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L1“Chinese” way of doing things, The : perspectives on American-born Chinese and the Chinese church in North AmericaChina Horizon ; Horizon Ministries Canada,Samuel Ling1999Barth, Karl.
F3“Fundamentalism” and the word of God : some evangelical principlesEerdmans Pub. CoJ I Packer1958Fundamentalism.Fundamentalisme.Gezag van de bijbel.
N4“Public religion” and the Pancasila-based state of Indonesia : an ethical and sociological analysisPeter LangBenyamin F. Intan2006Religion and politics — Indonesia.Pancasila.Civil religion — Indonesia.
B5“The responsibility of the church for society” and other essays by H. Richard NiebuhrWestminster John Knox Press,H Richard Niebuhr2008Church.
S5(Re)politisasi Islam : pernahkah Islam berhenti berpolitik?MizanBahtiar Effendy; A Suryana Sudrajat2000Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
P410 agenda pastoral transformatif : menuju pemberdayaan kaum miskin dengan perspektif adil gender, HAM, dan lingkungan hidupPenerbit KanisiusJohannes B Banawiratma2002Public welfare — Religious aspects — Christianity.
Q110 mitos dan 1 kebenaran tentang narkobaYayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa dan Media IndonesiaVeronica Colondam2001Drug addiction — Indonesia.Drug abuse — Treatment — Indonesia.Drug abuse — Prevention.
J31001 People Who Made AMERICANational GeographicAlan Axelrod2007United States — Biography.United States.
P21421 Saat China menemukan duniaPustaka AlvabetGavien Menzies2002Discoveries in geography — Chinese.Voyages around the world.China — History — Ming dynasty, 1368-1644.View all subjects
G220th Century theology : God & the world in a transitional ageInterVarsity PressStanley J. Grenz & Roger E Olson1992Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.
O54 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Hatta, Jejak yang melampaui zamanKepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah Tempo,Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia.2010Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980.Vice-presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966.
O54 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Sjahrir, peran besar Bung KecilKepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah TempoKepustakaan Populer Gramedia.2010Sjahrir, Sutan, — 1909-1966.Prime ministers — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.
O54 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Sukarno, paradoks Revolusi IndonesiaKepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah TempoKepustakaan Populer Gramedia.2010Soekarno, — 1901-1970.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.
O54 Serangkai Pendiri Republik: Tan Malaka, Bapak Republik yang dilupakanKepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerja sama dengan Majalah TempoKepustakaan Populer Gramedia.2010Malaka, Tan.Nationalists — Indonesia — Biography.Revolutionaries — Indonesia — Biography.
L6ABlackwell PubHugh La Follette2007Applied ethics.Ethical problems.Ethics, Medical.
G4A Black theology of liberationOrbis BooksJames H. Cone1990Black theology.Schwarze TheologieBevrijdingstheologie.
N1A Business MiscellanyEconomist,The Economist2006Business — Miscellanea.Business.Bedrijfsleven.
N3A History modern of Indonesia since c. 1200Palgrave,M.C Ricklefs2001Indonesia — History.15.75 history of Asia.Indonesia.
E5A history of Christianity : Vol. 1,. To A.D. 1500Prince PressKenneth Scott Latourette; Ralph D Winter; Hendrickson Publishers.1997Chrześcijaństwo.Kościół — historia.
E5A History of Christianity… Vol 2Prince PressKenneth Scott Latourette1975Church history.Christianity.
M6A Manual for Writers of research papers, theses and dissertationUniversity of Chicago PressKate L Turabian2007Dissertations, Academic — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Academic writing — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Writing.
M6A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols I – II)The Presbyterian and reformed publishing companyHerman Dooyeweerd1969Thought
M6A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols I – II)The Presbyterian and reformed publishing companyHerman Dooyeweerd1969Thought
M6A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols III – IV)The Presbyterian and reformed publishing companyHerman Dooyeweerd1969Thought
M6A New Critique of Theoritical Thought (Vols III – IV)The Presbyterian and reformed publishing companyHerman Dooyeweerd1969Thought
N6Abdurrahman Wahid : Muslim democrat, Indonesian president : a view from the insideUniversity of Hawai’i PressGreg Barton2002Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.
H6Above all earthly pow’rs : Christ in a postmodern worldW.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. ; Leicester : Inter-Varsity PressDavid F Wells2005Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
C6Abraham Kuyper : modern Calvinist, Christian democratW.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.Bratt, James2013Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES — Journalism.Niederlande
C6Abraham Kuyper, A short and personal introductionWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub.Mouw, Richard J2011Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920Christianity and culture.
C6Abraham Kuyper, Conservatism, and Church and stateWipf & StockLarson, Mark James2015Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Christianity and politics — United States.Church and state — United States.Christianity and politics.Church and state.United States.
L6Accounting for fundamentalisms : the dynamic character of movementsUniversity of Chicago PressMartin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby2004, ©1994.Religious fundamentalism.Fundamentalismus
P3Aceh dari Sultan Iskandar Muda ke HelsinkiBandar Pub.Harry Kawilarang2008Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Indonesia) — History.Indonesia — Aceh.
C2Act of faith,The : Christian faith and the moral selfW.B. EerdmansSpringsted, Eric O.2002Faith.Christian ethics.Faith — History of doctrines.
C2Acts of faith : explaining the human side of religionUniversity of California PressStark, Rodney Finke, Roger2000Religion and sociology.SOCIAL SCIENCE — Sociology of Religion.RELIGION — Comparative Religion.
H2Acts of ReligionRoutledgeJacques Derrida2002Religion — Philosophy.
J3Adam Smith and the origins of American enterprise : how America’s industrial success was forged by the timely ideas of a brilliant Scots economistSt. Martin’s GriffinRoy C. Smith2004, ©2002Smith, Adam, — 1723-1790.United States — Economic conditions — To 1865.Free enterprise — United States — History.
F5Adam, Christ and covenant : exploring headship theologyApollos, imprint of Inter-Varsity PressATB McGowan2016Adam — (Biblical figure)
R2Adat dalam politik IndonesiaYayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia : KITLV-JakartaJamie Seth Davidson; David Henley2010Political culture — Indonesia.Adat law — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-View all subjects
F5Adding Cross to crown : the political significance of Christ’s PassionWashington, D.C. : Center for Public Justice ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker BooksMark A. Noll1996Jesus Christ — Person and offices.
D4African Christian EthicsHippo BookKunhiyop, Samuel Waje2008Christian ethics — Africa. Ethics — Africa. Christian ethics. Ethics. Africa. Teologisk etik — Afrika.
M1After Bali, the threat of terrorism in Southeast AsiaWorld Scientific ; Institute of Defence and Strategic StudiesKumar Ramakrsihna, See Seng Tan2003Terrorism — Southeast Asia — Congresses.SOCIAL SCIENCE — Violence in Society.Terrorism.
E4After Christendom? : how the church is to behave if freedom, justice, and a Christian nation are bad ideasAbingdon PressSanley Hauerwas1991Christianity and culture.Christian ethics — Methodist authors.Secularism.
J6After the fact : two countries, four decades, one anthropologistHarvard University Press,Clifford Geertz1995Geertz, Clifford.Anthropologists — United States — Biography.Anthropologists — Asia — Biography.
D6After VirtueUniversity of Notre Dame PressAlasdair MacIntyre1984Ethics.Virtues.Virtue.
I6Against the grain : Christianity and democracy, war and peaceCrossroad Pub. CoGeorge Weigel2008Catholic Church — Doctrines.Catholic Church.Democracy — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.
P5Agama dalam Pergumulan Masyarakat KontemporerTiara Wacana YogyaMukti Ali1998 ©1988Religion and sociology.
P2Agama dalam Politik AmerikaFreedom Institute & Yayasan Obor IndonesiaDavid C. Leege, Lyman A. Kellstedt2006religion — politiek — America
P4Agama dalam PraksisBPK Gunung Mulia : Yayasan Widya BhaktiBambang Subandrijo; Theodorus Kobong; Yayasan Widya Bhakti.2003Christianity — Indonesia.
P2Agama dan Budaya AmerikaSinar HarapanGeorge M Marsden1996America — culture — religion
T1Agama dan KerukunanBPK Gunung MuliaAA Yewangoe2001Indonesia — Religion.Christianity — Indonesia.Religions — Relations.
T6Agama dan KerukunanBPK Gunung MuliaAA Yewangoe2001Indonesia — Religion.Christianity — Indonesia.Religions — Relations.
S1Agama dan Pendidikan Demokrasi: pengalaman Muhammadiyah dan NUPustaka Alcabet Yayasan INSEPFuad Fachruddin2006Muhammadiyah (Organization)N.U. (Organization)Islam and politics — Indonesia.
Q3Agama dan TerorismeMuhammadiyah University PressAhmad Norma Permata2006Terrorism — Religious aspects.Religious fundamentalism.
P5Agama Demokrasi dan KeadilanGramedia Pustaka UtamaM Imam Aziz; M Jadul Maula; Ellyasa K H Dharwis1993Religion and state.Religion and justice.Democracy.
T3Agama Einstein Teologi dan FisikaYayasan Relief IndonesiaMax Jammer2004Einstein — religion — theology — fisica
T3Agama Kristen dalam sejarah duniaBPK Gunung MuliaArend Th van Leeuwen2000Christianity — history
T3Agama Kristen dan Demokrasi: suatu teologi bagi tata dunia yang adilBPK Gunung MuliaJohn W de Gruchy2003Christianity — theology
S5Agama Masa depan: perspektif filsafat perenialGramedia Pustaka UtamaKomaruddin Hidayat, Muhammad Wahyu N.2003Islamic philosophy.
O2Agama Publik di dunia modern: public religion in the modern worldPustaka EurekaJose Casanova2003Public religion
O2Agama, Seksualitas, Kebudayaan: esai, kuliah dan wawancara terpilih FoucaultJalasutraJeremy R. Carrette, ed1999Cultural studies.Sociology.
D4Agape : an ethical analysisYale University PressOutka, Gene H.1972Agape. Ethics. Agapè (Le mot grec) Morale. Agape Christian ethics — Agape
I3Age of reform (1250-1550), The : an intellectual and religious history of late medieval and Reformation EuropeYale University PressSteven Ozment1980Reformed Church — Doctrines — History.
J4Agustine of Hippo, a biographyUniversity of California PressPeter Brown2000Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Christian saints — Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city) — Biography.Augustin, — d’Hippone, sainte, — 354-430.
R1Ahli waris budaya dunia : menjadi Indonesia, 1950-1965Pustaka Larasan ; KITLV-JakartaJennifer Lindsay, Maya HT Liem, Peny2011Indonesia — Civilization.Civilization.Indonesia.
O3Ahmad Syafii Maarif, memoar seorang anak kampungPenerbit OmbakAhmad Syafii Maarif2013Maarif, Ahmad Syafii, — 1935-Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Biography.Muhammadiyah (Organization) — Biography.
S4Ahmad Wahib, pergulatan doktrin dan realitas sosialResist BookAba Du wahid2004Wahib, Ahmad, — 1942-1973 — Political and social views.Wahib, Ahmad, — 1942-1973.
S1Ahmadiyah Keyakinan yang DigugatPusat Data & Analisa TempoAris Mustafa2005Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam.Ahmadiyya — Indonesia — History.Islamic sects — Indonesia.
O5Ahok untuk IndonesiaPT Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta : Percetakan PT GramediaNurulloh2014Purnama, Basuki Tjahaja.Political leadership — Indonesia — Jakarta.Jakarta (Indonesia) — Politics and government.
L5AIDS ActionACET International Alliance : Operation MobilisationDr Patrick Dixon2010AIDS (Disease) — Prevention.AIDS (Disease) — Religious aspects — Christianity.AIDS (Disease) — Prevention
L5AIDS ActionACET International Alliance : Operation MobilisationDr Patrick Dixon2010AIDS (Disease) — Prevention.AIDS (Disease) — Religious aspects — Christianity.AIDS (Disease) — Prevention
T1Ajarlah Kami Bertumbuh: refleksi atas surat 1 KorintusMomentumBilly Kristanto2006Christians — reflection — 1 Corint
S1Akar Konflik Politik Islam di IndonesiaPustaka al-KautsarDhurorudin Mashad2008Indonesia — Politics and government.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia.
R4Akhir Pasar Bebas The End of the Free MarketPT Gramedia PustakaIan Bremmer2011The end of the Free market
M1Al Qaeda in its own wordsBelknap Press of Harvard University PressGilles Kepel & Jean-Pierre Milelli2008Qaida (Organization)Terrorism.Jihad.
C4Alister E. McGrath and Evangelical Theology : A Dynamic EngagementPaternoster PressBaker AcademicSung Wook Chung, ed2003McGrath, Alister E., — 1953-Evangelicalism.Theology, Doctrinal.
T6Alkitab dan Akhir Zaman: The Bible and the futureMomentumAnthony A. Hoekema2004Bible — future
T4Alkitab dan Orang yang Berkepercayaan LainBPK Gunung MuliaWesley Ariarajah2003Bible — others religion
C3All peoples and all nations, For : the ecumenical church and human rightsGeorgetown University PressNurser, John S.2005Human rights — Religious aspects — Protestant churches — History — 20th century.Ecumenical movement — History — 20th century.United Nations. — General Assembly. — Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
D3All things new : reform of church and society in Schleiermacher’s Christian ethicsWestminster John Knox PressBrandt, James M.2001Schleiermacher, Friedrich, — 1768-1834. — Christliche Sittenlehre. Christliche Sittenlehre (Schleiermacher, Friedrich) Schleiermacher, Friedrich. — Christliche Sitte nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt. Christian ethics.
F2All Truth Is God’s TruthInterVarsity PressArthur F. Holmes1983Faith and reason — Christianity.Truth.Christianity — Philosophy.
T1Allah Menggugat: teologi ingatan sebagai dasar rekonsiliasi dalam konflik komunalBPK Gunung MuliaBinsar J. Pakpahan2017Thelogy — religion — God
F5Allah, a christian responseHarperOneMiroslav Volf2011God (Islam)God (Christianity)Islam — Relations — Christianity.
J4Almanac of World HistoryNational GeographicPatricia Daniels; Stephen G Hyslop2003World history.Civilization, Ancient.Civilization, Medieval.
G1Alone in the world? : human uniqueness in science and theologyWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.J Wentzel Van Huyssteen2006Theological anthropology — Christianity.Human evolution — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human evolution.
S3Alquran Kitab ToleransiPenerbit FitrahMisrawi2007Alquran – tolerance
I2Always reforming : explorations in systematic theologyApollosA.T.B McGowan2006Theology, Doctrinal.Systematische theologie.
H1Amazing grace : God’s pursuit, our responseCrosswayTimothy George2011Grace (Theology)Theological anthropology — Christianity.Christian life.
L3Ambivalence of the sacred, The : religion, violence, and reconciliationRowman & Littlefield PublishersR. Scott Appleby2000Social conflict — Religious aspects.Peace — Religious aspects.Religion.
J2America at the crossroads : democracy, power, and the neoconservative legacyYale University PressFrancis Fukuyama2006United States — Foreign relations — 2001-Conservatism — United States.United States — Military policy.
J3American grace : how religion divides and unites usSimon & SchusterRobert D. Putnam & David E Campbell2010United States — Religion — 1960-Religion and sociology — United States.Religion.
J2American theocracy : the peril and politics of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st centuryVikingKevin Phillips2006Bush, George W. — (George Walker), — 1946-United States — Politics and government — 2001-2009.Conservatism — United States.
F3America’s battle for God : a European Christian looks at civil religionWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub,Geiko Muller-Fahrenholz2007Christianity and politics — United States.
J2America’s God : from Jonathan Edwards to Abraham LincolnOxford University PressMark A. Noll2002Theology, Doctrinal — United States — History — 18th century.
J2America’s God : from Jonathan Edwards to Abraham LincolnOxford University PressMark A. Noll2002Theology, Doctrinal — United States — History — 18th century.
L4America’s Rule of LawNational Lawyer Association FoundationRobert C. Cannada2001Religion and law — United States.
P2Amerika baru yang religius : bagaimana sebuah “Negara Kristen” berubah menjadi negara dengan agama yang paling beragama di duniaPustaka Sinar HarapanDiana L. Eck2005United States — Religion.Religion.United States.
R2Amerika vs Irak, bahaya politisasi agamaBPK Gunung MuliaRichard M. Daulay2009America — Iraq — religion — politization — dangerous
T5Amir Sjarifoeddin, tempatnya dalam kekristenan dan perjuangan kemerdekaan IndonesiaUt Omnes Unum Sint Institute, Center for Popular EducationFrederiek Djara Wellem2009Amir Sjarifoeddin.Nationalists — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — History — Revolution, 1945-1949.
H4An awareness of what is missing : faith and reason in a post-secular agePolityJurgen Habermas2010Habermas, Jürgen.Religion — Philosophy.Faith and reason.
K3Analects of Confucius, The: Lun yuHarmondsworth, Penguin BooksConfucius1979Confusius
O2Analisis Ideologi Dunia: kritik wacana ideologi-ideologi duniaIRCiSodJohn B. Thompson2014ideology, hermeneutica —
G3Analogical imagination, The : Christian theology and the culture of pluralismCrossroadDavid Tracy1981Theology, Doctrinal.
K6Anarchy, State and UtopiaBasic BooksRobert Nozick1974State, The.Civil rights.Anarchism.
N1Anatomy of the Jakarta Coup: October 1, 1965Yayasan Obor IndonesiaVictor M Fic2005Indonesia — History — Coup d’état, 1965.Indonesia — Foreign relations — China.China — Foreign relations — Indonesia.
Q3Ancaman Nyata Radikalisme melalui dunia maya terhadap keamanan nasional IndonesiaPustaka PelajarBDO Siagian2010Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
C2Ancient-future faith : rethinking evangelicalism for a postmodern worldBaker BooksWebber, Robert E.1999Evangelicalism.Evangelischen.Postmodernisme.
L2Annihilating difference : the anthropology of genocideUniversity of California PressAlexander Laban Hinton, ed2002Genocide.Ethnic conflict.SOCIAL SCIENCE — Demography.
Q2Antara daerah dan negara : Indonesia tahun 1950-an : pembongkaran narasi besar integrasi bangsaNederlands Instituut voor OorlogsdocumentatieSita van Bemmelen2011Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966. Politics and government Indonesia.
N2Anti-Chinese Violonce in Indonesia 1996-1999Asian Studies Association of Australia in association with Singapore University Press,Jemma Purdey2006Chinese — Indonesia.Chinese — Violence against — Indonesia.Ethnic conflict — Indonesia.
O2Antropologi StrukturalKreasi WacanaClaude Levi-Strauss2009Anthropology
T4Apa Itu Calvinisme?BPK Gunung MuliaChristiaan de Jonge1998Protestant churches — Indonesia.Indonesia — Church history.Calvinism — Indonesia — Influence.
T4Apa Itu Calvinisme?BPK Gunung MuliaChristiaan de Jonge1998Protestant churches — Indonesia.Indonesia — Church history.Calvinism — Indonesia — Influence.
T4Apa yang Telah Mereka Lakukan pada Yesus?Gramedia Pustaka UtamaBen Witherington III2007Jesus Christ — Historicity.Jesus Christ — Biography — Sources.Jesus Christ — History of doctrines.
T2Api Roh Kudus di Indonesia (jilid 1): Dr Stephen Tong dan Kebaktian Pembaruan Iman IndonesiaMomentumTim2014Stephen Tong
T6Apologetika bagi Kemuliaan AllahPenerbit MomentumJohn M. Frame2005apologetic
P1Apologia, pidato pembelaan Socrates yang diabadikan PlatoBulan BintangFuad Hassan1973Philosophy
J4Applied EthicsOxford University PressPeter Singer, ed1986Applied ethics.Social problems.Ethics.
L1Approaches to Auschwitz: the holocaust and its legacyWestminster John Knox PressRichard L Rubenstein; John K Roth2003Auschwitz (Concentration camp)Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) — Causes.Antisemitism — History.
J4Are miraculous gifts for today? : four viewsZondervan PubStanley N. Grundry, eds1996Gifts, Spiritual.Miracles.Spiritual gifts.
O2Arena Produksi Kultural: sebuah kajian sosiologi budayaKreasi WacanaPierre Bourdieu2012Sociology – culture
L5Arguing euthanasia : the controversy over mercy killing, assisted suicide, and the “right to die”Simon & SchusterJonathan D Morene, ed1995Euthanasia — Moral and ethical aspects.Right to die — Moral and ethical aspects.Assisted suicide — Moral and ethical aspects.
L5Arguing euthanasia : the controversy over mercy killing, assisted suicide, and the “right to die”Simon & SchusterJonathan D Morene, ed1995Euthanasia — Moral and ethical aspects.Right to die — Moral and ethical aspects.Assisted suicide — Moral and ethical aspects.
M3Arguing the Just War in IslamHarvard University PressJohn Kelsay2007War — Religious aspects — Islam.
S1Argumen Pluralisme Agama: membangun toleransi berbasis Al-QuranKata KitaAbd. Moqsith Ghazali2009Qurʼan — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Qurʼan.Religious pluralism — Indonesia.
O1Aristoteles: PolitikNarasi – Pustaka Promethea2018politics, constitution
O1Aristoteles: PolitikNarasi – Pustaka Promethea2018politics, constitution
O2Arkeologi PengetahuanIRCiSodMichel Foucault2012Arceology
C2Articles of faith, articles of peace : the religious liberty clauses and the American public philosophyBrookings InstitutionHunter, James Davison Os Guinness1990Freedom of religion — United States.Church and state — United States.Religious tolerance — United States.
S2Arus Baru islam Radikal: transmisi revivalisme Islam Timur Tengah ke IndonesiaErlanggaM. Imdadun Rahmat2005Islam — radicalism
Q3Asal Mula Konflik AcehYayasan Obor IndonesiaAnthony Reid2005Aceh (Indonesia) — History.
R2Asas Moral dalam PolitikYayasan Obor IndonesiaIan Shapiro2003Political ethics.Legitimacy of governments.Political science — Philosophy.
L3Asian discourses of rule of law : theories and implementation of rule of law in twelve Asian countries, France, and the U.SRoutledgeCurzonRandall Peerenboom2004Rule of law — Asia.Rule of law — France.Rule of law — United States.
H2Asia’s religions : Christianity’s momentous encounter with paganismChina Horizon ; Horizon Ministries CanadaLit-Sen Chang1999Christianity — China — 20th century.Christianity and other religions — Asian.Asia — Religion.
P4Aspek Aspek Teologi SosialPenerbit KanisiusY B Banawiratma1988Theology — Social aspects.
E4At the heart of the universe : what Christians believeInter-VarsityPeter Jensen2002, ©1991.Theology, Doctrinal.
G1At the limits of the secular : reflections on faith and public lifeWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing CompanyWilliam A. Barbieri Jr., ed2014Catholic Church — United States.Taylor, Charles, — 1931- — Secular age.Katholische Kirche
G6Athanasius and Constantius : theology and politics in the Constantinian empireHarvard University PressTimothy D Barnes1993Athanasius, — Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, — -373.
L3Atonement and violence : a theological conversationAbingdon PressJohn Sanders, ed2006Jesus Christ — Crucifixion.Atonement.Violence — Religious aspects — Christianity.
E2Augustine on the christian life: transformed by the power of GodCrosswayGerald Bray2015Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.
B5Augustine the Reader : Meditation, Self-Knowledge, and the Ethics of InterpretationHarvard University PressStock, Brian1996Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430. — Confessiones.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430 — Books and reading.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430 — Influence
L5Augustine through the ages: an encyclopediaW.B. EerdmansAllan D. Fitzgerald1999Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430 — Encyclopedias.Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone — Encyclopédies.Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone — Dictionnaires anglais.
E4Augustus to Constantine : the rise and triumph of Christianity in the Roman worldWestminster John Knox PressRobert M. Grant2004Church history — Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.Church history — Primitive and early church.
D6Authentic transformation : a new vision of Christ and cultureAbingdon PressGlen H Stassen, D M Yeager…1996Niebuhr, H. Richard — (Helmut Richard), — 1894-1962. — Christ and culture.Christianity and culture.Christianity and culture — United States.
K3AutobiographyPenguin BooksJohn Stuart Mill; John M Robson1989Mill, John Stuart, — 1806-1873.Philosophers — England — Biography.Mill, John Stuart, — 1806-1873
N5Autonomy and Disintegration in IndonesiaRoutledge,Damien Kingsbury and Harry Aveling2004Social conflict — Indonesia.Indonesia — History — Autonomy and independence movements.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
T6Ayub, Korban Masyarakatnya: Job the victim of his peopleBPK Gunung MuliaRene Girard2003Job — non-violence
L6Back to Darwin : a richer account of evolutionWilliam B. Eerdmans PubJohn B. Cobb Jr2008Darwin, Charles, — 1809-1882 — Congresses.Darwin, Charles, — 1809-1882.Religion and science — Congresses.
N1Bad Samaritans : rich nations, poor policies, and the threat to the developing worldRandom House Business BooksHa-Joon Chang2008economic development
J2Bafore the Mayflower a history of Black in AmericaJohnson Publishing Company, IncLerone Bennett Jr1969United States — Foreign relations — 20th century.
T4Bahan Rapat Konsultasi Pimpinan Gerejawi Aras Nasional dengan Pusat tentang implementasi Perber No. 9 dan 8 Tahun 2006notulen rapatPimpinan Lembaga Persekutuan Gereja Aras Nasional2008Indonesia – Churchs
P2Bahasa dan kekuasaan : politik wacana di panggung Orde BaruMizanAriel Heryanto; Yudi Latif; Idi Subandy Ibrahim1996Indonesian language — Euphemism.Indonesian language — Euphemism
S6Bahasa! Kumpulan Tulisan di Majalah TempoPusat Data dan Analisa TempoBambang Bujono.., ed2008Indonesian language — History.Indonesian language — Grammar.Language and culture — Indonesia.
E5Baker encyclopedia of Christian apologeticsMich. : Baker BooksNorman L Geisler1999Apologetics — Encyclopedias.
N2Bali Democracy Forum III, Bali, Indonesia, 9-10 December 2010 : speeches and proceedingsMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of IndonesiaIndonesia. Departemen Luar Negeri.2010Democracy — Asia — Congresses.Peace — Congresses.Asia — Politics and government — Congresses.
K4Banal NationalismThousand Oaks, CalifMichael Billig1995Human rights — Philosophy.
P5Bangsa yang belum selesai : Indonesia, sebelum dan sesudah SoehartoReform InstituteMax Lane; Danial Indrakusuma; Nurul Agustina2007Indonesia — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Politics and government
N3Bank Indonesia and the Crisis, an insider’s viewISEASJ. Soedrajad Djiwandono2005Banks and banking, Central — Indonesia.Economic stabilization — Indonesia.Financial crises — Indonesia.
K4Banker to the poor : micro-lending and the battle against world povertyPublicAffairsMuhammad Yunus1999Grameen Bank — History.
S3Banyak Jalan Menuju Tuhan (buku kedua): @ fileCaknurImania dan ParamadinaBudhy Munawar – Rachman Elza Peldi Taher2013Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia — Customs and practices.Islam and politics — Indonesia.
G1Barthian revolt in modern theology, The : theology without weaponsWestminster John Knox PressGary Dorrien2000Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968Barth, Karl — 1886-1968
D5Basic Christian ethicsWestminster/John Knox PressPaul Ramsey1993Christian ethics.Christliche EthikTheologie
F6Battle for God, TheAlfred A. KnopfKaren Armstrong2000Église catholique — Histoire — 1500-Religious fundamentalism.Orthodox Judaism — Israel — History.
T2Batu-batu Tersembunyi dalam pondasi kita: the hidden stonesKDPAndy, Rina, eds2000martyrs
B5Bavinck on the Christian life : following Jesus in faithful serviceCrosswayJohn Bolt2015Christian life.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921.RELIGION / Christian Life / General
S5Bayang-bayang FanatismeParamadinaAbd Hakim, Yudi Latif2007Islam — pluralism — fanaticism — freedom of religion
C5Bearing the witness of the spirit : Lesslie Newbigin’s theology of cultural pluralityW.B. EerdmansHunsberger, George R.1998Newbigin, Lesslie. Multiculturalism — Religious aspects — Christianity. Religious pluralism. Cultural pluralism — Religious aspects. Newbigin, Lesslie — 1909-1998 Christendom. Theologie. Pluralisme (algemeen) Multikulturelle Gesellschaft Theologie
F1Becoming conversant with the emerging church : understanding a movement and its implicationsZondervanD. A. Carson2005Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
E4Becoming Thinking a ChristianAbingdon PressJohn B Cobb Jr1993Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.Theology — Methodology.Church renewal.
N4Beginning to Remember, the past in the Indonesian presentSingapore University Press in association with University of Washington PresMary S. Zurbuchen, ed2005Indonesia — History — 1945- — Historiography.Memory — Political aspects — Indonesia.Historiography.
M5Behind the screen : Hollywood insiders on faith, film, and cultureBaker BooksSpencer Lewrenz & Barbara N.2005Motion pictures — Religious aspects — Christianity.Television broadcasting — Religious aspects — Christianity.Motion picture industry — United States.
K1Being and TimeHarperMartin Heidegger; John Macquarrie; Edward S Robinson1962Ontology.Space and time.Metaphysics.
H2Being religious interreligiously : Asian perspectives on interfaith dialogueOrbis BooksPeter C. Phan2004Christianity and other religions.Asia — Religion.Religion.
P2Belajar dari CinaKompasI Wibowo2007China — globalization
Q1Belajar dari MonyetGrasindoRung Kaewdang2002Trials (Bribery) — Indonesia.
O5Belajar tiada henti, Cacuk SudarjantoPustaka KeluargaCacuk Sudarijanto; Bondan Winarno2004Sudarjanto Cacuk – Indonesia — businessman
D1Beleaguered rulers : the public obligation of the professionalWestminster John Knox PressWilliam F May2001Professional ethics.Berufsethik
M4Benazir Bhutto, Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy & the WestSimon & SchusterBenazir Bhutto2008Islamic fundamentalism.Islam and politics.Ummah (Islam)
Q2Bencana gempa dan tsunami : Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam & Sumatera Utara : ketika kawanan burung putih berarakan ke tengah Banda AcehPenerbit Buku KompasKOMPAS2005Tsunamis — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004.Disaster victims — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Q3Benturan Antarperadaban dan masa depan politik duniaPenerbit QalamSamuel P. Huntington2005Clash civilization
T4Berbagai Aliran di dalam dan Sekitar GerejaBPK Gunung MuliaJan S. Aritonang1995Christian sects — Indonesia.Indonesia — Church history.Christian sects.
T3Berdamai dengan SalibGRafika KreasindoJoas Adiprasetya2010Christianity — cross
P4Beriman dalam masyarakat : butir-butir teologi kontekstualPenerbit Kanisius,Franz Magnis-Suseno1993Catholics — Indonesia.Christian life — Catholic authors.Church and social problems — Catholic Church.
S1Berislam secara Toleran: teologi kerukunan umat beragamaMizanIrwan Masduqi2011Religious tolerance — Islam.Islam — Relations.Interfaith relations.
T4Berpihak kepada yang Tersisih dan Terpinggirkan: mengenang Pdt Dr Daud PalihuTim Kajian GKI KwitangGKI Kwitang2011Protestant churches — Indonesia.Church work with the poor — Indonesia.Church work — Indonesia.
T6Bertahan di Bumi Pancasila: belajar dari kasus GKI YasminYayasan Komunikasi Bina Kasih,Victor Silaen2012Gereja Kristen Indonesia Yasmin Bogor.Protestant church buildings — Political aspects — Indonesia — Bogor.Building permits — Indonesia — Bogor.
P4Berteologi Sosial lintas ilmu, kemiskinan sebagai tantangan hidup berimanPenerbit KanisiusJB Banawiratma, J Muller1993Indonesia — theology — social — poverty — faith
O5Berusaha turut melayani : memoar politik Jakob TobingKonstitusi PressJakob Samuel Halomoan Lumbantobing2008Lumbantobing, Jakob Samuel Halomoan, — 1943-
K5best of “The Public square”, The : Book twoWm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.Richard John NeuhausK52001United States — Religion — 1960-
G6Between a rock and a hard place : public theology in a post-secular ageSCM PressElaine Graham2013Public theology.Postsecularism.Apologetics.
G1Between Athens and BerlinEerdmans,David H. Kelsey1993Theology — Study and teaching — North America.Theology — Study and teaching.North America.
L4Between Eden and Armageddon : the future of world religions, violence, and peacemakingOxford University PressMarc Gopin2000Violence — Religious aspects.Conflict management — Religious aspects.89.76 polemology.
H6Between naturalism and religion : philosophical essaysPolity PressJürgen Habermas; Ciaran Cronin2008Naturalism.Naturalism — Religious aspects.Science — Philosophy.
M2Between pacifism and Jihad : just war and Christian traditionInterVarsity PressJ. Daryl Charles2005War — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines.Just war doctrine — History.War — Religious aspects — Christianity.
