions.Capital punishment. |
R3 | Korupsi & Pemerintahan: sebab akibat dan reformasi | Sinar Harapan | Susan Rose-Ackerman | 2006 | corruption |
R3 | Korupsi & Pemerintahan: sebab akibat dan reformasi | Sinar Harapan | Susan Rose-Ackerman | 2006 | corruption |
R3 | Korupsi & Pemerintahan: sebab akibat dan reformasi | Sinar Harapan | Susan Rose-Ackerman | 2006 | corruption |
R3 | Korupsi dan Pembalikan Beban Pembuktian | Prof. Oemar Seno Adji, S.H. & Rekan | Indriyanto Seno Adji | 2006 | Bribery — Indonesia.Evidence, Circumstantial — Indonesia.Burden of proof — Indonesia. |
R3 | Korupsi Kemanusiaan: menafsirkan korupsi (dalam) masyarakat | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Al Andang L Binawan; Franz Magnis-Suseno; Penerbit Buku Kompas. | 2006 | Corruption — Moral and ethical aspects. |
R3 | Korupsi Kepresidenan, reproduksi oligarki berkaki tiga: istana, tangsi dan penguasa | LKiS : Distribusi, LKiS Pelangi Aksara | George Junus Aditjondro | 2006 | Political corruption — Indonesia.Soeharto, — 1921-2008 — Family.Soeharto, — 1921-2008. |
R3 | Korupsi mengorupsi Indonesia : sebab, akibat, dan prospek pemberantasan | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Wijayanto; Ridwan Zachrie | 2009 | Corruption — Indonesia.Corruption.Indonesia. |
R3 | Korupsi yang Memiskinkan | Penerbit Buku Kompas, | Maria Hartiningsih, ed | 2011 | Corruption — Indonesia.Political corruption — Indonesia.Poverty — Indonesia. |
R3 | Korupsi, melacak Arti menyimak implikasi | Kompas Gramedia | B. Herry Priyono | 2018 | Corruption |
T3 | Kraemer di Tambaram | BPK Gunung Mulia | JL Ch Abineno | 1988 | Craemeer – Tambaram — christians |
T3 | Kraemer di Tambaram | BPK Gunung Mulia | JL Ch Abineno | 1988 | Craemeer – Tambaram — christians |
Q2 | Krisis Ilmu Ilmu Sosial dalam Pembangunan di Dunia Ketiga | PLP2M | Soedjatmoko dkk. | 1984 | Sociology |
P5 | Kuasa & Moral | Gramedia | Franz Magnis- Suseno | 1986 | Civics, Indonesian. |
R4 | Kuasa Rakyat: analisis tentang perilaku memilih dalam pemilihan legislatif dan Presiden Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru | Mizan | Saiful Mujani, R. William Liddle, Kuskridho Ambardi | 2012 | Elections — Indonesia.Legislative bodies — Indonesia.Presidents — Indonesia. |
P3 | Kudeta Madiun 1948: kudeta atau konflik internal tentara? | MedPress | David Charles Anderson | 2008 | Madiun — Indonesia — 1948 — conflict — military |
P4 | Kunci Terbuka | Gereja Kristen Abdiel Surabaya | Tsang To Hang | 2011 | Christianity in Bali — history |
C6 | Kuyper Center Review, The : Vol One: Politics, religion, and sphere sovereignty, The | W.B. Eerdmans | Graham, Gordon | 2010 | Christianity and politics — Congresses.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920 — Congresses.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Christianity and politics. |
C6 | Kuyper Center review, The : Volume 2, Revelation and common grace, The | W.B. Eerdmans | John Bowlin | 2011 | Revelation — Christianity — Congresses.Grace (Theology) — Congresses.Reformed Church — Doctrines — Congresses.Christianity and other religions — Congresses.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921 — Congresses.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920 — Congresses.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Christianity and other religions.Grace (Theology)Reformed Church — Doctrines.Revelation — Christianity. |
C6 | Kuyper Center Review, The : Volume Five: Church and avademy, The | W.B. Eerdmans | Graham, Gordon | 2015 | Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920 — Congresses.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921 — Congresses.Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, — 1906-1945 — Congresses.Education (Christian theology) — Congresses.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921.Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, — 1906-1945.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Education (Christian theology) |
N5 | Language and power : exploring political cultures in Indonesia | Equinox Publishing, | Benedict R. O G Anderson | [2006] ©1990 | Political culture — Indonesia — History. |
F3 | Language of God, The : a scientist presents evidence for belief | Pocket Books | Francis Collins | 2007 | Religion and science.Apologetics.Christian life |
Q5 | Lapar | Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia : KITLV-Jakarta | Knut Hamsum | 2019 | Novel |
P3 | Lapindogate; Skandal industri migas | Progressio | Wahyudin Munawir | 2007 | Indonesia — Lapindo — scandal |
P6 | Laporan dari Banaran | Sinar Harapan | TB Simatupang | 1981 | Indonesia — history |
P3 | Laporan Penyiksaan di Aceh Papua 1998 – 2007 | Imparsial | J. Budi Hernawan & Poengky Indarti | 2009 | Indonesia — reportase 1998-2007 — human rights — Aceh — Papua |
E3 | Last Christian on earth, The : uncover the enemy’s plot to undermine the church | Regal, | Os Guinness | 2010 | Christianity — 20th century. |
K3 | Last Days of Socrates | Penguin Books | Plato.; Hugh Tredennick; Harold Tarrant | 2003 | Socrates.Philosophers, Ancient. |
K6 | Last rights? : assisted suicide and euthanasia debated | Ethics and Public Policy Center ; William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Michael M Uhlman, ed | 1998 | Assisted suicide.Euthanasia.Right to die. |
G6 | Last things, The : hope for this world and the next | Paternoster Press ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books | Herman Bavinck | 1996 | Eschatology.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Eschatologie. |
A2 | Law And Gospel : Philip Melanchthon’s Debate With John Agricola Of Eisleben Over Poenitentia | <Paternoster><Baker Books> | Wengert,Timothy J. | 1997 | Melanchthon, Philip, — 1497-1560.Agricola, Johann, — 1494?-1566.Repentance — Christianity — History of doctrines. |
L2 | Law and protestantism : the legal teachings of the Lutheran Reformation | Cambridge University Press | John Witte Jr. | 2002 | Christianity and law. |
L2 | Law and revolution : the formation of the Western legal tradition | Belknap Press of Harvard University Press | Harold J. Berman | 2003 | Law — Europe — History.Reformation — Influence.Christianity and law — History. |
A4 | LAW and the Bible: Justice, Mercy and Legal Institutions | IVP Academic | Cochran Jr,Robert F. VanDrunen,David | 2013 | Bible and law.Jewish law.BIBLES — General. |
A3 | Law and the Gospel,The | P&R Publishing | Reisinger,Ernest C. | 1997 | Law and gospel.Ten commandments — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Law (Theology) |
F2 | Law of God, The : exploring God and civilization | Boston : Brill | Pieter Vos & Onno Zijlstra | 2014 | Religion and civilization.God. |
L3 | Law of peoples, The : with, the idea of public reason revisited | Harvard University Press | John Rawls | 1999 | International relations — Philosophy.Social justice.Social contract. |