H3Beyond charity : Reformation initiatives for the poorFortress Press,Carter Lindberg1993Church work with the poor — Europe — History — 16th century.Reformation.Church work with the poor — Europe — History.
E5Beyond christendom : globalization, African migration, and the transformation of the WestOrbis BooksJehu J Hanciles2008Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Emigration and immigration — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity — Forecasting.
M4Beyond civilizational dialogue : a multicultural symbiosis in the service of world politicsParamadinaArifin Bey2003Civilization, Modern — 1950-Multiculturalism.World politics.
G4Beyond foundationalism: shaping theology in a postmodern contextWestminster John Knox PressStanley J Grenz; John R Franke2001Theology, Doctrinal — History — 19th century.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Théologie dogmatique — Histoire — 19e siècle.View all subjects
O1Beyond Good and Evil: periode menuju filsafat masa depanIkon TeraliteraF. Nietzsche2002Philosophy
G1Beyond Good Intentions, a biblical view of politicsCrossway BooksDoug Bandow1988Christianity and politics.Bible and politics.
R5Beyond parlemen : dari politik kampus hingga suksesi kepemimpinan nasionalTranswacanaYuddi Chrisnandi2008Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Politics and government
L2Beyond Retribution : A New Testament Vison for Justice, Crime, and PunishmentWilliam B. Eerdmans PubChristopher D. Marshall2001Criminal justice, Administration of.Christianity and justice.Justice pénale — Administration.
G5Beyond suspicion : post-Christendom Protestant political theology in John Howard Yoder and Oliver O’DonovanWipf & Stock Publishers,Paul G. Doerksen2010Political theology.Christianity and politics — History of doctrines — 20th century.Church and state — History of doctrines.
I2Beyond the 95 theses : Martin Luther’s life, thought, and lasting legacyP & R PublishingStephen J. Nichols2016Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformers — Germany — Biography.Reformers.
D6Beyond the bounds : open theism and the undermining of biblical ChristianityCrossway BooksJohn Piper, Justin Taylor…, eds2003Open theism.God — Biblical teaching.Theïsme.
B5Beyond the Modern Age : an Archaeology of Contemporary CultureIVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity PressGoudzwaard,B. Bartholomew,Craig G.2017Christianity and culture.Civilization, Modern.
A3Bible and The Future,TheEerdmans Publishing CompanyHoekema,Anthony A.1979Eschatology — Biblical teaching.Eschatologie — Enseignement biblique.Bibel
A1Bible, Justice, and Public Theology, TheWipf & Stock PublishersNeville, David J.2014Public theology.Justice — Religious aspects.Justice — Biblical teaching.
A2Biblical AuthorityWord BooksRogers, Jack1977Bible
A3Biblical Case For Natural Law,A : Studies in Christian Social Ethics and EconomicsActon InstituteVanDrunen,David1971Natural law — Religious aspects — Christianity.Natural law — Biblical teaching.
A3Biblical Jubilee and The Struggle For Life,The : An Invitation to Personal, Ecclesial, and Social TransformationOrbis BooksKinsler,F. Ross Kinsler,Gloria1999Christianity and justice.Distributive justice — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity.
P5Bibliografi, Agama dan MasyarakatBPK Gunung MuliaKathleen AH Losher, D. Jay Losher1993Indonesia — religion — bibliography
E4Bioethics and the Christian life : a guide to making difficult decisionsCrosswayDavid VanDrunnen2009Medical ethics — Religious aspects — Christianity.
L5Bioethics and the future of medicine: A Christian appraisalPaternoster Press ; William B. Eerdmans Pub. CoJohn F. Kilner…, eds1995Medical ethics.
P3Biografi Dan Brown the Man Behind the Da Vinci CodeUfuk Press,Lisa Rogak2006Brown, Dan, — 1964-Fiksi biografi Inggris (Bahasa Indonesia)
O4Biografi Gus Dur, the authorized biography of Abdurrahman WahidNoktahGreg Barton2019Abdurrahman Wahid — biography
C4Biographical dictionary of evangelicalsInterVarsity PressTimothy Larsen, ed2003Evangelicalism — Dictionaries.Christian biography — Dictionaries.11.55 Protestantism.
F1Birth of the church, The : from Jesus to Constantine, A.D. 30-312Ivor J. DavidsonChurch history — Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.
G2Black Theology & Black PowerOrbis BooksJames H Cone1997Race relations — Religious aspects — Christianity.Black power — Religious aspects — Christianity.Black theology.
G4Black theology : a documentary history, 1966-1979Orbis BooksJames H. Cone & Gayrauds S. Wilmore1993Black theology — History of doctrines — Sources.African Americans — Religion — Sources.Black power — History — Sources.
G2Black Theology, a documentary history, volume 2 (1980-1992)Orbis BooksJames H. Cone & Gayrauds S. Wilmore1993Black theology — History of doctrines — Sources.African Americans — Religion — Sources.Black power — History — Sources.
G6Blackwell companion to political theology, TheBlackwellPeter Scott, William T. Cavanaugh, eds2007Political theology.
E6Blackwell Encyclopedi Modern Christian Thought, TheBlackwellAlister McGrath1995Theology — History — 18th century — Encyclopedias.
G5Blessed Rage For Order, the new pluralism in theologySeabury PressDavid Tracy1975Theology — Methodology.Religious pluralism — Christianity.Language and languages — Religious aspects — Christianity.
D3Body & soul : human nature & the crisis in ethicsInterVarsity PressJames Porter Moreland; Scott B Rae2000Theological anthropology — Christianity. Christian ethics. Mind and body. Personhood. Bioethical Issues. Anthropologie théologique — Christianisme. Morale chrétienne. Esprit et corps. 08.38 ethics. Christelijke ethiek. Lichaam en geest.
Q3Bom teroris dan “bom sosial” : narasi dari balik harmoni Bali : perspektif korban dan relawanYayasan KanaivasuIBM Dharma Palguna, ed2006Bali Bombings, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, 2002.Victims of terrorism — Indonesia — Kuta (Bali) — Personal narratives.Bombings — Indonesia — Kuta (Bali)
G6Bonds of imperfection : Christian politics, past and presentEerdmans, copOliver O’Donovan & Joan Lockwood O’Donovan2004Christendom en Politiek.
A3Book of The Books,The : The Value of The Scriptures In a Day of Bible Bending, Bible Breaking, and Bible BelievingCrow & Covenant PublicationsWhite,John H.2019Bible
M5Bottom billion, The : why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about itOxford University PressPaul Collier2008Poor — Developing countries.Poverty — Developing countries.Political culture — Developing countries.
R4Bringing the Public Back in: revitalisasi konsep publik dalam pemikiran dan praktek administrasi publik di IndonesiaGraha IlmuPius Suratman Kartasasmita2006Public administration — Indonesia.Public administration.Indonesia.
M3Britannica Guide to the Islam world, TheRobinson ; Running PressZiauddin Sardar2009Islam.Islamic countries.Islamitische wereld.
S4Budaya Damai Komunitas PesantrenLP3ESBadrus Sholeh, ed2007Islamic religious education — Indonesia.Islamic education — Indonesia.Islamic education.
J3Building a healthy culture : strategies for an American renaissanceW.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.Don Eberly, ed2001United States — Cultural policy.
M3Building Moderate Muslim NetworksRand Corp.Angel Rabasa, Cheryl Benard…2007Islam — 21st century.Islamic fundamentalism.Islamic countries — Relations — United States.
K4Building social Business, the new kind of kapatalism that serves humanity’s most pressing needsPublic AffairsMuhammad Yunus; Karl Weber2010Social responsibility of business.Social entrepreneurship.Capitalism — Moral and ethical aspects.
E4Building the christian academyW.B. EerdmansArthur F Holmes2001Church and education — History.
P1Buku Hitam Rezim SoehartoTotalitasRichard Robison2000Soeharto
S6Buku Pintar Penyuntingan NaskahGramedia Pustaka UtamaPamusuk Eneste2005Editing.Authors and publishers.
O6Buku Putih Bom Bali: Peristiwa dan PengungkapanPensil-324Farouk Muhammad, Hermawan Sulistyo, eds2006Civil society — Indonesia.
O5Bung Hatta dan ekonomi Islam : menangkap makna maqâshid al syarî’ahKompasAnwar Abbas2010Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980 — Political and social views.Economics — Religious aspects — Islam.Islam — Economic aspects — Indonesia.
O5Bung Hatta dan ekonomi Islam : menangkap makna maqâshid al syarî’ahKompasAnwar Abbas2010Hatta, Mohammad, — 1902-1980 — Political and social views.Economics — Religious aspects — Islam.Islam — Economic aspects — Indonesia.
O4Bung Karno DifitnahYayasan Bung KarnoYayasan Soekarno.2006Soekarno, — 1901-1970.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966.Indonesia — History — 1950-1966.
O4Bung Karno, penyambung lidah rakyat IndonesiaYayasan Bung Karno & Media PressindoCindy Adams2014Soekarno — Indonesia citizen
Q1Bunuh Munir! : sebuah buku putihKomisi Untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak KekerasaKONTRAS2006Munir, — 1965-2004 — Death and burial.Munir, — 1965-2004.Human rights advocacy — Indonesia.
L2Business Corporation & Productive Justice, TheAbingdon PressDavid A. Krueger…..1997Corporations — Religious aspects — Christianity.
L2Business Corporation & Productive Justice, TheAbingdon PressDavid A. Krueger…..1997Corporations — Religious aspects — Christianity.
J6Business ethicsPrometheus BooksMilton Snoeyenbos, Robert Almeder…, eds2001business — ethics
L4Business EthicsEconomist,Chris Moon2001Business ethics.Morale des affaires.Morale des affaires — Cas, Études de.
M5Business EthicsPrentice HallRichard T De George1999Business ethics.Business ethics — Case studies.
J4Business ethics : concept and casesPrentice Hall/Pearson Education International,Manuel G. Velasquez2006Business ethics — Case studies.Business ethics.
D4Business ethics today : foundationsWestminster Theological Seminary : Center for Christian Business Ethics TodayPhilip J. Clements2011Business — Religious aspects — Christianity.Business ethics.Religion and ethics.
N3Business in Indonesia, new challenges, old problemsInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesM. Chatib Basri, Pierre van der Eng2004Indonesia — Study and teaching — Japan.
H4By This standard, the authority of God’s law todayAmerican Vision PressGreg L. Bahnsen2008Law (Theology)Dominion theology.Theonomy.
I5Call to conversion, The : why faith is always personal but never privateHarperSanFranciscoJim Wallis2005Conversion — Christianity.Christian life.Christianity — 20th century.
C4call, The : finding and fulfilling the central purpose of your lifeW Publishing GroupOs Guinness1998Vocation — Meditations.Devotional calendars.Vocation — Christianity.
G5Callings : twenty centuries of Christian wisdom on vocationW.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.William C. Placher2005Vocation — Christianity.
I4CALVINYale University PressBruce Gordon2011, ©2009.Calvijn, Johannes — (Jean), — 1509-1564.Calvinismo.
I4Calvin and Calvinism, sources of democracy?DC Heath and CompanyRobert M Kingdom, Robert D Linder1970Calvinism — democracy
I4Calvin and Calvinism, sources of democracy?DC Heath and CompanyRobert M Kingdom, Robert D Linder1970Calvinism — democracy
I3Calvin and the consolidation of the genevan reformationWestminster John Knox PressWilliam G. Naphy2003Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Reformed Church (Geneva, Switzerland) — Clergy — Biography.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564
I3Calvin and the Foundations of Modern PoliticsSt. Augustine’s PressRalph C. Hancock2011Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Christianity and politics — Reformed Church.Christianity and politics — Reformed Church — History
I4Calvin and the reformation : four studies by Emile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck, and Benjamin B. WarfieldBaker Book HouseWilliam Park Armstrong; E Doumergue; August Lang; Herman Bavinck;1980Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean — 1509-1564Calvin, Jean.
I4Calvin and the reformation : four studies by Emile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck, and Benjamin B. WarfieldBaker Book HouseWilliam Park Armstrong1980Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean — 1509-1564Calvin, Jean.
I4Calvin and the reformation : four studies by Emile Doumergue, August Lang, Herman Bavinck, and Benjamin B. WarfieldWipf & StockWilliam Park Armstrong; E Doumergue; August Lang; Herman Bavinck;2004, 1909.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Contributions in theology.Calvinism.Theology, Doctrinal.
I4Calvin and the Reformed tradition : on the work of Christ and the order of salvationBaker AcademicRichard A Muller2012Jesus Christ — History of doctrines.Jesus Christ — Person and offices.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.
I3Calvin and the Rhetoric of PietyWestminster John Knox PressSerene Jones1995Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Writing skill.
I3Calvin and the sabbathMentorRichard Gaffin1998Sunday — History of doctrines — 16th century.Sabbath — History of doctrines — 16th century.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Views on Sunday.
I4Calvin and world mission : essaysNürnberg VTR Publ.Thomas Schirrmacher, ed2009Calvin, Jean — 1509-1564MissionProtestantismus
I3Calvin Handbook, TheWilliam B. EerdmansHerman J Selderhuis, ed2009Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Influence.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Bibliography.
I2Calvin on Common GraceSmitter Book CompanyHerman Kuyper1928Calvin
I3Calvin on the Christian life : glorifying and enjoying God foreverCrosswayMichael Horton2014Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Spirituality — Christianity.Christian life.
I4Calvin Today, reformed theology and the future of the churchT & T Clark,Michael Welker, Michael Weinrich.., eds2011Calvinism.Calvinist, Reformed & Presbyterian Churches.Religion — Christian Theology — Systematic.
I3Calvin; : the origins and development of his religious thoughtFrancois WendelCalvin thought
I3Calvinism : a historyYale University Press,D.G. Hart2013Calvinism — History.RELIGION — Christianity — Calvinist.RELIGION — History.
I4Calvinism and the making of the European MindBrill,Gijsbert van den Brink & Harro M Hopel, eds2014Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Influence.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvinism.
I3Calvin’s ChristologyCambridge University PressStephen Edmondston2004Jesus Christ — Person and offices.
I3Calvin’s doctrine of the state : a Reformed doctrine and its American trajectory, the Revolutionary War, and the founding of the republicaWipf & Stock,Mark J. Larson2009Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Political and social views.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.War — Religious aspects — Reformed Church.
F1Cambridge and the evangelical SuccesionScotland : Christian FocusSir Marcus Loane2007Grimshaw, William, — 1708 or 1709-1763.Berridge, John, — 1716-1793.Venn, H. — (Henry), — 1725-1797.
B3Cambridge companion to Adorno, TheCambridge University PressTom Huhn2004Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund.Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund
B3Cambridge Companion to Aristotle, theCambridge Univ. PressJonathan Barnes2007Aristoteles, — v384-v322.PhilosophiePhilosophy
B3Cambridge companion to Augustine, TheCambridge University PressEleonore Stump; Norman Kretzmann2001Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Augustin — (saint) — études diverses.Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone.
B3Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation,TheCambridge University PressBarton,John1998Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible — Critique, interprétation, etc.Bible.
B3Cambridge companion to Hannah Arendt, TheCambridge University PressDana Villa, ed2000Arendt, Hannah, — 1906-1975.Arendt, Hannah.Arendt, Hannah — Pensée politique et sociale.
B3Cambridge companion to Hobbes,TheCambridge University PressSorell,Tom1996Hobbes, Thomas, — 1588-1679.Hobbes, Thomas <1588-1679>Hobbes, Thomas, — 1588-1679
B3Cambridge Companion to KANT, TheCambridge University PressGuyer, Paul1992Kant, Immanuel, — 1724-1804.Kant, Immanuel — 1724-1804PhilosophieAufsatzsammlungKant, immanuel.Kant, Immanuel, — (1724-1804) — Critique et interprétation.Kant, Immanuel.Philosophy.
B3Cambridge Companion to Kierkegaard,TheCambridge University PressHannay,Alastair Marino,Gordon Daniel1998Kierkegaard, Søren, — 1813-1855.Kierkegaard, Søren, — 1813-1855Kierkegaard, Søren — 1813-1855
B3Cambridge companion to Lacan, TheCambridge University PressJean-Michel Rabate2003Lacan, Jacques, — 1901-1981.Psychoanalysis.Lacan, Jacques, — 1901-1981 — Critique et interprétation.
B3Cambridge Companion to Martin Luther, TheCambridge University PressDonald K. McKim2003Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Religion.Philosophy & Religion.
B3Cambridge Companion to Mill, TheCambridge University PressJohn Skorupski1998Mill, John Stuart, — 1806-1873.
B3Cambridge companion to Nietzsche,TheCambridge University PressMagnus,Bernd Higgins,Kathleen Marie1996Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900.Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900 — Influence.Nietzsche, Friedrich, — 1844-1900.
B3Cambridge companion to Plato, theCambridge University PressRichard Kraut1992Platone.Plato
B3Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology, TheCambridge University PressKevin J. Vanhoozer, ed.2003Postmodern theology.Théologie postmoderne.Postmoderne Theologie
B3Cambridge Companion to Rawls, TheCambridge University PressSamuel Freeman2003Rawls, John, — 1921-2002.Justice.Liberalism.
B3Cambridge companion to Reformation theology, TheCambridge University PressDavid Bagchi & David C Steinmetz2004Reformation.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 16th century.Réforme (Christianisme)
B3Cambridge companion to Rousseau,TheCambridge University PressRiley,Patrick2001Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, — 1712-1778.Biografias.Filosofia moderna (crítica e interpretação)
B3Cambridge companion to science and religion, TheCambridge University PressPeter Harrison, ed2010Religion and science.NaturwissenschaftenReligion
B3Cambridge companion to St. Paul, TheCambridge University PressJames D. Dunn2003Bible. — Epistles of Paul — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Paul, — the Apostle, Saint.Bible — New Testament. — Épîtres de Paul — Critique, interprétation, etc.
B3Cambridge companion to Weber, TheCambridge University PressStephen Turner, ed2000Weber, Max, — 1864-1920.
B1Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy,TheCambridge University PressAudi, Robert1999Philosophy — Dictionaries.Dictionaries.Philosophy.
K1Cambridge dictionary of sociology, TheCambridge University PressBryan S. Turner, ed2006Sociology — Dictionaries.Sociologie — Dictionnaires anglais.71.00 sociology: general.
E1Can we live together? : equality and differencePolity PressAlain Touraine2000Multiculturalism.Cultural pluralism.Sociale structuur.
A2Canon of Scripture, TheInter-Varsity PressBruce,F. F.1988Bible — Canon.Bible.New Testament — Canon.
G5Capital and the kingdom : theological ethics and economic orderOrbis BooksTimothy J. Gorringe1994Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian ethics.
E3Capitalism and Christians : tough gospel challenges in a troubled world economyPaulist PressArthur Jones1992Christianity — 20th century.
O2Capitalism, socialism & democracyPustaka PelajarJoseph A. Schumpeter2013World politics.
J2Captain America and the crusade against evil : the dilemma of zealous nationalismW.B. Eerdmans,Robert Jewett & John Shelton Lawrence2003United States — Foreign relations — 2001-
A1Captive to the Word of GodWm. B. Eerdmas Publising Co.Volf,Miroslav2010Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, etc.Bible – Theology.
J6Capturing the pagan mind : Paul’s blueprint for thinking and living in the new global cultureBroadman & HolmanPeter Jones2003Paganism.Christianity and culture.
J2Case for civility, The : and why our future depends on itHarperOneOs Guinness2008Courtesy — United States.Conduct of life.Courtesy.
N1Case studies in business ethicsPrentice HallThomas Donaldson, Al Gini1996Business ethics — Case studies.Morale des affaires — Cas, Études de.Business ethics.
M5Cash values : money and the erosion of meaning in today’s societyW.B. Eerdmans ; Vancouver, B.C. : Regent College PubCraig M Gay2004Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Money — Religious aspects — Christianity.Capitalisme — Aspect religieux — Christianisme.
P3Catatan Emas: kisah 20 pemuda Indonesia yang mengukir sejarahKementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga, Republik Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PT. Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. [dan] Bentang PustakaRahadiansyah & Bajo Winarmo2006Youth — Indonesia — Biography.Successful people — Indonesia — Biography.Successful people.
O4Catatan Hitam Lima Presiden IndonesiaUfuk PressIshak Rafick2007Indonesia president’s
Q3Catatan Pinggir 1Grafiti PersGoenawan Mohamad2006Essays.
Q3Catatan Pinggir 3GrafitiGoenawan Mohamad1991Essays.
Q3Catatan Pinggir 6Pusat Data dan Analisa TempoGoenawan Mohamad2006Indonesian essays — 21st century.Indonesian essays.
Q3Catatan Seorang DemonstranPustaka LP3ESSoe Hok Gie2005Soe, — Hok Gie, — 1942-1969.Soe Hok Gie, — 1942-1969.
H4Catholicism and liberalism : contributions to American public philosophyCambridge University PressR. Bruce Douglas and David Hollenbach, eds2002Catholic Church — United States.Catholic Church.Liberalism — United States.
S3Ceng Ho Penyebar Islam ke NusantaraPenerbit Buku KompasTan Ta Sen2010Explorers — China — Biography.Islam — Southeast Asia — History.Zheng, He — Travel — Southeast Asia.
A6Center Church: doing balanced, Gospel-centered Ministry in your cityZondervanTimothy Keller2012City missions.City churches.Church work.
J1Central liberal truth, The : how politics can change a culture and save it from itselfOxford University Press2006Christianity and antisemitism — History.
R1Cerita di Balik Berita Jihad melawan mafiaBhuana Ilmu PopulerDenny Indrayana2011corruption
O3Chairul Tanjung, Si Anak SingkongPenerbit Buku KompasChairul Tanjung; Tjahja Gunawan Diredja2012Tanjung, Chairul.Businessmen — Indonesia — Biography.Businessmen.
M4Challenging the secular state : the Islamization of law in modern IndonesiaUniversity of Hawaii PressArskal Salim2008Law — Indonesia.Constitutional law — Indonesia.Islamic law — Indonesia.
E5Changing face of Christianity, The : Africa, the West, and the worldOxford University PressLamin Sanneh, Joel A. Carpenter2005Church history — 20th century.
A5Character & Scripture: Moral Formation,Community, And Biblical InterpretationWilliam B. Eerdmans PublishingBrown, William P.2002Ethics in the Bible.Morale dans la Bible.Bibel
J5Character counts : leadership qualities in Washington, Wilberforce, Lincoln, and SolzhenitsynBaker BooksOs Guinness1999Washington, George, — 1732-1799 — Psychology.Wilberforce, William, — 1759-1833.Lincoln, Abraham, — 1809-1865 — Psychology.
A2Character Ethics and The New Testament : Moral Dimensions of ScriptureWestminster John Knox PressBrawley,Robert L.2007Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Ethics.Conduct of life.
A3Character Ethics and The Old Testament : Moral Dimensions of ScriptureWestminster John Knox PressCarroll R.,M. Daniel Lapsley,Jacqueline E.2007Bible. — Old Testament — Ethics.Bible. — Old Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Ethics in the Bible.
B4Charles TaylorCambridge University PressAbbey,Ruth2004Taylor, Charles, — 1931-PHILOSOPHY — History & Surveys — Modern.Philosophie
P2Children of war, The : Forum Silaturahmi Anak BangsaPenerbit Buku KompasNina Pane Budiarto2013Forum Silaturahmi Anak Bangsa.Children and war — Indonesia.War and families — Indonesia.
K1China the big tiger: a nation awakesAbacusDick Wilson1997China.
F1China’s Reforming ChurchesReformation Heritage BooksBruce P. Baugus2014Presbyterian Church — China.
N2Chinese century, The : the rising Chinese economy and its impact on the global economy, the balance of power, and your jobWharton School PubOded Shenkar2005China — Economic conditions — 2000-China — Foreign economic relations.Chine — Conditions économiques — 2000-
N1Chinese Indonesians: remembering, distorting, forgettingInstitute of Southeast Asian Studies ; Monash Asia InstituteTim Lindsey, Helen Pausacker, eds2005Chinese — Indonesia.Indonesia — Ethnic relations.Chinese — Indonesia — Religion.
N4Chinese Indonesians: State Policy, Monoculture and MulticultureEastern Universities PressLeo Suryadinata2004Chinese — Indonesia.Chinese — Cultural assimilation — Indonesia.Indonesia — Ethnic relations.
N1Choices : making right decisions in a complex worldHarperSanFranciscoLewis B. Smedes1991Conduct of life.Decision making — Moral and ethical aspects.
D3Choosing the good : Christian ethics in a complex worldBaker AcademicHollinger, Dennis P.2002Christian ethics. Morale chrétienne.
O1Choses Dites: uraian & pemikiranKreasi WacanaPierre Bourdieu2011philospohy — confrontation — strategic — coodification
O1Choses Dites: uraian & pemikiranKreasi WacanaPierre Bourdieu2011philospohy — confrontation — strategic — coodification
F3Christ and Culture RevisitedApollos,D.A Carson2008Jesus Christ.
F3Christ and the decree : Christology and predestination in reformed theology from Calvin to PerkinsBaker AcademicRichard A. Muller2008Religion and politics — United States.
F3Christ and time : the primitive Christian conception of time and historyW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoOscar CullmannJésus-Christ — Personne et fonctions.
F3Christ in a Pluralistic AgeWestminster PressJohn B. Cobb Jr1975Jesus Christ — Person and offices.
F3Christ in a Pluralistic AgeWestminster PressJohn B. Cobb Jr1975Jesus Christ — Person and offices.
F3Christ of the Covenants, TheBaker Book HouseO. Palmer Robertson1980Covenant theology — Biblical teaching.
F5Christ, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper : recovering the sacraments for evangelical worshipInterVarsity PressLeonard J Vander Zee2004Baptism.
F5Christ-centered worship : letting the Gospel shape our practiceBaker AcademicBryan Chapell2009Worship.Public worship.
E2Christian ApologeticsPresbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.Cornelius van Till1980, ©1976.Apologetics — 20th century — Outlines, syllabi, etc.
E4Christian Apologetics in the postmodern worldInterVarsity PressTimothy R Phillips & Dennis L Okhlom1995Apologetics.Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
E6Christian apologetics past and present : a primary source readerCrossway BooksWilliam Edgar & Scott Oliphint, eds©2009-©2011.Apologetics — History — Sources.
E3Christian Apologetics, a comprehensive case for biblical faithIVP Academic ; ApollosDouglas Groothuis2011Apologetics.
E2Christian belief in a postmodern world: the full wealth of convictionWestminster/John Knox PressDiogenes Allen1989Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.
E2Christian body politic : 21st century reformed Christian perspectives on church and stateHermit Kingdom PressChristian Kim, ed2004Church and state.Christianity and politics.
D2Christian case for virtue ethics, TheGeorgetown University PressKotva, Joseph J.1996Christian ethics — Catholic authors. Virtue. Christelijke ethiek. Deugden. Christliche Ethik Christliche Ethik.
E6Christian dogmatics : an introductionWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing CompanyCornelis van der Kooi, Gijsbert van den Brink2017Theology, Doctrinal.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Dogmatik
E3Christian educator’s handbook on teaching, TheBaker BooksKenneth O Gangel & Howard G Hendricks1998Christian education — Teaching methods.
D3Christian Environmental Ethics, a case method approachOrbis BooksJames B Martin-Schramm; Robert L Stivers2003Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity — Case studies. Environmental ethics — Case studies. Christian ethics — Case studies. Christian ethics. Environmental ethics. Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity. Christentum Umweltethik
D2Christian ethics : a case method approachOrbis BooksRobert L Stivers2005Christian ethics — Case studies.Christian ethics.Christelijke ethiek.
D2Christian ethics and the moral psychologiesWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub. CoBrowning, Don S.2006Christian ethics. Psychology, Religious. Christianity — Psychology. Christliche Ethik Moralpsychologie Moralpsychologie — Christliche Ethik. Christliche Ethik — Moralpsychologie.
E3Christian ethics in ecumenical context : theology, culture, and politics in dialogueW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoShin Chiba, George R Hunsberger…, eds.1995Christian ethics.Christliche Ethik.Ökumenische Bewegung.
D4Christian Ethics, an essential guideAbingdon PressLovin, Robin W2000Christian ethics. RELIGION — Christian Theology — Ethics.
D5Christian Ethics, options and issuesBaker Books HouseNormal L Geisler1989christian ethics
D4Christian Ethics, second editionCambridge University PressGill, Robin2012Christian ethics. RELIGION — Ethics. Religion. Christliche Ethik
C3Christian faith and the problem of evilW.B. Eerdmans PubVan Inwagen, Peter2004Theodicy — Congresses.Good and evil — Religious aspects — Christianity — Congresses.Théodicée — Congrès.
E2Christian idea of the state, TheThe Craig PressHerman Dooyeweerd1968Christian – state
E5Christian imagination, The : the practice of faith in literature and writingShaw BooksLeland Ryken, ed2002Christianity and the arts.Christianity and literature.
E4Christian Justice and public policyCambridge University PressDuncan B Forrester`1997Christianity and justice.Church and social problems.Christianity and politics.
E3Christian Manifesto, ACrossway BooksFrancis A Schaeffer1981Church renewal.
A6Christian Massage in a Non-christian world, theThe Edinburgh House PressH. Kraemer1938Christian massage
C5Christian Mission in the modern worldIVP BooksStott, John R. W2008Mission of the church. Evangelistic work. Christianity and other religions. Salvation — Christianity. Conversion — Christianity.
E2Christian perspective on law and relationismPaternoster PressPaul Beaumont & Keith Wotherspoon2000Christianity and justice.
E4Christian perspectives on faith development : a readerGracewing ; Eerdmans,Jeff Astley, Leslie Francis, eds1992Fowler, James W., — 1940-
E1Christian Perspectives on PoliticsWestminster John Knox PressJ. Philip Wogaman2000Christianity and politics.
B2Christian philosophy : a systematic and narrative introductionBaker Academic, A division of Baker Publishing Group,Craig G Bartholomew; Michael W Goheen2013Christian philosophy.
I4Christian Polity of John Calvin, TheCambridge University Press,Harro Hopel1985, ©1982Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Contributions in political science.Political science — History — 16th century.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.
E4Christian Realism and the New RealitiesCambridge University PressRobin W. Lovin2008Christianity and politics.Religion and politics.RELIGION — Christianity — General.
H4Christian religious education : sharing our story and visionJossey-BassThomas H. Groome1999Church and state — United States — Cases.
D3Christian Social ethics in a global areaAbingdon PressStackhouse, Max L.1995Christian ethics. Christian sociology. Social ethics. Christian ethics Christian sociology Social ethics
E4Christian spirituality : five views of sanctificationInterVarsity PressDonald L Alexander1988Sanctification — Christianity — Comparative studies.Holiness — Christianity — Comparative studies.Spirituality — Comparative studies.
E4Christian Theology in AsiaCambridge University PressSebastian CH Kim2008Theology — Asia.
G3Christian Theology reader, TheBlackwellAlister E. McGrath2001Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.Theology, Doctrinal.Dogmatiek.
E3Christian theory of social institutions, AHerman Dooyeweerd Foundation ; Jordan Station, Ont. : Paideia PressHerman Dooyeweerd1986Christian sociology.Sociology — Philosophy.Social institutions.
A6Christian view of God and the world, theKregel PublicationsJames Orr1989Theology, Doctrinal.Incarnation.
E3Christian view of God and the world, TheKregel Publications,James Orr1989Theology, Doctrinal.Incarnation.
I1Christian worship in Reformed Churches past and presentW.B. EerdmansLukas Vischer, ed2003Public worship — Reformed Church.Reformed Church — Liturgy.11.74 liturgy.
H3Christianity & religious diversity : clarifying Christian commitments in a globalizing ageBaker AcademicHarold A Netland2015Christianity and other religions.
E6Christianity & western thought : a history of philosophers, ideas & movements, Vol 1InterVarsity Press,Colin Brown[1990-2009] ©1990-©2009.Christianity — Philosophy.Faith and reason — History of doctrines.Philosophy — History.
E6Christianity & western thought : a history of philosophers, ideas & movements, Vol 2.InterVarsity PressSteve Wilkens & Alan G Padgett1990-2009] ©1990-©2009Christianity — Philosophy.Faith and reason — History of doctrines.Philosophy — History.
E4Christianity and BarthianismPresbyterian and Reformed Pub. CoCornelius van Till1962Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.
E4Christianity and culture : the idea of a Christian society and Notes towards the definition of cultureHarcourt BraceTS Eliot1976Christian sociology.Culture.
E5Christianity and human rights : influences and issuesState University of New York PressFrances S. Adeney & Arvind Sharma2007Human rights — Religious aspects — Christianity.ChristentumMenschenrecht
E4Christianity and Law, an introductionCambridge University PressJohn Witte & Frank S Alexander2008Christianity and law.Christianity and politics.Christian sociology.
E5Christianity and plurality : classic and contemporary readingsBlackwell PublishersRichard J. Plantinga1999Christianity and other religions.
E3Christianity and the postmodern turn : six viewsBrazos,Myron B. Penner2005Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christentum.Postmoderne.
E5Christianity and the religions : from confrontation to dialogueOrbis BooksJacques Dupuis SJ2002Catholic Church — Relations.Theology of religions (Christian theology)Christianity and other religions.