R1 | Lebih Tajam dari Pedang: refleksi agama-agama tentang paradoks kekerasan | Kanisius, | Daniel L Smith, Christopher, eds | 2005 | Nonviolence — Religious aspects. |
F1 | Left behind in a megachurch world : how God works through ordinary churches | Baker Books | Ruth A Tucker | 2006 | Small churches.Kerkopbouw. |
D6 | Legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd, The : reflections on critical philosophy in the Christian tradition | University Press of America | CT.McIntire, ed | 1985 | Dooyeweerd, H. — (Herman), — 1894-1977.Dooyeweerd, Herman, — 1894-1977 et la philosophie et la religion.Christendom. |
I3 | Legacy of Luther, The | Reformation Trust | RC Sproul and Stephen J. Nichols, eds | 2016 | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546. |
N5 | Legitimizing military rule : Indonesian Armed Forces ideology, 1958-2000 | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Salim Said | 2006 | Indonesia — Social conditions — 21st century. |
P2 | Lenovo Affair, the. Kebangkitan raksasa Komputer China | Elex Media Komputindo | Ling Zhijun | 2007 | China – computer |
L4 | lesser evil, The : political ethics in an age of terror | Princeton University Press | Michael Ignatieff | 2004 | Political ethics.Terrorism.International relations — Moral and ethical aspects. |
C5 | Lesslie Newbigin : missionary theologian : a reader | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. | Newbigin, Lesslie | 2006 | Newbigin, Lesslie. Church of South India. Missions — Theory. Ecumenical movement — History. Ecumenical movement. |
L2 | Let justice roll down : the Old Testament, ethics, and Christian life | Westminster/John Knox Press, | Bruce C. Birch | 1991 | Bible. — Old Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Christian ethics — History.Ethics in the Bible. |
J4 | Letters and papers from prison | Macmillan | Dietrich Bonhoeffer | 1972, ©1971. | Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, — 1906-1945.Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, — 1906-1945Theologians — Germany — Correspondence. |
O1 | Levi Strauss: strukturalisme & teori sosiologi | Pustaka Pelajar | Christopher R. Badcock | 2008 | Arendt, Hannah — Philosophy. |
M5 | Leviathan | Oxford University Press | Thomas Hobbes | 1998 | Hobbes, Thomas.Political science — Early works to 1800.State, The. |
I5 | Liberating image, The : the Imago Dei in Genesis 1 | Brazos Press, | J. Richard Middleton | 2005 | Bible. — Genesis, I, 26-27 — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Image of God — Biblical teaching.Bible. — A.T. — Genèse. — I, 26-27 — Critique, interprétation, etc. |
L1 | Liberty and justice for all : racial reform and the social gospel (1877-1925) | Harper & Row | Ronald J. Witte Jr | 1990 | African Americans — History — 1877-1964.United States — Race relations.African Americans — Civil rights. |
J4 | Liberty of conscience : in defense of America’s tradition of religious equality | Basic Books | Martha C. Nussbaum | 2008 | Freedom of religion — United States.Freedom of religion.United States. |
J1 | Liberty of Conscience: Roger William in America | Judson Press | Edwin S Gaustad | 1999 | Williams, Roger, — 1604?-1683.Baptists — Rhode Island — Biography.Williams, Roger, — 1604?-1683 |
B2 | Life’s Ultimate Questions : an Introduction to Philosophy | Zondervan Publishing House | Nash, Ronald H. | 1999 | Christianity — Philosophy.Philosophy — Introductions.Philosophy. |
C5 | Light to the nations, A : the missional church and the biblical story | Baker Academic | Goheen, Michael W. | 2011 | Mission of the church. Mission of the church — Biblical teaching. Bibel — Neues Testament Missionstheologie |
C5 | Light to the nations, A : the missional church and the biblical story | Baker Academic | Goheen, Michael W. | 2011 | Mission of the church. Mission of the church — Biblical teaching. Bibel — Neues Testament Missionstheologie |
B5 | Like a Mighty Wind | Creation House | Tari,Mel Dudley, Cliff | 1971 | Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone. |
T3 | Lima Dokumen Keesaan Gereja: Persekutuan gereja-gereja di Indonesia | BPK Gunung Mulia, | Keputusan Sidang Raya XII PGI Jayapura 1994 | 1996 | Ecumenical movement — Indonesia — Congresses.Indonesia — Church history — Congresses.Ecumenical movement. |
T6 | Lima Pokok Calvinisme, the five points of calvinism | Momentum | Edwin H. Palmer | 2005 | calvinism — five points of calvinism |
D2 | Line between right & wrong, The : developing a personal code of ethics | Barbour Pub | Colson, Charles W | 1997 | Ethics — United States. Ethics. United States. |
F2 | Listen! God is calling! : Luther speaks of vocation, faith, and work | Augsburg Fortress | D. Michael Bennethum | 2003 | Voorzienigheid. |
E3 | Living at the crossroads : an introduction to Christian worldview | Baker Academic | Michael W Goheen, Craig G. Bartholomew | 2008 | Christianity — Philosophy. |
E3 | Living at the crossroads : an introduction to Christian worldview | Baker Academic | Michael W Goheen, Craig G. Bartholomew | 2008 | Christianity — Philosophy. |
F4 | Living in God’s two kingdoms : a biblical vision for Christianity and culture | Crossway, | David Van Drunen | 2010 | Christianity and culture.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Two kingdoms (Lutheran theology) |
J5 | Living the Word, resisting the world : the life and thought of Jacques Ellul | Paternoster, | Andrew Goddard | 2002 | Ellul, Jacques, — 1912-1994.Christianity and politics.Church and the world. |
D3 | Living together and Christian ethics | Cambridge University Press | Thatcher, Adrian | 2002 | Unmarried couples — Religious aspects — Christianity. Betrothal — Religious aspects — Christianity. Marriage — Religious aspects — Christianity. Christian ethics — Anglican authors. Fiançailles — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Mariage — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Christliche Sozialethik Samenlevingsvormen. Huwelijk. Ethische aspecten. |
P2 | Logika Penemuan Ilmiah | Pustaka Pelajar | Karl R Poper | 2008 | science — logic |
L3 | looming tower, The : Al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11 | Penguin | Lawrence Wright | 2006 | Qaida (Organization)Terrorism — Religious aspects — Islam.September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001. |
F6 | Lord’s Prayer, The, A guide for the perplexed | Park Street Church | GP Hugenberger | 1999 | Lords prayer |
J4 | Losing our virtue : why the church must recover its moral vision | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | David F. Wells | 1998 | Christianity and culture — United States.United States — Moral conditions.Christianity — United States — 20th century. |
A2 | Lost Gospel, The | National Geographic | Krosney,Herbert | 2006 | Presbyterian Church — Creeds. |
A6 | Lost History of Christianity, the | HarperOne | Philip Jenkins | 2008 | Church history — Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.Christian civilization.Civilization, Arab — Christian influences. |
K3 | Love | Penguin, | Stendhal | 1975 | Love.Love |
S1 | Loving you, pergulatan mencintai Tuhan | —— | Sumardiono | 2005 | Islam — God — loving |
T6 | Luka Batin, Penyebab dan Penyembuhannya | Yayasan Maranatha Krista | Agnes Maria L | 2001 | psichology — problem – solving |
I4 | Luther in Context | Baker Academic | David C. Steinmetz | 2002 | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformation — Germany.11.55 Protestantism. |
S2 | Madinah: kota suci, piagam madinah, dan teladan Muhammad SAW | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Zuhairi Misrawi | 2009 | Medina (Saudi Arabia)Saudi Arabia — Medina. |
P1 | Mahatma Gandhi : sebuah autobiografi : kisah tentang eksperimen-eksperimen saya terhadap kebenaran | Narasi, | Gandhi, Mahatma; Andi Tenri W. | 2009 | Gandhi, — Mahatma, — 1869-1948.India — History — British occupation, 1765-1947.India. |
I2 | Major Themes in the Reformed Tradition | Wipf and Stock Publishers | Donald K McKim | 1998 | Reformed Church — Doctrines. |
N1 | Making and unmaking of technological society, The : how Christianity can save modernity from itself | Brazos Press | Murray Jardine | 2004 | Technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian sociology.Christian ethics. |
L1 | Making Globalization work | W.W. Norton & Co | Joseph E. Stiglitz | 2006 | Globalization — Economic aspects.Globalization.Mondialisation. |
O6 | Making Globalization Work: Menyiasati Globalisasi Menuju Dunia yang Lebih Adil | Mizan | Joseph E. Stiglitz | 2007 | Globalization |
K6 | Making of the modern mind, The : a survey of the intellectual background of the present age | Columbia University Press | John Herman Randall, Jr | 1976. ©1940 | Philosophy, Modern — History.Philosophy, Medieval.Philosophy, Renaissance — History. |
B5 | Making Wise the Simple : The Torah in Christian Faith and Practice | William B. Eerdmans Pub. | Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H. Van | 2005 | Bible. — Pentateuch — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible. — Pentateuch — Relation to the New Testament.Bible. — New Testament — Relation to the Pentateuch. |
M4 | Makings of Indonesian Islam, The : orientalism and the narration of a Sufi past | Princeton University Press | Michael Laffan | 2011 | Sufism — Indonesia — History.Islam — Indonesia — History.Islam. |
R1 | Makna Solidaritas Arek Suroboyo pasca-reformasi 1998 | Kanisius | Agustinus Ryadi, Agustinus Ngadiman | 2020 | Soerabaja pasca-reformation 1998 |
P1 | Malcolm X, otobiografi | Ufuk Press | Malcolm X & Alex Haley | 2012 | Malcolm X — autobiography |
K4 | Man and the state | Catholic University of America Press | Jacques Maritain | 1998 | State, The.Democracy.Human rights. |
K5 | Managing Investment Portfolios: a dinamyc process | Warren, Gorham & Lamont, | John L. Maginn, Donald L. Tuttle | 1990 | Portfolio management.Gestion de portefeuille. |
M2 | Managing Politics and Islam in Indonesia | RoutledgeCurzon | Donald J Porter | ©2002, 2005. | Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia — Societies, etc. — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century. |
T5 | Manifesto Gerakan Pemberdayaan Pancur Kasih | Gerakan Pemberdayaan Pancur Kasih | 2009 | Indonesia — social movement — Pancur kasih — Kalimantan Barat | |
R1 | Manifesto Pendidikan Nasional | Penerbit Buku Kompas | HAR Tilaar | 2005 | Education and state — Indonesia.Education — Indonesia.Education. |
T3 | Manifesto Politik Yesus | ANDI | Gunche Lugo | 2009 | Politics — manifesto — Jesus |
T5 | Manusia di Mimbar Ilahi: dasar, cara dan aturan khotbah gerejawi | BPK Gunung Mulia | Sudarmadji Said | 2017 | Indonesia — Church history. |
T5 | Manusia di Mimbar Ilahi: dasar, cara dan aturan khotbah gerejawi | BPK Gunung Mulia | Sudarmadji Said | 2017 | Protestant churches. |
I5 | Many faces of evil, The : theological systems and the problems of evil | Crossway Books | John S. Feinberg | 2004 | Theodicy.Good and evil.Providence and government of God — Christianity. |
M4 | Many faces of political Islam, The : religion and politics in the Muslim world | University of Michigan Press | Mohammed Ayoob | 2008 | Islam and politics.Islam and politics — Islamic countries.Islamic countries — Politics and government. |
K2 | Many globalizations : cultural diversity in the contemporary world | Oxford University Press | Peter L. Berger & Samuel P. Huntington | 2002 | Culture.Globalization.Mondialisation. |
P1 | Mao, kisah-kisah yang tak diketahui | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Jung Chang | 2007 | Mao, Zedong, — 1893-1976.Heads of state — China — Biography.Heads of state. |
G6 | Mapping public theology : beyond culture, identity, and difference | Trinity Press International | Benjamin Valentin | 2002 | Hispanic American theology. |
R4 | Mari Benahi Perekonomian Bangsa | Tim Media PT Arwana Citramulia | Tandean Rustandy | 2011 | essays — economic — Indonesia |
R4 | Mari Benahi Perekonomian Bangsa: kumpulan artikel | Tandean Rustandy | essays — economic — Indonesia | ||
L1 | Market cultures : society and morality in the new Asian capitalisms | Westview Press | Robert W Hefner | 1998 | East Asia — Moral conditions.East Asia — Social conditions.East Asia — Economic conditions. |
A4 | Marriage and Family in the Biblical World | InterVarsity Press | Campbell,Ken M | 2003 | Marriage — Biblical teaching.Families — Biblical teaching.Bíblia. |
C6 | Marriage as a covenant : biblical law and ethics as developed from Malachi | Baker Books | Hugenberger, Gordon Paul | 1998 | Bible. — Malachi, II, 10-16 — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Marriage — Biblical teaching.Covenants — Biblical teaching. |
L5 | Marriage, health, and the professions : if marriage is good for you, what does this mean for law, medicine, ministry, therapy, and business? | Wm. B. Eerdmans | John Wall, Don Browning, … eds | 2002 | Intelligent design (Teleology) |
C5 | Martin Heidegger, and the problem of historical meaning | Fordham University Press | Barash, Jeffrey Andrew | 2003 | Heidegger, Martin, — 1889-1976. History — Philosophy. HISTORY — General. |
I4 | Martin Luther on social and political issues : his relevance for church and society in India | Lang | Santosh J. Sahayadoss | 2006 | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546 — Political and social views. |
I2 | Martin Luther, his road to reformation 1483-1521 | Fortress Press, | Martin Brecht | ©1985-1993. | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformers — Germany — Biography.Réforme (Christianisme) — Biographies. |
I4 | Martin Luther, selection from his writings | Doubleday | John Dillen Berger, ed | 1961 | Theology — Early works to 1800.Lutheran Church.Theology. |
I1 | Martin Luther, shaping and defining the Reformation 1521-1532 | Fortress Press | Martin Brecht | 1994, ©1990. | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformers — Germany — Biography.Reformers. |