E4Christianity and the social crisisWestminster/John Knox PressWalter Rauschenbusch1991Christian sociology.Social ethics.Church and social problems — United States.
E2Christianity and the world religions : paths of dialogue with Islam, Hinduism, and BuddhismOrbis BooksHans Kung, Josef van Ess…1986Cristianismo y otras religiones.
E3Christianity at the religious roundtable : evangelicalism in conversation with Hinduism, Buddhism, and IslamBaker Academic,Timothy C. Tennent2002Christianity and other religions.Christianity and other religions — Hinduism.Hinduism — Relations — Christianity.
E4Christianity in culture : a study in dynamic Biblical theologizing in cross-cultural perspectiveOrbis BooksCharles H Kraft2005Christianity and culture.Kultur.Christentum.
N4Christianity in Indonesia: persepectives of powerLITSusanne Schroter, ed2010Christianity — Indonesia.Indonesia — Religion.Islam — Indonesia.
A6Christianity Theology in a pluralistic contextPeter LangSteven L. Wiebw2007Creationism.Cosmogony.Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
E3Christianity Through non-christian eyesOrbis Books,Paul J. Griffiths1990Christianity and other religions.
E6Christianity through the centuries : a history of the Christian churchZondervan PubEarle E Cairns1996Church history.Christianity — History.
E2Christianity with an Asian face : Asian American theology in the makingOrbis BooksPeter C Phan2003Asian Americans — Religion.Asian American theology.Aziaten.
E5Christianity, democracy, and the radical ordinary : conversations between a radical Democrat and a ChristianCascade BooksStanley Hauerwas & Romand Coles2008Christianity and politics.Democracy — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity and politics — United States.
E6Christianity’s dangerous idea : the Protestant revolution– a history from the sixteenth century to the twenty-firstHarperOneAlister McGrath2007Protestantism — History.Protestantism.Protestantismus
E5Christians and politics beyond the culture wars : an agenda for engagementBaker BooksDavid P. Gushee2000Christianity and politics — Congresses.Christianity and politics — United States — Congresses.Christianisme et politique — Congrès.
E2Christians Faith and the environmen: making vital connectionsOrbis BooksBrennan R. Hill1998Relationism.
E2Christians in a .com world: getting connected without being consumedCrosswayGene Edward Veith Jr & Christopher L. Stamper2000Internet — Religious aspects — Christianity.Cyberspace — Religious aspects — Christianity.Internet — Aspect religieux — Christianisme.
E3Christless Christianity: the alternatif gospel ….Michael HortonMoral conditions.
E4Christology in contextWilliam B. Eerdmans PubGabriel Fackre2006Jesus Christ — Person and offices.
E4Christology, a global introductionBaker AcademicVeli-Matti KarkKainen2003Jesus Christ — Person and offices.
E2Christophany : the fullness of manOrbis BooksRaimon Panikkar2004Jesus Christ — Person and offices.Jesus Christ.Christology.
G3Christopraxis, a theology of actionFortress PressEdmund Arens1995Theology, Practical.Communication — Religious aspects — Christianity.Théologie pratique.
I2Christ’s churches purely reformed : a social history of CalvinismYale University PressPhilip Benedict2002Calvinism — Europe — History.Christian church history.11.55 Protestantism.
D2Church and morality, The : an ecumenical and Catholic approachFortress PressCurran, Charles E.1993Catholic Church — Relations. Catholic Church — Doctrines. Christian ethics — Catholic authors. Church — Catholicity. Christian ethics — Comparative studies. Catholic Church. Interfaith relations. Theology, Doctrinal. Christliche Ethik Katholische Soziallehre Christelijke ethiek. catholicisme. morale catholique — Eglise catholique romaine. Catholic Church — Doctrines Catholic Church — Relations Christian ethics — Catholic authors Church — Catholicity
F1Church as polis, The : from political theology to theological politics as exemplified by Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley HauerwasUniv. of Notre Dame PressArne Rasmusson1995Hauerwas, Stanley, — 1940-
F1Church between Gospel and culture, The : the emerging mission in North AmericaW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoGeorge R. Hunsberger & Craig van Gelder1996Missions — North America.Christianity and culture — North America.Missions — Theory.
F1Church, contours of christian theology, TheInterVarsity PressEdmund P Clowney1995Church.Church — Biblical teaching.Church — History of doctrines.
E1Church, state, and citizen : Christian approaches to political engagementOxford University PressSandra F. Joireman2009Church and state.
F1Church, state, and public justice : five viewsIVP AcademicPC Kemeny, ed2007Church and state — United States.Christianity and justice — United States.Christianity and justice.
F1Churches and Monasteries of Egypt and some Neighbouring Countries, TheForgotten BooksAl-Armany Abu Salih2012Moltmann, Jürgen, — 1926-
D1Churchgoing and Christian ethicsCambridge University PressGill, Robin1999Christian ethics — Great Britain — Public opinion.Christians — Great Britain — Attitudes.Church attendance — Great Britain.
O5CiilKepustakaan Populer GramediaRudy Badil & Masmimar Mangiang2010Sjahrir, — 1945-2008.Economists — Indonesia — Biography.Economists.
S2Cita-cita Politik IslamParamadinaNurcholish Madjid2009Islam — politics
A6City of God, TheModern LibraryAugustine, of Hippo Saint; Marcus Dods1993Kingdom of God — Early works to 1800.Apologetics — Early works to 1800.Apologetics.
M3Civil society in the Muslim world : contemporary perspectivesI.B. Tauris PublishersAmyn B. Sajoo, ed2002Civil society — Islamic countries.Political culture — Islamic countries.Islam and politics.
S1Civil Society versus Masyrakat MadaniPustaka HidayahAhmad Baso1999Democracy — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Civil society — Indonesia.
K1Civility: manners, morals, and the etiquette of democracyBasic BooksStephen L Carter1998Civil society.Etiquette.Democracy.
L4Clarence John Laughlin : prophet without honorUniversity Press of Mississippi,A.J Meek2007Laughlin, Clarence John.
D5Clash of orthodoxies, The : law, religion, and morality in crisisISI BooksGeorge, Robert P.2001Religious ethics. Faith and reason. Secularism. Liberalism — Religious aspects. Religion and law. Religion and politics. Naturrecht Christliche Ethik Rechtspolitik
G5Classical apologetics : a rational defense of the Christian faith and a critique of presuppositional apologeticsZondervan,RC Sproul, John Gerstner…, eds1984Apologetics.Natural theology.Apologetik
C4Clouds of witnesses : Christian voices from Africa and AsiaIVP BooksMark A Noll and Carolyn Nystrom2011Christian biography — Asia.Asia — Church history — 20th century.Christian biography — Africa.
M5Collapse : how societies choose to fail or survivePenguin BooksJared Diamond2006Social history — Case studies.Social change — Case studies.Environmental policy — Case studies.
A2Collected Writings on ScriptureCrossway BooksCarson,D. A. Naselli,Andrew David2010Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, etc.Bible – Hermeneutics.
A1Collective Writings On ScriptureCrosswayCarson, D. A. Naselli,Andrew David2010Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, etc.Bible – Hermeneutics.
M5Coming anarchy, The : shattering the dreams of the post Cold WarVintageRobert D. Kaplan2000World politics — 1989-Post-communism.World politics.
D2Common Good & Christian Ethics, TheCambridge University PressDavid Hollenbach, SJ2002Christian ethics
B4Common grace in Kuyper, Schilder, and Calvin : exposition, comparison, and evaluationLucerna CRTS PublicationsDouma,Jochem2017Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.
D6Common Objects of loveWilliam B. Eerdmans PubOliver O’Donovan2002Christian ethics.Christelijke ethiek.Opbouwwerk.
K3Common SensePenguin Books,Thomas Paine; Isaac Kramnick1986United States — Politics and government — 1775-1783.Political science.Monarchy.
M2Common Word, A: Muslims and Christians on Loving God and NeighborW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoMiroslav Volf; Ghazi bin Muhammad, Prince of Jordan.; Melissa Yarrington2010Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Islam.God (Islam)
A2Common Word, The : The Undermining of the ChurchANM PublishersSolomon,Sam Maqdisi,E Al2009Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity.Islam — Controversial literature.
T6Communicating Christ cross-culturally, second edition: Mengomunikasikan Kristus secara lintas budayaLiteratur SAATDavid J. Hesselgrave2004Christ — communicating — culture
K3Communist Manifesto, ThePenguinKarl Marx and Friederich Engels1967Communism.Socialism.
H4Community of the Word, The : toward an evangelical ecclesiologyInterVarsity PressMark Husbands & Daniel J. Treier2005Church.Ecclesiologie.Evangelischen.
D5Companion to applied Ethics, ABlackwell PubR.G Frey and Christhoper H. Wellman2003Applied ethics.Ethics [MESH]Ethics.
C1Compassionate call to counter culture in a world of poverty, same-sex marriage, racism, sex slavery, immigration, persecution, abortion, orphans, pornography, ATyndale House Publishers, Inc.Platt, David2015Christian life — United States.Christianity and culture — United States.Culture conflict — Religious aspects — Christianity.
B6Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 1 A Christian View of Philosophy and CultureCrossway BooksSchaeffer, Francis A.1985philosophy.culture.
B6Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 2 A Christian view of the Bible as truthCrossway BooksSchaeffer, Francis A.1985Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Christian art and symbolism.Bible.
B6Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 3 A christian view of spirituality, TheCrossway BooksSchaeffer, Francis A.1985Sermons, American.Spirituality.Christianity — 20th century.
B6Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 4 A Christian view of the churchCrossway BooksSchaeffer, Francis A.1985Christianity — 20th century.Apologetics.Apologetics — History — 20th century.Liberalism (Religion)Christian life.Christianity.
B6Complete Works of a Christian Worldview,The : Vol. 5 A Christian view of the westCrossway BooksSchaeffer, Francis A.1985Christian civilization.Civilization, Western — History.Church and social problems.Christianity — 20th century.Christianity.Civilization, Western.
H6concept of woman, The. The Aristotelian revolution, 750 BC-AD 1250W.B. Eerdmans PubSister Prudence Allen, RSM1997Femininity (Philosophy) — History.Women — History.Sex role — History.
J3Conduct unbecoming : how Barack Obama is destroying the military and endangering our securityRegnery Pub. ; New York : Distributed to the trade by Perseus DistributionRobert “Buzz” Patterson2010United States — Social conditions — To 1865.
E2Confessing Christ and doing politicsAssociation for Public Justice Education Fund,James W Skillen, ed1982Christianity and politics.Christianity and justice.
F5Confessing Christ and Doing PoliticsAssociation for Public Justice Education FundJames W. Skillen1982Christianity and politics.Christianity and justice.
L1Confession of an conomic Hit ManBerrett-Koehler Publishers,John Perkins2004Perkins, John, — 1945-United States. — National Security Agency — Biography.Chas. T. Main, Inc.
C5ConfessionsPenguin BooksAugustine, of Hippo Saint; Garry Wills2006Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Catholic Church — Bishops — Biography.Bishops — Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city) — Biography.Christian saints — Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city) — Biography.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430Catholic Church.Bishops.Christian saints.Algeria — Hippo (Extinct city)
K3Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ThePenguin BooksJean-Jacques Rousseau; J M Cohen1953War — Moral and ethical aspects.
L4Conflict mediation across cultures : pathways and patternsWestminster/John Knox PressDavid W. Augsburger1992Interpersonal conflict — Cross-cultural studies.Conflict management — Cross-cultural studies.Interpersonal conflict — Folklore.
J4Conflict of interpretations, the : essays in hermeneuticsAthlone PressPaul Ricœur2000, 1989.Hermeneutics.Criticism.Ideology.
B4Conscience And its Problems : an Introduction to CasuistryWestminster John Knox PressKirk,Kenneth E.1999Conscience.Casuistry.PHILOSOPHY — Ethics & Moral Philosophy.
D4ConseQuences: morality, ethics and the futureFortress PressJames H. Burtness1999Christian ethics.Christliche Ethik.
S4Conservative turn : Islam Indonesia dalam ancaman fundamentalismeAl-Mizan,Martin van Bruinessen2014Majelis Ulama Indonesia.Muhammadiyah (Organization)Islam — Indonesia — 21st century.
J1Constantine’s sword : the church and the Jews : a historyHoughton MifflinJames Carroll2001Catholic Church — Relations — Judaism.
G2Constants in context : a theology of mission for todayOrbis BooksStephen B Bevans, Roger P Schroeder2004Missions.
K4Constitution of liberty, TheRoutledgeHayek1960Liberty.Rule of law.Social policy.
G1Constructing Local TheologiesOrbis Books,Robert J. Schreiter1985Catholic Church — Doctrines.Église catholique — Doctrines.Catholic Church.
K4Construction of nationhood, The : ethnicity, religion, and nationalismCambridge University PressAdrian Hastings1997Hobsbawm, E. J. — (Eric J.), — 1917-2012. — Nations and nationalism since 1780.Nationalism — History.Nationalism — Religious aspects.
G3Constructive theology : a contemporary approach to classical themes with CD-ROMFortress Press,Serene Jones and Paul Lakeland, eds2005Theology, Doctrinal.Theologie.
D3Contemporary debates in applied ethicsBlackwell Pub.Andrew I Cohen; Christopher Heath Wellman2005Applied ethics. Éthique appliquée. Angewandte Ethik Praktische Ethik.
B4Contesting spirit : Nietzsche, affirmation, religionPrinceton University PressTyler T Roberts1998Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900 — Religion.Religion — Philosophy — History — 19th century.BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY — Religious.View all subjects
J6Contextual application of Christian social teaching on political ethics : in the light of the pronouncements of the bishops of Africa and Madagascar in the era of globalisation : with particular reference to English-speaking sub-Saharan AfricaP. Lang,Polycarp Chuks Obikwelu2006Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar.Catholic Church. — Pope (1878-1903 : Leo XIII). — Rerum novarum.Catholic Church. — Pope (1978-2005 : John Paul II). — Sollicitudo rei socialis
G4Contextual Theology for the Twenty-First CenturyPickwick PublicationsStephen B. Bevans & Katalina Tahaafe…, eds2011Christianity and culture.Missions.Mission of the church.
M4Continuity and Change in Indonesian IslamYale UniverxsityHarry J. Benda1965Islam in Indonesia
A4Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Old and New TestamentsCrossway BooksJohn S, Feinberg,.1988Bible. — New Testament — Relation to the Old Testament.New Testament — Relation to the Bible.Johnson, S. Lewis.
N5Contours of mass violence in Indonesia, 1965-68, TheAsian Studies Association of AustraliaDouglas Kammen, Katherine McGregor, eds2012Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-
L4Contre vents et marées : mélanges offerts à Pierre Berthoud et Paul WellsKerygma ; Charols : ExcelsisMelanges ….2014Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
A5Conversion in the New Testament: Paul and the TwelveWilliam B. Eerdmans PublishingPeace,Richard V.1999Bible. — New Testament — Biography.Conversion — Biblical teaching.Christian converts — Palestine — Biography.
B4Cornelius Van Til : an Analysis of His ThoughtP & R Pub.Frame,John M Til, Cornelius Van1995Van Til, Cornelius, — 1895-1987.Apologetics — History — 20th century.Presbyterian Church — Doctrines — History — 20th century.
T4Cornelius van Til: suatu analisis terhadap pemikirannyaMomentumJohn M. Frame2002Cornelius van Til — analysis
I5Correcting the Cults, expert responses to their scripture twistingBaker BooksNorman L Geisler; Ron Rhodes2005. ©199Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Bible — Commentaries.Cults — Controversial literature — Handbooks, manuals, etc.
L1Corrosion of character, The : the personal consequences of work in the new capitalismNorton,Richard Sennett1998Working class — United States.Work ethic — United States.Labor — United States.
D2Cosmopolitanism Ethics in a world of strangerAllen LaneKwame Anthony Appiah2006Ethics
F4Cost of Discipleship, TheTouchstoneDietrich Bonhoeffer1995Sermon on the mount — Criticism, interpretation, etc.
C4Countering the claims of evangelical feminismMultnomah PublishersWayne Grudem2006Bible and feminism.Evangelicalism.
K6Countries at the crossroads : a survey of democratic governanceFreedom House ; Rowman & Littlefield PublishersSanja Kelly, Christhoper Walker,.. Eds2008Democracy — Case studies.Representative government and representation — Case studies.Democracy.
J5Courage of faith : Dag Hammarskjöld’s Way in quest of negotiated peace, reconciliation and meaningLangPaul R. Nelson2007Hammarskjöld, Dag, — 1905-1961 — Religion.
H4Courage to be Protestant, The : truth-lovers, marketers, and emergents in the postmodern worldWilliam B. Eerdmans PubDavid F Wells2008Evangelicalism.
C6Covenant and eschatology : the divine dramaWestminster John Knox PressHorton, Michael Scott2002Theology — Methodology — 20th century.Covenant theology.Postmodernism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Theology — Methodology.Bund GottesEschatologieVerbond.Eschatologie.Taalhandelingen.Geschiedenis.God.Eschatology.
I6Covenant for a new creation : ethics, religion, and public policyOrbis Books : Graduate Theological UnionCarol S. Robb & Carl J. Casebolt, eds1991Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Environmental ethics.Creation.
A6Covenant of Peace : The Missing Peace in New Testament Theology and EthicsWilliam B. Eerdmans PublishingSwartley,Willard M.2006Bible. — New Testament — Theology.Peace — Biblical teaching.Christian ethics — Biblical teaching.
G2Covenant theology : John Murray’s and Meredith G. Kline’s response to the historical development of federal theology in reformed thoughtUniversity Press of America,Jeong Koo Jeon1999Murray, John, — 1898-1975.Kline, Meredith G.Covenant theology — History of doctrines — 20th century.
B5Covenantal apologetics : principles and practice in defense of our faithCrossway,K Scott Oliphint2013Apologetics.Reformed Church — Doctrines.RELIGION — Christian Theology — Apologetics.
F4Created in God’s ImageEerdmans ; Exeter, UK : Paternoster PressAnthony A, Hoekema1986Theological anthropology — Christianity.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Reformierte Kirche
K4Creating a World without poverty, social business and the future of capitalismPublicAffairsMuhammad Yunus; Karl Weber2007Social entrepreneurship.Social responsibility of business.Industries — Social aspects.
G1CreationWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.Hans Schwarz2002Religion and science.Creation.Schepping.
I6Creation out of nothing : a biblical, philosophical, and scientific explorationApollos, Baker AcademicPaul Copan & William L Craig2004Creation — History of doctrines.Cosmology.Religion and science.
J5Creation out of nothing : a biblical, philosophical, and scientific explorationApollos ; Baker AcademicPaul Copan & William Lane CraigCreation — History of doctrines.Cosmology.Religion and science.
D6Creation regained : biblical basics for a Reformational worldviewWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub.,Albert M Wolters2005Biblical cosmology.
H3Creation regained : biblical basics for a Reformational worldviewWilliam B. Eerdmans PubAlberts M Wolters2005Biblical cosmology.Economy of God.Reformed Church — Doctrines.
O4Creeping coup d’etat Mayjen SuhartoMedia PressindoSukmawati Sukarno2011Sukarno, Sukmawati, — 1951-Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Last years.Soeharto, — 1921-2008.
N5Creole Identity in Postcolonial IndonesiaBerghahn BooksJacqueline Knörr2014Ethnicity — Indonesia — Jakarta. Creoles — Indonesia — Jakarta — Ethnic identity. Creoles — Indonesia — Jakarta — Social conditions.
R1Crises in Modern Thought: menyelami kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dalam lingkup filsafat dan hukum kodratPT Gramedia Pustaka UtamaJ. Donald Walters2003Philosophy and science.Meaning (Philosophy)Relativity.
M1Crisis of Islam, The : holy war and unholy terrorWeidenfeld & NicolsonBernard Lewis2003Jihad.Terrorism — Religious aspects — Islam.War — Religious aspects — Islam.
N1Crisis of secularism in India, TheDuke University PressAnuradha Dingwaney Needham2007Secularism — India.
C6Critique of Practical ReasonDover PublicationsImmanuel Kant2004Practical reason.Raison pratique.
C6Critique of Pure ReasonPrometheus BooksImmanuel Kant; J M D Meiklejohn1990Knowledge, Theory of.Reason.Causation.
D6Cross and salvation, TheCrossway BooksBruce Demarest2006Salvation.
E2Cross of Christ, TheInterVarsity PressJohn R.W Stott1986Jesus Christ — Crucifixion.Jesus Christ.
A3Cross Words: The Biblical Doctrine of the AtonementChristian FocusWells,Paul2006Jesus Christ — Crucifixion — Biblical teaching.Jesus Christ.Atonement — Biblical teaching.
H3Cross-cultural servanthood : serving the world in Christlike humilityIVP BooksDuane Elmer2006Jesus Christ — Servanthood.Jesus Christ.Service (Theology)
E2Crucified Guru, The: an experiment in cross-cultural christologyAbingdon Press,M. Thomas Thangaraj1994Jesus Christ — Person and offices.
L2Crying for justice : what the Psalms teach us about mercy and vengeance in an age of terrorismInter-Varsity Press ; KregelJohn N. Day2005Bible. — Psalms — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible. — Psalms.Mercy.
C3Cultural change and biblical faith : the future of the Church ; biblical and missiological essays for the new centuryPaternosterDrane, John2000Missions — Theory.Christianity and culture.
N5Culture and Politics in IndonesiaEquinox Pub.Claire Holt, ed2007Indonesia — Civilization.Indonesia — Politics and government.Political sociology.
J6Culture making : recovering our creative callingIVP BooksAndy Crouch2008Bible — Study and teaching.Bible.Christianity and culture.
E1Culture matters : a call for consensus on Christian cultural engagementBrazos PressTM Moore2007Christianity and culture.
J1Culture matters : how values shape human progressBasic BooksLawrence E. Harrison & Samuel P. Huntington2000Social values.Culture.Social Values.
K5culture of narcissism, The : American life in an age of diminishing expectationsW.W. NortonChristopher Lasch1991, ©1979.United States — Social conditions — 1960-1980.Social values.United States — Moral conditions.
N4culture of the Chinese minority in Indonesia, TheMarshall Cavendish AcademicLeo Suryadinata2004Chinese — Indonesia.
K5Culture shift : engaging current issues with timeless truthMultnomah BooksR. Albert Mohler2008United States — Church history.Christianity and culture — United States.Christianity and politics — United States.
K6Culture troubles : politics and the interpretation of meaningHurstPatrick Chabal & Jean-Pascal Daloz2006Politics and culture.Political culture.Culture conflict.
J5Da Vinci code, The : a novelDoubledayDan Brown2004Leonardo, — da Vinci, — 1452-1519 — Appreciation — Fiction.Art museum curators — Crimes against — Fiction.Secret societies — Fiction.
Q1Daerah khusus dalam perspektif NKRI : telaah yuridis terhadap otonomi khusus bagi Provinsi PapuaKonstitusi PressYohanis Anton Raharusun2009Local government — Law and legislation — Indonesia — Papua.Papua (Indonesia) — Politics and government.Local government — Law and legislation.
P5Dalam Bayang-bayang LENIN: enam pemikiran Marxisme dari Lenin sampai Tan MalakaGramedia Pustaka UtamaFranz Magnis-Suseno2003Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, — 1870-1924.Malaka, Tan.Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, — 1870-1924
P3Dalih Pembunuhan Massal: gerakan 30 september dan kudeta SuhartoInstitutu Sejaraj Sosial IndonesiaJohn Roosa2008G 30 S — communism — Soeharto coup — Indonesia
T6Damai Adalah Satu-satunya Jalan: kumpulan tulisan tentang nir-kekerasan dari fellowship of reconciliationBPK Gunung MuliaWalter Wink2009essays — peace — non-violence
O4Damai Bersama Gus DurPenerbit Buku KompasRumadi, editor2010Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography.
S5Damai Bersama Gus DurWahid Institute : Penerbit Buku KompasWahid Institute.; Penerbit Buku Kompas2010Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009.Presidents — Indonesia — Biography.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography.
R5Damai untuk PerdamaianPenerbit Buku KompasIrwan Suhanda, editor2006Peace — Religious aspects.Religious pluralism — Indonesia.Religious tolerance — Indonesia.
M1Dangerous words : talking about God in an age of fundamentalismTrumpeterGary Eberle2007Language and languages — Religious aspects.God.
Q3Dari daulat tuanku ke daulat rakyat : pembangunan manusia : pelita hatiPenerbit Universitas IndonesiaSri Edi Swasono1992Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Economic history.
R5Dari Jawa Menuju AtjehL: kumpulan tulisan tentang politik Islam, dan GayKepustakaan Populer GramediaLinda Christanty2009Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Politics and government.18.94 Indonesian and Malay language and/or literature.
P3Dari Kosmolog ke Dialog: mengenal batas pengetahuan, menentang fanatismeMizan,Karlina Supeli2011Indonesia–Religion
S4Dari Neomodernisme ke Islam LiberalParamadinaAbd A’la2003Islamic modernism — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia.Rahman, Fazlur, — 1919-1988.
O3Dari Penjara ke Penjara, autobiographi Tan MalakaNarasiTan Malaka2017Indonesia — Tan Malaka
R5Dari presiden ke presiden : kartun opini Benny Rachmadi di mingguan & harian Kontan, 1998-2009Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia bekerjasama dengan Mingguan & Harian KontanBenny Rachmadi2009Political satire, Indonesian.Presidents — Indonesia — Caricatures and cartoons.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- — Caricatures and cartoons.
Q3Dari Radikalisme menuju terorismePustaka Masyarakat Setara ; Setara InstituteIsmail Hasani, Bonar Tigor N, ed2012radicalism — terorism — Islam — Indonesia
P6Dari Revolusi ke PembangunanBPK Gunung Mulia dalam kerjasama dengan Penerbit Patenta SejatiTB Simatupang1987Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Politics and governmentIndonesia.
O4Dari Soekarno sampai SBY : intrik & lobi politik para penguasaGramedia Pustaka UtamaTjipta Lesmana2009Presidents — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1945-Politics and government
T5Dari Subuh Hingga Malam: perjalanan seorang putra Minang mencari jalan kebenaranBPK Gunung MuliaAbdul Wadud Karim Amarullah2011Amrullah, Abdul Wadud Karim, — 1927-Protestant converts — Indonesia — Biography.Minangkabau (Indonesian people) — Biography.
L5Darwin on TrialInterVarsity PressPhillip E. Johnson1993Darwin, Charles, — 1809-1882.
R5Dasar-dasar Ilmu PolitikGramedia Pustaka UtamaMiriam Budiardjo2005political studies
H3Dawkins delusion, The : atheist fundamentalism and the denial of the divineSPCKAlister E. McGrath2007Dawkins, Richard, — 1941- — God delusion.Irreligion.Atheism.
I1Dawn of the Reformation, The : essays in late medieval and early Reformation thoughtW.B. EerdmansHeiko A. Oberman1992Reformation.Religious thought — Middle Ages, 600-1500.Religious thought — Middle Ages.
A2Dead Sea Scrolls Today, TheEerdmansVanderKam,James C.1994Dead Sea scrolls.Bible. — Old Testament — Criticism, Textual.Dead Sea scrolls — Relation to the New Testament.
D3Death Of Character, The : Moral Education In An Age Without Good Or EvilBasic BooksHunter, James Davison2008Character.Education — Social aspects — United States.Moral education — United States.
K4Declaration of the rights of man and of citizens, Thehard pressGeorg Jellinek2016Natural law.
N3Decline of constitutional democracy in Indonesia, TheEquinox PubHerbert Feith2007Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966.
J1Decline of The West, TheVintage BooksOswald Spengler2006Civilization — History.Civilization.
F1Deconstructing evangelicalism : conservative Protestantism in the age of Billy GrahamBaker AcademicD.G Hart2004Evangelicalism — United States — History — 20th century.Conservatism — Religious aspects — Christianity — History — 20th century.United States — Church history — 20th century.
L1Deconstruction and the ‘unfinished project of modernity’AthloneChristopher Norris2000Postmodernism.Deconstruction.Wissenschaftsphilosophie
H3Deep Religious PluralismWestminster John Knox PressDavid Ray Griffin2005Religious pluralism — Congresses.Religious pluralism.Religiöser Pluralismus.
F5Defenders of God : the fundamentalist revolt against the modern ageUniversity of South Carolina PressBruce B. Lawrence1995Religious fundamentalism.11.05 sociology of religion.
A2Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New GenerationBaker BooksGeisler,Norman L. Roach,William C.2011Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible – Evidences, Authority, etc.Bible.
C2Defense of the faith, ThePresbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.Van Til, Cornelius1967Apologetics.Apologetics — History — 20th century.Reformed Church — Controversial literature.
O6Dekade Keserakahan, Era 90-an dan awal mula petaka ekonomi duniaMarjin KiriJoseph E. Stiglitz2006capitalism — America — developing countries
Q3Dekolonisasi IndonesiaPustaka AsetC. Smit1986decolonization — Indonesia
S1Demi ayat Tuhan : upaya KPPSI menegakkan syariat IslamOpen Society InstituteAndi Muawiyah Ramly2006Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam.Adat law — Indonesia — Sulawesi Selatan.Islamic law — Indonesia — Sulawesi Selatan.
M3Democracy & Islam in IndonesiaColumbia University PressMirjam Kunkler & Alfred Stepan2013Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democratization — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
K6Democracy & TraditionPrinceton University Press ; Hebrew Union College PressJeffrey Stout2004Religion and politics — United States.Democracy — Religious aspects.United States — Religion.
K4Democracy and difference : contesting the boundaries of the politicalPrinceton University PressSeyla Benhabib, ed1996Droits de l’homme (Droit international) — Aspect religieux.
J1Democracy and education : an introduction to the philosophy of educationDover PublicationsJohn Dewey2004Education — Philosophy.
K3Democracy in America : and Two essays on AmericaPenguinAlexis de Tocqueville2003United States — Politics and government.
K4Democracy in Asia, Europe, and the world : toward a universal definition?Marshall Cavendish AcademicChung-Si Ahn & Bertrand Fort2006Democracy — Asia — Congresses.Democracy — Europe — Congresses.Democratization — Asia — Congresses.
K4Democracy matters : winning the fight against imperialismThe Penguin PressCornel West2004Democracy.Imperialism.Democracy — United States.
M2Democracy without democrats? : the renewal of politics in the Muslim worldI.B. Tauris PublishersGhassan Salame, ed1994Democracy — Arab countries.Arab countries — Politics and government.Islam and politics — Arab countries.
K2Democratic Century, TheUniversity of Oklahoma PressSeymour Martin Lipset & Jason M. Lakin2004Democracy — History — 20th century.
J1Democratic revolutions : Asia and Eastern EuropeRoutledgeMark R Thompson2004J
N4Democratising Indonesia : the challenges of civil society in the era of ReformasiNIAS PressMikaela Nyman2006Civil society — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
N3Democratization from below : protest events and regime change in Indonesia, 1997-1998Pustaka Sinar HarapanDenny Januar Ali2006Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democratization — Indonesia.Demonstrations — Indonesia.
E2Democratization of American Christianity, TheYale University PressNathan O. Hatch1989United States — Church history — 19th century.Democracy — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines — 19th century.Democracia — Aspectos religiosos — Cristianismo — Historia de las doctrinas — Siglo XIX.
R2Demokrasi dalam CerminFreedom Institute dan Yayasan Obor IndonesiaAlan Ehrenhalt2006politiek grass root — reformation — United States
P6Demokrasi dan Civil SocietyLP3ESMuhammad AS Hikam1996Indonesia — democracy, civil society
Q4Demokrasi Indonesia, visi dan Praktek: opini harian KompasPustaka Sinar HarapanDenny JA2006Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — History — 1998-Democracy — Indonesia.
P1Demokrasi KitaPandji MasyarakatMohammad Hattademocracy — indonesia
Q4Demokrasi Konstitusional: pikiran dan gagasan Adnan Buyung NasutionPenerbit Buku KompasAdnan Buyung Nasution2010Constitutional law — Indonesia.Democracy — Indonesia.Constitutional law.
S1Demokrasi Religius: Pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid dan M. Amien RaisTerajuIdris Thaha2005Nurcholish Madjid — Amien Rais — politics
Q2Demokrasi Substansial: risalah kebangkrutan liberalismePenerbit KoekoesanDonny Gahral Adian2010democracy — liberalism
P1Demokrasi Tanpa Representasi: Masalah dan pilihan Demokrasi di empat daerahDemosOtto Adi Yulianto, dkk2012democratie
Q2Demokrasi untuk Indonesia: Pemikiran Politik Bung HattaKompasZulfikri Suleman2010Democracy in Indonesia
R4Demokratisasi Ekonomi & Pertumbuhan PolitikPenerbit KanisiusLoekman Soetrisno1997Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Economic history.
J5Demythologizing and historySCM Press LtdFriedrich Gogarten1955Demythologizing and history
R1Dengan Hati Menuju Tempat TertinggiElex Media KomputindoGede Prama2001love
P4Departemen Agama dan Hubungan Agama-agama di IndonesiaBPK GUnung MuliaWeinata Sairin2000Indonesia — religions — relation
G4Depth of the riches, The : a Trinitarian theology of religious endsW.B. EerdmansS. Mark Heim2001Theology of religions (Christian theology)Trinity.Théologie des religions.
L1Dereliction of Duty : the Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National SecuritRegnery PubRobert Patterson2004, ©2003Just war doctrine.
H2Derrida and Religion, other testamentsRoutledgeYvonne Sherwood & Kevin Hart2005Derrida, Jacques.Religion — Philosophy.
B5Descartes : the World and Other WritingsCambridge University PressDescartes, René Gaukroger, Stephen1998Optics — Early works to 1800.Meteors — Early works to 1800.Physiology — Early works to 1800
N1Desecularization of the world, The : resurgent religion and world politicsEthics and Public Policy Center ; W.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoPeter L Berger1999Religion and politics — Congresses.Secularism — Congresses.Religion and politics.
J1Despair and hope for our timePilgrim PressFriedrich Gogarten1970secularization
K5Developing cultures : essays on cultural changeRoutledge,Lawrence E. Harrison and Jerome Kagan2006Progress.Social values.Social change.
K5Developing Cultures: Case StudiesRoutledge,Lawrence E. Harrison and Peter L. Berger2006Progress — Case studies.Social change — Case studies.Acculturation — Case studies.
Q2Developing democracy : toward consolidationIRE PressLarry Jay Diamond; Sutoro Eko; A A G N Ari Dwipayana2003Democracy — History — 20th century.World politics — 1989-Democracy.
L2Development as freedomKnopfAmartya Sen1999Economic development.
P5Dewan Revolusi PKISinar HarapanHendro Subroto2007Indonesia — PKI — communist
D5Dialectics of secularization : on reason and religionIgnatius PressJurgen Habermas, Joseph Ratzinger2006Catholic Church — Doctrines.Democracy — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.Christianity and law.
D5Dialectics of secularization : on reason and religionIgnatius PressJurgen Habermas, Joseph Ratzinger2006Catholic Church — Doctrines.Democracy — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.Christianity and law.
O1Dialektika Marxis: sejarah & kesadaran kelasAr-ruz MediaGeorg Lukacs2011Marxism
O1Dialektika Pencerahan: mencari identitas manusia rasionalIRCiSoDMax Horkheimer & Theodor W. Adorno2014positivisme Barat — saintisisme Marxis
P4Dialog Antar Umat Beragama; Membangun pilar-pilar keindonesiaan yang kukuhBPK Gunung MuliaWeinata Sairin, FW Raintung,…, eds1994Indoneisia — dialogue — religion
T1Dialog Antarumat BeragamaBPK Gunung Mulia,Olaf H. Schumann2008Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Islam.Religions — Relations.
S5Dialog antarumat beragama : gagasan dan praktik di IndonesiaPenerbit MizanJohannes B Banawiratma2010Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Islam.Religions — Relations.View all subjects
Q2Dialog di Dunia Maya: titian amarah, kecaman, hujatan dan simpatiKomunitas Edensalamullah2006salamullah — lia eden — islam — Indonesia
P5Dialog: Kritik & Identitas AgamaDian/interfideiAbdurrahman Wahid, dkk1993Indonesia — dialogue — interfaith
O4Dibawah Bendera Revolusi (Jilid Kedua)Penerbit Media PressindoIr Sukarno2015Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Political and social views.Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Philosophy.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1798-1942.
O4Dibawah Bendera Revolusi (Jilid Pertama)Penerbit Media PressindoIr Sukarno2015Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Political and social views.Soekarno, — 1901-1970 — Philosophy.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1798-1942.
K4Dictatorship in history and theory : Bonapartism, Caesarism, and totalitarianismCambridge University PressPeter Baehr & Melvin Richter2004Dictatorship — History.Dictatorship — Europe — History.Authoritarianism — History.
A1Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the BibleBaker Book Huouse CompanyVanhoozer,Kevin J. Bartholomew,Craig G. Treier,Daniel J. Wright,N.T.2005Bible — Theology — Dictionaries.Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — Dictionaries.Bible – Criticism, Interpretation, Etc. – Dictionaries.
A4Dictionary for theological interpretation of the BibleSPCK and Baker AcademicVanhoozer, Kevin J. Craig G. Bartholomew Daniel J. Treier N. T. Wright2005Bible — Theology — Dictionaries.Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — Dictionaries.Bible — Théologie — Dictionnaires anglais.
B1Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion : Eastern and Western ThoughtHumanity BooksReese, William L1996Philosophy — Dictionaries.Religion — Dictionaries.Philosophie — Dictionnaires anglais.
H1Dictionary of Roman ReligionOxford University PressLesley Adkins & Roy A Adkins2000Rome — Religion — Dictionaries.Roma — Din — Sözlük.Religion.
D4Dictionary of scripture and ethicsBaker AcademicJoel B Green; Jacqueline E Lapsley; Rebekah Miles; Allen Verhey2011Bibel Ethics in the Bible — Dictionaries. Christian ethics — Biblical teaching — Dictionaries. Christian ethics — Biblical teaching. Ethics in the Bible. Ethik
B2Dictionary of the Old Testament PentateuchInterVarsity PressT Desmond Alexander; David W Baker2003Bible. — Pentateuch — Dictionaries.Bible. — Pentateuch
F3Did God really command genocide? : coming to terms with the justice of GodBaker Books, a division of Baker Publishing GroupPaul Copan & Matthew Flannagan2014Ethnicity in the Bible.Genocide — Biblical teaching.Genocide — Religious aspects — Christianity.
R4Dinamika Ekonomi Minus KesejahteraanCenter for Information and Development StudiesMukhaer Pakkanna & M Solihat, eds2008Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-Indonesia — Economic policy.Economic history.
E2Disciples of all nations : pillars of world ChristianityOxford University PressLamin Sanneh2008Church history — 20th century.Church history — 21st century.Christianity — 20th century.
E2Disciples of all nations: Pillars of world christianityOxford University PressLamin Sanneh2008Theology, Doctrinal — History.
I4Disciplinary revolution, The : Calvinism and the rise of the state in early modern EuropeUniversity of Chicago PressPhilip S. Gorski2003Christian sociology — Reformed Church — History.Church and state — Reformed Church — History.Church and state — Europe — History.
J3Discipline and punish : the birth of the prisonVintage BooksMichael Foucault1995Prisons.Prisons — History.Prison discipline.
F5Disciplines of a Godly ManCrossway BooksR. Kent Hughes2001Discipline — Religious aspects — Christianity.Spiritual life — Christianity.Christian men — Religious life.
T3Diskursus Hubungan Agama dan Negara: respons gereja terhadap Perda SyariatBPK Gunung Mulia : Bidang Marturia, Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di IndonesiaBidang Marturia PGI2014Islamic law — Indonesia.Municipal corporations — Indonesia.Indonesia — Religious life and customs.
D1Disruptive grace : studies in the theology of Karl BarthWilliam B. EerdmansGeorge Hunsinger2001Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Barth, Karl — Theologie.
D6DisseminationThe Athlone PressJacques Derrida2000Philosophie — literature –language
J6Distinctive character of the Free University in Amsterdam, 1880-2005, The : a commemorative historyWilliam B. EerdmansArie Theodorus van Deursen2008Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.Universities and colleges — Netherlands — Amsterdam — History.Universities and colleges.
A1Divine Authenticity of Scripture, TheInter Varsity PressMcGowan,A. T. B.2007Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.Bibel
I6divine challenge, The : on matter, mind, math, and meaningBanner of Truth TrustJohn Byl2004Religion and science.God.Mathematics.
A4Divine Covenant and Moral Order: A Biblical Theology of Natural LawWilliam B. Eerdmans PublishingVanDrunen,David2014Christianity and law.Law (Theology)Natural law — Religious aspects — Christianity.
D4Divine covenants and moral order : a biblical theology of natural lawWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.VanDrunen, David2014Christianity and law.Law (Theology)Natural law — Religious aspects — Christianity.Bibel — Altes TestamentBiblische TheologieBund GottesNaturrechtTheology.Christianity.Natural law.Protestantism.Bible.
H2Divine discourse : philosophical reflections on the claim that God speaksCambridge University PressNicholas Wolterstorff1995Word of God (Christian theology)Speech acts (Linguistics) — Religious aspects — Christianity.Parole de Dieu (Théologie)
I5Divine foreknowledge : four viewsInterVarsity PressJames K Beilby & Paul R. Eddy2001God (Christianity) — Omniscience.Free will and determinism.Vrije wil.
A3Divine Spiration of Scripture, The : Challenging Evangelical PerspectivesApollosMcGowan,A. T. B.2007Bible — Inspiration.Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.
D2Do morals matter? : a guide to contemporary religious ethicsBlackwell Pub.Markham, Ian S2007Ethical problems. Christian ethics. Christliche Ethik. Ethik. Religion. Christliche Ethik
E2Do No Harm: social sin and christian responsibilityFortress PressStephen G Ray Jr2003Sin — Christianity — Social aspects — Terminology.Protestant churches — Doctrines — Terminology.Language and languages — Religious aspects — Christianity
F5Do we worship the same God? : Jews, Christians, and Muslims in dialogueWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub. CoMiroslav Volf, ed2012God.Abrahamic religions.Religions — Relations.
F5Doctrine of God, The : a global introductionBaker AcademicVeli-Matti Karkkainen2004God (Christianity)Theology, Doctrinal.Godsleer.
I2doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the major Reformed confessions and catechisms of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, TheLangham MonographsYuzo Adhinarta2012Holy Spirit — History of doctrines — 16th century.Holy Spirit — History of doctrines — 17th century.Reformed Church — Catechisms.
F6Doctrine of the word of GOD, TheP & R PubJohn M Frame2010Word of God (Christian theology)
F6Does Human Rights need GOD?William B. Eerdmans PubElizabeth M Bucar & Barbara Barnet2005Human rights — Religious aspects.Human rights.Droits de l’homme (Droit international) — Aspect religieux.
I3Does the Reformation Still Matter?The Calvin College Press,Karin Maag2016Reformation.Church history — 16th century.Religion — Church history.
B4Doing well and doing good : money, giving, and caring in a free societyNavPressOs Guinness; Ginger Koloszyc2001Charity.
T1Doktrin Pengetahuan tentang Allah, 2: metode pengetahuanLiteratur SAATJohn M. Frame2004God
T1Doktrin Pengetahuan tentang Allah, Jilid I: Objek pengetahuan dan justifikasi pengetahuanLiteratur SAATJohn M. Frame1999God; doctrine
P4Dokumen Keesaan Gereja Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia (DKG-PGI) : Keputusan Sidang Raya XIV PGI, Wisma Kinasih, 29 November-5 Desember 2004BPK Gunung MuliaPersekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia. Sidang Raya2006Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity.Indonesia.
T3Dokumen Keesaan Gereja: Persekutuan gereja-gereja di Indonesia (DKG-PGI)BPK Gunung MuliaPGI2006Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity.Indonesia.
G1Domestication of transcendence, The : how modern thinking about God went wrongWestminster John Knox Press,William C. Placher1996God (Christianity) — History of doctrines.Theology, Doctrinal — History — Modern period, 1500-Philosophy, Modern.
C3Dominance of evangelicalism, The : the age of Spurgeon and MoodyInter-Varsity PressBebbington, David2005Evangelicalism — History — 19th century.Evangelicalism.Evangelischen.
O2Dominasi MaskulinJalasutraPierre Bourdieu2010Dominance (Psychology)Men — Psychology.Sexism.
T2Dosa dan KebudayaanInstitut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia]Stephen Tong1997Fall of man.Theological anthropology.Sin.
T2Dosa dan KebudayaanInstitut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia]Stephen Tong1997Fall of man.Theological anthropology.Sin.
T2Dosa Keadilan & PenghakimanLembaga Reformed Injili IndonesiaStephen Tong2003Sin
T2Dosa Keadilan & PenghakimanLembaga Reformed Injili IndonesiaStephen Tong2003Sin
O3Dr. Johannes Leimena, negarawan sejati & politisi berhati nuraniPT BPK Gunung MuliaVictor Silaen, dkk, peny2007Leimena, J. — (Johannes), — 1905-1977.Leimena, Johannes, — 1905-1977.Physicians — Indonesia — Biography.
L4Dragons at your door : how Chinese cost innovation is disrupting global competitionHarvard Business School PressMing Zeng, Peter J. Williamson2007Industries — China.Costs, Industrial — China.Industrial policy — China.
A6Drama of Scripture, TheBaker AcademicCraig G Bartholomew; Michael W Goheen2004Bible — History of Biblical events.Bible – History of Biblical events.Bible. N.T. – Relation To The Old Testament.
T6Ds. WJ Rumambi Setelah Fajar MerekahPustaka Sinar HarapanAristides Katoppo; W J Rumambi1994Protestant churches — Indonesia.Rumambi, W. J. — (Wilhelm Johanis), — 1916-1984.11.55 Protestantism.
Q5Dua Belas KaisarPT Elex Media KomputindoSuetonius2012World politics — 21st century.
C5Dual citizens : worship and life between the already and the not yetReformation Trust PubJason J Stellman2009Reformed Church — Doctrines.
O4Duel SBY-MegaIndonesia PressSamsul Muarif, Ian Suherlan2009Presidents — Indonesia — Election — 2009.Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, — 1949-Soekarnoputri, Megawati, — 1947-
T4Dunia Sosial Kekristenan Mula-mulaBPK Gunung MuliaJohn Stambaugh – David Balch2004christianity — social
P3Duri kemerdekaan Timor Timur: rekonsiliasi yang tidak tuntasVerbum PublishingPeter Tukan2007East Timor
J2Dust of death, The : the Sixties counterculture and how it changed America foreverCrossway BooksOs Guinness1994Civilization, Modern — 1950-United States — Civilization — 1945-Christianity — United States — 20th century
J4Dying of the light, The : the disengagement of colleges and universities from their Christian churchesW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoJames Tunstead Burtchaell1998Church and college — United States — History.Universities and colleges — United States — Religion.Christian universities and colleges — United States — History.
N4Early kingdoms of the Indonesian archipelago and the Malay PeninsulaEditions Didier MilletPaul Michel Munoz2006Malay Archipelago — History.Indonesia — History — To 1478.Malay Peninsula — History.
J1East meets West : human rights and democracy in East AsiaPrinceton University PressDaniel A Bell2000Human rights — East Asia.Democracy — East Asia.Droits de l’homme (Droit international) — Extrême-Orient.
T6Ecclesia Reformata Semper Reformanda: Dua belas tulisan mengenai Calvin dan calvinismeBPK Gunung MuliaAgustinus ML Batlajery & Th van den End2014essays — calvin — calvinisme
L2Economic justice : selections from Distributive justice and A living wageWestminster John Knox PressJohn A. Ryan1996Economics — Religious aspects.Economics — Moral and ethical aspects.Distribution (Economic theory)
E5Economics in Christian perspective : theory, policy and life choicesIVP AcademicVictor V. Claar & Robin J. Klav2007Economics — Religious aspects — Christianity.
R4Economists with Guns Amerika Serikat, CIA dan munculnya pembangunan otoriter Rezim OrbaKompas GramediaBradley R. Simpson2008USA — CIA — New Order — Indonesia
I5Ecumenical future, The : background papers for In one body through the Cross : the Princeton proposal for Christian unityEerdmans Pub.Carl E Braaten & Robert W Jenson2004Ecumenical movement.Œcuménisme.Église — Catholicité
G6Educating for Shalom, essays on christian higher educationW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoNicholas Wolterstorff2004Christian education — Philosophy.
E4Education, christianity and the stateTrinity FoundationJ. Gresham Machen1987Apologetics.
C5Edwards in our time : Jonathan Edwards and the shaping of American religionW.B. EerdmansLee, Sang Hyun & Guelzo, Allen C.1999Theology — United States — History — 20th century. Edwards, Jonathan, — 1703-1758 — Influence Theology United States
D1Eight theories of ethicsRoutledge/Taylor and Francis GroupGraham, Gordon2004Ethics.Morale.CAS PO 223.Ethiek.EthikCGS HU 201.
R4Ekonomi KerakyatanYayasan Agro EkonomikaMubyarto2000Indonesia – people economic
R4Ekonomi Pancasila: lintasan pemikiran MubyartoAditya MediaMubyarto1997Indonesia — Economic policy.Civics, Indonesian.Pancasila.
Q!Ekspedisi Tanah Papua: laporan jurnalistik KompasPenerbit Buku KompasFandri Yuniarti; Chris Verdiansyah; Kompass Indonesia, P.T.2007Papua Barat (Indonesia) — Social life and customs.Papua Barat (Indonesia) — Social conditions.Manners and customs.
R4Election Watch Meretas jalan demokrasi: talk show Denny JA Metro TVPustaka Sinar HarapanDenny J. A.2006Elections — Indonesia — History — 21st century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Television talk shows — Indonesia.
N3Elections and Politics in IndonesiaInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesLeo Suryadinata2002Elections — Indonesia.Political parties — Indonesia.Presidents — Indonesia — Election.
N1Elections in Indonesia : the new order and beyondRoutledgeCurzonHans Antlöv; Sven Cederroth2004Elections — Indonesia.
O2Elemen-elemen SemiologiJalasutraRoland Barthes2012Semiology
H1Elementary forms of the religious life, TheFreeEmile Durkheim1996Sociology — Philosophy.Religion and sociology.
E5Elements of a Christian worldviewLogion Press,Michael D Palmer, ed1998Christianity — 20th century.
G4Embodyng forgiveness, a theological analysisW.B. EerdmansL. Gregory Jones1995Forgiveness — Religious aspects — Christianity.
N1Emergence of a national economy : an economic history of Indonesia, 1800-2000, TheCrows NestHoward Dick, Vincent2002Indonesia — Economic conditions.Indonésie — Conditions économiques.Wirtschaftsentwicklung.
N5Emerging Democracy in IndonesiaInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesAris Ananta; Evi Nurvidya Arifin; Leo Suryadinata; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.2005Democracy — Indonesia.Elections — Indonesia.Political parties — Indonesia.
H1Eminent Lives Science & Religion in twentieth centuryPeter LangNicolaas A Rupke, ed2007Religion and science.Scientists — Religious life.Scientists — 20th century — Biography.
R2Empat Esai Etika Politikwww.srimulyani.net & SaliharaF Budi Hardiman, Robertus Robert…2011essays — politiek — ethics
K5Empire lite : nation building in Bosnia, Kosovo and AfghanistanVintageMichael Ignatieff2003United States — Foreign relations — 1989-Humanitarian intervention — Political aspects — United States.Bosnia and Herzegovina — Politics and government — 1992-
N1Employment, living standards, and poverty in contemporary IndonesiaInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesChris Manning; Sudarno Sumarto; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.2011Poverty — Indonesia — Congresses.Poverty — Government policy — Indonesia — Congresses.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1966-1997 — Congresses.
T1Enam Belas Dokumen Besar CalvinismeBPK Gunung MuliaTh van den End2004Calvinsm
P4Enam Belas Dokumen Dasar CalvinismeBPK Gunung MuliaTh van den End2004calvinism
H1Encountering religious pluralism : the challenge to Christian faith & missionInterVarsity PressHarold Netland2001John Hick
C5Encountering theology of mission : biblical foundations, historical developments, and contemporary issuesBaker AcademicCraig Ott; Stephen J Strauss; Timothy C Tennent2010Missions — Theory. Mission Missionstheologie Evangelikale Theologie Globalisierung
G6Encyclopedia of sacred theology: it’s principles Abraham KuyperAbraham KuyperTheology, Doctrinal.
L5Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas, TheEditions Didier Millet,Lynn Pan2006Chinese — Foreign countries.China — Emigration and immigration.Emigration and immigration.
C3End of faith,The : religion, terror, and the future of reasonFree PressHarris, Sam2006Religion — Controversial literature.Terrorism — Religious aspects.Psychology, Religious
L6End of history and the lastman, TheFree PressFrancis Fukuyama2006History — Philosophy.World politics — 1945-1989.08.45 political philosophy.
M1End of innocence?, The : Indonesian Islam and the temptations of radicalismNUS Press in association with IRASECAndree Feillard & Remy Madiner2011Islam — Indonesia — History — 20th century.Islam and politics — Indonesia — History — 20th century.Islam — Indonesia — History — 21st century.
G2End of liberal theology, The : contemporary challenges to evangelical orthodoxyCrossway BooksPeter Toon1995Liberalism (Religion)Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Evangelicalism.
J5End of memory, The : remembering rightly in a violent worldW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoMiroslav Volf2006Memory — Religious aspects — Christianity.Reconciliation — Religious aspects — Christianity.Verzoening.
J5End of memory, The : remembering rightly in a violent worldW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoMiroslav Volf2006Memory — Religious aspects — Christianity.Reconciliation — Religious aspects — Christianity.Verzoening.
L5End of poverty, The : economic possibilities for our timePenguinJeffrey Sachs2005Poverty.Economic history — 1750-1918.Economic history — 1918-
J1End of time, The : religion, ritual, and the forging of the soulPilgrim PressRichard K. Fenn1997Time — Social aspects.Rites and ceremonies.Time — Psychological aspects.
A1Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures, TheWm. B. Eerdmas Publising Co.Carson, D.A.2016Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.BIBLES — General.
M5Enemy within, The : combating corruption in AsiaEastern Universities Press,Simon S C Tay & Maria Seda, eds2003Corruption — Asia — Congresses.Corruption — Asia — Prevention — Congresses.Political corruption — Asia — Congresses.
F2Engaging God’s world : a Christian vision of faith, learning, and livingW.B. Eerdmans,Cornelius Plantinga Jr2002Calvin College.
J5Engaging the powers : discernment and resistance in a world of dominationFortress PressWalter Wink1992Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Powers (Christian theology) — Biblical teaching.Good and evil — Biblical teaching.
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (1)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (10)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (11)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (12)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (13)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (14)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (15)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (16)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (17)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (18)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (2)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (3)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (4)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (5)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (6)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (7)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (8)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
Q6Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia (9)PT Delta PamungkasTim Ensiklopedi Nasional Indonesia2004Ensiclopedy — Indonesia
R6Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 1)ParamadinaNurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman2006Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam.
R6Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 2)ParamadinaNurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman2006Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam.Islam — Indonesia — Encyclopedias.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005.
R6Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 3)ParamadinaNurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman2006Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam.Islam — Indonesia — Encyclopedias.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005.
R6Ensiklopedi Nurcholish Madjid (Buku 4)ParamadinaNurcholish Majid; Budhy Munawar Rachman2006Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005 — Views on Islam.Islam — Indonesia — Encyclopedias.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005.
Q5Ensiklopedi Pemikiran Sosial Modern edisi 2Kencana Prenada Media GroupWilliam Outhwaite, ed2008Encylopedie — modern social thought
J5Epistemology : becoming intellectually virtuousInterVarsity Press,W. Jay Wood1998Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)Christianity — Philosophy.
A1Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism, TheCrosswayBeale,G.K.2008Bible — Evidences, authority, etc. — History of doctrines.Evangelicalism.Bible.
G3Escondido theology , The: a reformed response to Two Kingdom theologyWhitefield Media ProductionsJohn Frame2011Christianity and culture.Christian civilization.Covenant theology.
G6Escondido theology, The : a reformed response to Two Kingdom theologyWhitefield Media ProductionsJohn Frame2011Christianity and culture.
N5Essays in macroeconomic policy : the Indonesian experienceGramedia Pustaka UtamaMiranda S. Goeltom2008Indonesia — Economic policy — Case studies.Indonesia — Economic policy.Economic policy.
H1Essays on Religion, Science and SocietyBaker AcademicHerman Bavinck2008Religion and science.Philosophical theology.Education (Christian theology)
B4Essence of human freedom, theContinuumHeidegger Martin2002free will
N1Essential guide to public speaking, An : serving your audience with faith, skill, and virtueBaker Academic,Quentin Schultze2006Rhetoric — Religious aspects — Christianity.Public speaking — Religious aspects — Christianity.
C1Essential truths of the Christian faithTyndale HouseR C Sproul1998Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.
G3Essentials of Christian TheologyWestminster John Knox Press,William C. Placher2003Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.
A4ESV: Study Bible English Standard VersionCrossway Bibles2007Bible — Reference editions.Bible.
G1Eternal word and changing worlds : theology, anthropology, and mission in trialogueP & R PubHarvie M. Conn[1992], ©1984Missions — Theory.Christianity and other religions.Ethnology.
D2Ethical theoryHodder MurrayThompson, Mel2005Ethics.Philosophy.
D5EthicsOxford University PressPeter Singer, ed1994Ethics.Morale.Ethiek.
K3EthicsPenguin BooksSpinoza, Benedictus de1996Ethics, Modern — 17th century. Ethics — Early works to 1800. Philosophy — Early works to 1800. Ethics, Modern. Early works. Ethics. Philosophy. Filosofia moderna — Holanda. Ética.
D2Ethics A – ZEdinburgh University PressJacobs, Jonathan A.2005Ethics — Dictionaries. Ethics. Ethik.
J3Ethics and politics : selected essays : vol. 2Cambridge University PressAlasdair Macintyre2006Political ethics.POLITICAL SCIENCE — General.
D5Ethics and world religions : cross-cultural case studiesOrbis BooksRegina Wentzel Wolfe, Christiene E Gudorf, eds1999Religious ethics — Case studies.
D4Ethics for a brave new worldCrosswayJohn S Feinberg; Paul D Feinberg; Aldous Huxley2010Social ethics.Christian ethics.RELIGION / Christian Life / Social Issues.
J6Ethics for adversaries : the morality of roles in public and professional lifePrinceton University PressArthur Isak Applbaum1999Ethics.Professional ethics.Political ethics.
D5Ethics in a Christian contextWestminster John Knox PressPaul Louis Lehmann2006Christain ethics
D1Ethics in an age of technologyHarperSanFranciscoBarbour, Ian G.1993Technology — Moral and ethical aspects.Technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Appropriate technology.Technologie — Aspect moral.Technologie — Aspect religieux — Christianisme.Technologie appropriée.Milieuethiek.Ecologie.Technologie.EthikTechnik
I5Ethics in Business, faith at workFortress PressJames M Childs1995Business ethics.Business — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian ethics.
D3Ethics in the community of promise : faith, formation, and decisionAugsburg FortressChilds, James M.2006Christian ethics
D4Ethics of evangelism, The : a philosophical defense of ethical proselytizing and persuasionPaternosterThiessen, Elmer John2011Evangelistic work — Philosophy. Proselytizing. Persuasion (Psychology) Communication — Religious aspects — Christianity.
J1Ethics of Identity, ThePrinceton University PressAnthony Appiah2005Ethics.Group identity — Moral and ethical aspects.Identity (Psychology) — Moral and ethical aspects.
D3Ethics of Spinoza : the road to inner freedom, TheCitadel PressSpinoza, Benedictus de1976Ethics.
D4Ethics of St Thomas Aquinas, ThePeter LangElders, Leo2005Thomas, — Aquinas, Saint, — 1225?-1274. Ethics. Natural law. Thomas, — Aquinas, Saint, — 1225?-1274 Thomas, — <von Aquin> — Ethik.
J1Ethnic conflict : a global perspectiveOxford University PressStefan Wolff2006Ethnic conflict.Ethnic relations — Political aspects.Conflits ethniques.
J6EthnicityOxford University PressJohn Hutchinson, Anthony D. Smith, eds1996Ethnicity.Ethnic relations — Political aspects.Nationalism.
J1Ethnicity, nationalism and minority rightsCambridge University PressStephen May, Tariq Modood,..eds2004Ethnicity.Human rights.Minorities — Civil rights.
P5Etika Abad Kedua puluhKanisiusFranz Magnis-Suseno2006Ethic
O6Etika Administrasi NegaraRajawali PersWahyudi Kumorotomo1992Public administration — Moral and ethical aspects.
S5Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madaniLogos Wacana IlmuM Din Syamsuddin; Abd Rohim Ghazali2000Ethics — Indonesia.Islamic ethics.Civil society — Indonesia.
T1Etika Bumi BaruBPK Gunung MuliaRobert P Borrong1999Environmental ethics.Christian ethics.
P2Etika KonfusianismeTerajuTu Wei Ming2005ethics — confusianism
T1Etika Kristen Pilihan dan IsuLiterature SAATNorman L. Geisler2001Christian — ethics
Q1Etika LingkunganPenerbit Buku KompasA Sonny Keraf2002Environmental ethics — Indonesia. Ecology — Indonesia — Philosophy. Technology — Risk assessment — Social aspects.
R2Etika Politik dan KekuasaanPenerbit Buku KompasHaryatmoko2003Political ethics.Political ethics — Indonesia.Power (Social sciences)
S2Etika Politik Islam: civil society, pluralisme dan konflikICIPBassam Tibi, at al2005Political ethics.Islam and state.Islamic ethics.
T5Etika Politik Kristen: serba-serbi politk praktisUnit Publikasi dan Informasi & Pusat Studi Etika, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi JakartaRobert P Borrong2006Christianity and politics — Indonesia.Christianity and politics.Indonesia.
O6Etika politik pejabat negaraYayasan Obor IndonesiaDennis F. Thompson2000Political ethics.
P5Etika Politik, Prinsip-prinsip Moral Dasar kenegaraan ModernGramedia,Franz Magnis-Suseno1988Political ethics — Indonesia. 89.06 political philosop
P5Etika Politik: prinsip moral dasar kenegaraan modernGramediaFranz Magnis-Suseno1991politiek — ethic
P5Etika Politik: prinsip moral dasar kenegaraan modernGramediaFranz Magnis-Suseno1991politiek — ethic
P5Etika Publik, untuk integritas pejabat publik dan PolitisiGRamediaHaryatmoko2011public ethic
P4Etika Sederhana untuk Semua: bisnis, ekonomi dan penatalayananBPK Gunung MuliaEka Darmaputera1995ethics — social politic — sexuality — medical — economy — business
P6Etika, Politik dan Demokrasi, dinamika politik lokal di IndonesiaPercik ; [Jakarta] : Ford FoundationI Made Samiana; Ning Retnaningsih; Halomoan Pulungan2006Political ethics — Indonesia — Congresses.Local government — Indonesia — Congresses.Central-local government relations — Indonesia — Congresses.View all subjects
I1European Reformations, TheBlackwell PublishersCarter Lindberg1996Reformation.Church history — 15th century.Counter-Reformation.
D3Evangelical ethics : issues facing the church todayP & R Pub.Davis, John Jefferson2004Christian ethics — Presbyterian authors. Evangelicalism.
H4Evangelical feminism & biblical truth : an analysis of more than one hundred disputed questionsInter-Varsity PressWayne Grudem2005Bible — Feminist criticism.Bible.Feminism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
F1Evangelical futures : a conversation on theological methodBaker BooksJohn G. Stackhouse, ed2000Evangelicalism.Theology, Doctrinal.Theologie.
E2Evangelicalism & the Future of ChristianityInterVarsity Press,Alister McGrath1995Evangelicalism.Evangelicalism — History.Christianity — 20th century.
C4Evangelicals and Nicene Faith: reclaiming the Apostolic witnessBaker AcademicTimothy George, ed2011Nicene Creed — Congresses.Evangelicalism — Congresses.Nicene Creed.
C4Evangelism after Christendom : the theology and practice of Christian witnessBrazos PressBryan Stone2007Evangelistic work.Evangelistic work — History.Witness bearing (Christianity)Missions.
L4Events that changed the worldTime WarnerRodney Castleden2005History.Weltgeschichte.
G5Everyday theology : how to read cultural texts and interpret trendsBaker AcademicKevin J. Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson…, eds2007Christianity and culture.Theology, Practical.Theology.
G1Everyone’s a theologian : an introduction to systematic theologyReformation Trust, a division of Ligonier MinistriesR.C Sproul2014Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.
D2Evil & Christian ethicsCambridge University PressGordon Graham2001Christian ethics — evil
O1Evolusi Hak dalam teori liberalYayasan Obor IndonesiaIan Shapiro2006economy, social, politiek
R5Evolusi Pendidikan di Indonesia, dari kweekschool sampai ke IKIP: 1852-1998Insist PressMochtar Buchori2007Teachers — Training of — Indonesia — History.Teachers — Training of.Indonesia.
D3Evolution and ethics : human morality in biological and religious perspectiveW.B. Eerdmans Pub.Philip Clayton; Jeffrey Schloss2004Ethics, Evolutionary. Evolution (Biology) — Moral and ethical aspects. Biology — Religious aspects — Christianity. Morale évolutive. Évolution (Biologie) — Aspect moral. Biologie — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Ethiek. Evolutietheorie. Biologische aspecten. Religieuze aspecten.
D5Evolution of Adam, The : what the Bible does and doesn’t say about human originsBrazos PressPeter Enns2012Bible. — Genesis — Criticism, interpretation, etc.
A2Evolution, Science, and Scripture: Seleted WritingsBaker BooksNoll, Mark A. Livingstone,David N.2000Evolution — Religious aspects — Christianity.Bible and evolution.Religion and science.