I3 | Martin Luther, the preservation of the church 1532-1546 | Fortress Press | Martin Brecht | 1993-1999. | Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546Reformers — Germany — Biography. |
J6 | Marx, Durkheim, Weber : formations of modern social thought | Sage Publication | Ken Morrison | 2006 | Marx, Karl, — 1818-1883. |
R1 | Marxisme Seni Pembebasan | Tempo dan PT. Grafiti | Gunawan Mohamad | 2011 | Communism — History.Communism. |
R5 | Masalah Pri dan Nonpri dewasa ini | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Kwik Kian Gie, Nurcholish Madjid | 1998 | Chinese — Indonesia.Indonesia — Ethnic relations.Chinese. |
P4 | Masihkah benih tersimpan–? : kumpulan karangan dalam rangka peringatan 50 tahun Gereja Kristen Indonesia Jawa Barat | BPK Gunung Mulia bekerja sama dengan BPM Sinode GKI Jawa Barat | F Suleeman; Ioanes Rakhmat; L A Hoedemaker; Gereja Kristen Indonesia Jawa Barat. | 1990 | Indonesia — Religion.Theology.Religion. |
B2 | Masterpieces of World Philosophy | HarperCollins Publishers | Magill,Frank N. Roth, Jhon K | 1990 | Philosophy.Philosophy — Bibliography.Geschichte |
P6 | Masyarakat agama dan pluralisme keagamaan : perbincangan mengenai Islam, masyarakat madani, dan etos kewirausahaan | Galang Press | Bahtiar Effendy | 2021 | Civil society — Indonesia. |
P5 | Masyarakat madani : pemikiran, teori, dan relevansinya dengan cita-cita reformasi | RajaGrafindo Persada | Adi Suryadi Culla | 1999 | Civil society.Civil society — Indonesia.Democracy — Indonesia. |
D6 | Mathematics in a postmodern age: a christian perspective | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | Russel W Howell, W James Bradley, eds | 2001 | Mathematics — Philosophy.Religion and science.Mathématiques — Philosophie. |
K3 | Max Havelaar, or, The coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company | Penguin Books | Max Havelaar | 1987 | Foreign trade regulation — Moral and ethical aspects. |
P6 | Max Weber tentang Hegemoni sistem Kepercayaan | Kanisius | Ralph Schroeder; Heru Nugroho; Ratna Noviani | 2002 | Max Weber — philosophy |
G1 | Meaning in history; the theological implications of the philosophy of history | Univ. of Chicago Press | Karl Lowith | 1949 | Theologie <Theorie>PhilosophieGeschichte allgemein |
F3 | Meaning of Jesus, two visions, The | HarperSanFrancisco | Marcus J Borg & NT Wright | 1999 | Harris, Sam, — 1967- — End of faith. |
I5 | Meaning of Revelation, The | Westminster John Knox Press | H. Richard Niebuhr | 2006 | Revelation. |
D5 | Meaning of sex, The : Christian ethics and the moral life | Baker Academic | Dennis P. Hollinger | 2009 | Sex — Religious aspects — Christianity.Sexual ethics. |
H3 | Meaning of the Millenium, four views | InterVarsity Press | Robert G Clouse | 1977 | Millennium (Eschatology) |
I6 | Meaningful world, A : how the arts and sciences reveal the genius of nature | IVP Academic | Benjamin Wiker & Jonathan Witt | 2006 | Nature — Religious aspects — Christianity.Creation.Meaning (Philosophy) — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
L4 | Media and Power | Routledge | James Curran | 2002 | Mass media.Mass media — Influence.Mass media — Social aspects. |
O6 | Media dan citra Muslim : dari spiritualitas untuk berperang menuju spiritualitas untuk berdialog | Fiskontak : Jalasutra | Idi Subandy Ibrahim, ed | 2005 | Islam in mass media.Mass media — Religious aspects — Islam.Islamic countries — Relations — Western countries. |
N3 | Media, Culture, and Politics in Indonesia | Equinox Pub | Krishna Sen & David T. Hill | 2007 | Mass media — Political aspects — Indonesia.Mass media — Social aspects — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998. |
D3 | Medical ethics : principles, persons, and problems | Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co. | Frame, John M. | 1988 | Medical ethics. Medicine — Religious aspects — Christianity. Evangelicalism. Evangelical Christians. Ethics, Medical. Religion and Medicine. Éthique médicale. Médecine — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Évangélisme. Medische ethiek. Christelijke ethiek. |
M3 | Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings | Cambridge University Press | Muhammad Ali Khalidi | 2005 | Islamic philosophy.Philosophy, Medieval.Philosophie islamique. |
B2 | Medieval Philosophy | Routledge | John Marenbon | 2007 | Philosophy, Medieval. |
C3 | Meeting in faith : twenty years of Christian-Muslim conversations sponsored by the World Council of Churches | WCC Publications | Stuart E Brown; World Council of Churches. | 1989 | Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christentum. |
O4 | Megawati, Ibu Negeri | Tim Arus Bawah | Tim Arus Bawah. | 2004 | Soekarnoputri, Megawati, — 1947- |
S1 | Melampaui Islam | Kalam Nusantara | M Yudhie Haryono | 2005 | Islam |
P5 | Melawan Arus, wacana federalisme untuk Indonesia | Yayasan Suara Nurani | B.A Supit | 2004 | Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 |
Q1 | Melawan Gurita Neoliberalisme | Erlangga | Budi Winarno | 2010 | Neoliberalism — Indonesia.Globalization — Economic aspects — Indonesia.Globalization — Social aspects — Indonesia. |
Q4 | Melawan Peradilan Sesat | Q Communication | Panda Nababan | 2011 | Law |
Q4 | Melawan Peradilan Sesat | Q Communication | Panda Nababan | 2011 | Law |
P4 | Memahami dan menguji roh-roh zaman | Akademi Leimena | Sutarno, ed | 1994 | spirit understanding |
R2 | Memahami Ilmu Politik | Grasindo | Ramlan Surbakti | 2010 | politiek — concept — theory |
R2 | Memahami Indonesia | Soegeng Sarjadi Syndicate | Soegeng Sarjadi Sukardi Rinakit | 2006 | Indonesia — Social conditions. |
R2 | Memahami Negativitas: diskursus tentang massa, teror dan trauma | Penerbit Buku Kompas | F. Budi Hardiman | 2005 | Indonesia — Social conditions — 21st century.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 21st century.Economic history. |
T3 | Memandang Yesus: Gambar Yesus dalam berbagai budaya | BPK Gunung Mulia | Anton Wessels | 2001 | Jesus — picture |
P5 | Membangun Demokrasi | Remaja Rosdakarya | KH Abdurrahman Wahid | 1999 | Democracy — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
P5 | Membangun jalan demokrasi : kumpulan pemikiran Jakob Tobing tentang perubahan UUD 1945 | Konstitusi Press | Jakob Samuel Halomoan Lumbantobing | 2008 | Constitutional amendments — Indonesia.Constitutional law — Indonesia.Constitutional amendments. |
P6 | Membangun Negara Baru Timor Lorosa’e | Aksara Karunia | Hal Hill; João Mariano Saldanha; Edmundo Viegas; et al | 2006 | Timor Lorosae |
Q2 | Membangun Peradaban Indonesia | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Sayidiman Suryohadiprojo | 1995 | Indonesia — Forecasting.Political leadership — Indonesia.Indonesia — Civilization. |
R5 | Membangun Polisi Sipil | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Satjipto Rahardjo | 2007 | Police — Indonesia.Law enforcement — Indonesia.Law enforcement. |
T4 | Membangun Teologi Inklusif-Pluralistik | Buku Kompas, | Aloys Budi Purnomo | 2003 | theology — plural |
R2 | Membela kebebasan : percakapan tentang demokrasi liberal | Freedom Institute | Hamid Basyaib, ed | 2006 | Democracy — Indonesia.Liberalism — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
R6 | Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 1) | Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : Paramadina | Budhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari | 2010 | Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion. |
R6 | Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 1) | Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : Paramadina | Budhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari | 2010 | Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion. |
R6 | Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 1) | Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : Paramadina | Budhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari | 2010 | Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion. |
R6 | Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 2) | Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : Paramadina | Budhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari | 2010 | Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion. |
R6 | Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 2) | Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : Paramadina | Budhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari | 2010 | Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion. |
R6 | Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 3) | Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : Paramadina | Budhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari | 2010 | Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion. |
R6 | Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 4) | Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : Paramadina | Budhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari | 2010 | Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion. |
R1 | Membongkar Budaya | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Kompas | 2007 | Vizition 2030 — Indonesia |
R3 | Membongkar Gurita Cikeas | Galang Press | George Junus Aditjondro | 2010 | Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, — 1949-Political corruption — Indonesia.Embezzlement — Indonesia. |
S2 | Membongkar Kerancuan Pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid seputar sekularusasi dalam Islam | Lasswell Visitama | Faisal Ismail | 2010 | Islam and secularism — Indonesia.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005.Islam and secularism. |
P5 | Membongkar Mitos Masyarakat Madani | Pustaka Pelajar | M Dawam Rahardjo, et al | 2000 | Indonesia – peoples |
L6 | Membuktikan ketidakbenaran suatu mitos : menelusuri makna pengalaman seorang prajurit generasi pembebas bagi masa depan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara | Harian Umum Suara Pembaruan : Pustaka Sinar Harapan | TB Simatupang | 1991 | Simatupang, T. B. — (Tahi Bonar), — 1920-Generals — Indonesia — Biography.Generals. |
N1 | Membuktikan ketidakbenaran suatu mitos : menelusuri makna pengalaman seorang prajurit generasi pembebas bagi masa depan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara | Harian Umum Suara Pembaruan : Pustaka Sinar Harapan | TB Simatupang | 1991 | Simatupang, T. B. — (Tahi Bonar), — 1920-Generals — Indonesia — Biography.Generals. |
S2 | Membumikan Syariah: pergulatan mengaktualkan Islam | Mizan | Mohammad Hashim Kamali | 2013 | Islam — sharia |
Q4 | Memoar Albert Hasibuan: perjalanan penemuan diri | Kata | Albert Hasibuan | 2012 | Hasibuan, Albert.Lawyers — Indonesia — Biography.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography. |
O5 | Memoar Ang Yan Goan, 1894-1984 : tokoh pers yang peduli pembangunan bangsa | Yayasan Nabil : Hasta Mitra | Yan Goan Ang; Beng Hok Tan | 2009 | Ang, Yan Goan, — 1894-1984.Chinese — Indonesia — Biography.Nationalists — Indonesia — Biography. |
T1 | Mempertimbangkan Kembali Keunikan Agama Kristen | BPK Gunung Mulia | Gavin D’Costa, Peny. | 2002 | Christianity |
T1 | Menalar Tuhan | Penerbit Kanisius | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 2006 | God — Proof — Philosophy. |
T1 | Menalar Tuhan | Penerbit Kanisius | Franz Magnis-Suseno. | 2006 | God — Proof — Philosophy. |
P3 | Menangani Kasus Bom di Indonesia | Cintya Press | Dai Bachtiar | 2005 | Indonesia — teror |
Q1 | Menanggapi tantangan masa depan : kumpulan pemikiran para pakar : menyambut tiga puluh tahun Lemhannas | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | M Alwi Dahlan; Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional (Indonesia) | 1995 | National security — Indonesia. |
P2 | Mencari dasar bersama : etik global dalam kajian postmodernisme dan pluralisme agama | BPK Gunung Mulia | Joas Adiprasetya | 2020 | Religious pluralism. |
T2 | Mencari dasar bersama : etik global dalam kajian postmodernisme dan pluralisme agama | BPK Gunung Mulia | Joas Adiprasetya | 2002 | Religious pluralism.Postmodernism. |
T3 | Mencari Keseimbangan-60 Tahun SAE Nababan | Pustaka Sinar Harapan, | Hetty Siregar dkk., eds | 1994 | Christianity — Indonesia.Huria Kristen Batak Protestan.11.55 Protestantism. |
P5 | Mencari Makna Kebangsaan | Penerbit Kanisius, | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 1998 | ndonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
P5 | Mencari sosok demokrasi : sebuah telaah filosofis | Gramedia Pustaka Utama | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 1995 | Democracy — Indonesia.Democracy.Indonesia. |
J3 | Mending fences : renewing justice between government and civil society | Baker Books ; Center for Public Justice | Dan Coats | 1998 | United States — Social conditions — 1980-United States — Social policy — 1993-United States — Politics and government — 1993-2001. |
T5 | Mengalami Kedalaman Yesus Kristus | Penerbit Jala Permata & Penerbit Halibutongan | Madame J. Guyon | 2015 | Christ — faith |
T3 | Mengantisipasi masa depan : berteologi dalam konteks di awal Milenium III | BPK Gunung Mulia | E. Gerrit Singgih | 2004 | Theology, Doctrinal — Indonesia.Christianity and other religions — Indonesia.Christianity — Indonesia. |
S5 | Mengapa partai Islam kalah? : perjalanan politik Islam dari prapemilu ’99 sampai pemilihan presiden | AlvaBet | Hamid Basyaib; Hamid Abidin; Abdurrahman Wahid | 1999 | Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
R1 | Mengembangkan Strategi Ekonomi | Diterbitkan oleh Pustaka Sinar Harapan bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Wahana Dharma Nusa | Soehadji Hadibroto; Radius Prawiro | 1998 | Indonesia — Economic policy.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Economic history. |
S2 | Menggagas Fiqh Pemberdayaan Perempuan | el Kahfi | Zaitunah Subhan | 2008 | Islam — Fiqh — women |
S2 | Menggugat Modernitas Muhammadiyah | Penerbit Best Media dan Pusat Studi Islam dan Filsafat, UMM | A Syafii Maarif…dkk | 2010 | Muhammadiyah (Organization)Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia — Societies, etc. |