M4Examining Islam in the West : addressing accusations and correcting misconceptionsGramedia Pustaka UtamaAlwi Shihab2011Muslims — Western countries.Islam — Relations.Islamic sociology.
B4Exclusion and Embrace : a Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and ReconciliationAbingdon PressVolf,Miroslav1996Identification (Religion)Reconciliation — Religious aspects — Christianity.Réconciliation — Aspect religieux — Christianisme.
P1Executive Orders – Perintah EksekutifGramedia Pustaka UtamaTom Clancey2002a novel
F6Existence and Attributes of God, TheBaker Books,Stephen Charnock1996, 1853.God (Christianity) — Attributes.
B4Exodus and revolutionBasic BooksMichael Walzer1985Exodus, The — Typology.Revolutions — Religious aspects — Christianity.Révolutions — Aspect religieux — Christianisme.
C3Expansion of evangelicalism,The : the age of Wilberforce, More, Chalmers and FinneyInter-Varsity PressWolffe, John2006Evangelicalism — History — 19th century.Evangelicalism.Evangelischen.
D2Exploring Christian ethics : biblical foundations for moralityWestminster John Knox PressFedler, Kyle D.2006Christian ethics. Ethics in the Bible. Teologisk etik. Kristen etik.
D2Exploring Christian ethics : biblical foundations for moralityWestminster John Knox PressFedler, Kyle D.2006Christian ethics. Ethics in the Bible. Teologisk etik. Kristen etik.
N2Extending the concept of value chain governance: an institutional persepeciveHumboldt UniversitatDaniel S. Nugraha2010Chinese.
N2Extending the concept of value chain governance: an institutional persepeciveHumboldt UniversitatDaniel S. Nugraha2010Chinese.
N3Eyewitness to integration of East TimorPustaka Sinar HarapanHendro Subroto1997Timor-Leste — History — Autonomy and independence movements.Timor-Leste — Politics and government.Autonomy and independence movements.
J1fabric of hope, The : an essayEerdmans,Glenn Tinder2001, ©1999.Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity.
J1fabric of hope, The : an essayEerdmans,Glenn Tinder2001, ©1999.Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity.
J1Fabric of this world, The : inquiries into calling, career choice, and the design of human workW.B. EerdmansLee Hardy1990Vocation.Work — Religious aspects — Christianity.Vocational guidance.
J1Fabric of this world, The : inquiries into calling, career choice, and the design of human workW.B. EerdmansLee Hardy1990Vocation.Work — Religious aspects — Christianity.Vocational guidance.
H3Face of Truth, Lifting the veil, TheP & R PubWilliam Edgar2001Apologetics. Waarheid. Christendom.
D2Facing ethical issues : dimensions of character, choices & communityPaulist PressPatrick T McCormick; Russell B Connors2002Christian ethics.Christian ethics — Catholic authors.Christelijke ethiek.
D1Fact, Value, and GODW.B. Eerdmans; ApollosHolmes, Arthur F. (Arthur Frank)1997Facts (Philosophy) Values. Philosophy. God. Filosofie. Ethiek. Ethik Wertphilosophie
N4Fading away? : the political role of the army in Indonesia’s transition to democracy, 1998-2001Institute of Defence and Strategic StudiesTatik S. Hafidz2006Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Armed Forces — Political activity.Democracy — Indonesia.
M4Failure of political Islam, TheI.B. TaurisOliver Roy1994Islam and politics — Middle East.Islam and politics — Africa, North.Middle East — Politics and government — 1979-
C2Faith & reason : searching for a rational faithZondervanNash, Ronald H.1988Faith and reason — Christianity.Apologetics.Evangelicalism.
C2Faith : a practical theological reconstructionW.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.Immink, F. Gerrit2005Theology, Practical.Faith.
C3Faith and clarity, For : philosophical contributions to Christian theologyBaker AcademicBeilby, James K.2006Philosophical theology
C3Faith and clarity, For : philosophical contributions to Christian theologyBaker AcademicBeilby, James K.2006Philosophical theology
C3Faith and fragmentation : reflections on the future of ChristiantyWestminster John Knox PressWogaman, J. Philip2004Christianity — 20th century.Apologetics.Christianisme — 20e siècle.
C2Faith and modernityRegnum Books InternationalSampson, Philip Vinay Samuel Chris Sugden1994Modernism (Christian theology)Christianity and culture.Postmodernism — Religious aspects.
C2Faith and order : the reconciliation of law and religionScholars PressBerman, Harold J1993Religion and law.Law.Religion et droit.
C2Faith and power : Christianity and Islam in “secular” BritainWipf & StockNewbigin, Lesslie Lamin O. Sanneh Jenny Taylor1998Christianity and politics — Great Britain.Political planning — Great Britain — Religious aspects.Christianity and other religions — Islam.
C2Faith and rationality : reason and belief in GodUniversity of Notre Dame PressPlantinga, Alvin Nicholas Wolterstorff1983Faith and reason.Religion — Philosophy.Foi et raison.
C3Faith and reasonOxford University PressHelm, Paul1999Faith and reason.Religion — Philosophy.Godsdienstfilosofie.
C3Faith and reason from Plato to Plantinga : an introduction to Reformed epistemologyState University of New York PressHoitenga, Dewey J.1991God (Christianity) — Knowableness — History of doctrines.God (Christianity) — Knowableness.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Plato.AugustineCalvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Plantinga, Alvin.
M3Faith and sword : a short history of Christian-Muslim conflictReaktionAlan G. Jamieson2006Christianity and other religions — Islam — History.Islam — Relations — Christianity — History.Christianity.
C3Faith and understandingWm. B. Eerdmans Pub.Helm, Paul1997Faith and reason — Christianity.GlaubeVernunft
C3Faith beyond reasonEdinburgh University PressEvans, C. Stephen1998Kierkegaard, Søren, — 1813-1855.Faith and reason — Christianity.Kierkegaard, Søren.
C2Faith has its reasons : integrative approaches to defending the Christian faithPaternosterBoa, Kenneth Robert M. Bowman2005Apologetics
C2Faith has its reasons : integrative approaches to defending the Christian faithPaternosterBoa, Kenneth Robert M. Bowman2005ApologeticsFaith
C2Faith in politicsBrookings Institution PressReichley, James2002Religion and politics — United States — History.POLITICAL SCIENCE — Political Process — Political Advocacy.Religion and politics.
C3Faith in public lifeOrbis BooksCollinge, William J.2008Christian sociology — Catholic Church.Church and social problems — Catholic Church.
C3Faith in the halls of power : how evangelicals joined the American eliteOxford University PressLindsay, D. Michael2007Evangelicalism — United States — History.Elite (Social sciences) — United States — History.RELIGION — Christianity — History
C3Faith in the halls of power : how evangelicals joined the American eliteOxford University PressLindsay, D. Michael2007Evangelicalism — United States — History.Elite (Social sciences) — United States — History.RELIGION — Christianity — History
C3Faith seeking understanding : approaching God through sciencePaulist PressShackleford, John M.2007Religion and science.Creation.God — Proof, Cosmological.
C2Faith speaking understanding : performing the drama of doctrineWestminster John Knox PressVanhoozer, Kevin J.2014Theology — Methodology.Theater — Religious aspects — Christianity.Performing arts — Religious aspects — Christianity.
C3Faith to creed : ecumenical perspectives on the affirmation of the apostolic faith in the fourth centuryWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing CompanyHeim, S. Mark1991Theology, Doctrinal — History — Early church, ca. 30-600 — Congresses.Nicene Creed — Congresses.Church history — 4th century — Congresses.
C3Faith to live by, A : understanding Christian doctrine, AMentorMacleod, Donald2002Theology, Doctrinal — Introductions.Theology, Doctrinal.
C2Faith traditions and the familyWestminster John Knox PressAirhart, Phyllis D. Margaret Lamberts Bendroth1996Families — Religious life.Church work with families.Families — North America.
C2Faith-based diplomacy : trumping realpolitikOxford University PressJohnston, Douglas2003Religion and international relations.Religion and politics.Ethnic conflict — Religious aspects.
L3Faith-based radicalism : Christianity, Islam, and Judaism between constructive activism and destructive fanaticismP.I.E. Peter LangChristiane Timmerman, Dirk Hutsebaut.., eds.2007Abrahamic religions.Radicalisme — Aspect religieux.Nationalisme — Aspect religieux.
T4Fajar Merekah di Tanah PapuaPanitia Jubeleum Emas 150 Tahun Hari Pekabaran Injil PapuaRainer Scheunemann, peny.2004Papua — ghospel — history
B5Fall of interpretation, The : philosophical foundations for a creational hermeneuticInterVarsity PressJames K A Smith2000Hermeneutics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Philosophical theology.Fall of man.
J3Fall of Public Man, TheW.W. NortonRichard Sennett1996Social history.Community life.Social interaction.
J3Fall of Public Man, ThePenguin Books,Richard Sennett2002Sociology, Urban.Social participation.Sociale interactie.
A4Families in the New TestamentWestminster John Knox PressOsiek,Carolyn Balch,David L1997Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Families — Biblical teaching.Families — Rome.
A4Families in the New TestamentWestminster John Knox PressOsiek,Carolyn Balch,David L1997Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Families — Biblical teaching.Families — Rome.
J6Family Handbook, TheWestminster John Knox PressHerbert Anderson, Don S Browning…1998Families — Religious aspects — Comparative studies.Church work with families — United States.Families — United States.
O4Fatwa dan Canda Gus DurPenerbit Buku KompasMaman Imanulhaq Faqieh2010Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009 — Political and social views.Islam — Social aspects — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.
D5Fear and trembling (penguin classics)Viking PenguinSoren Kierkegaard1985Christianity — Philosophy.Christian philosophy.Sin.
G3Federal vision and covenant theology, The : a comparative analysisNJ : P & R Publ.,Guy Prentiss Waters2006Bible. — Epistles of Paul — Theology.Salvation.Covenant theology.
K5Federalist, TheModern Library,Alexander Hamilton, John Jay…2000Constitutional history — United States — Sources.États-Unis — Histoire constitutionnelle — Sources.Constitutional history.
M3Feeling threatened : Muslim-Christian relations in Indonesia’s new orderISIM ; Amsterdam University PressMujiburrahman2006Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity.Islam — Indonesia.
D3Feminist theological ethics : a readerWestminster John Knox PressLois K Daly1994Feminist ethics. Feminist theology. féminisme — théologie morale — études diverses. morale chrétienne — théologie féministe — études diverses. Feminist ethics Feminist theology
G4Feminist Theologies, legacy and prospectFortress Press,Rosemary Radford Ruether2007Feminist theology.Feministische theologie.Feministteologi.
G4Feminist theology from the Third World : a readerOrbis BooksUrsula King, ed1994Feminist theology.Christianity — Developing countries.Developing countries — Church history — 20th century.
M6Fetschrift in Honor of Dr. Prof. In Whan Kim (Mandarin Language)Chongshin University, Seoul, Korea
Q5Fields of Blood, mengurai sejarah hubungan agama dan kekerasanMizanKaren Armstrong2016history — religions — violence
F4Fields of the Lord : animism, Christian minorities, and state development in IndonesiaUniversity of Hawai’i PressLorraine V. Aragon2000Sulawesi Tengah (Indonesia) — Church history.Sulawesi Tengah (Indonesia) — Religion — 20th century.Christianity and culture — Indonesia — Sulawesi Tengah — History — 20th century.
K2Fifty Major Political ThinkersRoutledge,Ian Adams and R.W Dyson2003Political science.Political scientists.Idées politiques.
O6Filantropi di Berbagai Tradisi DuniaCSRC UIN Syarief HidayatullahWarren F. Ilchman, Stanley N. Katz, … eds2006Fhilantrophy
R1Filsafat dalam Masa TerorPenerbit Buku KompasGiovanna Borradori2005philosophy — dialogue — Jurgen Habermas — Jacques Derrida
T2Filsafat dan Iman Kristen 1MomentumCollin Brown2005Philosophy — christianity
Q2Filsafat FragmentarisKanisiusBudi F. Hardiman2007Philosophy
P5Filsafat kebudayaan : sebuah pengantarPenerbit KasiniusJ W M Bakker1984Culture — Philosophy.Philosophy and civilization.Indonesia — Social conditions.
R5Filsafat Moral (yg muncul isbn buku: Inside Indonesian society : cultural change in JavaKanisiusJames Rachels2004philosophy
O1Filsafat NietzscheIKONGilles Deleuze2002Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, — 1844-1900.
O4Filsafat Pancasila menurut Bung KarnoMedia Pressindo ; Tangerang : Distributor tunggal, Agromedia PustakaIr Soekarno2006Soekarno, — 1901-1970.Pancasila.Indonesia — Politics and government — Philosophy.
O1Filsafat Politik Hannah ArendtQalamMaurizio Passerin d’Enteves2003Arendt, Hannah — Contributions in political science.
O1Filsafat Proses: proses dan realitas dalam kajian kosmologiKreasi WacanaAlfred North Whitehead2009Philosophy, Whitehead
O1Filsafat Sejarah: Hegel adalah Bapak Filsafat kritisPustaka PelajarGWF Hegel2001History.Historiography.History — Philosophy
R3Financing Politics, Politik Uang dalam Pemilihan presiden secara langsung: pengalaman ASNarasiHerbert E. Alexander2003Money politics — direct presidential election — USA
S5Fiqh madzhab negara : kritik atas politik hukum Islam di IndonesiaLKIsMarzuki Wahid; Rumadi2001Law — Indonesia.Islamic law — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.
S4Fiqih kewarganegaraan, intervensi agama-negara terhadap masyarakat sipilPB-PMIIMuhammad A S Hikam2000Islam — religion — fiqh — citizen
G2First Theology : God, Scripture & HermeneuticsInterVarsity Press,Kevin J. Vanhoozer2002Bible — Hermeneutics.
G5Five Views on ApologeticsZondervan Pub. HouseSteven B Cowan, Stanley N. Gundry2000Apologetics.Apologetiek.Stromingen (cultuur)
A3Five Views on Law and GospelZondervanBahnsen,Greg L. dkk1999Law and gospel.Evangelicalism.
B4Flourishing : Why we need Religion in a Globalized WorldYale University PressVolf,Miroslav2015Globalization — Religious aspects.Religion and state.Spiritual life.
A5For All the Saints: Evangelical Theology and Christian SpiritualityWestminster John Knox PressGeorge,Timothy McGrath, Alister2003Evangelicalism — Congresses.Spirituality — Congresses.Evangelicalism.
I4For the healing of the nations : essays on creation, redemption, and neo-CalvinismDavenant Trust,Peter Escalante & W. Bradford Littlejohn, eds2014Reformed Church — Doctrines.Calvinism.Creation.
I4For the healing of the nations : essays on creation, redemption, and neo-CalvinismDavenant Trust,Peter Escalante & W. Bradford Littlejohn, eds2014Reformed Church — Doctrines.Calvinism.Creation.
L5For the love of children : genetic technology and the future of the familyWestminster John Knox PressTed Peters1996Human reproductive technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human reproductive technology — Moral and ethical aspects.Families — Religious aspects — Christianity.
G5For the nations : essays evangelical and publicW.B. Eerdmans,John Howard Yoder1997Church and the world.Mission of the church.Christianity and culture.
B5For the world : essays in honor of Richard L. Pratt JrP & R Pub.Richard L Pratt; Justin S Holcomb2014Pastoral theology.Theology.
T2Format Konstruksi Kekristenan: menggagas teologi misiologi dan ekklesiologi kontekstual di IndonesiaSinar harapanJeffrei AA Lempas…, eds2006Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Theology — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity.
T5Format rekonstruksi kekristenan : menggagas teologi, misiologi, dan ekklesiologi kontekstual di IndonesiaSinar harapanJeffrie A.A Lempas…, eds2006Christianity — Indonesia — Congresses.Theology — Indonesia — Congresses.Christianity.
H4Foucault and Augustine : reconsidering power and loveUniversity of Notre Dame PressJ. Joyce Schuld2003Foucault, Michel, — 1926-1984 — Religion.
A2Foundation of Biblical Authority, TheZondervan Publishing HouseSchaeffer,Francis A. Boice, James Montgomery1978Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bijbel.Gezag van de bijbel.
T2Foundations of Christian Education – Dasar Pendidikan KristenMomentumLouis Berkhof, Cornelis van Til2004Christians — foundation — education
E2Foundations of Christian thought : faith, learning, and the Christian worldviewKregel Publications,Mark P. Cosgrove©2006.Christianity — Philosophy.Christianity and other religions.Christianity and culture.
A1Foundations of Contemporary InterpretationZondervan Publishing HouseSilva,Moises Long,V. Philips Longman III,Tremper Muller,Richard A. Poythress,Vern S.1996Bible — Hermeneutics.Hermeneutics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Bible.
E5Foundations of the Christian faith : a comprehensive & readable theologyInterVarsity Press,James Montgomery Boice1986Theology, Doctrinal.DogmatikEvangelische Kirche
K5Four views on salvation in a pluralistic worldZondervan Pub. HouseStanley N. Grundry, eds1996Salvation outside the church.
M5Four years on and still treading water : a report on the performance of the ASEAN human rights mechanism in 2013Asian Forum for Human Rights and DevelopmentSolidarity for Asian People’s Advocacy. Task Force on ASEAN and Human Rights,; Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development,2014ASEAN.Human rights — Southeast Asia.human rights.
E1Fragrance of oppression, A : the church and its persecutorsCrossways BooksHerbert Schlossberg1991Persecution — History — 20th century.
F1Free Church Free StatePaternosterNigel G. Wright2005Baptists.Baptists — Government.Kristendom och samhälle.
J1Free of charge : giving and forgiving in a culture stripped of graceZondervanMiroslav Volf2005Generosity — Religious aspects — Christianity.Forgiveness — Religious aspects — Christianity.Generositet — religiösa aspekter — kristendom.
L2Free people’s suicide, A : sustainable freedom and the American futureIVP BooksOS Guinness2012Liberty — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity — United States — 21st century.United States — Politics and government — 21st century.
K5Freedom in the world 2007 : the annual survey of political rights & civil libertiesFreedom House ; Oxford : Rowman & LittlefieldArch Puddingtone…, eds2007Civil rights.
H6Freedom of religion and belief : a world reportRoutledgeKevin Boyle & Juliet Sheen1997Freedom of religion.Human rights.Religious tolerance.
L4Freedom of the press 2008 : a global survey of media independenceFreedom House ; Rowman & LittlefieldKarin Deutsch Karlekar; Sarah G Cook; Freedom House (U.S.)2009Freedom of the press.Government and the press.Liberté de la presse.
M3Freedom to do God’s will, The : religious fundamentalism and social changeRoutledgeGerrie ter Haar & James J. Busuttil2003Religious fundamentalism.Religion and sociology.Fundamentalisme.
I5Freedom’s Holy LightThe Providence ForumPeter A Lillback2000Freedom
Q1Freeport Papua Blok Cepu Gas Alam ArunUfukWawan Tunggul Alam2011Natural resources — Law and legislation — Indonesia.Investments, Foreign — Law and legislation — Indonesia.Investments, Foreign — Law and legislation.
K1French Revolution,TheRoutledge and Kegan PaulGeorges Lefebvre2001French, history
O1Freud, manusia paling berpengaruh Abad ke-20Ikon TeraliteraBenjamin Nelson, ed2003Freud — philosophy
C4Friendship evangelism by the book : applying first century principles to twenty-first century relationshipsChristian PublicationsTom Stebbins1995Evangelistic work.Friendship — Religious aspects — Christianity.
K6From cells to souls, and beyond : changing portraits of human natureW.B. EerdmansMalcolm Jeeves, ed2004Religion and science.Human beings.Religion et sciences.
F4From Christ to the world : introductory readings in Christian ethicsW.B. Eerdmans,Wayne G Boulton, Thomas D. Kennedy…, eds1994Christian ethics.
L3From culture wars to common ground : religion and the American family debateWestminster John Knox PressDon S. Browning…, eds2000Families — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines — 20th century.Families — United States.Christianity and culture — United States — History — 20th century.
F6From heaven he came and sought her : definite atonement in historical, biblical, theological, and pastoral perspectiveCrosswayDavid Gibson & Jonathan Gibson2013Atonement — Reformed Church.
C3Frontiers of science & faith,The : examining questions from the big bang to the end of the universeInterVarsity PressDavis, John Jefferson2002Religion and science
G2Fundamental practical theology : descriptive and strategic proposalsFortress PressDon S. Browning1991Theology, Practical.Theology — Methodology.Théologie — Méthodologie.
J4Fundamentalism and American culture : the shaping of twentieth century evangelicalism, 1870-1925Oxford University Press,George M. Marsden2006Fundamentalism — United States.Christianity and culture — United States.11.59 church history, history of doctrine: other.
L6Fundamentalism and the State: remaking polities, economies, and militanceUniversity of Chicago PressMartin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby1993Religious fundamentalism.Religion and politics.
M1FundamentalismsPaternoster PressChristopher H. Partridge2001Religious fundamentalism.Religion and sociology.Religions.
L6Fundamentalisms and society: reclaiming the science, the family and educationUniversity of Chicago PressMartin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby[1997], 1993.Religious fundamentalism.Religion and sociology.
L6Fundamentalisms ComprehendedUniversity of Chicago PressMartin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby2004Religious fundamentalism.
L6Fundamentalisms ObservedUniversity of Chicago PressMartin E. Marty & R. Scott Appleby1991Religious fundamentalism — Comparative studies.Fondamentalisme — Études comparatives.Religious fundamentalism.
I5Fundamentalist phenomenon, The : a view from within ; a response from withoutWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing CompanyNorman J Cohen, ed1990Religious fundamentalism — Comparative studies — Congresses.Fondamentalisme — Études comparatives — Congrès.Religious fundamentalism — Comparative studies.
L4Fundamentalist world : the new dark age of dogmaLanham, Md. : Distributed in the US by National Book NetworkStuart Sim2005Fundamentalism.World politics — 1989-World politics.
J5Fundamentals of corporate financeIrwinRoss, Westerfield, Jordan1995Corporations — Finance.
M1Fundamentals, The, a testimony to the truth: Vol IBaker BooksR.A. Torrey, A.C Dixon, … eds2003Fundamentalism.Theology.Modernist-fundamentalist controversy.
M1Fundamentals, The, a testimony to the truth: Vol IIBaker BooksR.A. Torrey, A.C Dixon, … eds2003Fundamentalism.Theology.Modernist-fundamentalist controversy.
E4Future of Christian learning, The : an Evangelical and Catholic dialogueBrazos Press,Mark A Noll & James Turner2008Catholic Church — Relations — Evangelicalism.
D6Future of hope, TheWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub. CoMiroslav Volf and William Katerberg2004Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity — Congresses.Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines — Congresses.Hope — Religious aspects — Christianity.
L2Future of justification, The : a response to N.T. WrightInter-Varsity PressJohn Piper2008Wright, N. T. — (Nicholas Thomas)Justification (Christian theology) — History of doctrines — 20th century.Justification (Christian theology) — History of doctrines.
H2Future of religious colleges, The : the proceedings of the Harvard Conference on the Future of Religious Colleges, October 6-7, 2000W.B. Eerdmans PubPaul J. Dovre, ed2002Christian universities and colleges — United States — Congresses.
K5Future of secularism, TheOxford University PressTN Srinivasan2007Secularism — India — Congresses.Islam and secularism — Congresses.Islam and secularism.
C4Futures of evangelicalism, issues and prospects, TheKregel PublicationsCraig Bartholomew, Robin Parry.., eds2003Evangelicalism.Evangelikal teologi
P2G 30 S Fakta Atau RekayasaKata Hasta PustakaJulius Pour2013Indonesia — 30 September 1966 — Communist
S4Gagasan Islam Liberal IndonesiaParamadina ; Pustaka Antara ; Yayasan Adikarya IKAPI ; The Ford FoundationGreg Barton1999Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005.Wahid, Abdurrahman.Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009.
O2Gagasan-gagasan Politik GramsciINSIST bekerjasama dengan Pustaka PelajarRoger Simon1999Gramsci, Antonio, — 1891-1937.
F4Gagging of God, TheApollos,DA Carson1996Theology — Methodology.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Religious pluralism.
H3Galileo connection, The : resolving conflicts between science & the BibleInterVarsity PressCharles E. Hummel1986Galilei, Galileo, — 1564-1642.Bibel.Galilei, Galileo.
F1Galileo Science and the Church, revised ed.University of Michigan PressJerome J. Langford1971Galilei, Galileo, — 1564-1642.
M3Gandhi and beyond : nonviolence for an age of terrorismParadigm PublishersDavid Cortright2006Nonviolence.89.78 peace movement.Geweldloosheid.
R2Gaya Filsafat NietzscheGalang PressA. Setyo Wibowo2004Filsafat – Nietzsche
S5Geger di “republik” NU : perebutan wacana, tafsir sejarah, tafsiran maknaHarian Kompas bekerja sama dengan Lakpesdam-NUMarzuki Wahid; Abd Moqsith Ghazali; Suwendi1999Islam — Indonesia — Societies, etc.
Q3Geliat Irak Menuju Era Pasca SaddamBuku KompasMusthafa Abd. Rahman2003Hussein, Saddam, — 1937-2006.
P2Geliat Kritis dalam penelitian sosial: catatan para penelitiYayasan Pustaka Obor IndonesiaKanti Pertiwi, Hani Yulindrasari2019Research
H2Gender, ethnicity, and religion : views from the other sideFortress PressRosemary Radford Ruether, ed2002Christian sociology.Sociologie religieuse — Christianisme.Sekseverschillen.
S2Genealogi Islam Radikal di Indonesia: gerakan pemikiran dan prospek demokrasiLP3ESM. Zaki Mubarak2008Islamic fundamentalism — Indonesia.Radicalism — Religious aspects — Islam.Radicalism — Indonesia.
A2Genesis 1-4 : a linguistic, literary, and theological commentaryP & R PubCollins,C John2006Bible. — Genesis I-IV — Commentaries.Genesis (bijbelboek)Bible. — Genesis I-IV — Criticism, interpretation, etc.
A2Genesis Debate, The : Three Views on the Days of CreationCrux PressHagopian,David G.2001Bible. — Genesis I-II — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Creation.Schepping.
A3Genesis Flood,The : The Biblical Record and Its Scientific ImplicationsP&R PublishingWhitcomb,John C. Morris,Henry M.2003Deluge.SintflutSintflut
A2Genesis of Doctrine, The : A Study in The Foundations of Doctrinal Criticism<W.B. Eerdmans><Recent College Pub.>McGrath,Alister E.1997Dogma, Development of.Dogma.Authority — Religious aspects
L5Genetic turning points : the ethics of human genetic interventionW.B. Eerdmans PubJames C. Peterson2001Human genetics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Medical genetics — Religious aspects — Christianity.Genetic engineering — Religious aspects — Christianity.
H5Geneva and the Consolidation of the French Protestant Movement 1564 – 1572Librairie DrozRobert M. Kingdom1967War — Religious aspects — Christianity.
H5Geography of religion : where God lives, where pilgrims walkNational GeographicSusan Tyler Hitchcook & John L. Esposito2004Religion and geography.Religions.Godsdiensten.
H6George Washington’s sacred fireProvidence Forum PressPeter A. Lillback2006Washington, George, — 1732-1799 — Religion.
S3Gerakan Ahmadiyah di IndonesiaLKiS YogyakartaIskandar Zulkarnain2005Ahmadiyya — Indonesia — History.Ahmadiyya.Indonesia.
T5Gerakan Ekumene: suatu panduanPenerbit LedaleroGeorg Kirchberger2010Indonesia.
T2Gerakan Karismatik dan Gereja KitaMomentum Christian LiteratureHans Maris2004Church — charismatic –
P4Gereja Indonesia Pasca-Vatikan II, refleksi dan tantanganPenerbit KanisiusUniversitas Sanata Dharma1997Catholic Church.
P4Gereja Indonesia, quo vadis? : hidup menggereja kontekstualPenerbit KanisiusI Ismartono; Universitas Sanata Dharma. Pusat Penelitian dan Pelatihan Teologi Kontekstual.; Catholic Church. Konferensi Waligereja Indonesia. Komisi Teologi.2000Christianity — Indonesia.Christianity.Indonesia.
P4Gereja Memasuki Abad XXIBalai Persekutuan Bukit ZaitunP. Oktavianus1997church — XXI century
O6Gerhana Hati NuraniPT Gramedia Pustaka UtamaChristianto Wibisono2012Terrorism.World politics.Islam and world politics.
O6Gerhana Hati NuraniPT Gramedia Pustaka UtamaChristianto Wibisono2012Terrorism.World politics.Islam and world politics.
B4Gift of Prophecy, the, in the New Testament and TodayCrossway BooksWayne A Grudem2000Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible. — New Testament.Prophecy — Christianity — Biblical teaching.
S5Gila Gus Dur: Wacana pembaca Abdurrahman WahidLKiS YogyakartaAhmad Suaedy, Ulil Abshar A2000Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009
L1Global Civil Society?Cambridge University PressJohn Keane2003Civil society.Globalization — Political aspects.International relations.
J4Global Crises, Global solutionsCambridge University PressBjorn Lomborg2009International cooperation.Globalization.Economic development.
C5Global evangelicalism : theology, history and culture in regional perspectiveIVP AcademicDonald M Lewis & Richard V Pierard, eds2014Evangelicalism.
C2Global face of public faith : politics, human rights, and Christian ethics, TheGeorgetown University PressHollenbach, David2003Christian ethics — Catholic authors.Christianity and politics — Catholic Church.Human rights — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.
K4Global matrix : nationalism, globalism and state-terrorismPluto PressTom Nairn & Paul James2005POLITICAL SCIENCE — Political Ideologies — Nationalism.
L3Global matrix : nationalism, globalism and state-terrorismPluto PressTom Nairn & Paul James2005Nationalism.Globalization.Terrorism.
M2Global Political IslamRoutledgePeter Mandaville2007Islam and politics.
B5Global Public Square,The : Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for DiversityInterVarsity PressGuinness, Os2013Freedom of religion.Liberty of conscience.Liberty.
L3Global Rebellion : Religious Challenges to the Secular State, from Christian Militias to al QaedaUniversity of California PressMark Juergensmeyer2008Revolutions — Religious aspects — 21st century.
H1Global resurgence of religion and the transformation of international relations, The : the struggle for the soul of the Twenty-first CenturyPalgrave MacmillanScott M. Thomas2005Religion and international relations.International relations.Relations internationales — Aspect religieux.
A2Global Study Bible: English Standard versionCrossway2012Bible — english standard version
Q2Globalisasi Kemiskinan & KetimpanganCindelaras Pustaka Rakyat CerdasSeri kajian global2003globalization — poverty —
L4Globalization and its discontentsPenguin PressJoseph Stiglitz2002International Monetary Fund — Developing countries.International economic integration.Foreign trade regulation.
J5Globalization of pentecostalism, The : a religion made to travelRegnum Books IntlMurray W. Dempster, Byron D. Klaus…, eds1999Pentecostalism.Christianity and the social sciences.Missions — Theory.
L6Globalization Reader, TheBlackwell PubFrank J. Lechner & John Boli2008International economic relations.International economic relations — Social aspects.International economic integration.
K1Globalization: the key conceptsRoutledge,Annabelle Mooney; Betsy Evans2007Globalization
M4Globalized Islam : the search for a new UmmahRupaOliver Roy2005Islamisme
F2God & time : four viewsInterVarsity PressGregory E. Ganssle, ed2001God — Immutability.Time — Religious aspects — Christianity.11.02 philosophy of religion.
F2God & time : four viewsInterVarsity PressGregory E. Ganssle, ed2001God — Immutability.Time — Religious aspects — Christianity.11.02 philosophy of religion.
F2God and Caesar : biblical faith and political actionCrossway BooksJohn Eidsmoe1984Christianity and politics.Church and state — United States.Church and social problems — United States.
T6God and Culture: Allah dan KebudayaanPenerbit MomentumDA Carson & John D. Woodbridge2002God — Culture
F2God and evolution : a readerRoutledgeMary Kathleen Cunningham, ed2007Money — Biblical teaching.
F3God and global order : the power of religion in American foreign policyBaylor University Press,Jonathan Chaplin2010United States — Foreign relations — 1989-Religion and international relations.Religion et relations internationales.
F4God and GovernmentSPCK,Nick Spencer & Jonathan Chaplin2009Apologetics — Early works to 1800.
F4God and Human DignityEerdmans,R. Kendall Soulen & Linda Woodhead, eds2006Dignité — Aspect religieux — Christianisme.
F2God and money : a theology of money in a globalizing worldLexington BooksNimi Wariboko2008Jesus Christ — Teachings
E1God and politics : four views on the reformation of civil government : theonomy, principled pluralism, Christian America, national confessionalismPresbyterian and Reformed Pub. CoGary Scott Smith, ed1989Christianity and politics — Congresses.Church and state — Reformed Church — Congresses.Reformed Church — Doctrines — Congresses.
F2God and Stephen Hawking : whose design is it anyway?LionJohn C. Lennox2010Theïsme.
F5God and the Constitution : Christianity and American politicsRowman & Littlefield,Paul Marshall2002Verfassung <1787>Christianity and politics — United States.Christianity and politics.
F5God and the nationsFortress PressDouglas John Hall and Rosemary R. Ruether1995Providence and government of God — Christianity.Nationalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.Church and the world.
F5God as Trinity : relationality and temporality in divine lifeWestminster/J. Knox PressTed Peters1993Trinity.TrinitéDrie-eenheid.
E2God at work : your Christian vocation in all of lifeCrossway Books,Gene Edward Veith Jr2002Vocation — Lutheran Church.
A6God Delusion, TheTransworld PublishersRichard Dawkins2007God delusion
F2God dwells among us : expanding Eden to the ends of the earthInterVarsity Press,G.K Beale & Mitchel Kim2014Bible — Theology.Bible.Presence of God.
F3God Has many namesWestminster PrJohn Hick1982Christianity and other religions.Religion — Philosophy.Religiöser Pluralismus
F5God in public : four ways American Christianity and public life relateWestminster John Knox PressMark G. Toulouse2006Christianity and politics — United States.
F2God in the dark : the assurance of faith beyond a shadow of doubtCrossway Books,Oss Guinness1996Faith.
F5God in the wasteland : the reality of truth in a world of fading dreamsW.B. EerdmansDavid F. Wells1994Evangelicalism — United States — History — 20th century.
T5God in the Wasteland, Allah di Lahan TerbengkalaiPenerbit MomentumDavid F. Wells2005christianity — postmodern
F4God is back : how the global rise of faith will change the worldAllen LaneJohn Micklethwait & Adrian Wooldridge2009Religion and sociology.Religion and sociology — United States.United States — Religion.
F2God is dead : secularization in the WestBlackwell PubSteve Bruce2002Religion and science.
F3God is great, God is good : why believing in God is reasonable and responsibleIVP BooksWilliam Lane Craig & Chad Meister, eds2009Dawkins, Richard, — 1941- — God delusion.
E1God is love, a biblical and systematic theologyCrosswayGerald Bray2012Theology, Doctrinal — Popular works.
F4God is not great, How religion Poisons EverythingTwelveChristopher Hitchens2007poisons of religion
F2God is not great, the case against religionAtlantic BooksChristopher Hitchens2007Christianity — Origin
F3God of liberty : a religious history of the American RevolutionBasic BooksThomas S. Kidd2010United States — Church history — 18th century.
F4God who became human, The : a biblical theology of incarnationIntervarsity PressGraham A. Cole2013Biblische Theologie.Inkarnation Jesu.
F2God who Risks, a theology of divine providence, TheIVP AcademicJohn Sanders2007Providence and government of God — Christianity.Vorsehung.Theologie.
F5God, Freedom and EvilEerdmansAlvin Plantinga1977, ©1974.God — Proof.
T5God, Freedom and Evil – Allah, Kebebasan dan KejahatanPenerbit MomentumAlvin C Plantinga2003God, freedom, evil
F5God, Reason & Theistic ProofsW.B. EerdmansStephen T Davis1997God — Proof.
B6God, Revelation and Authority : Vol. 5 God Who Stands And Stays Part OneWord BooksHenry, Carl F. H.1982Theology, introduction.Revelation.
B6God, Revelation and Authority : Vol. 6 God Who Stands And Stays Part TwoWord BooksHenry, Carl F. H.1983Theology, introduction.Revelation.Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.God.Evangelicalism — Collected works.Authority — Religious aspects.
B6God, Revelation and Authority : Vol.4 God Who Speaks and Shows; Fifteen Theses, Part Three.Word BooksHenry, Carl F. H.1979Theology, introduction.Revelation.
B6God, revelation and Authority: Vol. 1 God Who Speaks and Shows; Preliminary ConsiderationsWord BooksHenry, Carl F. H.1976Theology, introduction.Revelation.
B6God, revelation and Authority: Vol. 2 God Who Speaks and Shows; Fifteen Theses, Part OneWord BooksHenry, Carl F. H.1976Theology, introduction.Revelation.
B6God, revelation and Authority: Vol. 3 God Who Speaks and Shows; Fifteen Theses, Part TwoWord BooksHenry, Carl F. H.1979Theology, introduction.Revelation.
F2God’s century : resurgent religion and global politicsW.W. NortonMonica Duffy Toft, Daniel Philport, eds2011Religion and international relations.Religion and politics.Religion
F2God’s century : resurgent religion and global politicsW.W. NortonMonica Duffy Toft, Daniel Philport, eds2011Religion and international relations.Religion and politics.Religion
E1God’s continent : Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s religious crisisOxford University PressPhilip Jenkins2007Europe — Religion — 21st century.Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity.
J5God’s Fiery Challenger for our time: festschrift in honor Stephen TongReformed Center for Religion and SocietyBenyamin F. Intan, editor2007Indonesia — Stephen Tong
F3God’s greater glory : the exalted God of Scripture and the Christian faithCrossway BooksBruce A. Ware2004Providence and government of God — Christianity.Providence and government of God — Biblical teaching.Open theism.
F2God’s joust, God’s justice : law and religion in the Western traditionWilliam B. Eerdmans PubJohn Witte Jr2006Religion and law.Human rights — Religious aspects.Recht — Religion.
F2God’s lesser glory : the diminished God of open theismCrossway BooksBruce A. Ware2000Open theism.Godsleer.Voorzienigheid.
K2God’s politics: why the American Right Get it wrong and the left Doesn’t get itLionJim Wallis2006Christianity and politics — United States.Christianity and politics.United States.
L3God’s terrorists : the Wahhabi cult and hidden roots of modern JihadLittle, BrownCharles Allen2006Islam — Doctrines.Islamic fundamentalism.Jihad.
F5God’s world : biblical insights for a theology of the environmentSPCKKen Gnanakan1999Human ecology — Religious aspects — Christianity.
A6Going Public with the Gospel: Reviving Evangelistic ProclamationInterVarsity PressLon Allison; Mark Anderson2003Evangelistic work.Verkondiging.
P6Golkar dan militer : studi tentang budaya politikLembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial,Leo Suryadinata1992Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
H4Good news and good works : a theology for the whole GospelBaker BooksRonald J. Sider1999Mission of the church.Evangelistic work.Church and the world.
A4Good News to the Poor: John Wesley’s Evangelical EconomicsAbingdon PressJennnings Jr, Theodore W.1990Wesley, John, — 1703-1791 — Political and social views.Wesley, John, — 1703-1791 — Ethics.Wesley, John.
J5Good of affluence, The : seeking God in a culture of wealthW.B. Eerdmans,John R. Schneider2002Hammarskjöld, Dag, — 1905-1961. — Vägmärken.
E1Good of politics, The : a biblical, historical, and contemporary introductionBaker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group,James W. Skillen2014politics — biblical — historical
K3GorgiasPenguin,Plato.; Walter Hamilton; C J Emlyn-Jones2004Ethics — Early works to 1800.Political science — Early works to 1800.Ethics.
A5Gospel and Globalization, The: Exploring the Religious Roots Of A Globalized WorldRegent College PublishingGoheen,Michael W Glanville, Erin G.2009Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Globalization — Religious aspects — Islam.Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
B4Gospel and Globalization,The : Exploring the Religious Roots of a Globalized WorldRegent College PublishingGoheen,Michael W Glanville, Erin2009Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Globalization — Religious aspects — Islam.Capitalism — Religious aspects — Christianity.
E1Gospel and pluralism today, The : reassessing Lesslie Newbigin in the 21st centuryIVP Academic,Scott W. Sunquist and Amos Yong, eds2015Newbigin, Lesslie. — Gospel in a pluralist society.Christianity and culture.Christianity — 20th century.
A3Gospel and The Greeks,The : Did the new Testament Borrow from Pagan Thought?P&R PublishingNash,Ronald H.2003Christianity and other religions.Christianity — Origin.Rome — Religion.
A5Gospel in a Prularist Society,TheWilliam B. Eerdmans PublishingNewbigin,Lesslie1989Christianity and culture.Christianity — 20th century.Apologetics.
A2Gospel of Judas, The : from Codex TchacosNational GeographicKasser,Rodolphe Meyer,Marvin W Wurst,Gregor2006Gospel of Judas — History.Judas Iscariot.Jesus Christ — Betrayal.
N6Governance in Indonesia : challenges facing the Megawati presidencyInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesHadi Soesastro, Anthony L. Smith…, eds2003Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Soekarnoputri, Megawati, — 1947-Indonesia — Relaciones exteriores.
J6Governing of Men, TheHolt, Rinehart and WinstonAustin Ranney1971Political science.
C5Grace and truth in the secular ageW.B. Eerdmans Pub.Timothy Bradshaw, ed1998Anglican Communion. Church and the world. Evangelicalism — Anglican Communion. Geloof. Secularisatie (maatschappij) Anglicaanse Kerk.
F4Grace of Christ and the grace of God in Augustine of Hippo, The : Christocentrism or theocentrism?Liturgical PressBasil Studer1997Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430.Jesus Christ — History of doctrines — Early church, ca. 30-600.Augustine, — of Hippo, Saint, — 354-430
F4Grace of God, the will of man, The : a case for ArminianismBethany HouseClark H. Pinnock1995, ©1989.Arminianism.Grace (Theology)Providence and government of God.
K2Great awakening, The : reviving faith & politics in a post-religious right AmericaHarperOneJim Wallis2008Revivals.
D6Great thinkers of the western worldHarperCollinsPublishers,Ian P. McGreal, ed1992Philosophy.Theology.Science.
K4Great transformation, TheBeacon Press,Karl Polanyi2001Economic history.
N2Great transformation, The : the world in the time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and JeremiahAtlanticKaren Armstrong2006History, Ancient.Philosophy, Ancient.Religion — History.
M5great unravelling, The : from boom to bust in three scandalous yearsPenguinPaul Krugman2004United States — Economic conditions — 1981-2001.United States — Economic conditions — 2001-United States — Economic policy — 1993-2001.
C5Grounds for understanding : ecumenical resources for responses to religious pluralismW.B. EerdmansS. Mark Heim1998Religious pluralism — Christianity. Pluralisme (algemeen) Interreligieuze dialoog.
M5Growth in agreement II : reports and agreed statements of ecumenical conversations on a world level, 1982-1998W.B. Eerdmans PubJeffrey Gros; Harding Meyer; William G Rusch2000Christian union.Œcuménisme.Interkonfessionelles Gespräch — Geschichte 1982-1998 — Quelle.
L5Guinnes World Record 2007Guinness World RecordsGuinness World Records2006Guinness World Records
L6Guns, Germs, and Steel, the fates of human societiesW. W. Norton & CompanyJared M Diamond1997Social evolution.Civilization — History.Ethnology.
O4Gus Dur dan pupusnya dwi tunggal : [retaknya hubungan NU, Presiden, dan negara]Ushul PressBahtiar Effendy2005Wahid, Abdurrahman, — 1940-2009 — Political and social views.N.U. (Organization)Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
O4Gus Dur menjawab perubahan zamanHarian KompasAbdurrahman Wahid; Frans M Parera; T Jakob Koekerits1999Indonesia — Gus Dur
O4Gus Dur Militer dan PolitikLKiS YogyakartaA. Malik Haramain2004Gus Dur, — 1940-2009.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Civil-military relations — Indonesia.
H5Habermas and ReligionPolity PressCraig Calhoun, Eduardo Mendieta.., eds2013Habermas, Jürgen.Philosophy and religion.Religion and sociology.
G3Habermas, Modernity, and Public TheologyCrossroadDon S. Browning…eds1992Habermas, Jürgen — Congresses.
Q3Habibie Prabowo dan Wiranto BersaksiMediakitaAsvi Warman Adam2006Soeharto, — 1921-2008.Habibie, B. J. — (Bacharuddin Jusuf), — 1936-2019.Subianto, Prabowo, — 1951-
N1Habits of the heart : individualism and commitment in American lifeUniversity of California PressRobert N Bellah1996National characteristics, American.United States — Civilization — 1945-Individualism.
J4Habits of the high-tech heart : living virtuously in the information ageBaker AcademicQuentin Schultze2004Technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Computers — Religious aspects — Christianity.Religion and science.
S4Hajatan Demokrasi: potret jurnalistik pemilu langsung simpul Islam Indonesia dari moderat hingga garis kerasEra Media InformasiAsrori S. Karni, ed2006Democracy — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Elections — Indonesia.
R5Hak Asasi Manusia di Bawah Ancaman PenyiksaanLembaga Studi dan Advokasi MasyarakatKelompok Kerja untuk Advokasi Menentang Penyiksaan.2009Human rights — Indonesia.Torture — Indonesia.Human rights.
Q1Hak-hak Ekonomi Sosial dan Budaya di Papua BaratPustaka Sinar HarapanTheodor Rathgeber2006West Papua ((Indonesia)
A6Handbook of Biblical Social ValuesHendricksonJohn J Pilch; Bruce J Malina1998Sociology, Biblical — Dictionaries.Ethics in the Bible — Dictionaries.11.36 biblical theoogy.
E4Handbook of Christian apologetics : hundreds of answers to crucial questionsInterVarsityPeter Kreeft & Ronald K. Tacelli1994Apologetics — 20th century.Apologetics.
I6Handbook of fixed income securities, TheIrwin Professional PubFrank J. Fabozzi and T. Dessa Fabozzi1995Bonds — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Preferred stocks — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Money market funds — Handbooks, manuals, etc.
H5Handbook of Today’s ReligionsT. NelsonJohn McDowell, Don Steward1983Cults — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Sects — Handbooks, manuals, etc.Occultism — Handbooks, manuals, etc.
O6Handbook partai politikNusa MediaRichard S. Katz dan William Crotty2014politic party
O6Handbook Teori politikNusa MediaGerald F. Gaus, Chandran Kukathas2012politic
P6Harapan Keprihatinan dan Tekad, anInti Idayu PressTB Simatupang1986Indonesia — history — Angkatan 1945
O4Hari hari Terpanjang, menjelang mundur SoehartoPenerbit KompasJames Luhulima2001Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Soeharto, — 1921-2008.15.75 history of Asia.
O4Hari-hari terpanjang menjelang mundurnya Presiden Soeharto dan beberapa peristiwa terkaitPenerbit KompasJames Luhulima2001Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Soeharto, — 1921-2008.15.75 history of Asia.
Q3Hariman & Malari: Gelombang aksi mahasiswa menentang modal asingGramedia Pustaka UtamaAmir Husin Daulay, Imran Hasibuan.., eds2011Hariman Siregar — demonstran — Indonesian students 1973 — anti foreign capital
R6Harmonisasi Agama dan budaya di Indonesia (1)Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan AgamaH. Afif AM, Saeful Bahri, eds2009religion — culture — harmony — Indonesia
R6Harmonisasi Agama dan budaya di Indonesia (2)Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan AgamaH. Afif AM, Saeful Bahri, eds2009religion — culture — harmony — Indonesia
O3Harusnya Panda Nababan BebasQ CommunicationPurwadi Djunaedi, Janfri Sihombing, Imran Hasibuan, eds.2012Judicial astray — Indonesia law — Panda Nababan
J6Having : property and possession in religious and social lifeWilliam B. Eerdmans PubWilliam Schweiker & Charles Mathewes2004BibelProperty — Religious aspects — Christianity — History of doctrines.Property — Biblical teaching.
J2Head and Heart, american christianitiesPenguin PressGarry Wills2007United States — Church history.United States.Geloof en wetenschap.
I1Heart promptly offered, A : the revolutionary leadership of John CalvinCumberland HouseDavid W Hall; David J Vaughan2006Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.
L5Heir of Redclyffe, The: affordable & high quality paperback book editionFiliquarian PublishingCharlotte Mary Yonge2010heir — redclyffe
Q2Herbert Marcuse Perang semesta melawan kapitalisme globalGramediaValentinus Saeng2012global capitalism —
H3Heresies and how to avoid them : why it matters what Christians believeHendricksonBen Quash & Michael Ward2007Christian heresies.
H5Heresies and Orthodoxy in the history of the ChurchHendricksonHarold OJ Brown1998, ©1988.Christian heresies — History.Theology, Doctrinal — History.Christian heresies.
H5Herman Bavinck : pastor, churchman, statesman, and theologianP & R PubRon Gleason2010Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921.Theologians — Netherlands — Biography.Theologians.
B2Herman Dooyeweerd : Christian Philosopher of State and Civil SocietyUniversity of Notre Dame PressChaplin,Jhonatan2011Dooyeweerd, H. — (Herman), — 1894-1977 — Political and social views.State, The.Civil society.
G4Hermeneutical theology and the imperative of public ethics : confessing Christ in post-colonial world ChristianityPickwick PublicationsPaul S. Chung2013Missions — Theory.Christianity and culture.Postcolonialism.
B5Hermeneutics of charity,The : Interpretation, Selfhood, and Postmodern FaithBrazosPressSmith, James K. A. Venema, Henry Isaac Olthuis,James H.2004Postmodern theology.Hermeneutics.Hermeneutiek.
T5Hermeunetika Sepanjang MasaCipta Varia SaranaJerry Rumahlatu2011Hermeneutic
G4Hidden but now revealed : a biblical theology of mysteryIVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity PressGK Beale & Benjamin L. Gladd2014Bible. — New Testament — Theology.Mystery — Biblical teaching.Bible. — New Testament.
J1Hidden Worldviews, eight cultural stories…Steve Wilkens & Mark L Sanfordcultural
R5Hidup Bukan Hanya Urusan Perut: kolom-kolom edan Prie GSTrans MediaPrie GS2007Social values — Indonesia.Indonesia — Social conditions.Social conditions
T4Hidup dari PengharapanBPK Gunung MuliaAA Yewangoe2017Christianity — Indonesia.Ecumenical movement — Indonesia.Church and social problems — Indonesia.
Q5Hikayat KadiroenNarasiSemaoen2018Novel
S5Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam, sejarah dan kedudukannya…Sinar HarapanVictor Tanja1991Indonesia – student — HMI — history
P4Himpunan peraturan di bidang keagamaanBPK Gunung MuliaWeinata Sairin1994Law — Indonesia.Religious law and legislation — Indonesia.Religion and state — Indonesia.
A3Historical Handbook of Major Biblical InterpretersInterVarsity PressMcKim,Donald K.1998Bible — Criticism, interpretation, etc. — History.Biblical scholars.11.33 Bible study and interpretation.
S3Historiografi Islam Kontemporer: wacana, aktualitas dan aktor sejarahGramedia Pustaka UtamaAzyumardi Azra2002Islam — Historiography.Muslim scholars — Biography.Muslim scholars.
I4History and character of Calvinism, TheOxford University PressJohn T. McNeill1979Calvinism
N3History in uniform : military ideology and the construction of Indonesia’s pastNUS PressKatharine E. McGregor2007Notosusanto, Nugroho.Indonesia — Armed Forces — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Armed Forces — Public relations — History — 20th century.
N3History modern of Indonesia since c. 1200, AStanford University PressM.C Ricklefs2008Indonesia — History.Indonesia.Indonesien
E6History of Christian thought, A : from its Judaic and Hellenistic origins to existentialismSimon and SchusterPaul Tillich1967Theology, Doctrinal — History.Theology, Doctrinal.
E3History of Christianity in Asia, A Vol IIOrbis BooksSamuel Hugh Moffett1998-©2005.Asia — Church history.
C1History of Christianity,A : Vol. 1 Beginnings to 1500Prince PressLatourette, Kenneth Scott1975Church history.
C1History of Christianity,A : Vol.2 Reformation to the PresentPrince PressLatourette, Kenneth Scott1975Church history.Christianity.
N4History of Modern Indonesia, ACambridge University PressAdrian Vickers2005Indonesia — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Indonésie — Histoire — 20e siècle.
B1history of philosophy, A : Vol. 6 Wolff to KantBurns and OatesCopleston, Frederick1999Philosophy — History.Philosophy.
B1history of philosophy, A : Vol. 8 Bentham to RussellBurns and OatesCopleston, Frederick1999Philosophy — History.Philosophy.
B1History of Philosophy, A: 19th and 20th Century French PhilosophyContinuumCopleston, Frederick2003Philosophy — History.Philosophy.
B1History of Philosophy,A : Vol. 1 Greece and RomeImage Books – DoubledayFrederick Copleston1994Philosophy, Ancient.
B1history of philosophy,A : Vol. 2 Augustine to ScotusBurns and OatesCopleston, Frederick1999Evangelicalism.
B1history of philosophy,A : Vol. 3 Ockham to SuárezBurns and OatesCopleston, Frederick1999Evangelikale Bewegung.
B1history of philosophy,A : Vol. 5 Hobbes to HumeBurns and OatesCopleston, Frederick1999Philosophy — History.Philosophy.
B1history of philosophy,A : Vol. 7. Modern philosophy, from the post-Kantian idealists to Marx, Kierkegaard, and NietzscheImage Books – DoubledayCopleston, Frederick1994Philosophy — History.Philosophy.
B1history of philosophy,A : Vol. 9 Maine de Biran to SartreBurns and OatesCopleston, Frederick1999Philosophy — History.Philosophy.
B1history of philosophy,A : Vol. IV Modern philosophy, fromImage BooksCopleston, Frederick1994Philosophy — History.Philosophy.
B2History of philosophy,A: Vol. 10 Russian philosophyContinuumCopleston,Frederick Charles2003history of philosophy
K3History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century, AUniversity PaperbacksJ.W Allen1960Political science — History.Reformation.Church and state.
G2History of western philosophy and theology, AP & R Publishing,John M Frame2015Christian philosophy — History.Theology — History.Christian philosophy.
B1History of Western Philosophy,ARoutledgeRussell,Bertrand2006Philosophy — History.Philosophy.Filosofie.
K2History of Western political thought, ARoutledgeJ.S. McClelland1996Political science — History.Politics — historyIdées politiques — Histoire.
S3HMI 1963 – 1966: menegakkan Pancasila di tengah praharaPenerbit Buku Kompas, Jakarta : Percetakan GramediaM. Alfian Afian2013Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (Indonesia) — History.Muslim students — Political activity — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia — History — 20th century.
T1Holy Blood, Holy GrailUfuk PressMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh dan Henry Lincoln2006Novel
B4Holy ignorance : when religion and culture part waysOxford University Press,Olivier Roy; Ros Schwartz2013Religion and culture.
E3Holy Spirit and the Christian life, The : the theological basis of ethicsWestminster/John Knox PressKarl Bath1993Christianisme — Relations.
M3Holy terrors : thinking about religion after September 11University of Chicago PressBruce Lincoln2003September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001.Terrorism — Religious aspects.Religion — Philosophy.
M4Holy war, holy peace : how religion can bring peace to the Middle EastOxford University PressMarc Gopin2002Arab-Israeli conflict — 1993- — Peace.Arab-Israeli conflict — Religious aspects.Religion and politics — Middle East.
B4Hope in Troubled Times : a New Vision for Confronting Global CrisesBaker AcademicGoudzwaard,B. Vennen,Mark Vander Heemst,David Van2007Globalization — Religious aspects — Christianity.Ideology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian sociology.
J3Horizon chasers : the lives and adventures of Richard Halliburton and Paul MooneyMcFarland & Co.Gerry Max2007Halliburton, Richard, — 1900-1939.
F2Household of God, The : Lecturers on the Nature of ChurchWipf & Stock,Lesslie Newbigin2008Church.Mission of the church.
E1How Christianity changed the world : formerly titled Under the influenceMI : Zondervan,Alvin J. Schmidt2004Christianity — Influence.Christian civilization.
M5How to change the world : social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideasOxford University PressDavid Bornstein2007Social action — Case studies.Social service — Case studies.Social reformers — Case studies.
E2How to conquer the barriers to intercultural dialogue : Christianity, Islam, and JudaismPeter LangChriistiane Timmerman, Barbara Segaert, eds2005Religion and culture — Congresses.Intercultural communication — Religious aspects — Congresses.Multiculturalism — Religious aspects — Congresses.
N1How to read T.F. Torrance : understanding his Trinitarian & scientific theologyInterVarsity PressElmer M. Colyer2001Torrance, Thomas F. — (Thomas Forsyth), — 1913-2007.Torrance, Thomas F. — (Thomas Forsyth), — 1913-2007Systematische theologie.
H1How to relate science and religion : a multidimensional modelW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoMikael Stenmark2004Religion and science.
Q4Hukum Acara Pengujian UUKerjasama Konstitusi Press dengan PT Syaamil Cipta Media,Jimly Asshiddiqie2006Judicial review — Indonesia.Constitution — Indonesia.Judicial review.
Q4Hukum Sakral dan Hukum SekulerPustaka AlfabetRatno Lukito2008conflict — resolution — law system — Indonesia
H1Human Cloning: Religious ResponseWestminster John Knox PressRonald Cole-Turner, ed1997Human cloning — Religious aspects — Christianity.Human cloning — Moral and ethical aspects.Cloning, Organism.
H6Human Condition, 2nd edition, TheUniversity of Chicago PressHannah Arendt1998Sociology.Economics.Technology.
L5Human dignity in the biotech century : a Christian vision for public policyInterVarsity PressCharles W. Colson & Nigel M. de S. Cameron, eds2004Genetic engineering — Religious aspects — Christianity.
L5Human medicine : ethical perspectives on new medical issuesAugsburgJames B. Nelson & Jo Anne Smith R.1984Medical ethics.Medicine — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christianity.
G3Human person in science and theology, TheW.B. Eerdmans PubNiels Henrik Gregersen, William B Drees…, eds2000Persons — Congresses.Theological anthropology — Christianity — Congresses.Religion and science — Congresses.
F6Human Rights and the Image of GODSCM PressRoger Ruston2004Catholic Church — Doctrines — History.
K5Human rights as politics and idolatryPrinceton University PressMichael Ignatieff2001Human rights.Political science — Philosophy.World politics.
K5Human rights reader, TheA Meridian BookMicheline R. Ishay… (nama penulis beda dg yg di fisik)2007Civil rights — History — Sources.Human rights — History — Sources.Civil rights.
D2Humanization and the politics of God : the koinonia ethics of Paul LehmannW.B. EerdmansDuff, Nancy J.1992Lehmann, Paul Louis, — 1906-1994. Christian ethics — History — 20th century. Christian ethics. Lehmann, Paul Louis. Theologische Ethik
I6Hunted heretic : the life and death of Michael Servetus, 1511-1553Beacon PressRoland H. Bainton1953Servetus, Michael, — 1511?-1553.Servetus, Michael, — 1509 or 1511-1553Servetus, Michael, — (1511?-1553)
Q1Hutang itu hutangINSIST Press : Pustaka PelajarRoem Topatimasang1999Loans, Foreign — Developing countries.Debts, External — Developing countries.Country risk — Developing countries.
F5I am the Lord your God : Christian reflections on the Ten commandmentsWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub. CoCarl E. Braaten and Christopher R. Seitz2005Ten commandments.
F5I and ThouCharles Scribner’s SonsMartin Buber1970Life.Relationism.God — Knowableness.
C2I don’t have enough faith to be an atheistCrossway BooksGeisler, Norman L. Frank Turek2004Apologetics
S3Ibnu Rusyid: gerbang pencerahan timur dan baratP3MZuhairi misrawi, peny. Editor2007Ibn Rusyid —
K4Idea of human rights, The : four inquiriesOxford University PressMichael J. Perry1998Human rights — Religious aspects.
L2Idea of Justice, TheBelknap Press of Harvard University PressAmartya Sen2009Constitutional law — Religious aspects — Christianity.
L1idea of natural rights, The : studies on natural rights, natural law, and church law, 1150-1625William B. Eerdmans,Brian Tierney2001. © 1997.Natural law — History.Law.Natural law.
S4Identitas Politik umat IslamIRCiSoDKuntowijoyo2018Islam — politics — identity
F5Identity and idolatry : the image of God and its inversionInterVarsity PressRichard Lints2015Image of God.Idolatry.Identification (Religion)
M4Identity and violence : the illusion of destinyW.W. Norton & Co.Amartya Sen2006Identity (Philosophical concept)Group identity.Violence.
L3ideological war on terror, The : worldwide strategies for counter-terrorismRoutledgeAnne Aldis & Graeme P. Herd, eds2007War on Terrorism, 2001-2009.Terrorism — Prevention.Ideology.
J3Idols for destruction : the conflict of Christian faith and American cultureCrossway BooksHerbert Schlossberg1990United States — Moral conditions.United States — Social policy — 1980-1993.Christianity and politics.
S3Ijtihad Islam Liberal: upaya merumuskan keberagamaan yang dinamisJaringan Islam LiberalAbd Moqsith Ghazali2005Islam — Indonesia — 21st century.Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Religious awakening — Islam.
O1Il Principe: Sang PangeranNarasiNiccolo Machiavelli2014tricks, cunning, lie
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R4Ilmu NegaraGhalia IndonesiaMr. Djokosutono1982Politics and government
P2Ilmu, Teknologi dan etikaYayasan Bina Darma, Salatiga dengan BPK Gunung Mulia,Supardan.1991Science — Indonesia.Technology — Indonesia.Ethics — Indonesia.
S3Ilusi Negara Islam: ekspansi gerakan Islam transnasional di IndonesiaWahid InstituteKH Abdurrahman Wahid, ed2009Islam — Indonesia.Islamic fundamentalism — Indonesia.89.39 political systems: other.
I5Imaginative glimpse, An : the Trinity and multiple religious participationsPickwick PublicationsJoas Adiprasetya2013Trinity.Theology of religions (Christian theology)God (Christianity)
T2Iman dan Agama (edisi revisi)Lembaga Reformed Injili IndonesiaStephen Tong2003Faith – religion
T3Iman dan Politik dalam Era Reformasi di IndonesiaBPK Gunung MuliaEmmanuel Gerrit Singgih2000Christianity and politics — Indonesia.Church and social problems — Indonesia.Christianity and politics.
T3Iman dan Politik dalam Era Reformasi di IndonesiaBPK Gunung MuliaEmmanuel Gerrit Singgih2000Christianity and politics — Indonesia.Church and social problems — Indonesia.Christianity and politics.
T2Iman Penderitaan dan HAMMomentumStephen Tong2004faith — human rights
T2Iman Penderitaan dan HAMMomentumStephen Tong2004faith — human rights
T2Iman, Agama dan Masyarakat dalam Negara PancasilaBPK Gunung Mulia,AA Yewangoe2002Christianity — Indonesia.Law — Indonesia.Indonesia — Religion — 20th century.
T2Iman, Rasio dan KebenaranInstitut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia]Stephen Tong1996Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)Reformed epistemology.Theology, Doctrinal — Indonesia.
T2Iman, Rasio dan KebenaranInstitut Reformed, Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International : [Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia]Stephen Tong1996Knowledge, Theory of (Religion)Reformed epistemology.Theology, Doctrinal — Indonesia.
T5Iman: Akal dan Nirakali, mengenai pengetahuan iman dan kenyataanBPK Gunung MuliaC. Sanders2004truth — logic — unlogic
G2In defense of natural theology : a post-Humean assessmentInterVarsity PressJames F. Sennett, Douglas Groothuis, eds2005Hume, David, — 1711-1776.Hume, David, — 1711-1776Natural theology.
D5In the beginning : foundations of creation theologyBaker BooksHerman Bavinck1999Creation.
F6In the fields of the Lord : a Seerveld readerPiquant ; Tuppence PressCraig Bartholomew, ed2000Bible — Meditations.Christianity.Christianity — Philosophy.
Q5Indocina : persilangan kebudayaanKPG, École française d’Extrême-Orient, Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi, FoBernard Philippe Groslier2002Art — Indochine.Antiquités — Asie du Sud-
M1Indonesia and the Muslim world : Islam and secularism in the foreign policy of Soeharto and beyondNIAS Press,Anak Agung Banyu Perwita2007Soeharto, — 1921-2008.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.
P2Indonesia bergerak 2: Mozaik kebijakan Publik di Indonesia 2016Institute of Governance and Public Affairs (IGPA), Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP), Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerja sama dengan Pustaka Pelajar,Agus Pramusinto & Yuyun Purbokusumo, editors2016Indonesia — Social conditions — Congresses.Political planning — Indonesia — Congresses.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- — Congresses.
N6Indonesia beyond Suharto : polity, economy, society, transitionM.E. SharpeDonald K. Emmerson, ed1999Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-
P5Indonesia dan doktrin kesejahteraan sosial : dari klasikal dan neoklasikal sampai ke the end of laissez-fairePerkumpulan PrakarsaSri-Edi Swasono2005Indonesia; — economic conditions; — public welfare
Q3Indonesia DikhianatiElizabeth Fuller CollinsIndonesia — democratization — reformation
N3Indonesia in transition : social aspects of reformasi and crisisZed BooksChris Manning & Peter van Diermen2000Indonesia — Social policy.Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Economic policy.
Q4Indonesia KitaUniversitas ParamadinaNurcholish Madjid2004Nationalism — Indonesia.