Q5 | Menggugat otoriterisme di Asia Tenggara : perbandingan dan pertautan antara Indonesia dan Malaysia | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia | Ariel Heryanto; Budiawan.; Sumit Kumar Mandal | 2004 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Malaysia — Politics and government.View all subjects |
R1 | Menggusur bisnis militer : tantangan pembiayaan TNI melalui APBN | Kerja sama Usindo [dan] Mizan | Alexis Rieffel; Jaleswari Pramodhawardani | 2007 | Military-owned business enterprises — Indonesia.Indonesia — Armed Forces — Appropriations and expenditures.Indonesia — Armed Forces — Economic aspects. |
T3 | Meng-hari inikan- Injil di Bumi Pancasila | PT BPK Gunung Mulia | Ebenhaizer I. Nuban Timo | 2017 | Christianity — Indonesia.Theology, Practical — Indonesia.Church and state — Indonesia. |
S3 | Mengislamkan Indonesia | BACA | Carool Kersten | 2018 | Islam — Indonesia — Java — History.Islam — Missions — Indonesia — Java — History.Islam and culture — Indonesia — Java. |
T5 | Menguak Kekristenan Yahudi Perdana: sebuah pengantar | Jusuf Roni Center | Ioanes Rakhmat | 2009 | Christianity — Jewish |
R1 | Mengungkap politik kartel : studi tentang sistem kepartaian di Indonesia era reformasi | Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Survei Indonesia | Kuskridho Ambardi | Political parties — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-89.61 political parties. | |
S5 | Mengurai Hubungan Agama dan Negara | Grasindo | Abdurrahman Wahid | 1999 | Indonesia — religion – state |
P5 | Meniti Demokrasi Indonesia : Sabam Sirait | Q Communication | Hasudungan Sirait; Parlindungan Sibuea | 2006 | Sirait, Sabam.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998. |
S5 | Meniti Kalam Kerukunan: beberapa istilah kunci dalam islam dan Kristen | BPK Gunung Mulia | HM Nur Kholis Setiawan, Dr Djaka Soetapa | 2010-2014. | Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Indonesia.Islam — Terminology. |
P5 | Meniti Masa Depan | BPK Gunung Mulia : Yayasan Widya Bhakti, | Bambang Subandrijo | 2003 | Indonesia — Economic policy.Indonesia — Social policy.Indonesia — Economic conditions. |
P5 | Meniti Masa Depan | BPK Gunung Mulia : Yayasan Widya Bhakti, | Bambang Subandrijo | 2003 | Indonesia — Economic policy.Indonesia — Social policy.Indonesia — Economic conditions. |
R4 | Menjadi Indonesia | Kompas | Parakitri Simbolon | 2006 | Indonesia |
Q1 | Menjadi Pria Sejati | Metanoia | Edwin Louise Cole | 2006 | Man |
T1 | Menjawab The Davinci Code | Gradien Books | Ben Witherington | 2006 | Counter — Da Vinci Code |
Q2 | Menuju Masyarakat Komunikatif | Penerbit Kanisius | F. Budi Hardiman | 1993 | Habermas, Jürgen.Communication — Philosophy.Sociology — Philosophy. |
S5 | Menuju masyarakat madani : gagasan, fakta, dan tantangan | Remaja Rosdakarya | Azyumardi Azra | 1999 | Civil society — Indonesia. |
Q3 | Menuju puncak kemegahan : sejarah kerajaan Majapahit | LKiS | Slamet Muljana | 2005 | Majapahit (Indonesia) — History.Java (Indonesia) — History — To 1478.Indonesia — Java. |
P3 | Menyimak Tabir Orba: memoar politik Indonesia 1965-1998 | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Jusuf Wanandi | 2014 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Politics and government.Indonesia. |
P5 | Menyingkap pemikiran politik Gus Dur & Amien Rais tentang negara | RajaGrafindo Persada | Ma’mun Murod Al-Brebesy | 1999 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Wahid, Abdurrahman — Political and social views.Rais, M. Amien — Political and social views. |
R5 | Merancang Arah Baru Demokrasi: Indonesia pasca-reformasi | KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia) bekerja sama dengan Public Virtue Institute, Hivos, dan Yayasan Tifa, | AE Priyono, Usman Hamid | 2014 | Democracy — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democracy. |
P4 | Merawat & berbagi kehidupan | Penerbit Kanisius | Johannes B Banawiratma; Th Sumartana; Yosef P Widyatmadja; Yayasan Bimbingan Kesejahteraan Sosial (Surakarta, Indonesia) | 1994 | Church and social problems — Indonesia.Social action — Indonesia.Church and social problems. |
G4 | Mere theology : a guide to the thought of C.S. Lewis | InterVarsity Press, | Will Vaus | 2004 | Lewis, C. S. — (Clive Staples), — 1898-1963 — Religion. |
T2 | Merekayasa Yesus: membongkar pemutarbalikan Injil oleh ilmuwan modern | ANDI | Craig A. Evans | 2007 | Jesus — Gospel |
T6 | Meretas Jalan Menuju Perdamaian, Keadilan dan Keutuhan Ciptaan | Komisi Teologi PGI | Jan S. Aritonang, dkk., Peny. | 2012 | Christianity |
T6 | Meretas Jalan Menuju Perdamaian, Keadilan dan Keutuhan Ciptaan | Komisi Teologi PGI | Jan S. Aritonang, dkk., Peny. | 2012 | Christianity |
P4 | Meretas jalan teologi agama-agama di Indonesia : theologia religionum | BPK Gunung Mulia, | Balitbang PGI | 1999 | Indonesia — Religion.Religions — Relations.Interfaith relations. |
Q1 | Merintis Komnas HAM Papua | Human rights — Indonesia — Papua Barat.Political violence — Indonesia — Papua Barat.Papua Barat (Indonesia) — History. | |||
R1 | Meruntuhkan Indonesia | LKiS | Simon Philpott | 2003 | poltik postkolonialisme — otorianisme — Indonesia |
C6 | Metaphysical foundations of natural science | Cambridge University Press | Immanuel Kant; Michael Friedman | 2004 | Physical sciences — Philosophy.Sciences physiques — Philosophie.Kant, Immanuel — 1724-1804 — Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der NaturwissenschaftBewegungMaterieMetaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft (Kant) Kant, Immanuel.Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft. |
G4 | Metaphysics and the future of theology : the voice of theology in public life | Pickwick Publications | William J. Meyer | 2010 | Gustafson, James M.Niebuhr, Reinhold, — 1892-1971.Hauerwas, Stanley, — 1940- |
S4 | Mewujudkan Satu Umat | Puzam | M Dawam Rahardjo | 2000 | Religion. |
N2 | Michael Leifer, selected works on Southeast Asia | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | Chin Kin Wah & Leo Suryadinata, eds | 2005 | Southeast Asia — Politics and government — 1945-Southeast Asia — Foreign relations.Regionalism — Southeast Asia. |
D5 | Michal’s moral dilemma : a literary, anthropological, and ethical interpretation | T & T Clark International | Jonathan Y Rowe | 2011 | Michal — (Biblical figure) |
P6 | Michel Foucault dan hubungan internasional, kajian kritis terkini | Pustaka Pelajar | Nicholas J. Kiersey & Doug Stokes | 2014 | Foucault, Michel, — 1926-1984. |
F6 | Middle East, The : 2,000 years of history from the rise of Christianity to the present day | Phoenix | Bernard Lewis | 2000 | Middle East — History.Middle East.Naher Osten. |
N5 | Military politics and democratization in Indonesia | Routledge, | Jun Honna | 2003 | Civil-military relations — Indonesia. |
R2 | Militer & Politik di Indonesia | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Harold Crouch | 1999 | Marx, Karl, — 1818-1883. |