N3Indonesia matters : diversity, unity, and stability in fragile timesTimes EditionsThang D. Nguyen, Frank-Jurgen Richter2003Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
R4Indonesia Melawan Amerika: konflik perang dingin 1953-1963GalangpressBaskara T Wardaya2008Indonesia — Politik dan pemerintahan — 1953-1963Indonesia — Politik luar negeri — Amerika Serikat
R1Indonesia Menentukan NasibPenerbit Buku KompasKompas2010Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-Indonesia — Social conditions.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
R4Indonesia optimisBIPDenny Indrayana2011Indonesia– democratie
P1Indonesia Poros Maritim Dunia: Iptek Pertahanan PenopangSain PressIndroyono Soesilo2015defence — indonesia — maritime — technology
N5Indonesia rising : the repositioning of Asia’s third giantInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesAnthony Reid, ed2012Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
Q2Indonesia satu, Indonesia beda, Indonesia bisa : membangun Bhinneka Tunggal Ika di bumi Nusantara : bunga rampai 50 tahun Jimmy OentoroHarvest Publication HouseA A Yewangoe; Jimmy Oentoro2010Indonesia — Religion.Indonesia — Social conditions.Religion.
N4Indonesia Today; challenges of historyInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesGrayson Lloyd, Shannon Smith2001Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Indonesia — Social conditions.
N3Indonesia towards democarcyInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesTaufik Abdullah2009Democracy — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government.Indonesia — History.
M1Indonesia, Islam, and democracy : dynamics in a global contextSolstice PubAzyumardi Azra2006Islam and state — Indonesia.
N4Indonesia, the great transitionRowman & Littlefield PublishersJohn Bresnan, ed2005Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-89.40 internal relations of the state: general.
R4Indonesia/proses : esai-esai tentang identitas dan keindonesiaanTempo dan PT. GrafitiGoenawan Mohamad2011Nationalism — Indonesia.National characteristics, Indonesian.Festschriften — Indonesia.
N1Indonesian communism under Sukarno; : ideology and politics, 1959-1965Equinox PubRex Mortimer2006Partai Komunis Indonesia — History.
N4Indonesian dream, The : unity, diversity, and democracy in times of distrustMarshall Cavendish AcademicThang D. Nguyen2004Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998- — Congresses.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997- — Congresses.Indonesia — Social conditions — 21st century — Congresses.
N5Indonesian electoral behaviour : a statistical perspectiveInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesAris Ananta, Evi Nurvidya…2004Indonesia — Population.Indonesia — Population — Statistics.Voting — Indonesia.
M2Indonesian Islam : social change through contemporary fatāwāUniversity of Hawai’i PressM.B Hooker2003Islam — Indonesia — History.Islam and state — Indonesia.Religion and state — Indonesia.
N4Indonesian migrant domestic workers:Komnas Perempuan IndonesiaKomnas Perempuan Indonesia2003Indonesia — migrant workers
N5Indonesian military after New Order, TheNIAS Press ; Institute of Southeast Asian StudiesSukardi Rinakit2005Indonesia. — Angkatan Bersenjata.Indonesia. — Angkatan Bersenjata — Political activity.Indonesia. — Angkatan Darat.
M2Indonesian Muslim Intelliigentsia and PowerInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesYudi Latif2008ICMI (Organization) — History.Intellectuals — Indonesia — History.Muslims — Indonesia — Intellectual life — History.
N1Indonesian Ocean PolicyCoordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs Indonesia2017Ocean – Indonesia
N5Indonesian Parliament and Democratization, TheInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesPatrick Ziegenhain2008Indonesia. — Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.Legislative bodies — Indonesia.Democratization — Indonesia.
N3Indonesian politics and society : a readerRoutledgeCurzonDavid Bourchier & Vedi R. Hadiz2003Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Social conditions — 20th century.
N6Indonesian politics under Suharto : the rise and fall of the new orderRoutledgeMichael R.J Vatikiotis1998Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.HISTORY.Politics and government
O6Indonesian Top Secret: Membongkar Konflik PosoTito Karnavian, dkkConflict in Poso
N6Indonesia’s post-Soeharto democracy movementDemos,Stanley Adi Prasetyo, A.E Priyono, …, eds2003Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democracy — Indonesia.Politics and government.
N5Indonesia’s Secret war in AcehRandom House Australia,John Martinkus2004Political persecution — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.Political atrocities — Indonesia — N anggroe Aceh Darussalam.Human rights — Indonesia — Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
D6Inerrancy and common senseBaker Book HouseRoger R Nicole & J Ramsey Michaels1980Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible — Preuves, autorité, etc.Bible.
B5Inerrancy and worldview : answering modern challenges to the BibleVern S PoythressVern S Poythress2012Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Apologetics.Christian philosophy.
A1Infallible WORD, The: A Symposium by the Members of The Faculty of Westminster Theological SeminaryP&R PublishingStonehouse,N.B. Woolley,Paul Goheen1967Bible — Inspiration.Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible.
T4Injil dalam Masyarakat MajemukBpK Gunung MuliaLesslie Newbigin2002Ghospel — pluralism
T3Injil dan Adat BatakYayasan Bina DuniaMangapul Sagala2008Batak (Indonesian people) — Religious life and customs.
T4Innerancy Ketaksalahan AlkitabHarvest International Theological SeminaryArnold Tindas2007Bible — innerancy
N1Inside Indonesian Society, cultural change in JavaPenerbit KanisiusNiels Mulder2005Java (Indonesia) — Civilization.Java (Indonesia) — Social life and customs.Social change — Indonesia — Java.
A6Inspiration and Authority of the Bible,ThePresbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield; Samuel G Craig; Cornelius Van Til1948Bible — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible — Inspiration.Revelation.
E6Institutes of the Christian Religion, The : Vol 3BiblioBazaarJohn Calvin2008Apologetics.
G6Instruments in the Redeemer’s hands : people in need of change helping people in need of changeP & R Pub.Paul David Tripp2002Peer counseling in the church.
L4Integrity at work : finding your ethical compass in a post-Enron worldAuthor:Geisler, Norman L.Baker BooksNorman L. Geisler & Randy Douglass2007Work — Moral and ethical aspects.
D5Integrity, leading with god watchingInterVarsity PressJonathan Lamb2006Bible. — Corinthians, 2nd.
Q2Intel Menguak Tabir dunia intelijen IndonesiaPustaka PrimatamaKen Conboy2007Intelligence service — Indonesia.National security — Indonesia.Intelligence service.
R5Intel Menguak Tabir Dunia Intelijen IndonesiaPustaka PrimatamaKen Conboy2007Intelligence service — Indonesia.National security — Indonesia.Intelligence service.
S3Inteligensia Muslim dan KuasaMizanYudi Latif2005Indonesia — Intellectual life — 20th century.Muslims — Indonesia — Intellectual life — 20th century.Intellectuals — Indonesia — History — 20th century.
F6Intellectuals speak out about God, The : a handbook for the Christian student in a secular societyRegnery GatewayRoy Abraham Varghese1984God — Proof.
M2Interfaith Theology: responses of progressive Indonesian MuslimsInternational Center for Islam and PluralismZainun Kamal2006Religious pluralism — Islam.Religious pluralism — Indonesia.Religious pluralism.
K4International politics and the demand for global justiceG.R. Welch ; Dordt College PressJames W. Skillen1981Constitutional history — France.
H2Interpretation of religion, An : human responses to the transcendentYale University PressJohn Hick2004Religion.Religion — Philosophy.Religions.
I5Into the arenaKingswayPaul Miller1992Christianity and politics.Christianity — Related to — Politics
J3Intolerance of Tolerance, TheWilliam B. Eerdmans PubDA Carson2012Toleration — Religious aspects — Christianity.Religious tolerance — Christianity.Christianity and other religions.
L3Intolerance of Tolerance, TheWilliam B. Eerdmans PubD.A. Carson2012Toleration — Religious aspects — Christianity.Religious tolerance — Christianity.Christianity and other religions.
G2Introducing contemporary theologies : the what and the who of theology todayOrbis Books,Neil Ormerod1997Theology, Doctrinal — History — 20th century.Theology, Doctrinal.
G5Introducing Feminist TheologyOrbis BooksAnne M. Clifford2001Feminist theology.Feministische theologie.
A5Introducing The Apocrypha: Message, Context, and SignificanceBaker AcademicdeSilva,David A.2002Bible. — Apocrypha — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Apocrypha.Bible. — A.T. — Livres deutérocanoniques — Critique, interprétation, etc.
I2Introducing the Reformed faith : biblical revelation, Christian tradition, contemporary significanceWestminster John Knox PressDonald K McKim2001Reformed Church — Doctrines.Geloofsleer.Christendom.
G4Introducing Theologies of ReligionsOrbis BooksPaul F. Knitter2002Theology of religions (Christian theology)
A4Introduction to Biblical Ethics,AnTyndale House PubishersMcQuilkin,Robertson1995Ethics in the Bible.Christian ethics — Biblical teaching.RELIGION — Christian Theology — Ethics.
N4Introduction to Indonesian Historiography, AnEquinox PubSoedjatmoko2007Indonesia — History — Historiography.Historiography.Indonesia.
G3Introduction to modern theology : trajectories in the German traditionWestminster John Knox PressJohn E. Wilson2007Theology, Doctrinal — Germany — History — 19th century.
B2Introduction to Philosophy : a Christian PerspectiveBaker Book HouseGeisler, Norman L. Feinberg, Paul D.1987Philosophy — Introductions.Christianity — Philosophy.Philosophy.
G3Introduction to Systematic theology, AnP & R PubCornelius Van Till2007Theology, Doctrinal.
C5Introduction to the Science of Missions, AnPresbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.,Bavinck, J. H. (Johan Herman)1960Missions.
H5Introduction to the study of ReligionOrbis BooksNancy C. Ring, Kathleen S. Nash…1998Religion.Godsdienst.
G6Introduction to the theology of religions, An : biblical, historical, and contemporary perspectivesInterVarsity PressVeli-Matti Karkkainen2003Theology of religions (Christian theology)Théologie des religions.Theologie van de godsdiensten.
J6Introductory sociologyPalgrave MacmillanTony Bilton, Kevin Bonnet, Pip Jones, etc2002Sociology.
J6Investment analysis and portfolio managementFrank K. Reillyinvestment — management
C4Invitation to world missions : a trinitarian missiology for the twenty-first centuryKregel PublicationsTimothy C. Tennent2010Missions — Theory.Trinity
R1IPDN UndercoverProgressioInu Kencana Syafiie2007Indonesia — Institute of Governance of Home Affairs (IPDN) scandal
M4Iraq War and its consequences, The : thoughts of Nobel Peace laureates and eminent scholarsWorld ScientificIrwin Abrams & Wang Gungwu2003Iraq War, 2003-2011.Guerre en Irak, 2003.HISTORY — Military.
F5Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad? : understanding the differences between Christianity and IslamZondervanTimothy George2002Jesus Christ — Person and offices.God (Christianity)Christianity and other religions — Islam.
I1Is the Reformation over? : an evangelical assessment of contemporary Roman CatholicismBakerAcademic ; PaternosterMark A Noll, Carolyn Nystrom2005Catholic Church — Relations — Evangelicalism.Evangelicalism — Relations — Catholic Church.Catholic Church.
A1Is There a Meaning in This Text?Zondervan Publishing HouseVanhoozer,Kevin J.1998Bible — Hermeneutics.
S5Islam & Civil SocietyGramedia Pustaka Utama bekerjasama dengan PPIM-IAIN JakartaHendro Prasetyo; Ali Munhanif2002Islamic sociology.Islam — Social aspects.Islam and state — Indonesia.
S4Islam & Penjajahan BaratSerambiMuhamad Ali2017Islam — West
S3Islam Agama Kemanusiaan; membangun tradisi dan visi baru Islam IndonesiaYayasan Wakaf ParamadinaNurcholish Madjid1995Islam — Indonesia.Islam — 20th century.Islam.
M2Islam and the secular state : negotiating the future of ShariʻaHarvard University PressAbdullahi Ahmed An-Naim2008Islam and secularism.Islam and state.Islamic law.
M1Islam and the Secular State in IndonesiaInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesLuthfy Assyaukanie2009Indonesia — Islam — state
M2Islam and the State in IndonesiaOhio University Press ; Institute of Southeast Asian StudiesBahtiar Effendy2003Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.
M2Islam at the crossroads : understanding its beliefs, history, and conflictsBaker BooksPaul Marshall, Roberta Green…2002Islam.Islam — Doctrines.Islam — Essence, genius, nature.
M2Islam Between Culture and PoliticsPalgraveBassam Tibi2001Islam — 20th century.Islamic sociology.Islamic civilization.
S3Islam dan HAM dalam Pandangan Nurcholosh MadjidGramedia Pustaka UtamaMoh Monib, Islah Bahrawi2011Human rights — Religious aspects — Islam.
S2Islam dan Negara dalam Politik OrbaGema Insani PressAbdul Azis Thaba1996Islam and state — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government.89.41 internal relations of the state with separate groups.
S2Islam dan Pancasila sebagai dasar NegaraPustaka LP3ES Indonesia,Ahmad Syafii Maarif2006Islam and state — Indonesia.Pancasila.Indonesia — Politics and government.
S5Islam dan Politik era Orde BaruLogos Wacana IlmuM Din Syamsuddin; Abd Rohim Ghazali2001Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia.
S4Islam dan Terorisme: dari minyak hingga hegemoni AmerikaUCY PressZA Maulani….dkk2003Terrorism — Religious aspects — Islam — Congresses.Terrorism — Indonesia — Congresses.Terrorism.
S4Islam di Ruang Publik: politik identitas dan masa depan demokrasi di IndonesiaCenter for the Study of Religion and Culture, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif HidayatullahNoorhaidi Hasan, Irfan Abubakar2011Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democracy — Indonesia.Democracy.
S5Islam di tengah arus transisiKompasAbdul Mun’im D. Z.2020Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
S1Islam Dialogis: akar-akar toleransi dalam sejarah dan kitab suciPustaka Cendekia PressRuslani2006Islam — dialog — tolerance
S3Islam Dokrin & PeradabanParamadinaNurcholish Madjid2005Islam — doctrine — civilization
M2Islam Ideology and the Way of LifeA.S. NoordeenAfzalur Rahman1995Islam — Doctrines.Islam — Customs and practices.
M4Islam in an era of nation-states : politics and religious renewal in Muslim Southeast AsiaUniversity of Hawaii PressRobert W. Hefner & Patricia Horvatich1997Islam.Southeast Asia.Islam
M4Islam in Indonesia : the contest for society, ideas and valuesOxford University PressCarool Kersten2015Islam — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democratization — Indonesia.
M2Islam in Indonesia: A to Z Basic ReferenceDepartment of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia : CDCCUmar Hadi, Abdul Mu’ti, et al.2009Islam — Indonesia.Islam.Indonesia.
M2Islam in Indonesian Foreign PolicyRoutledgeCurzonRizal Sukma2006Indonesia — Foreign relations.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Diplomatic relations.
M1Islam in Southeast Asia : political, social, and strategic challenges for the 21st centuryInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesK. S. Nathan, Mohammad…, eds2005Islam — Southeast Asia — History — Congresses.Islam — 21st century — Congresses.Islam and state — Southeast Asia — Congresses.
S2Islam Jawa: kesalehan normatif versus kebatinanLKiSMark R. Woodward2004Islam — Indonesia — Java.Sufism — Indonesia — Java.Java (Indonesia) — Religious life and customs.
S3Islam Liberal: varian-varian liberalisme Islam di Indonesia 1991-2002LKiS YogyakartaZuly Qodir2010Islam — Indonesia.
S2Islam Madzhab Tengah: persembahan 70 tahun Tarmizi TaherGrafindo Khazanah IlmuA Mustofa Bisri; Hery Sucipto; Tarmizi Taher2007Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Religious awakening — Indonesia.Islamic renewal.
S4Islam Negara & Civil Society: Gerakan dan pemikiran Islam kontemporerParamadinaKomaruddin Hidayat, Ahmad Gaus F.2005Islam — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and culture — Indonesia.
S4Islam pasar keadilan : artikulasi lokal, kapitalisme, dan demokrasiLKISRobert W Hefner; Amirudin.; Asyhabuddin.2000Indonesia — Civilization.
S4Islam pluralis : wacana kesetaraan kaum berimanSriguntingBudhy Munawar Rachman2004Pluralism.Religious pluralism — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia.
S1Islam sebagai Dasar NegaraDewan Da’wah Islamiyah IndonesiaMoh. Natsir2000Islam and politics — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Islam and politics.
S2Islam Yes Partai Islam Yes: sejarah perkembangan partai Islam di IndonesiaPustaka Pelajar ; Jakarta, Indonesia : Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Pusat Penelitian PolitikLili Romli2006Political parties — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia.
M3Islam, continuity and change in the modern worldSyracuse University PressJohn Obert Voll1994Islam — History.Islam — 20th century.Islam and politics — 20th century.
S4Islam, demokratisasi, dan pemberdayaan civil societyErlanggaMuhammad A S Hikam2000Democracy — Indonesia.Civil society — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia.
S4Islam, Doktrin dan Peradaban: sebuah telaah kritis tentang masalah keimanan, kemanusiaan dan kemodernanYayasan Wakaf ParamadinaNurcholish Majid1992Islam and politics — Indonesia.
S4Islam, kemodernan dan keindonesiaanMizanNurcholish Madjid199911.80 Islam: general.
S4Islam, Pancasila dan Pergulatan PolitikPustaka AntaraFachry Ali1984Islam — Pancasila — politics
M1Islam: Past, Present and FutureOneworldHans Kung2007Islam.Islam — Histoire — 21e siècle.Islam — Histoire.
M2Islam: to reform or to subvert?Saqi EssentialsMohammed Arkoun2006Islam and state.
M3Islamic Economic SystemsZed BooksFarhard Nomani & Ali Rahenna1994Economics — Islamic countries.Economics — Religious aspects — Islam.Islam.
M3Islamic ethics of life : abortion, war, and euthanasiaUniversity of South Carolina PressJonathan E. Brockopp, ed2003Life in the Qurʼan.Life — Religious aspects — Islam.Abortion — Religious aspects — Islam.
M2Islamic Imperialism: a historyYale University PressEfraim Karsh2006Islam — History.Islamic Empire — History.Imperialism — History.
M4Islamisation and its opponents in Java : a political, social, cultural and religious history, c. 1930 to the presentNUS PressM.C Rickels2012Islam — Indonesia — Java.Java (Indonesia) — History.Java (Indonesia) — Religion.
M3Islamism in Indonesia : politics in the emerging democracyInstitute of Southeast Asian Studies,Bernhard Platzdasch2009Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Democracy — Religious aspects — Islam.
S1Islamku, Islam Anda, Islam Kita: agama masyarakat negara demokrasiWahid InstituteAbdurrahman Wahid2006Islam — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Islam and politics — Indonesia.
L1Issues and ethics in the helping professionsBrooks/Cole/Thomson LearningGerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey…, eds2007Psychotherapists — Professional ethics.Counselors — Professional ethics.Counseling.
K4J curve, The : a new way to understand why nations rise and fallSimon & SchusterIan Bremmer2006Constitutional history — United States.
B5J.H. Bavinck reader, TheWilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,J H Bavinck; John Bolt; James D Bratt; P J Visser2013Missions — Theory.Theology.
C4J.I. Packer and the evangelical future : the impact of his life and thoughtBaker AcademicTimothy George, ed2009Packer, J. I. — (James Innell) — Congresses.Packer, J. I. — (James Innell) — Bibliography.Packer, J. I. — (James Innell)
N1JAKARTASid HartaKerry B. Collison1999Indonesia — History — 1950-1966 — Fiction.Nuclear energy — Indonesia — Fiction.Nuclear energy.
T4Jalan Menuju KeesaanPustaka Sinar Harapan,Henky C. Wijaya, MA Christian…, peny.1996Christianity — Indonesia.Ecumenical movement.Christianity.
R4Jalan Panjang Hak Asasi ManusiaGramedia Pustaka UtamaTodung Mulya Lubis2005Human rights — Indonesia.Civil rights — Indonesia.Civil rights.
Q4Jalan Panjang Menjadi WNIPenerbit Buku KompasFrans H. Winarta, Kata Pengantar2007Citizenship — Indonesia.Chinese — Indonesia.Chinese.
R4Jalan Panjang Reformasi: opini Denny JA Harian Suara PembaruanPustaka Sinar HarapanDenny JA2006Democratization — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democratization.
S5Jalan tengah politik Islam : kaitan Islam, demokrasi, dan negara yang tidak mudahUshul PresBahtiar Effendy2005Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government.
P3Jangan Pilih Saya, anekdot pemiluElex Media KomputindoAhmad Sutardi2009Elections — Indonesia — Anecdotes.Elections — Indonesia — Humor.Elections — Indonesia — Caricatures and cartoons.
Q4JE Sahetapy yang memberi teladan dan menjaga nurani hukum & politikKomisi Hukum Nasional RI, Jakarta Pusat : Komisi Hukum Nasional,Mohammad Saihu Sholihan….., eds2007Law — Political aspects — Indonesia.Law reform — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
Q4JE Sahetapy yang memberi teladan dan menjaga nurani hukum & politikKomisi Hukum Nasional RI, Jakarta Pusat : Komisi Hukum Nasional,Mohammad Saihu Sholihan….., eds2007Law — Political aspects — Indonesia.Law reform — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
A4Jefferson Bible,The : The Life and Morals of Jesus of NazarethA & D PublishingJefferson,Thomas2007Jesus Christ — Rationalistic interpretations.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Jesus Christ — Sources, Biblical.
M2Jemaah Islamiyah : radical Islamism in IndonesiaRidge BooksGreg Barton2005Jamaah Islamiyah (Indonesia) — Political activity.Jamaah Islamiyah (Indonesia)Jemaah Islamiyah
T6Jerusalem: kesucian, konflik dan pengadilan akhirPenerbit Buku KompasTrias Kuncahyono2010Jerusalem — History.Israel-Arab War, 1948-1949 — Jerusalem.Middle East — Jerusalem.
F2Jesus and money : a guide for times of financial crisisBrazos PressBen Witherington III2010Wealth — Biblical teaching.
E1Jesus and politics : confronting the powersBaker AcademicAlan Storkey2005Jesus Christ — Influence.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Jésus-Christ — Influence.
F5Jesus and politics : confronting the powersBaker AcademicAlan Storkey2005Jesus Christ — Influence.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Jésus-Christ — Influence.
F3Jesus and the feminists : who do they say that He is?Crossway BooksMargaret Elizabeth Kostenberger2008Learning and scholarship — Religious aspects — Christianity.
F4Jesus and the politics of His DayNew York : Cambridge University Press,Ernst Bammel & CFD Moule, eds1984Jesus Christ — Teachings.Jesus Christ — Political and social views.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.
D2Jesus and virtue ethics : building bridges between New Testament studies and moral theologyRowman & Littlefield PublishersDaniel J Harrington; James F Keenan2005Bible. — New Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible. — New Testament. Christian ethics — Catholic authors. Christian ethics — History. Ethics in the Bible. Christian ethics.
F3Jesus’ attitude towards the law : a study of the GospelsMich. EerdmanWilliam Loader2002United States — Church history.
F3Jesus Christ and the Life of the MindWilliam B. Eerdmans PubMark A. Noll2011Jesus Christ
F4Jesus family tomb, The : the discovery, the investigation, and the evidence that could change historyHarperSanFrancisco,Simcha Jacobovici and Charles Pellegrino2007Jesus Christ — Burial.Jesus Christ — Family.Tombs — Jerusalem.
T5Jesus in an age of Controversi – Yesus di zaman Kontroversiverbum dei booksDouglas Groothuis2008Jesus — age of controversi
F5Jesus in BeijingMonarch,David Aikman2005, ©2003.Christianity — China.Christianity and politics — China.China — Religion — 21st century.
F3Jesus’ Sermon on the mount : and his confrontation with the world : an exposition of Matthew 5-10Baker BooksD.A Carson1999Sermon on the mount — Criticism, interpretation, etc.
F4Jesus’ Strategy for Social TransformationAbingdon Press,Emerito P. Nacpil1999Christian sociology — Methodist Church.Jesus Christ — Political and social views.Bible. — Gospels — Criticism, interpretation, etc.
F3Jesus, justice, and the reign of God : a ministry of liberationWestminster John Knox PressWilliam R. Herzog II2000Jesus Christ.
O2Jihad vs McWord: Globalisme dan tribalisme baru duniaIkon TeraliteraBenjamin R. Barber2003Social values.Social history — 20th century.Democracy.
M3Jihad vs McWorldBallantine BooksBenjamin R. Barber1996Social values.Social history — 20th century.Democracy.
M1Jihad, the origin of Holy War in IslamOxford University PressReuven Firestone1999Jihad — History.War — Religious aspects — Islam.Jihad.
M3Jihad, the Trail of Political IslamBelknap Press of Harvard University Press,Gilles Kepel2002Islam — 20th centuryIslam and politicsJihad
P1Jika Ia Anak Kita: AIDS dan Jurnalisme EmpatiPenerbit Buku Kompasiwan Julianto2002Indonesia — Politics and government.
I4John Calvin : revolutionary, theologian, pastorChristian FocusWilliston Walker2005Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.
I3John Calvin as teacher, pastor, and theologian : the shape of his writings and thoughtBaker AcademicRandall C. Zachman2006Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564Calvin, Jean.
I4John Calvin rediscovered : the impact of his social and economic thoughtWestminster John Knox PressEdward Dommen & James D. Bratt, eds2007Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564 — Influence.Calvin, Jean — Christliche Sozialethik.
I4John Calvin’s IdeasOxford University PressPaul Helm2006Calvin, Jean, — 1509-1564.Theology, Doctrinal — History — 16th century.Calvinism.
K6Jonathan Edwards : a lifeYale University PressGeorge M. Marsden2003Edwards, Jonathan, — 1703-1758.Congregational churches — United States — Clergy — Biography.11.55 Protestantism.
A1Journey from Texts to Translations, The: The Origin and Development of the BibleBaker AcademicPaul D. Wegner1999Bible — History.Bible. — Versions — History.Bible.
L2Journey toward justice : personal encounters in the global southBaker AcademicNicholas Wolterstorff2013Christianity and justice.Christianity — 21st century.
R1Jurnalisme DasarKompasLuwi Ishwara2011jurnalism
R1Jurnalisme InvestigasiYayasan Obor IndonesiaSeptiawan Santana K2003Investigative reporting — Indonesia.Journalism — Political aspects — Indonesia.
R1Jurnalistik, Teori dan PraktekRemaja RosdakaryaHikmat Kusumaningrat2006Jurnalism
I5Just and unjust peace : an ethic of political reconciliationOxford University PressDaniel Philpott2012Reconciliation — Religious aspects.Restorative justice — Religious aspects.Abrahamic religions.
L2Just and unjust Wars: amoral argumen historical illustrationBasic BooksMichael Walzer1992War.
L2Just generosity : a new vision for overcoming poverty in AmericaBaker BooksRonald J Sider1999Poverty — United States.Poor — United States.Distributive justice — United States.
K1Just politics : a guide for Christian engagementBrazos Press,Ronald J Sider2012Christianity and politics.
L3Just war against terror : the burden of American power in a violent worldBasic BooksJean Bethke Elshtain2003Terrorism — United States.War on Terrorism, 2001-2009.Just war doctrine.
L2Justice & Peace, a christian primerOrbis Books,J. Milburn Thompson2003Christianity and justice.Social justice.Peace — Religious aspects — Christianity.
L2Justice in LoveWilliam B. EerdmansNicholas Wolterstorff2011Agape.Love — Religious aspects.Love — Philosophy.
L2Justice, and only justice : a Palestinian theology of liberationOrbis BooksNaim Stifan Ateek1989Ateek, Naim Stifan, — 1937-Palestine — In Christianity.Israel (Christian theology)
L2Justice, rights and wrongsPrinceton University PressNicholas Wolterstorff2008Christianity and justice.Human rights — Religious aspects — Christianity.08.38 ethics.
L2Justice, what’s the right thing to do?Farrar, Straus and GirouxMichael J. Sandel2009Justice.Values.Ethics.
L2Justification : the doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic reflectionWestminster John Knox PressHans Kung2004Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Catholic Church — Doctrines.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968
R1Kalimat Jurnalistik; Panduan mencermati penulisan beritaKompasAM Dewabrata2010Jurnalism.
S6Kamus Bahasa Indonesia KontemporerModern English PressPeter Salim & Yenny Salim2002Indonesia — dictionary
S6Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia edisi 3Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan : Balai PustakaPusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa.; Indonesia. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.; Balai Pustaka, PN.1991Indonesia – dictionary
S6Kamus FilsafatPenerbit PT GramediaLorens Bagus1996Philosophy — Dictionaries.
S6Kamus Indonesia Inggris, edisi 3Gramedia Pustaka UtamaJohn M. Echols dan Hassan Shadily2003Reference books.
S6Kamus Inggris Indonesia: an english-indonesia dictionaryGramedia Pustaka UtamaJohn M. Echols dan Hassan Shadily2000dictionaries.Indonesian language.Bahasa Indonesia.
S6Kamus Kata-kata serapan asing dalam bahasa IndonesiaPenerbit Buku KompasJS Badudu2003Indonesian language — Foreign words and phrases.
S6Kamus Latin PopulerBuku KompasBJ Marwoto2009Latin.18.94 Indonesian and Malay language and/or literature.18.45 Latin language.
S6Kamus LinguistikGramedia Pustaka UtamaHarimurti Kridalaksana2008Linguistics — Dictionaries — Indonesian.Linguistics.
S6Kamus PeribahasaPenerbit Buku KompasJS Badudu2008Proverbs, Indonesian — Dictionaries.Indonesian language — Idioms — Dictionaries.Indonesian language — Idioms.
S6Kamus Sejarah IndonesiaKomunitas BambuRobert Cribb & Audrey Kahin2012Indonesia — History — Dictionaries.Indonesia.Australian
S6Kamus Ungkapan Bahasa IndonesiaPenerbit Buku KompasJS Badudu2008Indonesian language — Terms and phrases.Indonesian language.
S6Kamus Ungkapan Inggris – IndonesiaGramedia Pustaka UtamaJoseph J Sullivan & Hadi Podo1996Figures of speech — Dictionaries — Indonesian.English language — Idioms — Dictionaries — Indonesian.English language — Idioms.
P3Kapitalisme Gotong RoyongCRI AlocitaEmmanuel Subangun1995Asia — Economic integration.Pacific Area — Economic integration.Japan — Foreign relations.
T5Karier: Panggilan Atau Pilihan?Persekutuan Pembaca AlkitabLee Hardy2009the world of work — culture — religious
I5Karl Barth & the pietists : the young Karl Barth’s critique of pietism and its responseInterVarsity PressEberhard Busch2004Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968Pietism.
J2Karl Bath and America EvangelicalismW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoBruce L. McCormack & Clifford B. Anderson, eds2011Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968 — Congresses.Van Til, Cornelius, — 1895-1987 — Congresses.Barth, Karl, — 1886-1968.
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I5Keeping the Sabbath wholly : ceasing, resting, embracing, feastingW.B. Eerdmans Pub. CoMarva J Dawn1989Ten commandments — Sabbath.Ten commandments.Sunday.
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T3Kekristenan di Asia TenggaraBPK Gunung Mulia,Olaf H. Schumann201711.50 church history and history of doctrine: general.Southeast Asia — Church history.Indonesia — Church history.
T3Kekristenan di Mata Orang Bukan KristenBPK Gunung MuliaPaul J. Griffiths, peny.2008Christianity — non Christianity
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R2Kemerdekaan Berserikat Pembubaran Partai Politik dan mahkamah konstitusiKonstitusi PersJimly Asshiddiqie2005Political parties — Law and legislation — Indonesia.Political corruption — Indonesia.Constitutional courts — Indonesia.
P4Kemiskinan dan pembebasanPenerbit KanisiusA Suryawasita; Johannes B Banawiratma1990Poverty — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.Church work with the poor — Indonesia.Church work with the poor.
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O3Kesan dan Pesan para sahabat tentang Widojo NitisastroPenerbit Buku KompasMoh Arsyad Anwar; Aris Ananta; Ari Kuncoro; Widjojo Nitisastro2007Economic development — Indonesia.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1997-Nitisastro, Widjojo — Anniversaries, etc.View all subjects
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D2Kingdom ethics : following Jesus in contemporary contextInterVarsity PressGlen Harold Stassen; David P Gushee2003Jesus Christ — Ethics. Sermon on the mount — Criticism, interpretation, etc. Christian ethics. Jésus-Christ — Morale. Sermon sur la montagne — Critique, interprétation, etc. Morale chrétienne. Jesus Christ. Sermon on the mount. Ethics. Christelijke ethiek. Bergrede. Koninkrijk Gods.
F4Kingdom of God, TheCrosswayChristopher W. Morgan & Robert A. Peterson2012Kingdom of God.
D6Kingdom of the Cults, TheBethany House PublishersWalter Martin2003Cults — United States.Sects — United States.United States — Religion — 1960-
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I5Kingdom stewardship : occasional papers prepared by the Lausanne Resource Mobilization Working Group for Cape Town 2010Christian’s Library PressArif Mohamed, Brett Elder…, eds2010Christian stewardship — Congresses.Christian stewardship.