R5 | Militer Indonesia & Politik, dulu kini dan kelak | Pustaka Sinar Harapan | Salim Said | 2001 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Armed Forces — Political activity. |
P4 | Mimbar dan Takhta | Sinar Harapan | Frank L Cooley | 1987 | Indonesia — Maluku — cultuur – social — religion |
B4 | Miracles : the credibility of the New Testament accounts, vol 1 | Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group | Craig S Keener | Bible. — Gospels — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible. — Acts — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible. — Acts. | |
F2 | Miracles of Jesus, The : how the Savior’s mighty acts serve as signs of redemption | Crossway, | Vern S. Poythress | 2016 | Jesus Christ — Miracles. |
P4 | Misi dalam pandangan ekumenikal dan evangelikal Asia | BPK Gunung Mulia | Richard A D Siwu | 1996 | Missions — Asia — History — 20th century.Protestant churches — Missions — Asia — History — 20th century.11.78 missiology. |
C5 | Mission between the times | Langham Monographs | Padilla, C. René | 2010 | Mission of the church. Evangelistic work. Christianity — Latin America. Christianity. Latin America. |
C5 | Mission legacies : biographical studies of leaders of the modern missionary movement | Orbis Books | Anderson, Gerald H. | 1994 | Missionaries — Biography. 11.59 church history, history of doctrine: other. Missionaries. Biografie Missionar Zending. Christian missionaries — Biography. Christian biography. Missionaries — Biography |
C5 | Mission of God, The : unlocking the Bible’s grand narrative | IVP Academic | Christopher JH Wright | 2006 | Mission of God |
C5 | Mission of God’s people, The : a biblical theology of the church’s mission | Zondervan | Wright, Christopher JH | 2010 | Mission of the church. Missions. Church work. |
O4 | Misteri Supersemar: dilengkapi wawancara Ali Ebram si pengetik supersemar | Mediakita | Eros Djarot dkk | 2006 | Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Politics and governmentIndonesia. |
T1 | Mitologi China & Kisah Alkitab: mitos, legenda & adat istiadat China yang paralel dengan kisah-kisah Alkitab | Penerbit ANDI | J.S. Kwek | 2006 | Mythology, Chinese. |
T1 | Mitos Keunikan Agama Kristen | PT BPK Gunung Mulia | John Hick & Paul F. Knitter, Peny. | 2001 | Christianity and other religions.Religious pluralism. |
Q2 | Model Pemberdayaan Pranata Sosial dalam penanganan konflik: pengembangan konsep dan uji coba | Pusat Pengembangan Ketahanan Sosial Masyarakat, Badan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Sosial, Departemen Sosial RI | Muttaqin. | 2003 | Social norms.Conflict management — Indonesia.Conflict management. |
P5 | Model Pendekatan Etika: bunga rampai teks-teks etika dari Plato sampai dengan Nietzsche | Kanisius | Franz Magnis-Suseno | 1998 | Ethics.Philosophers. |
R2 | Model-model Pengujian Konstitusional di Berbagai Negara | Konstitusi Press | Jimly Asshiddiqie | 2005 | 86.50 constitutional law: general.StaatsinrichtingRechtsvergelijking |
E5 | Models for Christian higher education : strategies for survival and success in the twenty-first century | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | Richard T Hughes, William B Adrian | 1997 | Christian universities and colleges — United States — Case studies.Church and college — United States — Case studies.Christian education — United States — Case studies. |
G5 | Models of Contextual Theology | Orbis Books, | Stephen B. Bevans | 1992 | Theology — Methodology.Christianity and culture.Théologie — Méthodologie. |
G5 | Models of Contextual Theology | Orbis Books, | Stephen B. Bevans | 1992 | Theology — Methodology.Christianity and culture.Théologie — Méthodologie. |
K6 | Models of democracy | Malden, MA : Polity | David Held | 2006 | Democracy — History.89.35 democracy.Démocratie. |
R2 | Models of Democracy | The Akbar Tandjung Institute | David Held | 2007 | Indonesia — Politics and government. |
O2 | Models of Democracy, edisi bahasa Indonesia | Akbar Tandjung Institute | David Held | 2007 | Democracy |
I5 | Modern Catholic social teaching : commentaries and interpretations | Georgetown University Press, | Kenneth B. Himes O.F.M | 2005 | Catholic Church — United States — Doctrines.Christian sociology — Catholic Church.Church and social problems — Catholic Church. |
E3 | Modern Christian thought | Fortress Press | James C Livingstone | 2006 | Theology, Doctrinal — History — Modern period, 1500- |
E6 | Modern Christian thought | Fortress Press, | James C. Livingstone, Francis SF | 2008 | Theology, Doctrinal — History — Modern period, 1500-Theology, Doctrinal — Modern period.Christendom. |
M3 | Modern Islamic Political Thought | I.B. Tauris | Hamid Enayat | 2005 | Islam and politics.Political science — Islamic countries — History.Islam and state. |
M5 | Modern Social imaginaries | Duke University Press | Charles Taylor | 2004 | Social sciences — Philosophy.Philosophy and social sciences.Ethics. |
S1 | Modernisme dan fundamentalisme dalam politik Islam : perbandingan Partai Masyumi (Indonesia) dan Partai Jama’at-i-Islami (Pakistan) | Paramadina | Yusril Ihza Mahendra | 1999 | Islam and politics.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Pakista |
E1 | Modernity : Christianity’s estranged child reconstructed | W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | John Thornhill | 2000 | Modernism (Christian theology) |
O5 | Mohammad Hatta, Untuk Negeriku, sebuah otobiografi: Berjuang dan dibuang (2) | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Mohammad Hatta | 2011 | Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Vice-presidents — Indonesia — Biography. |
O5 | Mohammad Hatta, Untuk Negeriku, sebuah otobiografi: Bukittinggi-Rotterdam lewat Betawi (1) | Buku Kompas | Mohammad Hatta | 2011 | Hatta, Moh. — (Mohammad), — 1902-1980.Hatta, Moh., — 1902-1980. |
O5 | Mohammad Hatta. Untuk Negeriku, sebuah otobiografi: Menuju gerbang kemerdekaan (3) | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Mohammad Hatta | 2011 | Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Vice-presidents — Indonesia — Biography. |
S1 | Mohammad Natsir dalam sejarah politik Indonesia : peran dan jasa Mohammad Natsir dalam dua orde Indonesia | Mizan | M. Dzulfikriddin | 2010 | Natsir, M., — 1908-1993.Prime ministers — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century. |
L1 | Monkey business : the true story of the Scopes trial | Broadman & Holman | Marvin Olasky & John Perry | 2005 | Scopes, John Thomas — Trials, litigation, etc.Scopes, John Thomas.Intelligent design (Teleology) |
D2 | Moral Action & Christian ethics | Cambridge University Press | Jean Porter | 1995 | Christian ethics. |
M6 | Moral Business, On: classical and contemporary resources for ethics in economic life | W.B. Eerdmans Pub | Max L. Stackhouse, Dennis P. McCann, Shirley J. Roels | 1995 | |
D3 | Moral Choices : an introduction to ethics | Zondervan Publishing House | Rae, Scott B. | 1995 | Ethics Moral Choices |
D4 | Moral conscience through the ages : fifth century BCE to the present | The University of Chicago Pres | Sorabji, Richard | 2014 | Conscience. Conscience — Religious aspects. 08.38 ethics. PSYCHOLOGY — General. Consciousness. Ethics. |
L6 | Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, The | Knopf | Benjamin M. Friedman | 2005 | Economic development — Moral and ethical aspects. |
D2 | Moral Creed for All Christians, A | Fortress Press | Daniel C Maguire | 2005 | Christian ethics, Christianity and politics. Christianity and culture. |
E3 | Moral Discernment in the Christian Life | Westminster John Knox Press | James M Gustafson | 2007 | Christian ethics.morale chrétienne — études diverses.Kristen etik. |
D3 | Moral Interpretation of Religion, The | W.B. Eerdmans | Byrne, Peter | 1998 | Religion and ethics. Godsdienst. Ethische aspecten. Ethik. Religion. Religionsphilosophie. |
A6 | Moral Issues and Christian Response | Holt, Reinhart and Winston, Inc | Paul T. Jersild, Dale A. Johnson, eds | 1971 | Moral issues |
C6 | Moral Law, The: Groundwork og the Metaphysic of Moral | Taylor & Francis Ltd | Immanuel Kant | 2005 | Ethics.MoralMoralfilosofiSamfundsmoralEthics |
K5 | Moral politics : how liberals and conservatives think | University of Chicago Press | George Lakoff | 2002 | United States — Moral conditions.Political ethics — United States.Social ethics — United States. |
D5 | Moral quest, The : foundations of Christian ethics | InterVarsity Press | Stanley J Grenz | 1987 | Christian ethics.Christelijke ethiek. |
D3 | Morality and Beyond | Westminster John Knox Press | Tillich, Paul | 1995 | Christian ethics. Religion and ethics. Christian ethics Religion and ethics |
D4 | Morality of adoption, The : social-psychological, theological, and legal perspectives | W.B. Eerdmans | Timothy P Jackson | 2005 | Adoption — United States. Adoption — Moral and ethical aspects. Adoption — Religious aspects — Christianity. Adoption — Law and legislation — United States. Adoption. Adoption — Law and legislation. United States. |
L2 | Morality, politics, and law : a bicentennial essay | Oxford University Press | Michael J. Perry | 1990, ©1988 | Constitutional law — Moral and ethical aspects — United States.Law and ethics.Law — Political aspects. |
F1 | More money, more ministry : money and evangelicals in recent North American history | W.B. Eerdmans, | Larry Eskridge & Mark A Noll | 2000 | Evangelicalism — United States — History — 19th century — Congresses.Church finance — United States — History — 19th century — Congresses.Evangelicalism — United States — History — 20th century — Congresses. |
H2 | Most Moved Mover, a theology of God’s openness | Paternoster Press ; Baker Academic, | Clark H. Pinnock | 2001 | God (Christianity) — Love.God (Christianity) — Attributes.Dieu — Amour. |
O3 | Mr. Sartono : pejuang demokrasi & bapak parlemen Indonesia | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Daradjadi | 2014 | Nationalists — Indonesia — Biography. |
S1 | Muhammadiyah 100 Tahun Menyinari Negeri | Majelis Pustaka dan Informasi, Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah | M. Raihan Febriansyah, ed | 2013 | Muhammadiyah (Organization) — History. |
S2 | Muhammadiyah Menjemput Perubahan | P3SE STIE Ahmad Dahlan : Penerbit Buku Kompas | Mitsuo Nakamura | 2005 | Muhammadiyah (Organization)Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia. |
L1 | Multicultural citizenship : a liberal theory of minority rights | Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press | Will Kymlicka | 1995 | Multiculturalism.Minorities — Civil rights.Ethnic groups — Civil rights. |
T6 | Munculnya Kemerdekaan di Dunia Modern: pengaruh Calvin terhadap lima pemerintahan dari abad XVI – abad XVIII | Momentum | Douglas F. Kelly | 2001 | calvinism — five points of calvinism |
S2 | Muslim Demokrat: Islam, budaya demokrasi, dan partisipasi politik di Indonesia pasca-Orba | Penerbit Gramedia Pustaka Utama bekerja sama dengan Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat, Yayasan Wakaf Paramadina, Freedom Institute [dan] Kedutaan Besar Denmark | Saiful Mujani | 2007 | Islam and politics — Indonesia.Muslims — Political activity — Indonesia.Democracy — Indonesia. |
M4 | Muslim Discovery of Europe, The | Phoenix | Bernard Lewis | 2000 | Middle East — Relations — Europe.Europe — Relations — Middle East.Islamic countries — Civilization — Western influences. |
M4 | Muslim Jesus, The : sayings and stories in Islamic literature | Harvard University Press | Tarif Khalidi | 2001 | Jesus Christ — Islamic interpretations.Jesus Christ — In the Qurʼan.Islam — Relations — Christianity |
S4 | Muslim tanpa masjid : esai-esai agama, budaya, dan politik dalam bingkai strukturalisme transendental | Mizan | Kuntowijoyo | 2001 | Islam and politics — Indonesia. |
N3 | Mysticism in Java : ideology in Indonesia | Penerbit Kanisius | Niels Mulder | 2005 | Mysticism — Indonesia — Java.Ideology — Indonesia.Java (Indonesia) — Civilization. |
E4 | Myth of a Christian nation, The : how the quest for political power is destroying the church | Zondervan | Gregory A Boyd | 2005 | Evangelicalism — United States.Christianity and politics — United States.Conservatism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
E4 | Myth of a Christian nation, The : how the quest for political power is destroying the church | Zondervan | Gregory A Boyd | 2005 | Evangelicalism — United States.Christianity and politics — United States.Conservatism — Religious aspects — Christianity. |
H4 | Myth of religious neutrality, The : an essay on the hidden role of religious belief in theories | University of Notre Dame Press | Roy A. Clouser | 2005 | Religion and science.Science — Theory reduction.Philosophy and religion. |
H1 | Myth of religious superiority, The : multifaith explorations of religious pluralism | Orbis Books | Paul F. Knitter, ed | 2005 | Religions — Relations.Religious pluralism.Interfaith relations. |
D5 | Myths about the St. Bartolomew’s day Massacres 1572-1576 | Harvard University Press, | Robert M Kingdom | 1988 | Saint Bartholomew’s Day, Massacre of, France, 1572.Huguenots — History — 16th century.France — History — Wars of the Huguenots, 1562-1598 |
M1 | Nahdlatul Ulama and the struggle for power within Islam and politics in Indonesia | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, | Robin Bush | 2009 | N.U. (Organization)Islam and politics — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- |
S2 | Nahdlatul Ulama Dinamika Ideologi dan Politik Kenegaraan | Penerbit Buku Kompas | Kompas | 2010 | N.U. (Organization)Politics, Practical — Indonesia.Politics, Practical. |
C1 | Naked Public Square Reconsidered,The : Religion and Politics in the Twenty-First Century | ISI Books | Wolfe, Christopher | 2009 | Evangelicalism. |
B2 | Naming the Elephant : Worldview as a Concept | InterVarsity Press | Sire, James W. |