H4Kingdoms apart : engaging the two kingdoms perspectiveP & R Pub.Ryan C. McIlhenny2012Kingdom of God.Two kingdoms (Lutheran theology)Church and the world.
P2Kisah kisah kebijaksanaan china Klasik: refleksi bagi para pemimpinGramedia Pustaka UtamaMichael C. Tang2004Success in business — Quotations, maxims, etc.Business — Quotations, maxims, etc.Maxims, Chinese.
Q4KNIP Komite Nasional Indonesia PusatYayasan RisalahDeliar Noer & Akbarsyah2005Indonesia. — Komite Nasional Pusat — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1942-1949.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1950-1966.
A4Knowing ScriptureIVP BooksSproul, R.C.2016Bible — Study and teaching.Bible — Hermeneutics.BIBLES — General.
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Q5Komunisme di Indonesia: Penumpasan pemberontakan PKI dan sisa-sisanya (1965-1981) Jilid VPusjarah TNISaleh As’ad Djamhari, ed2009Communism — Indonesia — History.Subversive activities — Indonesia — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century
Q5Komunisme di Indonesia: Perkembangan gerakan dan pengkhianatan komunisme di Indonesia (1913-1958) Jilid IPusjarah TNISaleh As’ad Djamhari, ed2009Communism — Indonesia — History.Subversive activities — Indonesia — History.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century
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Q1Kongres Perempuan PertamaYayasan Obor Indonesia : KITLV-JakartaSusan Blackburn2007Women — Indonesia — Congresses.Women — Political activity — Indonesia — Congresses.Women.
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C6Kuyper Center review, The : Volume 2, Revelation and common grace, TheW.B. EerdmansJohn Bowlin2011Revelation — Christianity — Congresses.Grace (Theology) — Congresses.Reformed Church — Doctrines — Congresses.Christianity and other religions — Congresses.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921 — Congresses.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920 — Congresses.Bavinck, Herman, — 1854-1921.Kuyper, Abraham, — 1837-1920.Christianity and other religions.Grace (Theology)Reformed Church — Doctrines.Revelation — Christianity.
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G6Last things, The : hope for this world and the nextPaternoster Press ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker BooksHerman Bavinck1996Eschatology.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Eschatologie.
A2Law And Gospel : Philip Melanchthon’s Debate With John Agricola Of Eisleben Over Poenitentia<Paternoster><Baker Books>Wengert,Timothy J.1997Melanchthon, Philip, — 1497-1560.Agricola, Johann, — 1494?-1566.Repentance — Christianity — History of doctrines.
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A3Law and the Gospel,TheP&R PublishingReisinger,Ernest C.1997Law and gospel.Ten commandments — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Law (Theology)
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I3Legacy of Luther, TheReformation TrustRC Sproul and Stephen J. Nichols, eds2016Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.
N5Legitimizing military rule : Indonesian Armed Forces ideology, 1958-2000Pustaka Sinar HarapanSalim Said2006Indonesia — Social conditions — 21st century.
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L2Let justice roll down : the Old Testament, ethics, and Christian lifeWestminster/John Knox Press,Bruce C. Birch1991Bible. — Old Testament — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Christian ethics — History.Ethics in the Bible.
J4Letters and papers from prisonMacmillanDietrich Bonhoeffer1972, ©1971.Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, — 1906-1945.Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, — 1906-1945Theologians — Germany — Correspondence.
O1Levi Strauss: strukturalisme & teori sosiologiPustaka PelajarChristopher R. Badcock2008Arendt, Hannah — Philosophy.
M5LeviathanOxford University PressThomas Hobbes1998Hobbes, Thomas.Political science — Early works to 1800.State, The.
I5Liberating image, The : the Imago Dei in Genesis 1Brazos Press,J. Richard Middleton2005Bible. — Genesis, I, 26-27 — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Image of God — Biblical teaching.Bible. — A.T. — Genèse. — I, 26-27 — Critique, interprétation, etc.
L1Liberty and justice for all : racial reform and the social gospel (1877-1925)Harper & RowRonald J. Witte Jr1990African Americans — History — 1877-1964.United States — Race relations.African Americans — Civil rights.
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B5Like a Mighty WindCreation HouseTari,Mel Dudley, Cliff1971Augustin, — saint, évêque d’Hippone.
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F2Listen! God is calling! : Luther speaks of vocation, faith, and workAugsburg FortressD. Michael Bennethum2003Voorzienigheid.
E3Living at the crossroads : an introduction to Christian worldviewBaker AcademicMichael W Goheen, Craig G. Bartholomew2008Christianity — Philosophy.
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F4Living in God’s two kingdoms : a biblical vision for Christianity and cultureCrossway,David Van Drunen2010Christianity and culture.Reformed Church — Doctrines.Two kingdoms (Lutheran theology)
J5Living the Word, resisting the world : the life and thought of Jacques EllulPaternoster,Andrew Goddard2002Ellul, Jacques, — 1912-1994.Christianity and politics.Church and the world.
D3Living together and Christian ethicsCambridge University PressThatcher, Adrian2002Unmarried couples — Religious aspects — Christianity. Betrothal — Religious aspects — Christianity. Marriage — Religious aspects — Christianity. Christian ethics — Anglican authors. Fiançailles — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Mariage — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Christliche Sozialethik Samenlevingsvormen. Huwelijk. Ethische aspecten.
P2Logika Penemuan IlmiahPustaka PelajarKarl R Poper2008science — logic
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J4Losing our virtue : why the church must recover its moral visionW.B. Eerdmans PubDavid F. Wells1998Christianity and culture — United States.United States — Moral conditions.Christianity — United States — 20th century.
A2Lost Gospel, TheNational GeographicKrosney,Herbert2006Presbyterian Church — Creeds.
A6Lost History of Christianity, theHarperOnePhilip Jenkins2008Church history — Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.Christian civilization.Civilization, Arab — Christian influences.
S1Loving you, pergulatan mencintai Tuhan——Sumardiono2005Islam — God — loving
T6Luka Batin, Penyebab dan PenyembuhannyaYayasan Maranatha KristaAgnes Maria L2001psichology — problem – solving
I4Luther in ContextBaker AcademicDavid C. Steinmetz2002Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformation — Germany.11.55 Protestantism.
S2Madinah: kota suci, piagam madinah, dan teladan Muhammad SAWPenerbit Buku KompasZuhairi Misrawi2009Medina (Saudi Arabia)Saudi Arabia — Medina.
P1Mahatma Gandhi : sebuah autobiografi : kisah tentang eksperimen-eksperimen saya terhadap kebenaranNarasi,Gandhi, Mahatma; Andi Tenri W.2009Gandhi, — Mahatma, — 1869-1948.India — History — British occupation, 1765-1947.India.
I2Major Themes in the Reformed TraditionWipf and Stock PublishersDonald K McKim1998Reformed Church — Doctrines.
N1Making and unmaking of technological society, The : how Christianity can save modernity from itselfBrazos PressMurray Jardine2004Technology — Religious aspects — Christianity.Christian sociology.Christian ethics.
L1Making Globalization workW.W. Norton & CoJoseph E. Stiglitz2006Globalization — Economic aspects.Globalization.Mondialisation.
O6Making Globalization Work: Menyiasati Globalisasi Menuju Dunia yang Lebih AdilMizanJoseph E. Stiglitz2007Globalization
K6Making of the modern mind, The : a survey of the intellectual background of the present ageColumbia University PressJohn Herman Randall, Jr1976. ©1940Philosophy, Modern — History.Philosophy, Medieval.Philosophy, Renaissance — History.
B5Making Wise the Simple : The Torah in Christian Faith and PracticeWilliam B. Eerdmans Pub.Wijk-Bos, Johanna W. H. Van2005Bible. — Pentateuch — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Bible. — Pentateuch — Relation to the New Testament.Bible. — New Testament — Relation to the Pentateuch.
M4Makings of Indonesian Islam, The : orientalism and the narration of a Sufi pastPrinceton University PressMichael Laffan2011Sufism — Indonesia — History.Islam — Indonesia — History.Islam.
R1Makna Solidaritas Arek Suroboyo pasca-reformasi 1998KanisiusAgustinus Ryadi, Agustinus Ngadiman2020Soerabaja pasca-reformation 1998
P1Malcolm X, otobiografiUfuk PressMalcolm X & Alex Haley2012Malcolm X — autobiography
K4Man and the stateCatholic University of America PressJacques Maritain1998State, The.Democracy.Human rights.
K5Managing Investment Portfolios: a dinamyc processWarren, Gorham & Lamont,John L. Maginn, Donald L. Tuttle1990Portfolio management.Gestion de portefeuille.
M2Managing Politics and Islam in IndonesiaRoutledgeCurzonDonald J Porter©2002, 2005.Islam and politics — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia — Societies, etc. — History — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.
T5Manifesto Gerakan Pemberdayaan Pancur KasihGerakan Pemberdayaan Pancur Kasih2009Indonesia — social movement — Pancur kasih — Kalimantan Barat
R1Manifesto Pendidikan NasionalPenerbit Buku KompasHAR Tilaar2005Education and state — Indonesia.Education — Indonesia.Education.
T3Manifesto Politik YesusANDIGunche Lugo2009Politics — manifesto — Jesus
T5Manusia di Mimbar Ilahi: dasar, cara dan aturan khotbah gerejawiBPK Gunung MuliaSudarmadji Said2017Indonesia — Church history.
T5Manusia di Mimbar Ilahi: dasar, cara dan aturan khotbah gerejawiBPK Gunung MuliaSudarmadji Said2017Protestant churches.
I5Many faces of evil, The : theological systems and the problems of evilCrossway BooksJohn S. Feinberg2004Theodicy.Good and evil.Providence and government of God — Christianity.
M4Many faces of political Islam, The : religion and politics in the Muslim worldUniversity of Michigan PressMohammed Ayoob2008Islam and politics.Islam and politics — Islamic countries.Islamic countries — Politics and government.
K2Many globalizations : cultural diversity in the contemporary worldOxford University PressPeter L. Berger & Samuel P. Huntington2002Culture.Globalization.Mondialisation.
P1Mao, kisah-kisah yang tak diketahuiGramedia Pustaka UtamaJung Chang2007Mao, Zedong, — 1893-1976.Heads of state — China — Biography.Heads of state.
G6Mapping public theology : beyond culture, identity, and differenceTrinity Press InternationalBenjamin Valentin2002Hispanic American theology.
R4Mari Benahi Perekonomian BangsaTim Media PT Arwana CitramuliaTandean Rustandy2011essays — economic — Indonesia
R4Mari Benahi Perekonomian Bangsa: kumpulan artikelTandean Rustandyessays — economic — Indonesia
L1Market cultures : society and morality in the new Asian capitalismsWestview PressRobert W Hefner1998East Asia — Moral conditions.East Asia — Social conditions.East Asia — Economic conditions.
A4Marriage and Family in the Biblical WorldInterVarsity PressCampbell,Ken M2003Marriage — Biblical teaching.Families — Biblical teaching.Bíblia.
C6Marriage as a covenant : biblical law and ethics as developed from MalachiBaker BooksHugenberger, Gordon Paul1998Bible. — Malachi, II, 10-16 — Criticism, interpretation, etc.Marriage — Biblical teaching.Covenants — Biblical teaching.
L5Marriage, health, and the professions : if marriage is good for you, what does this mean for law, medicine, ministry, therapy, and business?Wm. B. EerdmansJohn Wall, Don Browning, … eds2002Intelligent design (Teleology)
C5Martin Heidegger, and the problem of historical meaningFordham University PressBarash, Jeffrey Andrew2003Heidegger, Martin, — 1889-1976. History — Philosophy. HISTORY — General.
I4Martin Luther on social and political issues : his relevance for church and society in IndiaLangSantosh J. Sahayadoss2006Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546 — Political and social views.
I2Martin Luther, his road to reformation 1483-1521Fortress Press,Martin Brecht©1985-1993.Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformers — Germany — Biography.Réforme (Christianisme) — Biographies.
I4Martin Luther, selection from his writingsDoubledayJohn Dillen Berger, ed1961Theology — Early works to 1800.Lutheran Church.Theology.
I1Martin Luther, shaping and defining the Reformation 1521-1532Fortress PressMartin Brecht1994, ©1990.Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Reformers — Germany — Biography.Reformers.
I3Martin Luther, the preservation of the church 1532-1546Fortress PressMartin Brecht1993-1999.Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546.Luther, Martin, — 1483-1546Reformers — Germany — Biography.
J6Marx, Durkheim, Weber : formations of modern social thoughtSage PublicationKen Morrison2006Marx, Karl, — 1818-1883.
R1Marxisme Seni PembebasanTempo dan PT. GrafitiGunawan Mohamad2011Communism — History.Communism.
R5Masalah Pri dan Nonpri dewasa iniPustaka Sinar HarapanKwik Kian Gie, Nurcholish Madjid1998Chinese — Indonesia.Indonesia — Ethnic relations.Chinese.
P4Masihkah benih tersimpan–? : kumpulan karangan dalam rangka peringatan 50 tahun Gereja Kristen Indonesia Jawa BaratBPK Gunung Mulia bekerja sama dengan BPM Sinode GKI Jawa BaratF Suleeman; Ioanes Rakhmat; L A Hoedemaker; Gereja Kristen Indonesia Jawa Barat.1990Indonesia — Religion.Theology.Religion.
B2Masterpieces of World PhilosophyHarperCollins PublishersMagill,Frank N. Roth, Jhon K1990Philosophy.Philosophy — Bibliography.Geschichte
P6Masyarakat agama dan pluralisme keagamaan : perbincangan mengenai Islam, masyarakat madani, dan etos kewirausahaanGalang PressBahtiar Effendy2021Civil society — Indonesia.
P5Masyarakat madani : pemikiran, teori, dan relevansinya dengan cita-cita reformasiRajaGrafindo PersadaAdi Suryadi Culla1999Civil society.Civil society — Indonesia.Democracy — Indonesia.
D6Mathematics in a postmodern age: a christian perspectiveW.B. Eerdmans PubRussel W Howell, W James Bradley, eds2001Mathematics — Philosophy.Religion and science.Mathématiques — Philosophie.
K3Max Havelaar, or, The coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading CompanyPenguin BooksMax Havelaar1987Foreign trade regulation — Moral and ethical aspects.
P6Max Weber tentang Hegemoni sistem KepercayaanKanisiusRalph Schroeder; Heru Nugroho; Ratna Noviani2002Max Weber — philosophy
G1Meaning in history; the theological implications of the philosophy of historyUniv. of Chicago PressKarl Lowith1949Theologie <Theorie>PhilosophieGeschichte allgemein
F3Meaning of Jesus, two visions, TheHarperSanFranciscoMarcus J Borg & NT Wright1999Harris, Sam, — 1967- — End of faith.
I5Meaning of Revelation, TheWestminster John Knox PressH. Richard Niebuhr2006Revelation.
D5Meaning of sex, The : Christian ethics and the moral lifeBaker AcademicDennis P. Hollinger2009Sex — Religious aspects — Christianity.Sexual ethics.
H3Meaning of the Millenium, four viewsInterVarsity PressRobert G Clouse1977Millennium (Eschatology)
I6Meaningful world, A : how the arts and sciences reveal the genius of natureIVP AcademicBenjamin Wiker & Jonathan Witt2006Nature — Religious aspects — Christianity.Creation.Meaning (Philosophy) — Religious aspects — Christianity.
L4Media and PowerRoutledgeJames Curran2002Mass media.Mass media — Influence.Mass media — Social aspects.
O6Media dan citra Muslim : dari spiritualitas untuk berperang menuju spiritualitas untuk berdialogFiskontak : JalasutraIdi Subandy Ibrahim, ed2005Islam in mass media.Mass media — Religious aspects — Islam.Islamic countries — Relations — Western countries.
N3Media, Culture, and Politics in IndonesiaEquinox PubKrishna Sen & David T. Hill2007Mass media — Political aspects — Indonesia.Mass media — Social aspects — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.
D3Medical ethics : principles, persons, and problemsPresbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co.Frame, John M.1988Medical ethics. Medicine — Religious aspects — Christianity. Evangelicalism. Evangelical Christians. Ethics, Medical. Religion and Medicine. Éthique médicale. Médecine — Aspect religieux — Christianisme. Évangélisme. Medische ethiek. Christelijke ethiek.
M3Medieval Islamic Philosophical WritingsCambridge University PressMuhammad Ali Khalidi2005Islamic philosophy.Philosophy, Medieval.Philosophie islamique.
B2Medieval PhilosophyRoutledgeJohn Marenbon2007Philosophy, Medieval.
C3Meeting in faith : twenty years of Christian-Muslim conversations sponsored by the World Council of ChurchesWCC PublicationsStuart E Brown; World Council of Churches.1989Christianity and other religions — Islam.Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christentum.
O4Megawati, Ibu NegeriTim Arus BawahTim Arus Bawah.2004Soekarnoputri, Megawati, — 1947-
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P5Melawan Arus, wacana federalisme untuk IndonesiaYayasan Suara NuraniB.A Supit2004Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005
Q1Melawan Gurita NeoliberalismeErlanggaBudi Winarno2010Neoliberalism — Indonesia.Globalization — Economic aspects — Indonesia.Globalization — Social aspects — Indonesia.
Q4Melawan Peradilan SesatQ CommunicationPanda Nababan2011Law
Q4Melawan Peradilan SesatQ CommunicationPanda Nababan2011Law
P4Memahami dan menguji roh-roh zamanAkademi LeimenaSutarno, ed1994spirit understanding
R2Memahami Ilmu PolitikGrasindoRamlan Surbakti2010politiek — concept — theory
R2Memahami IndonesiaSoegeng Sarjadi SyndicateSoegeng Sarjadi Sukardi Rinakit2006Indonesia — Social conditions.
R2Memahami Negativitas: diskursus tentang massa, teror dan traumaPenerbit Buku KompasF. Budi Hardiman2005Indonesia — Social conditions — 21st century.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 21st century.Economic history.
T3Memandang Yesus: Gambar Yesus dalam berbagai budayaBPK Gunung MuliaAnton Wessels2001Jesus — picture
P5Membangun DemokrasiRemaja RosdakaryaKH Abdurrahman Wahid1999Democracy — Indonesia.Islam and state — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
P5Membangun jalan demokrasi : kumpulan pemikiran Jakob Tobing tentang perubahan UUD 1945Konstitusi PressJakob Samuel Halomoan Lumbantobing2008Constitutional amendments — Indonesia.Constitutional law — Indonesia.Constitutional amendments.
P6Membangun Negara Baru Timor Lorosa’eAksara KaruniaHal Hill; João Mariano Saldanha; Edmundo Viegas; et al2006Timor Lorosae
Q2Membangun Peradaban IndonesiaPustaka Sinar HarapanSayidiman Suryohadiprojo1995Indonesia — Forecasting.Political leadership — Indonesia.Indonesia — Civilization.
R5Membangun Polisi SipilPenerbit Buku KompasSatjipto Rahardjo2007Police — Indonesia.Law enforcement — Indonesia.Law enforcement.
T4Membangun Teologi Inklusif-PluralistikBuku Kompas,Aloys Budi Purnomo2003theology — plural
R2Membela kebebasan : percakapan tentang demokrasi liberalFreedom InstituteHamid Basyaib, ed2006Democracy — Indonesia.Liberalism — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
R6Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 1)Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : ParamadinaBudhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari2010Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion.
R6Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 1)Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : ParamadinaBudhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari2010Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion.
R6Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 1)Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : ParamadinaBudhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari2010Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion.
R6Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 2)Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : ParamadinaBudhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari2010Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion.
R6Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 2)Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : ParamadinaBudhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari2010Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion.
R6Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 3)Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : ParamadinaBudhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari2010Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion.
R6Membela Kebebasan Beragama (Buku 4)Lembaga Studi Agama dan Filsafat : ParamadinaBudhy Munawar Rachman; Tantowi Anwari2010Freedom of religion — Indonesia.Muslim scholars — Indonesia — Interviews.Freedom of religion.
R1Membongkar BudayaPenerbit Buku KompasKompas2007Vizition 2030 — Indonesia
R3Membongkar Gurita CikeasGalang PressGeorge Junus Aditjondro2010Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, — 1949-Political corruption — Indonesia.Embezzlement — Indonesia.
S2Membongkar Kerancuan Pemikiran Nurcholish Madjid seputar sekularusasi dalam IslamLasswell VisitamaFaisal Ismail2010Islam and secularism — Indonesia.Majid, Nurcholish, — 1939-2005.Islam and secularism.
P5Membongkar Mitos Masyarakat MadaniPustaka PelajarM Dawam Rahardjo, et al2000Indonesia – peoples
L6Membuktikan ketidakbenaran suatu mitos : menelusuri makna pengalaman seorang prajurit generasi pembebas bagi masa depan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negaraHarian Umum Suara Pembaruan : Pustaka Sinar HarapanTB Simatupang1991Simatupang, T. B. — (Tahi Bonar), — 1920-Generals — Indonesia — Biography.Generals.
N1Membuktikan ketidakbenaran suatu mitos : menelusuri makna pengalaman seorang prajurit generasi pembebas bagi masa depan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negaraHarian Umum Suara Pembaruan : Pustaka Sinar HarapanTB Simatupang1991Simatupang, T. B. — (Tahi Bonar), — 1920-Generals — Indonesia — Biography.Generals.
S2Membumikan Syariah: pergulatan mengaktualkan IslamMizanMohammad Hashim Kamali2013Islam — sharia
Q4Memoar Albert Hasibuan: perjalanan penemuan diriKataAlbert Hasibuan2012Hasibuan, Albert.Lawyers — Indonesia — Biography.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography.
O5Memoar Ang Yan Goan, 1894-1984 : tokoh pers yang peduli pembangunan bangsaYayasan Nabil : Hasta MitraYan Goan Ang; Beng Hok Tan2009Ang, Yan Goan, — 1894-1984.Chinese — Indonesia — Biography.Nationalists — Indonesia — Biography.
T1Mempertimbangkan Kembali Keunikan Agama KristenBPK Gunung MuliaGavin D’Costa, Peny.2002Christianity
T1Menalar TuhanPenerbit KanisiusFranz Magnis-Suseno2006God — Proof — Philosophy.
T1Menalar TuhanPenerbit KanisiusFranz Magnis-Suseno.2006God — Proof — Philosophy.
P3Menangani Kasus Bom di IndonesiaCintya PressDai Bachtiar2005Indonesia — teror
Q1Menanggapi tantangan masa depan : kumpulan pemikiran para pakar : menyambut tiga puluh tahun LemhannasPustaka Sinar HarapanM Alwi Dahlan; Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional (Indonesia)1995National security — Indonesia.
P2Mencari dasar bersama : etik global dalam kajian postmodernisme dan pluralisme agamaBPK Gunung MuliaJoas Adiprasetya2020Religious pluralism.
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T3Mencari Keseimbangan-60 Tahun SAE NababanPustaka Sinar Harapan,Hetty Siregar dkk., eds1994Christianity — Indonesia.Huria Kristen Batak Protestan.11.55 Protestantism.
P5Mencari Makna KebangsaanPenerbit Kanisius,Franz Magnis-Suseno1998ndonesia — Politics and government — 1998-
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J3Mending fences : renewing justice between government and civil societyBaker Books ; Center for Public JusticeDan Coats1998United States — Social conditions — 1980-United States — Social policy — 1993-United States — Politics and government — 1993-2001.
T5Mengalami Kedalaman Yesus KristusPenerbit Jala Permata & Penerbit HalibutonganMadame J. Guyon2015Christ — faith
T3Mengantisipasi masa depan : berteologi dalam konteks di awal Milenium IIIBPK Gunung MuliaE. Gerrit Singgih2004Theology, Doctrinal — Indonesia.Christianity and other religions — Indonesia.Christianity — Indonesia.
S5Mengapa partai Islam kalah? : perjalanan politik Islam dari prapemilu ’99 sampai pemilihan presidenAlvaBetHamid Basyaib; Hamid Abidin; Abdurrahman Wahid1999Islam and politics — Indonesia.
R1Mengembangkan Strategi EkonomiDiterbitkan oleh Pustaka Sinar Harapan bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Wahana Dharma NusaSoehadji Hadibroto; Radius Prawiro1998Indonesia — Economic policy.Indonesia — Economic conditions — 1945-Economic history.
S2Menggagas Fiqh Pemberdayaan Perempuanel KahfiZaitunah Subhan2008Islam — Fiqh — women
S2Menggugat Modernitas MuhammadiyahPenerbit Best Media dan Pusat Studi Islam dan Filsafat, UMMA Syafii Maarif…dkk2010Muhammadiyah (Organization)Islamic renewal — Indonesia.Islam — Indonesia — Societies, etc.
Q5Menggugat otoriterisme di Asia Tenggara : perbandingan dan pertautan antara Indonesia dan MalaysiaKepustakaan Populer GramediaAriel Heryanto; Budiawan.; Sumit Kumar Mandal2004Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Malaysia — Politics and government.View all subjects
R1Menggusur bisnis militer : tantangan pembiayaan TNI melalui APBNKerja sama Usindo [dan] MizanAlexis Rieffel; Jaleswari Pramodhawardani2007Military-owned business enterprises — Indonesia.Indonesia — Armed Forces — Appropriations and expenditures.Indonesia — Armed Forces — Economic aspects.
T3Meng-hari inikan- Injil di Bumi PancasilaPT BPK Gunung MuliaEbenhaizer I. Nuban Timo2017Christianity — Indonesia.Theology, Practical — Indonesia.Church and state — Indonesia.
S3Mengislamkan IndonesiaBACACarool Kersten2018Islam — Indonesia — Java — History.Islam — Missions — Indonesia — Java — History.Islam and culture — Indonesia — Java.
T5Menguak Kekristenan Yahudi Perdana: sebuah pengantarJusuf Roni CenterIoanes Rakhmat2009Christianity — Jewish
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S5Mengurai Hubungan Agama dan NegaraGrasindoAbdurrahman Wahid1999Indonesia — religion – state
P5Meniti Demokrasi Indonesia : Sabam SiraitQ CommunicationHasudungan Sirait; Parlindungan Sibuea2006Sirait, Sabam.Politicians — Indonesia — Biography.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.
S5Meniti Kalam Kerukunan: beberapa istilah kunci dalam islam dan KristenBPK Gunung MuliaHM Nur Kholis Setiawan, Dr Djaka Soetapa2010-2014.Islam — Relations — Christianity.Christianity and other religions — Indonesia.Islam — Terminology.
P5Meniti Masa DepanBPK Gunung Mulia : Yayasan Widya Bhakti,Bambang Subandrijo2003Indonesia — Economic policy.Indonesia — Social policy.Indonesia — Economic conditions.
P5Meniti Masa DepanBPK Gunung Mulia : Yayasan Widya Bhakti,Bambang Subandrijo2003Indonesia — Economic policy.Indonesia — Social policy.Indonesia — Economic conditions.
R4Menjadi IndonesiaKompasParakitri Simbolon2006Indonesia
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T1Menjawab The Davinci CodeGradien BooksBen Witherington2006Counter — Da Vinci Code
Q2Menuju Masyarakat KomunikatifPenerbit KanisiusF. Budi Hardiman1993Habermas, Jürgen.Communication — Philosophy.Sociology — Philosophy.
S5Menuju masyarakat madani : gagasan, fakta, dan tantanganRemaja RosdakaryaAzyumardi Azra1999Civil society — Indonesia.
Q3Menuju puncak kemegahan : sejarah kerajaan MajapahitLKiSSlamet Muljana2005Majapahit (Indonesia) — History.Java (Indonesia) — History — To 1478.Indonesia — Java.
P3Menyimak Tabir Orba: memoar politik Indonesia 1965-1998Penerbit Buku KompasJusuf Wanandi2014Indonesia — Politics and government — 1966-1998.Politics and government.Indonesia.
P5Menyingkap pemikiran politik Gus Dur & Amien Rais tentang negaraRajaGrafindo PersadaMa’mun Murod Al-Brebesy1999Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Wahid, Abdurrahman — Political and social views.Rais, M. Amien — Political and social views.
R5Merancang Arah Baru Demokrasi: Indonesia pasca-reformasiKPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia) bekerja sama dengan Public Virtue Institute, Hivos, dan Yayasan Tifa,AE Priyono, Usman Hamid2014Democracy — Indonesia.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Democracy.
P4Merawat & berbagi kehidupanPenerbit KanisiusJohannes B Banawiratma; Th Sumartana; Yosef P Widyatmadja; Yayasan Bimbingan Kesejahteraan Sosial (Surakarta, Indonesia)1994Church and social problems — Indonesia.Social action — Indonesia.Church and social problems.
G4Mere theology : a guide to the thought of C.S. LewisInterVarsity Press,Will Vaus2004Lewis, C. S. — (Clive Staples), — 1898-1963 — Religion.
T2Merekayasa Yesus: membongkar pemutarbalikan Injil oleh ilmuwan modernANDICraig A. Evans2007Jesus — Gospel
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P4Meretas jalan teologi agama-agama di Indonesia : theologia religionumBPK Gunung Mulia,Balitbang PGI1999Indonesia — Religion.Religions — Relations.Interfaith relations.
Q1Merintis Komnas HAM PapuaHuman rights — Indonesia — Papua Barat.Political violence — Indonesia — Papua Barat.Papua Barat (Indonesia) — History.
R1Meruntuhkan IndonesiaLKiSSimon Philpott2003poltik postkolonialisme — otorianisme — Indonesia
C6Metaphysical foundations of natural scienceCambridge University PressImmanuel Kant; Michael Friedman2004Physical sciences — Philosophy.Sciences physiques — Philosophie.Kant, Immanuel — 1724-1804 — Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der NaturwissenschaftBewegungMaterieMetaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft (Kant) Kant, Immanuel.Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Naturwissenschaft.
G4Metaphysics and the future of theology : the voice of theology in public lifePickwick PublicationsWilliam J. Meyer2010Gustafson, James M.Niebuhr, Reinhold, — 1892-1971.Hauerwas, Stanley, — 1940-
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N2Michael Leifer, selected works on Southeast AsiaInstitute of Southeast Asian StudiesChin Kin Wah & Leo Suryadinata, eds2005Southeast Asia — Politics and government — 1945-Southeast Asia — Foreign relations.Regionalism — Southeast Asia.
D5Michal’s moral dilemma : a literary, anthropological, and ethical interpretationT & T Clark InternationalJonathan Y Rowe2011Michal — (Biblical figure)
P6Michel Foucault dan hubungan internasional, kajian kritis terkiniPustaka PelajarNicholas J. Kiersey & Doug Stokes2014Foucault, Michel, — 1926-1984.
F6Middle East, The : 2,000 years of history from the rise of Christianity to the present dayPhoenixBernard Lewis2000Middle East — History.Middle East.Naher Osten.
N5Military politics and democratization in IndonesiaRoutledge,Jun Honna2003Civil-military relations — Indonesia.
R2Militer & Politik di IndonesiaPustaka Sinar HarapanHarold Crouch1999Marx, Karl, — 1818-1883.
R5Militer Indonesia & Politik, dulu kini dan kelakPustaka Sinar HarapanSalim Said2001Indonesia — Politics and government — 20th century.Indonesia — Politics and government — 1998-Indonesia — Armed Forces — Political activity.
P4Mimbar dan TakhtaSinar HarapanFrank L Cooley1987Indonesia — Maluku — cultuur – social — religion
B4Miracles : the credibility of the New Testament accounts, vol 1Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing GroupCraig S KeenerBible. — Gospels — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible. — Acts — Evidences, authority, etc.Bible. — Acts.
F2Miracles of Jesus, The : how the Savior’s mighty acts serve as signs of redemptionCrossway,Vern S. Poythress2016Jesus Christ — Miracles.
P4Misi dalam pandangan ekumenikal dan evangelikal AsiaBPK Gunung MuliaRichard A D Siwu1996Missions — Asia — History — 20th century.Protestant churches — Missions — Asia — History — 20th century.11.78 missiology.
C5Mission between the timesLangham MonographsPadilla, C. René2010Mission of the church. Evangelistic work. Christianity — Latin America. Christianity. Latin America.
C5Mission legacies : biographical studies of leaders of the modern missionary movementOrbis BooksAnderson, Gerald H.1994Missionaries — Biography. 11.59 church history, history of doctrine: other. Missionaries. Biografie Missionar Zending. Christian missionaries — Biography. Christian biography. Missionaries — Biography
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E3Modern Christian thoughtFortress PressJames C Livingstone2006Theology, Doctrinal — History — Modern period, 1500-
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H4Myth of religious neutrality, The : an essay on the hidden role of religious belief in theoriesUniversity of Notre Dame PressRoy A. Clouser2005Religion and science.Science — Theory reduction.Philosophy and religion.
H1Myth of religious superiority, The : multifaith explorations of religious pluralismOrbis BooksPaul F. Knitter, ed2005Religions — Relations.Religious pluralism.Interfaith relations.
D5Myths about the St. Bartolomew’s day Massacres 1572-1576Harvard University Press,Robert M Kingdom1988Saint Bartholomew’s Day, Massacre of, France, 1572.Huguenots — History — 16th century.France — History — Wars of the Huguenots, 1562-1598
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